Jumbled Paragraphs Questions for SNAP Set-2

Jumbled Paragraphs Questions for SNAP Set-2
Jumbled Paragraphs Questions for SNAP Set-2

Jumbled Paragraphs Questions for SNAP Set-2

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Question 1: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A) This is now orthodoxy to which I subscribe – up to a point.
B) It emerged from the mathematics of chance and statistics.
C) Therefore the risk is measurable and manageable.
D) The fundamental concept: Prices are not predictable, but the mathematical laws of chance can describe their fluctuations.
E) This is how what business schools now call modern finance was born.





Question 2: Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. Although there are large regional variations, it is not infrequent to find a large number of people sitting here and there and doing nothing.
B. Once in office, they receive friends and relatives who feel free to call any time without prior appointment.
C. While working, one is struck by the slow and clumsy actions and reactions, indifferent attitudes, procedure rather than outcome orientation, and the lack of consideration for others.
D. Even those who are employed often come late to the office and leave early unless they are forced to be punctual.
E. Work is not intrinsically valued in India.
F. Quite often people visit ailing friends and relatives or go out of their way to help them in their personal matters even during office hours.
[CAT 2001]





Question 3: Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. The situations in which violence occurs and the nature of that violence tends to be clearly defined at least in theory, as in the proverbial Irishman’s question: “Is this a private fight or can anyone join in?”
B. So the actual risk to outsiders, though no doubt higher than our societies, is calculable.
C. Probably the only uncontrolled applications of force are those of social superiors to social inferiors and even here there are probably some rules.
D. However, binding the obligation to kill, members of feuding families engaged in mutual massacre will be genuinely appalled if by some mischance a bystander or outsider is killed.
[CAT 2001]





Question 4: The sentences given in each question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.A. As officials, their vision of a country shouldn’t run too far beyond that of the local people with whom they have to deal.B. Ambassadors have to choose their words.C. To say what they feel they have to say, they appear to be denying or ignoring part of what they know.D. So, with ambassadors as with other expatriates in black Africa, there appears at a first meeting a kind of ambivalence.E. They do a specialized job and it is necessary for them to live ceremonial lives.






Question 5: Select the correct sequence of the four sentences given below.
A. And that the pursuit of money by whatever design within the law is always benign.
B. And it holds broadly that the greater the amount of money, the greater the intelligence.
C. This is the institutional truth of Wall Street, this you will be required to believe.
D. The institutional truth of the financial world holds that association with money implies intelligence.





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Question 6: Select the correct sequence of the four sentences given below.
A. Then think of by how much our advertising could increase the sales level.
B. Advertising effectiveness can be best grasped intuitively on a per capita basis.
C. Overall effectiveness is easily calculated by considering the number of buyers and the cost of advertising.
D. Think of how much of our brand the average individual is buying now.





Question 7: Select the correct sequence of the four sentences given below.
A. It was a fascinating tempting green, like the hue of the great green grasshopper.
B. Her teeth were very white and her voice had a cruel and at the same time a coaxing sound.
C. While she was uncorking the bottle I noticed how green her eyeballs were.
D. I saw, too, how small her hands were, which showed that she did not use them much.





Question 8: Select the correct sequence of the four sentences given below.
A. In formal speech, syllables are likely to be more deliberately sounded than in informal speech.
B. Yet dictionary editors have no choice but to deal with each word as an individual entity.
C. The pronunciation of words is influenced by the situation.
D. Further, the pronunciation of a word is affected by its position in the sentence and by the meaning it carries.





Question 9: Arrange the four sentences so that all six together make a logical paragraph.
1. A few years ago, hostility towards Japanese-Americans was so strong that I thought they were going to reopen the detention camps here in Kolkata.
A. Today Asians are a success story.
B. I cannot help making a comparison to the anti-Jewish sentiment in Nazi Germany when Jewish people were successful in business.
C. But do people applaud President Clinton for improving foreign trade with Asia?
D. Now, talk about the ‘Arkansas-Asia Connection’ is broadening that hatred to include all Asian- Americans.
6. No, blinded by jealousy, they complain that it is the Asian-Americans who are reaping the wealth.





Question 10: 1.For many scientists, oceans are the cradle of life.
A. But all over the world, chemical products and nuclear waste continue to be dumped into them.
B. Coral reefs, which are known to be the most beautiful places of the submarine world, are fast disappearing.
C. The result is that many species of fish die because of this pollution.
D. Of course man is the root cause behind these problems.
6. Man has long since ruined the places he visits — continents and oceans alike.





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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

Here finding the starting statement is a problem. So we first find link among the given statements. From statement B we can see the word ‘it’ , so it must refer to some statement before. From statement E we can see that ‘it’ refers to modern finance. Out of other statements , correct order is DCA ,as A concludes. Hence , option B.

2) Answer (A)

E is the best opening sentence. It introduces the main idea of the passage. C continues the idea introduced by E. A follows by talking about people who laze around and do nothing. This is followed by D which talks about people who work. This statement is followed by further description in statements B and F. The correct order of sentences is ECADBF.

3) Answer (B)

A is the best opening sentence. It talks about the nature of violence being clearly defined. This is followed by C, which talks about an exception to the theory mentioned in A. C is followed by D and B is the best concluding statement. The correct order of sentences is, therefore, ACDB.

4) Answer (C)

Statement B introduces the subject of the paragraph – “Ambassadors”. Hence, it should be the opening sentence of the paragraph.

The main point of the paragraph is that Ambassadors need to carefully weigh their words so that their vision is acceptable to the locals of the country.

Statement A says that the ambassador’s vision of the country should not run beyond that of the local people and D adds to this thought by saving as a result of this necessity there is an ambivalence in their behaviour. C explains how this ambivalence is exhibited by them. Hence, A-D-C are logically connected.

Statement E which introduces the specialized nature of their job acts a connecting line between B and ADC. Hence, the order is BEADC.

5) Answer (C)

D introduces the paragraph. B elaborates on the idea mentioned in D. So, B follows D. This is then followed by A, which continues the idea of D-B. C is the concluding sentence. The correct order of sentences is DBAC. Option c) is the correct answer.

SNAP Mock Test

6) Answer (C)

B is the best opening sentence – it introduces the topic of the paragraph, advertising. This is followed by C which talks about the overall effectiveness and then by D which talks about individual effectiveness. The last sentence is A. Option c) is the correct answer.

7) Answer (C)

The opening sentence of the paragraph is C – it introduces the person being talked about in the paragraph. This is followed by sentence A. It continues talking about the ‘eyeballs’ mentioned in C. From the options, we see that the only possibility is option c).

8) Answer (D)

C is the opening sentence of the paragraph. It introduces the topic of the paragraph – punctuation. This is followed by sentence A. It continues the idea mentioned in C and talks about how the punctuation is affected in formal speech. This is followed by D which talks about a different situation in which punctuation is affected. The concluding sentence is B. So, the correct order of sentences is CADB.

9) Answer (A)

C has to be the last sentence as 6 answers the question with a “no”. D has to be the first sentence as it talks about Asian Americans as against Japanese Americans. Hence it is a continuation of 1. It also uses the term “now” as a contrast of “a few years ago” used in 1. A follows B as it used the word “today” as a contrast to Nazi Germany. Hence the correct option is A.

10) Answer (A)

Option A starts the issue by highlighting the damage done to oceans. Option C highlights the consequences. Option B further extends the issue by highlighting the damage done to Coral Reefs. Option D concludes the sentence. hence the correct sequence is ACBD.

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