Logical Reasoning Questions for RBI Grade B PDF

Logical Reasoning Questions for RBI Grade B PDF
Logical Reasoning Questions for RBI Grade B PDF

Logical Reasoning Questions for RBI Grade B PDF

Download Very important RBI Grade-B logical reasoning questions with solutions PDF. This PDF covers Top-15 logical reasoning questions and answers for RBI Grade-B exam based on previous year asked questions from RBI and other Banking exams.

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Study the following information:
carefully and answer the questions given below : H has two sons A and Y. A is married to M. M is the mother of P. N is daughter-in-law of H. S is mother-in law of H.

Question 1: Who among the following is the uncle of P?

a) H

b) A

c) Y

d) M

e) None of these

Question 2: Who among the following is the wife of Y?

a) N

b) H

c) P

d) S

e) M


In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Give answer a: if only Assumption I is implicit.
Give answer b: if only Assumption II is implicit.
Give answer c: if either I or II is implicit.
Give answer d: if neither I nor Ills implicit.
Give answer e: if both I and II are implicit.

Question 3: Statement: A large number of students and parents stood in the queue to collect forms for admission to various under-graduate courses in the college.
I. The college authority may be able to admit all those who stood in the queue.
II. The college authority may have adequate number of forms for all those standing in the queue.

a) if only Assumption I is implicit.

b) if only Assumption II is implicit.

c) if either I or II is implicit.

d) if neither I nor Ills implicit.

e) if both I and II are implicit.

Question 4: Statement: The retail vegetable vendors increased the prices of vegetables by about 20 percent due to non availability of vegetables at lower prices at the wholesale market.
I. The customers may totally stop buying vegetables at higher prices.
II. The customers may still buy vegetables from the retail vendors.

a) if only Assumption I is implicit.

b) if only Assumption II is implicit.

c) if either I or II is implicit.

d) if neither I nor Ills implicit.

e) if both I and II are implicit.

Question 5: Statement: “Our Europe Holiday Package costs less than some of the holiday Packages within the country” – An advertisement by an Indian travel company.
I. People may prefer to travel to foreign destinations than to the places within the country at comparable
II. People generally take their travel decisions after getting information from such advertisements.

a) if only Assumption I is implicit.

b) if only Assumption II is implicit.

c) if either I or II is implicit.

d) if neither I nor Ills implicit.

e) if both I and II are implicit.

Question 6: Statement: The municipal authority announced before the onset of monsoon that the roads within the city will be free of potholes during monsoon.
I. The roads were repaired so well that potholes may not reappear
II. People may not complain even if the potholes reappear.

a) if only Assumption I is implicit.

b) if only Assumption II is implicit.

c) if either I or II is implicit.

d) if neither I nor Ills implicit.

e) if both I and II are implicit.

Question 7: Statement: A nationalized bank issued an advertisement In the national dailies asking the eligible candidates for applying for 100 posts of chartered accountants.
I. The eligible chartered accountants may respond to the advertisement
II. There may be adequate number of eligible chartered accountants who may want to join a nationalized bank.

a) if only Assumption I is implicit.

b) if only Assumption II is implicit.

c) if either I or II is implicit.

d) if neither I nor Ills implicit.

e) if both I and II are implicit.


Study the following information carefully and answer the following the questions

Eight friends J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around a circle table facing the center. J is not the neighbour of N. L is the third to right of K. Q is second to the left of N, who is the next to the right of L. O is not the neighbour of N or K and is to the immediate left of the P.

Question 8: Who is to immediate left of Q?

a) P

b) L

c) Q

d) J

e) None of these

Question 9: Who is to the immediate right of K

a) J

b) P

c) Q

d) Cannot determined

e) None of these

Question 10: Which of the following groups of has the first person sitting between the other two persons

a) PKJ

b) LQJ

c) QNL

d) LMN

e) None of these

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Question 11: Which of the following pair of persons represents O ‘s neighbours?

a) L&N;

b) P&K;

c) M&P;

d) N&P;

e) None of these

Question 12: Which of the following is the correct position of L?

a) To the immediate right of the N

b) To the immediate right of Q

c) To the immediate LEFT of the J

d) To the immediate LEFT of the Q

e) None of these


Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight persons — E, F, G, H, W, X, Y and Z — are sitting in two parallel rows containing four persons each. E. F, G and H are sitting in row-1 facing north and W. X, Y and Z are sitting in row-2 facing south (but not necessarily in the same order.) Thus, each person sitting in row – 1 faces another person sitting in row – 2, Each of the two rows consists of one Doctor, one Engineer, one Pilot and one Scientist (but not necessarily in the same order).
• The Doctor of row-1 sits second to the right of H. X faces one of the immediate neighbours of H. Only one person sits between the X and the Scientist.
• The one who faces the Scientist of row – 2 is an immediate neighbour of E. Only one person sits between E and the Pilot.
• W sits second to the right of Z. Y does not face G. The Scientist of row-1 faces the Engineer of row – 2.
• G faces one of the immediate neighbours of the Doctor of row-2. The Doctor of row-2 does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. Z is not a Doctor.

