MAH-CET Data Interpretation Charts Questions PDF

Data Interpretation Charts Questions

Data Interpretation Charts Questions for MAH-CET

Here you can download a free Data Interpretation Charts (Line, Bar, Piechart) questions PDF with answers for MAH MBA CET 2022 by Cracku. These are some tricky questions in the MAH MBA CET 2022 exam that you need to find the Data Interpretation Charts (Line, Bar, Piechart) Series of answers for the given questions. These questions will help you to make practice and solve the Data Interpretation Charts (Line, Bar, Piechart) questions in the MAH MBA CET exam. Utilize this best PDF practice set which is included answers in detail. Click on the below link to download the Data Interpretation Charts (Line, Bar, Piechart) MCQ PDF for MBA-CET 2022 for free.

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The table below shows the data on Government expenditure on the insurance scheme, total expenditure and State’s own expenditure on health and family welfare. Read the table carefully and answer the following three questions.

Table: Government Expenditure Across Various Budget Heads

Question 1: In which year, the Central Government expenditure on the insurance scheme as a percentage of State’s own expenditure was three percentage more than the Central Government expenditure on the insurance scheme as a percentage of total expenditure on health and family welfare?

a) 2010-11

b) 2012-13

c) 2011-12

d) 2013-14

1) Answer (A)


As a percentage of State’s own expenditure

2010-2011 – $\frac{67000}{4882}=13.72\%$

2011-2012 – $\frac{32700}{4920}=6.64\%$

2012-2013 – $\frac{75000}{5852}=12.82\%$

2013-2014 – $\frac{73900}{7008}=10.54\%$

2014-2015 – $\frac{75800}{7509}=10\%$

2015-2016 – $\frac{95300}{8383}=11.37\%$

2016-2017 – $\frac{92800}{8756}=10.6\%$

As a percentage of total expenditure on health and family welfare

2010-2011 – $\frac{67000}{4882}=13.72\%$

2011-2012 – $\frac{32700}{4920}=6.64\%$

2012-2013 – $\frac{75000}{5852}=12.82\%$

2013-2014 – $\frac{73900}{7008}=10.54\%$

2014-2015 – $\frac{75800}{7509}=10\%$

2015-2016 – $\frac{95300}{8383}=11.37\%$

2016-2017 – $\frac{92800}{8756}=10.6\%$

3% is more in 2010-2011

Answer is option A.

Question 2: In which year, the Central Government expenditure on the insurance scheme as a percentage of the total expenditure on health and family welfare was highest?

a) 2013-14

b) 2010-11

c) 2016-17

d) 2012-13

2) Answer (B)


2010-2011 – $\frac{67000}{4882}=13.72\%$

2011-2012 – $\frac{32700}{4920}=6.64\%$

2012-2013 – $\frac{75000}{5852}=12.82\%$

2013-2014 – $\frac{73900}{7008}=10.54\%$

2014-2015 – $\frac{75800}{7509}=10\%$

2015-2016 – $\frac{95300}{8383}=11.37\%$

2016-2017 – $\frac{92800}{8756}=10.6\%$

Answer is option B.

Question 3: In which two years, the Central Government expenditure on insurance scheme as a percentage of State’s own expenditure on health and family welfare was most similar?

a) 2015-16 and 2016-17

b) 2012-13 and 2013-14

c) 2014-15 and 2016-17

d) 2010-11 and 2012-13

3) Answer (C)


2010-2011 – $\frac{67000}{4003}=16.73\%$

2011-2012 – $\frac{32700}{3936}=8.3\%$

2012-2013 – $\frac{75000}{4804}=15.61\%$

2013-2014 – $\frac{73900}{5291}=13.97\%$

2014-2015 – $\frac{75800}{6594}=11.49\%$

2015-2016 – $\frac{95300}{7531}=12.65\%$

2016-2017 – $\frac{92800}{7996}=11.6\%$

Answer is option C.


Please answer the following three questions based on the data given in the following table
and the notes below.

A. 1 in 8 of the people who cycled to work were found to be over 65 years of age.
B. 1 in 3 of the cyclists stated that they travelled to work by bus on rainy days.

Question 4: If this data is represented in a pie chart, then how many degrees of arc in the pie chart represent each response in the survey results?

a) 4

b) 8

c) 6

d) 2

4) Answer (D)


There are total 360 degrees in pie chart and there are total of 180 responses. Therefore, each response is represented by two degrees of arc in the pie chart.

Answer is option D.

