Number Series Questions for IBPS PO Exam

Number Series Questions for IBPS PO Exam
Number Series Questions for IBPS PO Exam

Number Series Questions for IBPS PO Exam

Download top-20 Number Series Questions PDF based on previously asked questions in IBPS PO exams. Go through important Number Series Questions for IBPS PO Bank prelims and mains exam.

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In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series ‘’only one’’ number is wrong. Find out the ‘’wrong number’’

Question 1: 2, 8, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56

a) 8

b) 42

c) 30

d) 20

e) 12

Question 2: 7, 13, 25, 49, 97, 194, 385

a) 13

b) 49

c) 97

d) 194

e) 25


What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following numbers series

Question 3: 22, 23, 27, 36, 52, 77, ?

a) 111

b) 109

c) 113

d) 117

e) 115


What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following numbers series ?

Question 4: 2 16 112 672 3360 13440 ?

a) 3430

b) 3340

c) 40320

d) 43240

e) None of these

Question 5: 4 9 19 ? 79 159 319

a) 59

b) 39

c) 49

d) 29

e) None of these

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Question 6: 4000 2000 1000 500 250 125 ?

a) 80

b) 65

c) 62.5

d) 83.5

e) None of these

Question 7: 588 563 540 519 ? 483 468

a) 500

b) 496

c) 494

d) 490

e) None of these

Question 8: 121 ? 81 64 49 36 25

a) 92

b) 114

c) 98

d) 100

e) None of these


Find the next term in the series.

Question 9: 442, 378, 346, 330, 322

a) 320

b) 318

c) 310

d) 314

e) 316

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Question 10: 20,40,61,84,111

a) 138

b) 146

c) 136

d) 144

e) None of these

Question 11: 1,7,17,31,49,71

a) 91

b) 86

c) 97

d) 87

e) None of these

Question 12: 2,4,8,14,22,32

a) 46

b) 40

c) 42

d) 44

e) None of these

Question 13: 2,12,36,80,150

a) 252

b) 246

c) 254

d) 244

e) None of these

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In each of the following number series, a wrong number is given. FInd out the wrong number.

Question 14: 2, 3, 6, 18, 109, 1944, 209952

a) 3

b) 6

c) 18

d) 109

e) 1944

Question 15: 1 3 6 11 20 39 70

a) 3

b) 39

c) 11

d) 20

e) 6

Question 16: 2 13 27 113 561 3369 23581

a) 13

b) 27

c) 113

d) 561

e) 3369

Question 17: 50 51 47 56 42 65 29

a) 51

b) 47

c) 56

d) 42

e) 65

Question 18: 3 9 23 99 479 2881 20159

a) 9

b) 23

c) 99

d) 479

e) 2881

Question 19: 2 4 5 8 13 21 34

a) 4

b) 5

c) 8

d) 13

e) 21


In each of these questions a number series is given. In each series ‘’only one’’ number is wrong. Find out the ‘’wrong number’’

Question 20: 4, 12, 42, 196, 1005, 6066, 42511

a) 12

b) 42

c) 1005

d) 196

e) 6066

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

Instead of 8, it should be 6. Then the difference the consecutive terms will be in AP.

6-2 = 4

12-6 = 6

20-12 = 8

30-20 = 10

42-30 = 12

56-42 = 14

2) Answer (D)

13 = 7+6

25 = 13+12

49 = 25+24

97 = 49+48

193 = 97+96

385 = 193+192

So 194 is an odd number out.

3) Answer (C)

The difference between consecutive terms of the series is a perfect square.

For example,

23-22 = 1

27-23 = 4

36-27 = 9

52-36 = 16

77-52 = 25

Hence, the next difference between the numbers will be 36 and the required number is 77+36 = 113

4) Answer (C)

Here, in the given series is obtained by nth term = previous term * (10 – n)

We are supposed to calculate 7th term = 13440 * (10 -7) = 13440 * 3 = 40320

Therefore, option C is correct.
5) Answer (B)

In the bgiven series, the nth term is obtained as,
nth term = previous term + 5 * 2^(n-2)
Therefore, 4th term = 19 + 5 * 2^(2) =39
Hence, the correct option is option B.

