Number Series Questions for IBPS Clerk set-3 PDF

Number Series Questions for IBPS Clerk set-3 PDF
Number Series Questions for IBPS Clerk set-3 PDF

Number Series Questions for IBPS Clerk set-3 PDF

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What will come in place of the question mark (?) in each of the following number series.

Question 1: 158, 78, 38, 18, 8, ?

a) 3

b) 5

c) 2

d) 7

e) 6

Question 2: 16, 19, 24, 33, 50, ?

a) 83

b) 66

c) 99

d) 74

e) 102

Question 3: 402, 400, 388, 358, 302, ?

a) 212

b) 236

c) 190

d) 182

e) 210

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Question 4: 31, 15, 21, 50, ?, 767.25

a) 160.5

b) 171.5

c) 156.5

d) 122.5

e) 143.5

Question 5: 8, 5.5, 8.5, 23, 89.5, ?

a) 455

b) 420.5

c) 445

d) 415.5

e) 433


What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?

Question 6: 3 4 12 ? 576 27648

a) 64

b) 96

c) 36

d) 52

e) None of these

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Question 7: 4 12 60 420 ? 41580

a) 4620

b) 3780

c) 4200

d) 5040

e) None of these

Question 8: 6 349 565 ? 754 781

a) 629

b) 590

c) 601

d) 690

e) None of these

Question 9: 1.5 4 20 129 ? 10505

a) 1044

b) 1048

c) 1548

d) 1052

e) None of these

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Question 10: 89250 17850 7140 1428 571.2 ?

a) 228.48

b) 126.12

c) 114.24

d) 246.48

e) None of these


What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series ?

Question 11: 12   22    69    272    1365 ?

a) 8196

b) 8184

c) 8195

d) 6830

e) None of these

Question 12: 1    ??   27      64     125

a) 14

b) 4

c) 9

d) 8

e) None of these

Question 13: 104    153    189    214   ?

a) 239

b) 225

c) 264

d) 235

e) None of these

Question 14: 15    17    32   49    81   130    ?

a) 179

b) 211

c) 194

d) 226

e) None of these

Question 15: 15    17    21     29     45     77 ?

a) 109

b) 125

c) 141

d) 173

e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

Each number is divided by 2 and then 1 is subtracted.

158 $\div 2 – 1$ = 78

78 $\div 2 – 1$ = 38

38 $\div 2 – 1$ = 18

18 $\div 2 – 1$ = 8

8 $\div 2 – 1$ = 3

2) Answer (A)

The pattern is :

16 + 3 = 19

19 + 5 (= 3 + 2) = 24

24 + 9 (= 5 + 4) = 33

33 + 17 (= 9 + 8) = 50

50 + 33 (= 17 + 16) = 83

3) Answer (A)

The pattern followed is :

402 $- (1 \times 2)$ = 400

400 $- (3 \times 4)$ = 388

388 $- (5 \times 6)$ = 358

358 $- (7 \times 8)$ = 302

302 $- (9 \times 10)$ = 212

4) Answer (B)

The pattern followed is :

31 $\times 0.5 – 0.5$ = 15

15 $\times 1.5 – 1.5$ = 21

21 $\times 2.5 – 2.5$ = 50

50 $\times 3.5 – 3.5$ = 171.5

171.5 $\times 4.5 – 4.5$ = 767.25

5) Answer (C)

The pattern followed is :

8 $\times 1 – 2.5$ = 5.5

5.5 $\times 2 – 2.5$ = 8.5

8.5 $\times 3 – 2.5$ = 23

23 $\times 4 – 2.5$ = 89.5

89.5 $\times 5 – 2.5$ = 445

6) Answer (E)

Each number is multiplied by the next number

3 $\times 4$ = 12

4 $\times 12$ = 48

12 $\times 48$ = 576

48 $\times 576$ = 27648

7) Answer (B)

Consecutive odd numbers starting from 3 are multiplied.

4 $\times 3$ = 12

12 $\times 5$ = 60

60 $\times 7$ = 420

420 $\times 9$ = 3780

3780 $\times 11$ = 41580

8) Answer (D)

Cubes of natural numbers are added.

6 $+ 7^3$ = 349

349 $+ 6^3$ = 565

565 $+ 5^3$ = 690

690 $+ 4^3$ = 754

754 $+ 3^3$ = 781

9) Answer (B)

Consecutive even numbers are multiplied and then square of natural numbers are added.

1.5 $\times 2 + 1^2$ = 4

4 $\times 4 + 2^2$ = 20

20 $\times 6 + 3^2$ = 129

129 $\times 8 + 4^2$ = 1048

1048 $\times 10 + 5^2$ = 10505

10) Answer (C)

The numbers are alternatively divided by 5 and 2.5

89250 $\div 5$ = 17850

17850 $\div 2.5$ = 7140

7140 $\div 5$ = 1428

1428 $\div 2.5$ = 571.2

571.2 $\div 5$ = 114.24

11) Answer (B)

The pattern followed is :

12 $\times 2 – 2$ = 22

22 $\times 3 + 3$ = 69

69 $\times 4 – 4$ = 272

272 $\times 5 + 5$ = 1365

1365 $\times 6 – 6$ = 8184

12) Answer (D)

This is a series of cubes of natural numbers.

$1^3$ = 1

$2^3$ = 8

$3^3$ = 27

$4^3$ = 64

$5^3$ = 125

13) Answer (E)

Squares of natural numbers are added.

104 $+ 7^2$ = 153

153 $+ 6^2$ = 189

189 $+ 5^2$ = 214

214 $+ 4^2$ = 230

14) Answer (B)

Previous number is added to each number to get the next number

17 + 15 = 32

32 + 17 = 49

49 + 32 = 81

81 + 49 = 130

130 + 81 = 211

15) Answer (C)

The pattern followed is :

15 $+ 2^1$ = 17

17 $+ 2^2$ = 21

21 $+ 2^3$ = 29

29 $+ 2^4$ = 45

45 $+ 2^5$ = 77

77 $+ 2^6$ = 141

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