Question 5: What is the share of respondents who cycled to work and were 65 years old?

a) 0.07

b) 0.125

c) 0.05

d) 0.4

5) Answer (C)


Number of people who cycled to work and were 65 years old = $\frac{1}{8}\times\ 72$ = 9

Share = $\frac{9}{55+35+18+72}$ = $\frac{9}{180}$ = 0.05

Answer is option C.

Question 6: On rainy days, the ratio of people who went by bus and by cycle is approximately_____________

a) 0.75:1

b) 1:0.9

c) 1.5:1

d) 1.25:1

6) Answer (D)


It is mentioned that 1 in 3 of the cyclists stated that they travelled to work by bus on rainy days.
On rainy days, number of people who went by bus = 35 + $\frac{1}{3}$(72) = 59
On rainy days, number of people who went by cycle = 72 – 24 = 48
Ratio = $\frac{59}{48}:1$ $\approx\ $ 1.25:1

Answer is option D.


The following graph provides data about the refrigerators and television sets manufactured by XYZ company in 8 days – day1 to day8. However, on each day after quality check (QC) some products were found to be defective. The attached bar chart provides data about aggregate number of refrigerators and televisions manufactured by the company and the number of refrigerators found defective after QC on each day of the given eight days.
All the televisions and refrigerators which cleared the QC were packed for selling.

The bar chart given below provides information about the fraction of the number of televisions found defective to number of televisions which cleared the QC.

Question 7: Which of the following can be the ratio of number of televisions and refrigerators which cleared the quality check on day1?

a) 1:4

b) 1:5

c) 1:6

d) 1:7

7) Answer (D)


The second chart provides information about the fraction of defective televisions found to the number of televisions that cleared the QC. On day 1, this ratio is 3:4, i.e. let the number of televisions found detective be ‘3a’. The number of televisions which cleared the QC is 4a, and the total number of televisions is 7a. Similarly, calculating for all the days, we will get the below data.

The number of televisions which cleared quality check on day 1 = 4a

The number of refrigerators which cleared quality check on day 1 = 800 – 7a – 100 = 700 – 7a

Ratio = $\frac{4a}{700-7a}$

Only option D satisfies the above equation.

The answer is option D.

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Question 8: On how many of the given 8 days the number of refrigerators which cleared the quality check can be zero?

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 5

8) Answer (B)


The second chart provides information about the fraction of defective televisions found to the number of televisions that cleared the QC. On day 1, this ratio is 3:4, i.e. let the number of televisions found detective be ‘3a’. The number of televisions which cleared the QC is 4a, and the total number of televisions is 7a. Similarly, calculating for all the days, we will get the below data.

If the number of refrigerators which cleared the quality check is zero, then the total number of refrigerators is equal to the total number of defective refrigerators.
Televisions = Total manufactured – refrigerators
Day 1: 800 – 100 = 700 is multiple of 7a
Day 2: 600 – 160 = 440 is multiple of 5c
Similarly, calculating for the remaining days, you will get that it is only possible on day 1 and day 2.
The answer is option B.

Question 9: If the number of televisions which cleared the quality check (QC) on each of the given eight days is same, then at least how many refrigerators cleared the QC on day 3?

a) 20

b) 30

c) 25

d) 40

9) Answer (B)


The second chart provides information about the fraction of defective televisions found to the number of televisions that cleared the QC. On day 1, this ratio is 3:4, i.e. let the number of televisions found detective be ‘3a’. The number of televisions which cleared the QC is 4a, and the total number of televisions is 7a. Similarly, calculating for all the days, we will get the below data.

If T-QC is same for all the days, then they should be in the form of 80k. LCM(4,8,2,5,10,16,5)
T-total on day 3 = 90k
T-total should be maximum to find the minimum value of refrigerators cleared QC.
T-total maximum = 270
Number of refrigerators = 400 – 270 = 130
R-QC = R-total – R-defective = 130 – 100 = 30

Answer is option B.

Question 10: Given that the number of televisions which cleared the quality check on each of the eight days is equal to ‘X’, then how many distinct values of X are possible?

a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5

10) Answer (B)


The second chart provides information about the fraction of defective televisions found to the number of televisions that cleared the QC. On day 1, this ratio is 3:4, i.e. let the number of televisions found detective be ‘3a’. The number of televisions which cleared the QC is 4a, and the total number of televisions is 7a. Similarly, calculating for all the days, we will get the below data.

If T-QC is same for all the days, then they should be in the form of 80k. LCM(4,8,2,5,10,16,5)

X = 80k which can take only 3 values, i.e. 80, 160 and 240

Answer is option B.


