Logical Reasoning Questions for IIFT Set-2 PDF
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Based on the conditions stated in the passage below, answer the questions that follow.
There are three countries, USA, UAE and UK. An exporter can select one country or two countries or all the three countries subject to the conditions below:
Condition 1: Both USA and UAE have to be selected.
Condition 2: Either USA or UK, but not both have to be selected.
Condition 3: UAE can be selected only if UK has been selected.
Condition 4: USA can be selected only if UK is selected.
Question 1:Ā How many countries can be selected to meet only conditions 2 and 3?
a)Ā 0
b)Ā 2 or 1
c)Ā 0 or 1
d)Ā None of these
Read the details below and answer the questions that follow.
Due to astrological reasons, a mother named all her daughters with the alphabet āKā as Kamla, Kamlesh, Kriti, Kripa, Kranti and Kalpana.
i.Kamla is not the tallest while Kripa is not the most qualified.
ii.The shortest is the most qualified amongst them all.
iii.Kalpana is more qualified than Kamlesh who is more qualified than Kriti.
iv.Kamla is less qualified than Kamlesh but is taller than Kamlesh.
v.Kalpana is shorter than Kriti but taller than Kranti.
vi.Kriti is more qualified than Kamla while Kamlesh is taller than Kriti.
vii.Kripa is the least qualified amongst the daughters.
Question 2:Ā What is the rank of Kamla in increasing order of height?
a)Ā 3
b)Ā 5
c)Ā 4
d)Ā 2
Solve the questions based on the information provided in the passage below:
Six engineers Anthony, Brad, Carla, Dinesh, Evan and Frank are offered jobs at six different locations -England, Germany, India, Australia, Singapore and UAE. The jobs offered are in six different branches, and are based on their competence as well as preference. The branches are IT, Mechanical, Chemical, Electronics, Metallurgy and Electrical, though not necessarily in the same order. Their placements are subject to the following conditions:
i.The engineer in the Electrical Department is not placed in Germany.
ii.Anthony is placed in Singapore while Dinesh in UAE.
iii.Frank is not in the Metallurgy Department but Brad is in the Chemical Department.
iv.Evan is placed in the Mechanical Department while Frank is offered a job in Australia.
v.The only department offering jobs in India is the Chemical Department while there are no vacancies for IT in Singapore.
vi. Anthony is interested in IT and Electrical Department while Frank is interested in IT and Mechanical Department. Both of them settle for the options available based on their interests in the locations allotted to them.
vii. In recent years, UAE has emerged as a hub for metallurgy exports and thus recruitment is done for the same while all mechanical posts are in England.
Question 3:Ā Which combination is true for Dinesh?
a)Ā India-Electrical
b)Ā UAE-Electronics
c)Ā England-Metallurgy
d)Ā UAE-Metallurgy
Answer the questions based on the following information.
A word arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. Following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement:
Input: She was interested in doing art film
Step 1: art she was interested in doing film
Step 2: art was she interested in doing film
Step 3: art was in she interested doing film
Step 4: art was in film she interested doing
Step 5: art was in film doing she interested
Step 5 is the last step of the given input.Ā Now study the logic and rules followed in the above steps, find out appropriate step for the question given below for the given input.
Question 4:Ā If step 2 of an input is ānot is the casino considering legal actionā, which step is: ānot is casino action legal the consideringā?
a)Ā Step: 3
b)Ā Step: 6
c)Ā Step: 4
d)Ā None of the above
Answer the questions based on the following information.
A number arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. Illustrations of the input and the steps of arrangement is given below.
Input: 245, 316, 436, 519, 868, 710, 689
Step 1: 710, 316, 436, 519, 868, 245, 689
Step 2: 710, 316, 245, 519, 868, 436, 689
Step 3: 710, 316, 245, 436, 868, 519, 689
Step 4: 710, 316, 245, 436, 519, 868, 689
Step 4 is the last step for the given input
Question 5:Ā If the input is given as ā655, 436, 764, 799, 977, 572, 333ā, which of the following step will be ā333, 436, 572, 655, 977, 764, 799ā?
a)Ā Step Third
b)Ā Step Second
c)Ā Step Fourth
d)Ā None of the above
Answer the questions based on the following information.
In each question below three statements (I, II, III) are given followed by four conclusions numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Choose the correct options (A & D) presented below.
Question 6:Ā Statements:
I. Some barbers are fashion designers
II. No fashion designers are businessmen
III. Some businessmen are traders
1. No Fashion designers are traders
2. Some traders are not fashion designers
3. Some fashion designers are traders
4. Some barbers are not businessmen
a)Ā Either 1, 2 and 4 or 3, 2 and 4 follow
b)Ā Either 1 and 4 or 3 and 4 follow
c)Ā Either 1 and 2 or 3 and 2 follow
d)Ā None of the above
Answer the questions based on the following information.
In a motor race competition certain rules are given for the participants to follow. To control direction and speed of the motorists, guards are placed at different signal points with caps of different colour. Guard with red cap indicates the direction of participantās movement and guards with green cap indicates the speed of the participantās movement. At any signal point presence of three guards, two guards and one guard with red cap means the participant must stop, turn left and turn right respectively. Signal points with three guards, two guards and one guard with green cap means the participants must move at 10, 4 and 2 km/hour respectively.
Kartikay, one of the participants, starts at a point where his car was heading towards north and he encountered signals as follows: at start point one guard with green cap; after half an hour two guards with red cap and two guards with green cap at first signal; after fifteen minutes one guard with red cap at second signal; after half an hour one guard with red cap and three guards with green caps at third signal; after 24 minutes two guard with red cap and two guards with green cap at fourth signal; after 15 minutes three guard with red cap at fifth signal. (Time mentioned in each case is applicable after crossing the previous signal).