Question 13: If Y and X interchange their places, so do H and Z, then who amongst the following will face E?

a) Y

b) H

c) F

d) W

e) Other than those given as options

Question 14: Which of the given statements is true with respect to the given arrangement?

a) G is a Scientist.

b) Y sits to the immediate right of X.

c) F and Z face each other.

d) None of the given statements is true

e) The Engineer of one row faces the Doctor of another row.


Read the following information and answer the given questions.
(I) Six friends Ramesh, Dinesh, Lokesh, Nilesh, Shailesh and Hitesh work in different companies namely ‘P’, ‘Q’, ’R’, ‘S’, ‘T’, and ‘U’, and each one wears company sponsored different coloured tie, i.e., Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, Purple and Red though not necessarily in the same order.
(II) The one wearing Blue tie works in company ‘S’ and the one wearing Green tie works in company ‘P’.
(III) Hitesh does not work in company ‘R’ or ‘T’.
(IV) Ramesh wears Pink tie and works in company ‘Q’.
(V) Nilesh does not work in company ‘T’ and Purple colour tie is not sponsored by company ‘R’.
(VI) Shailesh works in company ‘U’ and neither Nilesh nor Dinesh works in company ‘S’.
(VII) Company ‘T’ does not sponsor Purple or Yellow coloured tie and Lokesh works in company P.

Question 15: Which of the following sequence of companies represents Ramesh, Dinesh, Lokesh, Nilesh, Shailesh and Hitesh in the same order ?

a) Q, P, T, R, U, S

b) Q, T, P, R, U, S

c) Q, P, T, S, U, R

d) Q, T, P, S, U, R

e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

A and Y are brothers and sons of H, whose gender is unknown.

A is married to M and their child is P.

Since, N is daughter-in-law of H, => N is wife of Y.

Also, S is mother-in-law of H.

Here, P is the child of A and Y is brother of A, => Y is uncle of P.

=> Ans – (C)

2) Answer (A)

A and Y are brothers and sons of H, whose gender is unknown.

A is married to M and their child is P.

Since, N is daughter-in-law of H, => N is wife of Y.

Also, S is mother-in-law of H.

Clearly, N is the wife of Y.

=> Ans – (A)

3) Answer (B)

4) Answer (B)

5) Answer (E)

6) Answer (A)

7) Answer (E)

8) Answer (D)

L is the third to right of K and N is the next to the right of L

=> N is sitting opposite to K.

Also, Q is second to the left of N, => Q is sitting second to the right of K and to the immediate left of L.

O is not the neighbour of N or K, => O is sitting opposite Q and second to the left of K.

Since, J is not the neighbor of N, => J is sitting between Q and K.

The only empty position is taken by M. The arrangement is :

Clearly, J is to the immediate left of Q.

=> Ans – (D)

9) Answer (A)

L is the third to right of K and N is the next to the right of L

=> N is sitting opposite to K.

Also, Q is second to the left of N, => Q is sitting second to the right of K and to the immediate left of L.

O is not the neighbour of N or K, => O is sitting opposite Q and second to the left of K.

Since, J is not the neighbor of N, => J is sitting between Q and K.

The only empty position is taken by M. The arrangement is :

J is to the immediate right of K.

=> Ans – (A)

10) Answer (E)

L is the third to right of K and N is the next to the right of L

=> N is sitting opposite to K.

Also, Q is second to the left of N, => Q is sitting second to the right of K and to the immediate left of L.

O is not the neighbour of N or K, => O is sitting opposite Q and second to the left of K.

Since, J is not the neighbor of N, => J is sitting between Q and K.

The only empty position is taken by M. The arrangement is :

(A) : P does not sit between K & J.

(B) : L does not sit between Q & J.

(C) : Q does not sit between N & L.

(D) : L does not sit between M & N.

=> Ans – (E)

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11) Answer (C)

L is the third to right of K and N is the next to the right of L

=> N is sitting opposite to K.

Also, Q is second to the left of N, => Q is sitting second to the right of K and to the immediate left of L.