The graph below depicts the crime cases registered against foreigners in different countries in a given year. The crime cases are classified into three categories: Murder cases, theft cases and other cases. The data for nine countries are shown in the figure below. These nine countries belong to the top ten countries in terms of the total number of cases registered. The tenth country is Malaysia, where only 523 theft cases were registered.

The table below shows the rank of the ten countries in terms of the number of cases registered in each of the three categories of crimes. If two countries are assigned rank2nd, then for any given crime, 3rd rank cannot be assigned to any country.

Question 11: The sum of the ranks of Pakistan in the three categories of crimes is?

a) 4

b) 7

c) 5

d) 10

11) Answer (C)


The number of murder cases in Pakistan is greater than the number of murder cases in Iraq, and the number of murder cases in Iraq is greater than the number of murder cases in China. Therefore, the rank of Pakistan is 1 and the rank of Iraq is 2. As the ranks of India and Bangladesh are 3, the rank of China will be 5.
It is given that the number of theft cases in Malaysia is 523. Therefore, the rank of Malaysia is 1. The rank of Pakistan in theft cases can be 2 or 3. The number of theft cases in Pakistan is less than the number of theft cases in India. Therefore, the rank of Pakistan is 3.
Similarly, checking the values from the graph and ranking countries for other cases.

Final table:

The sum of ranks of Pakistan in three categories = 1 + 3 + 1 = 5

Answer is option C.

Question 12: Which of the following is correct about the ranks of countries in the other crimes category?
i) USA: 7
ii) Russia: 3

a) Only (i) is correct

b) Only (ii) is correct

c) Both (i) and (ii) are correct

d) Both (i) and (ii) are incorrect

12) Answer (C)


The number of murder cases in Pakistan is greater than the number of murder cases in Iraq, and the number of murder cases in Iraq is greater than the number of murder cases in China. Therefore, the rank of Pakistan is 1 and the rank of Iraq is 2. As the ranks of India and Bangladesh are 3, the rank of China will be 5.
It is given that the number of theft cases in Malaysia is 523. Therefore, the rank of Malaysia is 1. The rank of Pakistan in theft cases can be 2 or 3. The number of theft cases in Pakistan is less than the number of theft cases in India. Therefore, the rank of Pakistan is 3.
Similarly, checking the values from the graph and ranking countries for other cases.

Final table:

The rank of USA in other crimes is 7 and the rank of Russia in other crimes is 3. Therefore, both (i) and (ii) are correct.

Answer is option C.

Question 13: In the top two countries on the basis of total registered cases, the approximate ratio of total number of murder cases to total number of theft cases is

a) 1:6

b) 1:7

c) 1:9

d) 1:4

13) Answer (C)


The number of murder cases in Pakistan is greater than the number of murder cases in Iraq, and the number of murder cases in Iraq is greater than the number of murder cases in China. Therefore, the rank of Pakistan is 1 and the rank of Iraq is 2. As the ranks of India and Bangladesh are 3, the rank of China will be 5.
It is given that the number of theft cases in Malaysia is 523. Therefore, the rank of Malaysia is 1. The rank of Pakistan in theft cases can be 2 or 3. The number of theft cases in Pakistan is less than the number of theft cases in India. Therefore, the rank of Pakistan is 3.
Similarly, checking the values from the graph and ranking countries for other cases.

Final table:

The sum of murder cases in top two countries = 0 + 65 = 65
The sum of theft cases in top two countries = 523 + 40 = 563
Ratio = 65:563 = 1 : 8.66 $\approx\ $ 1 : 9

Answer is option C.

Question 14: The rank of China in the murder cases category is?

a) $2^{nd}$

b) $5^{th}$

c) $7^{th}$

d) $8^{th}$

14) Answer (B)


The number of murder cases in Pakistan is greater than the number of murder cases in Iraq, and the number of murder cases in Iraq is greater than the number of murder cases in China. Therefore, the rank of Pakistan is 1 and the rank of Iraq is 2. As the ranks of India and Bangladesh are 3, the rank of China will be 5.
It is given that the number of theft cases in Malaysia is 523. Therefore, the rank of Malaysia is 1. The rank of Pakistan in theft cases can be 2 or 3. The number of theft cases in Pakistan is less than the number of theft cases in India. Therefore, the rank of Pakistan is 3.
Similarly, checking the values from the graph and ranking countries for other cases.

Final table:

The rank of China in murder cases is 5.

Answer is option B.


Refer to the following line charts and solve the questions based on them. The line charts given below give the expenditure and income of ABC Ltd. Which produces and sells only two variants of its rice – Basmati rice and Parmal rice.