Question 7:Ā Total distance travelled by Kartikay from starting point till last signal is:
a)Ā 9 km
b)Ā 10 km
c)Ā 8 km
d)Ā 12 km
In the question below, a statement is followed by three assumptions numbered I, II and III. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which assumptions are implicit in the statement.
Question 8:Ā It is believed by many economists that to realize a 7 percent GDP growth rate in India, which is very much attainable, the gross fixed capital formation in the country must increase to 30 percent of GDP from the present level of 28 percent.
I. The target of 7 percent GDP growth is not feasible.
II. GDP growth rate is directly related to capital formation rate.
III. The GDP growth rate in a country is the only indicator of countryās economic development.
a)Ā Both I and II
b)Ā Both II and III
c)Ā Both III and I
d)Ā None of A, B or C
Match the word in column 1 with its meaning in column 2.
Question 9:Ā

a)Ā i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b
b)Ā i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b
c)Ā i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d
d)Ā None of the above
Question 10:Ā Read the following information to answer the question that follows.
P – Q means Q is father of P
P * Q means Q is brother of P
P Ć· Q means Q is wife of P
P + Q means Q is sister of P
Which of the following means M is the grandfather of T?
a)Ā T – C Ć· L + N * M
b)Ā T – R Ć· Z + L * M
c)Ā T Ć· Z * L + F – M
d)Ā None of these
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Answers & Solutions:
1)Ā AnswerĀ (B)
2)Ā AnswerĀ (B)
Let us arrange the daughters in the decreasing order of height first.
Kalpana is shorter than Kriti but taller than Kranti.
Therefore, Kriti > Kalpana > Kranti.
Kamlesh is taller than Kriti.
KamleshĀ >Ā Kriti > Kalpana > Kranti.
Kamla is taller than Kamlesh. Kamla is not the tallest. Therefore, Kripa must be the tallest person.
Kripa > Kamla >Ā KamleshĀ >Ā Kriti >Ā Kalpana > Kranti.
Let us arrange the daughters in terms of their qualification.
The shortest person is the most qualified.
Therefore, Kranti must be the most qualified person among the 6 daughters.
Kalpana is more qualified than Kamlesh who is more qualified than Kriti.
Kalpana > Kamlesh > Kriti.
Kamla is less qualified than Kamlesh. Kriti is more qualified than Kamla. Kripa is the least qualified among the daughters.
Kranti > Kalpana > Kamlesh > Kriti > Kamla > Kripa.
Height (in decreasing order):
Kripa > Kamla >Ā KamleshĀ >Ā Kriti >Ā Kalpana > Kranti.
Qualification (in decreasing order):
Kranti > Kalpana > Kamlesh > Kriti > Kamla > Kripa.
Rank of Kamala in the increasing order of height is 5. Therefore, optionĀ B is the right answer.
3)Ā AnswerĀ (D)
4)Ā AnswerĀ (D)
5)Ā AnswerĀ (A)
The machine is arranging the numbers in the increasing order of the sum of the digits on the number.
Input:Ā 245 (11), 316 (10), 436 (13), 519 (15), 868 (22), 710 (8), 689 (23).
The number in the bracket indicates the sum of digits of the given number.
Step 1:Ā 710 (8), 316 (10), 436 (13), 519 (15), 868 (22), 245 (11), 689 (23).
ā“Ā The machine has swapped 710 (8) with 245 (11).
Step 2:Ā 710 (8), 316 (10), 245 (11), 519 (15), 868 (22), 436 (13), 689 (23).
Thus it has swapped 436 (13) with 245 (11).
Step 3:Ā 710 (8), 316 (10), 245 (11), 436 (13), 868 (22), 519 (15), 689 (23).
Thus it has swapped 436 (13) with 519 (15).
Step 4:Ā 710 (8), 316 (10), 245 (11), 436 (13), 519 (15), 868 (22), 689 (23).
Thus it has swapped 519 (15) with 868 (22).
Going by the logic mentioned above,
Input:Ā 655 (16), 436 (13), 764 (17), 799 (25), 977 (23), 572 (14), 333 (9).
Step 1:Ā 333 (9), 436 (13), 764 (17), 799 (25), 977 (23), 572 (14), 655 (16).
Step 2:Ā 333 (9), 436 (13), 572 (14), 799 (25), 977 (23), 764 (17), 655 (16).
Step 3:Ā 333 (9), 436 (13), 572 (14), 655 (16), 977 (23), 764 (17), 799 (25).
This is the required sequence which is achieved in Step 3.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.
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6)Ā AnswerĀ (D)
The given situation is:
From this we can see either No Fashion designers are traders or Some fashion designers are traders.
As some barbers are Fashion designers thus, some barbers are not businessman.
As some traders are Businessman thus, some traders are not Fashion designers.
Hence, Either 1 or 3 and 2 and 4 follows.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.
7)Ā AnswerĀ (A)
8)Ā AnswerĀ (D)
9)Ā AnswerĀ (B)
The meaning of Cacology is to defectively produced speech; socially unacceptable diction. Thus, i-c.
The meaning of Ethology is the study of human character. Thus, ii-a.
The meaning of Misology is distrust or hatred of reason or reasoning. Thus, iii-d.
The meaning of Cryology is the study of snow and ice. Thus, iv-b
Thus, the sequence is- i-c, ii-a, iii-d, iv-b
Hence, option B is the correct answer.
10)Ā AnswerĀ (D)
Let us draw the family tree for each option:-
Thus, M is the uncle of T and thus, option B is the not the right answer.
Thus, there is no direct relation between T and M and thus, option C is not the correct answer.
Hence, none of these is the correct answer.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.
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