Para Forming Questions for NMAT – Download [PDF]

NMAT Para Forming Questions
NMAT Para Forming Questions

Para Forming Questions for NMAT – Download [PDF]

Download Para Forming Questions for NMAT PDF – NMAT Para Forming questions pdf by Cracku. Top 10 very important Para Forming Questions for NMAT based on asked questions in previous exam papers.

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Question 1: The following statements when arranged in the correct order form a coherent paragraph. Find the correct ordering.
A) Knowledge was not good for the common people, and could make them discontented with the lot which God had appointed for them, and God would not endure discontentment with His plans.
B) Mainly we were trained to be good Christians; to revere the Virgin, the Church, and the saints above everything.
C) We were not overmuch pestered with schooling.
D) Eseldorf was a paradise for us boys.
E) Beyond these matters we were not required to know much; and, in fact, not allowed to.






Question 2: The following sentences when put together in the correct order form a coherent passage. Please select the correct ordering for this jumbled paragraph.
A. To those who are preoccupied with the beauty of form nothing else seems of much importance.
B. As a rule this must necessarily be so.
C. It has constantly been made a subject of reproach against artists and men of letters that they are lacking in wholeness and completeness of nature.
D. Yet there are many exceptions to this rule.
E. That very concentration of vision and intensity of purpose that is the characteristic of the artistic temperament is in itself a mode of limitation.
F. Rubens served as ambassador, and Goethe as state councilor, and Milton as Latin secretary to Cromwell.






Question 3: The following statements when arranged in the correct order form a coherent paragraph. Find the correct ordering.
A) But if you put the same question to a philosopher, he will, if he is candid, have to confess that his study has not achieved positive results such as have been achieved by other sciences
B) The knowledge it aims at is the kind of knowledge which gives unity and system to the body of the sciences, and the kind which results from a critical examination of the grounds of our convictions, prejudices, and beliefs
C) But it cannot be maintained that philosophy has had any very great measure of success in its attempts to provide definite answers to its questions
D) Philosophy, like all other studies, aims primarily at knowledge
E) If you ask a mathematician, a mineralogist, a historian, or any other man of learning, what definite body of truths has been ascertained by his science, his answer will last as long as you are willing to listen






Question 4: The following statements when arranged in the correct order form a coherent paragraph. Find the correct ordering
A) Demosthenes, again, was an orator frustrated by many defects.
B) Homer, they say, was blind, and the legend seems to suggest that his blindness, far from injuring, abetted his genius.
C) The biographies of famous men are prolific of examples that support the theory of frustration.
D) Tyrtaeus, being physically unable to fight, became the poet of fighting, and achieved more with his words than did most men with their weapons.
E) Everyone knows the story of his wretched articulation and how he shut himself up and practised speaking with pebbles in his mouth in order to overcome it.






Question 5: The following sentences when arranged in the proper order form a coherent paragraph. Find the correct order.
A) The latter have endeavoured to connect the two, not by the principle of identity, but by that of causation, thus making happiness the result of virtue
B) The former wished to prove that virtue and happiness are identical; but this was like having two figures which never coincide with each other, no matter how they may be placed
C) With the ancients, Ethics was a doctrine of Eudaemonism; with the moderns for the most part it has been a doctrine of salvation
D) But to do this, they were obliged to have recourse to sophisms, or else to assume the existence of a world beyond any possible perception of the senses
E) It is Kant’s great service to moral science that he purified it of all Eudaemonism






Question 6: The following statements when arranged in the correct order form a coherent paragraph. Find the correct ordering.
A) The problem of politics is to adjust the relations of human beings in such a way that each severally may have as much of good in his existence as possible
B) There is nothing for the politician to consider outside or above the various men, women, and children who compose the world
C) The aim of politics should be to make the lives of individuals as good as possible
D) And this problem requires that we should first consider what it is that we think good in the individual life






Question 7: The following sentences when arranged in the proper order form a coherent paragraph. Find the correct order.
A) Rude as the granite itself, he had never sought the experience of courts, had not even taken service in the armies of his King
B) He left it to his younger brother, Etienne, to represent the family in those exalted spheres
C) He hunted, and he cultivated his acres, and superficially he appeared to be little better than any of his rustic metayers
D) Quintin de Kercadiou, Lord of Gavrillac confirmed the impression that his house conveyed
E) His own interests from earliest years had been centred in his woods and pastures






Question 8: Four statements are given below labelled 1,2,3 and 4. Of these, three sentences are in logical order and form a coherent paragraph. From the given options, type the option numberthat is out of context.
1. Whether our will is dictated to us by an ordered universe, a chaotic universe, or God, depends upon which position you take.
2. We are instead constrained to act only as we are pre-ordained to act.
3. We seem to be morally responsible for our actions, at least partly.
4. Determinism is the view that we cannot decide, or even think, freely, however it may appear otherwise.

