Number Series Questions For IBPS PO PDF

Number Series Questions For IBPS PO PDF
Number Series Questions For IBPS PO PDF

Number Series Questions For IBPS PO PDF:-

Download Number Series Questions For IBPS PO PDF. Practice IBPS PO Number series questions with solutions for Banking exams based on asked questions in previous papers.

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Instructions: Instructions: In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

Question 1: 7, 12, 40, 222, 1742, 17390, 208608

a) 7
b) 12
c) 40
d) 1742
e) 208608

Question 2: 6, 91, 584, 2935, 11756, 35277, 70558

a) 91
b) 70558
c) 584
d) 2935
e) 35277

Question 3: 9050, 5675, 3478, 2147, 1418, 1077, 950

a) 3478
b) 1418
c) 5673
d) 2147
e) 1077

Question 4: 1, 4, 25, 256, 3125, 46656, 823543

a) 3125
b) 823543
c) 46656
d) 25
e) 256

Question 5: 8424, 4212, 2106, 1051, 526.5, 263.25, 131.625

a) 131.625
b) 1051
c) 4212
d) 8424
e) 263.25

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Instructions: In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

Question 6: 5531    5506    5425    5304    5135    4910    4621

a) 5531
b) 5425
c) 4621
d) 5135
e) 5506

Question 7: 6 7 9 13 26 37 68

a) 7
b) 26
c) 69
d) 37
e) 9

Question 8: 1    3    10    36    152    760    4632

a) 3
b) 36
c) 4632
d) 760
e) 152

Question 9: 4    3    9    34    96    219    435

a) 4
b) 9
c) 34
d) 435
e) 219

Question 10: 157.5 45 15 6 3 2 1

a) 1
b) 2
c) 6
d) 157.5
e) 45

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

(7-1) x 2 = 12
(12 – 2) x 4 = 40
(40 – 3) x 6 = 222
(222 – 4) x 8 = 1744 ≠ 1742
(1744 – 5) x 10 = 17390
(17390 – 6) x 12 = 208608

2) Answer (C)

$6 x 7 + 7^2 = 91 , 91 x 6 + 6^2 = 582 ≠ 584 , 582 x 5 + 5^2 = 2935,…$

3) Answer (E)

$9070 – 15^3 = 5675 , 5675 – 13^3 = 3478 , 3478 – 11^3 = 2147 , 2147 – 9^3 = 1418 ,\\
1418 – 7^3 = 1075 ≠ 1077 , 1075 – 5^3 = 950$

4) Answer (D)

$1^1 = 1 , 2^2 = 4 , 3^3 = 27 ≠ 25 , 4^4 = 256 , 5^5 = 3125 , 6^6 = 46656 , 7^7 = 823543$

5) Answer (B)

$\frac{8424}{2}$ = 4212

$\frac{4212}{2}$ = 2106

$\frac{2106}{2}$ = 1053 ≠ 1051

$\frac{1051}{2}$ = 526.5

$\frac{525.5}{2}$ = 263.25

$\frac{263.25}{2}$ = 131.625

6) Answer (A)

5531 – $5^2$ = 5506
5506 – $9^2$ = 5425
5425 – $11^2$ = 5304
5134 – $13^2$ = 5135
5135 – $15^2$ = 4910
4910 – $17^2$ = 4621

Ever number after 5531 has a difference of a square.
Hence 5531 is the wrong number.

7) Answer (D)

6 + 1 = 7
7 + 2 = 9
9 + 4 = 13
13 + 13 = 26
26 + 11 = 37
37 + 22 = 69
The number to be added is increasing everytime except for 37 where 11 is added after 13.

8) Answer (D)

(1 x 1) + 2 = 3
(3 x 2) + 4 = 10
(10 x 3) + 6 = 36
(36 x 4) + 8 = 152
(152 x 5) + 10 = 770 ≠760
(770 x 6) + 12 = 4632

9) Answer (D)

$0^2$ + 4 = 4
$1^2$ + 2 = 3
$3^2$ + 0 = 9
$6^2$ – 2 = 34
$10^2$ – 4 = 96
$15^2$ – 6 = 219
$21^2$ – 8 = 433 ≠ 435

10) Answer (A)

157.5 ÷ 3.5 = 45
45 ÷ 3 = 15
15 ÷ 2.5 = 6
6 ÷ 2 = 3
3 ÷ 1.5 = 2
2 ÷ 1 = 2 ≠ 1

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To know more about the exam, try reading our other blogs on how to prepare for IBPS PO cloze test8 tips to improve English for IBPS PO and how to prepare for high-level data interpretation for IBPS PO.


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