6) Answer (C)

The given series is geometric progression with common ratio of 0.5.

Therefore, 7th term = 6th term * 0.5 = 125 *0.5 = 62.5

Hence, the correct answer is option C.

7) Answer (A)

588 563 540 519 ? 483 468
588 – 563 = 25
563 – 540 = 23
540 – 519 =21
The difference is getting reduced by 2
Therefore, 519 – x = 19
x = 500
The correct option is option A.
8) Answer (D)

Here, 81 64 49 36 25
81 – 64 = 17
64 – 49 = 15
49 – 36 = 13
36 – 25 = 11

Therefore, the difference is in arithmetic progression with common difference of 2.
x – 81 = 19
x = 100
Therefore, the correct option is option D.
9) Answer (B)

In the given series the sum of two consecutive terms are in GP
442-378 = 64
378-346 = 32
346-330 = 16
330-322 = 8
322-x = 4
x = 318

10) Answer (B)

20 = 19+1
40 = (19*2)+2
61 = (19*3)+4
84 = (19*4)+8
111 = (19*5)+16
Next term = (19*6)+32 = 146

11) Answer (C)

1 =$2(1)^2-1$
7 =$2(2)^2-1$
17 =$2(3)^2-1$
31 =$2(4)^2-1$
49 =$2(5)^2-1$
71 =$2(6)^2-1$
Next terms =$2(7)^2-1 = 97$

12) Answer (D)

4-2 = 2
8-4 = 4
14-8 = 6
22-14 = 8
32-22 = 10
Next term = 32+12 = 44

13) Answer (A)

2 =$n^3+n^2$
12 =$2^3+2^2$
36 =$3^3+3^2$
80 =$4^3+4^2$
150 =$5^3+5^2$
Next term =$6^3+6^2 = 252$

14) Answer (D)

Each number in the series given is the product of the earlier two numbers.

For example, 2*3 = 6
3*6 = 18
6*18 = 108
18*108 = 1944
1944*108 = 209952

In this case, the number which is wrong in the series is 109. It should be replaced by 108.

15) Answer (B)

$1 \times 2+1 = 3$
$3 \times 2+0 = 6$
$6 \times 2-1 = 11$
$11 \times 2-2 = 20$
$20 \times 2-3 = 37$
$37 \times 2-4 = 70$
Hence, 39 is the wrong number here.

16) Answer (A)

$(2\times2)+7 = 11$
$(11\times3)-6 = 27$
$(27\times4)+5 = 113$
$(113\times5)-4 = 561$
$(561\times6)+3 = 3369$
$(3369\times7)-2 = 23581$

13 is the wrong number.

17) Answer (D)

$50+1^2 = 51$
$51-2^2 = 47$
$47+3^2 = 56$
$56-4^2 = 40$
$40+5^2 = 65$
$65-6^2 = 29$

42 is the incorrect number

18) Answer (C)

$(3\times2)+3 = 9$
$(9\times3)-4 = 23$
$(23\times4)+5 = 97$
$(97\times5)-6 = 479$
$(479\times6)+7 = 2881$
$(2881\times7)-8 = 20159$
Hence, it should be 97 instead of 99.

19) Answer (A)

2 + 1 = 3
3 + 2 = 5
5 + 3 = 8
8 + 5 = 13
13 + 8 = 21
21 + 13 = 34

4 is the incorrect number

20) Answer (B)

$T_n = T_{n-1}*n + n^2$

12 = $4*2 + 2^2$

45 = $12*3 + 3^2$

196 = $45*4+4^2$

and so on.

So 42 is the wrong term in the series.


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