Question 9: The following sentences when arranged in their proper order form a coherent paragraph. Find the correct order.
A) When ten people are sitting round a dinner-table, it seems preposterous to maintain that they are not seeing the same tablecloth, the same knives and forks and spoons and glasses.
B) But the sense-data are private to each separate person; what is immediately present to the sight of one is not immediately present to the sight of another: they all see things from slightly different points of view, and therefore see them slightly differently.
C) Thus, if there are to be public neutral objects, which can be in some sense known to many different people, there must be something over and above the private and particular sense-data which appear to various people.
D) One great reason why it is felt that we must secure a physical object in addition to the sense-data, is that we want the same object for different people.
E) What reason, then, have we for believing that there are such public neutral objects?





Question 10: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.A) This is now orthodoxy to which I subscribe – up to a point.B) It emerged from the mathematics of chance and statistics.C) Therefore the risk is measurable and manageable.D) The fundamental concept: Prices are not predictable, but the mathematical laws of chance can describe their fluctuations.E) This is how what business schools now call modern finance was born.






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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

We see a link between the statements B-E-A. B introduces the subjects that were taught, E states that they were not expected to learn anything more and A states why there were not asked to learn anything else. Hence BEA is one block within the paragraph. There is a link between D and C where D introduces the boys as the subjects of the paragraph and C expands why Eseldorf was a paradise. As D introduces the subjects of the para (boys of Eseldorf) it must be the first line. Hence, option B.

2) Answer (C)

The different statements imply that artists in general are not very good at any thing else other than art. This must be the rule being stated in B. Hence the exceptions to the rule must be the examples listed in F. Thus DF is one link that should be at the end of the passage. C introduces the concept of the passage and hence must be the starting point. Hence, option C.

3) Answer (C)

Statement E and A are linked where the author contrasts between sciences like maths and philosophy. We can see that A must follow E. D introduces us to the aim of philosophy and B elaborates on that aim. Hence, DB are linked. The rebuttal of the success of philosophy in reaching its aim as given in C must follow D-B. Hence DBC is one block and EA is one block. Logically the point being made by EA should follow statement C which says that philosophy has not succeeded in providing definite answers. Hence, the ordering is DBCEA.

4) Answer (A)

Statement C introduces us to the idea of the passage and should be the first line of the paragraph. A, B and D give examples of the theory mentioned in C. As E elaborates on the difficulties experienced by an orator it should follow A. Hence there is a link between A-E. Also, as the word “again” is mentioned in A, the example of Demosthenes should come after the example of Homer and Tyrtaeus. Hence, option A.

5) Answer (E)

The main point of the passage is to show how modern philosphers have dispensed with Eudaemonism (thanks to Kant) and no longer try to equate virtue with happiness. From the sentence construction, we see that CBA form a link with C naming two groups and B and A saying what the former and latter tried to do. E introduces the subject of moral science and Eudaemonism and hence must open the paragraph. Thus the correct order is ECBAD.

6) Answer (D)

We see a link between AD where A defines a problem and D elaborates on the said problem. C introduces us to the subject of the paragraph and we see a link between C-B where C states the aim of politics and B elaborates on the scope of it.

7) Answer (B)

The main point of the passage is to describe Kercadiou and his interests. As D introduces the subject it clearly is the first line of the passage. We see a link between D and A where D compares the subject to his house and A elaborates why he is like his house. B continues on the thought initiated in A that he eschewed exalted spheres by leaving them to his brother Etienne. Hence, the correct order is DABEC.

8) Answer: 3

Sentences 1,2 and 4 explains the idea of determinism. The logical order of the sentences is 4-2-1. The idea in 3 does not fit the description of determinism.

9) Answer (D)

Option D starts with the main idea of the paragraph. Option A subtantiates the point by giving example. Option B, builds on A and C-E conclude the paragraph. Hence, the order is DABCE.

10) Answer (B)

Here finding the starting statement is a problem. So we first find link among the given statements. From statement B we can see the word ‘it’ , so it must refer to some statement before. From statement E we can see that ‘it’ refers to modern finance. Out of other statements , correct order is DCA ,as A concludes. Hence , option B.

We hope these Para Forming Questions for NMAT pdf for the NMAT exam will be highly useful for your Preparation.


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