Question 15: In which year the annual percentage decrease in the profit of parmal rice ismaximum as compared to that of the previous year?

a) 2009

b) 2010

c) 2011

d) 2013

15) Answer (C)


Profit for  2008 = 330

Profit for 2009 = 530

Profit for 2010 = 280

Profit for 2011 = 80

Profit for 2012 = 230

Profit for 2013 = 230

From the above trend, we can observe that the maximum decrease is in the year 2011.

Hence, the answer is option C.

Question 16: The percentage annual increase in the income of Basmati rice is highest inwhich of the following years?

a) 2005

b) 2007

c) 2009

d) 2012

16) Answer (B)


Option A: For 2005 = $\frac{660-560}{560}\times100=\frac{10000}{560}=17.85\%$

Option B: For 2007 = $\frac{660-460}{460}\times100=\frac{20000}{460}=43.47\%$

Option C: For 2009 = $\frac{760-560}{560}\times100=\frac{20000}{560}=35.71\%$

Option D: For 2012 = $\frac{660-560}{560}\times100=\frac{10000}{560}=17.85\%$

Hence, the answer is option B.

Question 17: Calculate the number of years during 2005 to 2013 for atleast one of thetwo rice when income and expenditure did not follow the same trend (i.e both incomeand expenditure did not increase or decrease simultaneously compared to theprevious year)?

a) 5

b) 6

c) 8

d) 9

17) Answer (C)


We have to count the years in which at least one of the rice’s income and expenditure shows an opposite trend.

2005: Parmal rice has an opposite trend.

2006: None of the rice has opposite trends.

2007: Basmati rice has an opposite trend.

2008: Basmati rice has an opposite trend.

2009: Both the rice show an opposite trend.

2010: Both the rice show an opposite trend.

2011: Both the rice show an opposite trend.

2012: Basmati rice has an opposite trend.

2013: Basmati rice has an opposite trend.

Thus, all the years except 2008 have at least one rice showing an opposite trend in income and expenditure.

Thus, there are a total of 8 years.

Hence, the answer is option C.

Question 18: The total profit of ABC Ltd. is highest in which of the following years?

a) 2007

b) 2009

c) 2012

d) 2004

18) Answer (B)


Option A: Profits for 2007 = 1120 – 360 = 760

Option B: Profits for 2009 = 1420 – 310 = 1110

Option C: Profits for 2012 = 1220 – 560 = 660

Option D: Profits for 2004 = 920 – 460 = 460

Thus, the maximum profit is in the year 2009.

Hence, the answer is option B.


The pie charts given below depict the percentage productionbreakup of 4 crops viz maize, corn, soyabean and wheat in the world and USArespectively. Assume that the total world production of these crops in a given year is160 million tonnes.

In all the questions, ‘ROW’ means rest of the world other than USA.

Question 19: USA produces 20 percent lesser corn than ROW, find the production ofsoyabean in USA?

a) 14.35 million tonnes

b) 8.75 million tonnes

c) 12.25 million tonnes

d) 17.75 million tonnes

19) Answer (D)


Let the total production of crops in the USA, World and ROW be denoted by U, W and R, respectively.

Thus, 0.2(U) = 0.8[0.2W – 0.2U]

0.36U = 0.16W


Thus, production of soybean in the USA = 0.25U = 0.25 x $\frac{4}{9}W$ = $0.25\times\frac{4}{9}\times160=17.75$million tonnes.

Hence, the answer is option D.

Question 20: Assume that the total production of maize in the USA is 3 million tonnes. Calculate the percentage (approximately) of the total production of food crops in the world accounted by the USA?

a) 3.55 percent

b) 4.68 percent

c) 5.75 percent

d) 7.82 percent

20) Answer (B)


The total production of maize in the USA is 3 million tonnes and maize constitutes 40% of the total production of the USA.

Thus, total crop production in the USA = $\frac{3}{0.4}=7.5$million tonnes.

Thus, the percentage of the total production of crops in the world accounted for by the USA = $\frac{7.5\times100}{160}=4.68\%$

Hence, the answer is option B.

Question 21: Given that USA accounts for 20 per cent of the total production of soyabean in the world then what percentage of the total food crops production of the world is accounted by USA?

a) 12 percent

b) 24 percent

c) 28 percent

d) 30 percent

21) Answer (C)


Given: 20% of total soyabean production of the world is from USA

Thus, Let the total world production of crops be P.

Thus, USA’s production of soyabean = 0.2 x 0.35 x P = 0.07P = 7% of the total productions of crops.

Soyabean productions consitutes 25% of the total crop production in the USA.

Thus, percentage of total crop production accounted by the USA = $\frac{7\%}{0.25}=28\%$

Hence, the answer is option C.

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