O is not the neighbour of N or K, => O is sitting opposite Q and second to the left of K.

Since, J is not the neighbor of N, => J is sitting between Q and K.

The only empty position is taken by M. The arrangement is :

M & P are O’s neighbours.

=> Ans – (C)

12) Answer (B)

L is the third to right of K and N is the next to the right of L

=> N is sitting opposite to K.

Also, Q is second to the left of N, => Q is sitting second to the right of K and to the immediate left of L.

O is not the neighbour of N or K, => O is sitting opposite Q and second to the left of K.

Since, J is not the neighbor of N, => J is sitting between Q and K.

The only empty position is taken by M. The arrangement is :

Clearly, L is to the immediate right of Q.

=> Ans – (B)

13) Answer (B)

In row-1, E,F,G & H are sitting facing north while W,X,Y & Z are sitting in row-2 facing south.

The Doctor of row-1 sits second to the right of H.

Case 1 : H sits at extreme left end of row 1.

Also, X faces one of the immediate neighbours of H, => X sits opposite to the person who is immediate right of H and Scientist in row -2 sits at extreme left end.

Now, The one who faces the Scientist of row – 2 is an immediate neighbour of E, => E is doctor in row-1 and H is the pilot.

W sits second to the right of Z, => W sits at extreme right end of row-2 and Z to the immediate left of X. Only position left in row-2 is extreme left end, which is now filled by Y being the scientist. The arrangement is :

But doctor of row(II) does not sit at end and Z is also not the doctor. Thus, this case is not possible.

Case 2 : H sits at second from left end of row-1, => Doctor sits at extreme right end in this row.

Also, X faces one of the immediate neighbours of H, => X sits at extreme right end of row-2 and the scientist sits second to the left of X.

Now, The one who faces the Scientist of row – 2 is an immediate neighbour of E, => E is doctor in row-1 sitting at extreme right and H is the pilot.

W sits second to the right of Z, => W sits to the immediate left of X and Z to the extreme left end of row-2. Only position left in row-2 is occupied by Y being the scientist.

Since, Y and G does not sit opposite to each other, => G sits at extreme left end of row-1.

The arrangement is :

Currently, Z is facing E, if Z and H interchange their positions, then H will face E.

=> Ans – (B)

14) Answer (A)

In row-1, E,F,G & H are sitting facing north while W,X,Y & Z are sitting in row-2 facing south.

The Doctor of row-1 sits second to the right of H.

Case 1 : H sits at extreme left end of row 1.

Also, X faces one of the immediate neighbours of H, => X sits opposite to the person who is immediate right of H and Scientist in row -2 sits at extreme left end.

Now, The one who faces the Scientist of row – 2 is an immediate neighbour of E, => E is doctor in row-1 and H is the pilot.

W sits second to the right of Z, => W sits at extreme right end of row-2 and Z to the immediate left of X. Only position left in row-2 is extreme left end, which is now filled by Y being the scientist. The arrangement is :

But doctor of row(II) does not sit at end and Z is also not the doctor. Thus, this case is not possible.

Case 2 : H sits at second from left end of row-1, => Doctor sits at extreme right end in this row.

Also, X faces one of the immediate neighbours of H, => X sits at extreme right end of row-2 and the scientist sits second to the left of X.

Now, The one who faces the Scientist of row – 2 is an immediate neighbour of E, => E is doctor in row-1 sitting at extreme right and H is the pilot.

W sits second to the right of Z, => W sits to the immediate left of X and Z to the extreme left end of row-2. Only position left in row-2 is occupied by Y being the scientist.

Since, Y and G does not sit opposite to each other, => G sits at extreme left end of row-1.

The arrangement is :

Clearly, G is a scientist.

=> Ans – (A)

15) Answer (B)

Ramesh wears Pink tie and works in company ‘Q’ and Shailesh works in company ‘U’. Also, Lokesh works in company P.

The one wearing Green tie works in company ‘P’, => Lokesh wears green tie.

Hitesh does not work in company ‘R’ or ‘T’ and Nilesh does not work in company ‘T’, => Dinesh works in company T and Nilesh in company R.

The one wearing Blue tie works in company ‘S’, => this only leaves Hitesh who is working in company S, and is wearing blue tie.

Purple colour tie is not sponsored by company ‘R’ and ‘T’, => it is sponsored by company U.

Company ‘T’ does not sponsor Yellow coloured tie, => it is sponsored by company R and this leaves company T with red coloured tie.

Ramesh, Dinesh, Lokesh, Nilesh, Shailesh and Hitesh in the same order work in companies Q, T, P, R, U, S.

=> Ans – (B)

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