Input Output Questions for MAH – CET | Download PDF

Input-Output Questions for MAH-CET 2022
Input-Output Questions for MAH-CET 2022

Input-Output Questions for MAH-CET 2022 – Download PDF

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Study the given information and answer the following:
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement:
(All the numbers are two digit numbers)
Input: 40 made butter 23 37 cookies salt extra 52 86 92 fell now 19
Step I: butter 19 40 made 23 37 cookies salt extra 52 86 92 fell now
Step II: cookies 23 butter 19 40 made 37 salt extra 52 86 92 fell now
Step III: extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 40 made salt 52 86 92 fell now
Step IV: fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 made salt 52 8692 now
Step V: made 52 fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 salt 86 92 now
Step Vl: now 86 made 52 fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19 salt 92
Step VII: salt 92 now 86 made 52 fell 40 extra 37 cookies 23 butter 19
Step VII is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: 32 proud girl beautiful 48 55 97 rich family 61 72 17 nice life

Question 1: Which of the following is Step III of the given input?

a) Proud 72 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 55 97 nice life

b) life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 97 rich 61 72 nice

c) girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 55 97 rich 61 72 nice life

d) family 32 beautiful 17 proud girl 48 55 97 rich 61 72 nice life

e) girl 48 life 55 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 97 rich 61 72 nice

Question 2: What is the position of ‘nice’ from the left end in the final Step?

a) Fifth

b) Sixth

c) Seventh

d) Eighth

e) Ninth

Question 3: Which element is third to the right to ‘family’ in step V?

a) beautiful

b) 17

c) proud

d) 97

e) 32


Study the following information to answer the given questions.
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. ‘’(All the numbers are two digits numbers and are arranged as per some logic based on the value of the number)’’.
Input : win 56 32 93 bat for 46 him 28 11 give chance.
Step I : 93 56 32 bat for 46 him 28 11 give chance win
Step II : 11 93 56 32 bat for 46 28 give chance win him
Step III: 56 11 93 32 bat for 46 28 chance win him give
Step IV: 28 56 11 93 32 bat 46 chance win him give for
Step V: 46 28 56 11 93 32 bat win him give for chance
Step V: 32 46 28 56 11 93 win him give for chance bat
and Step VI is last step of the arrangement of the above input as the intended arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input,
Input for the questions:
Input : ‘’fun 89 at the 28 16 base camp 35 53 here 68’’ (All the numbers given in the arrangement are two digit numbers.)

Question 4: Which of the following would be the Step II?

a) 89 fun at 28 16 base camp 35 53 here 68 the

b) 35 53 28 68 16 89 the here fun camp base at

c) 16 89 at fun 28 camp base 35 53 68 the here

d) 53 28 68 16 89 35 the here fun camp base at

e) None of these

Question 5: Which word/number would be at 7th position from the left in Step IV?

a) base

b) at

c) 35

d) the

e) 53

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Question 6: Which step number would be the following output?
53 28 68 16 89 at 35 the here fum camp base

a) There will be no such step

b) III

c) II

d) V

e) IV

Question 7: Which step number would be the following output?
53 28 68 16 89 at 35 the here fum camp base

a) There will be no such step

b) III

c) II

d) V

e) IV


Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and various steps of rearrangement. (All the numbers are two digit numbers).
Input:sweet 46 nice 36 friend 26 help 96 bright 76 kind 66 76 96
Step I: sweet 46 nice 36 friend 26 help bright 76 kind 66 76 96
Step II : sweet nice 46 36 friend 26 help bright kind 66 76 96
Step III : sweet nice kind 46 36 friend 26 help bright 66 76 96
Step IV : sweet nice kind help 36 friend 26 bright 46 66 76 96
Step V : sweet nice kind help friend 26 bright 36 46 66 76 96
Step VI : sweet nice kind help friend bright 26 36 46 66 76 96
And Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement as the desired arrangement is obtained.
As per rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the questions the appropriate step for the given input.
Input : arrow 98 paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 rent 88

Question 8: At which of the following positions “great” would appear from the left in the Step V?

a) Fifth

b) Sixth

c) Fourth

d) Second

e) Third

Question 9: Which element (word/number) would be at the sixth position from the left in the Step VI?

a) 18

b) arrow

c) great

d) each

e) 38

Question 10: Which element (word/number) would be at the eleventh position from the right in the Step III?

a) lamb

b) arrow

c) 58

d) 38

e) each

Question 11: Which step number is the following output? rent paint most arrow 58 lamb 38 each great 18 48 78 88 98

a) There is no such step

b) Step II

c) Step V

d) Step VI

e) Step III

Question 12: How many elements (words/ numbers) are there between “most” and “78” as they appear in the Step VI?

a) Eight

b) Seven

c) Nine

d) Five

e) Four

Question 13: Which of the following represents the position of “58” in the Step IV?

a) Eighth from left

b) Third from right

c) Ninth from left

d) Eleventh from left

e) Fifth from right

Question 14: Which word/number would be fifth to the left of the sixth element from the right in the Step V?

a) great

b) arrow

c) lamb

d) 38

e) 48


Study the following information carefully to answer the questions given below. In a toy exhibition, a machine processes a given input by the following rule. Participants are shown one by one till it reaches its last step. Following is an illustration of the working of this machine.
Input : sui me ato fe zen u no
Step I : fe sui me no ato zen u
Step II : no fe sui u me ato zen
Step III: u no fe zen sui me ato
Step IV: zen u no ato fe sui me
Step V : ato zen u me no fe sui

Question 15: What will be the step IV for the following input?
Input: may sen to cry if not hell

a) cry may sen to if not hell

b) if not hell to cry may sen

c) sen to if may not hell cry

d) not hell cry if may sen to

e) None of these

Question 16: Which of the following correctly describes the ‘machine logic’ in generating various steps based on the given input?

a) Each step is generated on random basis.

b) Words/letters are finally arranged in dictionary order,

c) The seventh letter interchanges with the fourth every time.

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

Question 17: If the Step III of an input is ‘lo men chi from yet as know’, which of the following would be its input?

a) Data inadequate

b) from lo men know chi yet as

c) men chi yet lo as know from

d) chi as know men know from lo

e) None of these

Question 18: If the Step V of an input is ‘so cd rom lay is nor it’, which of the following would be its Step II ?

a) is nor it rom lay so cd

b) nor it lay is so cd rom

c) lay so cd it rom is nor

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

Question 19: Which of the following steps would read as ‘not you only say wise yet are’ for the input ‘say not you are only wise yet’?

a) III

b) V

c) VI

d) VII

e) None of these


Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions :

A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and number rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input : 51 pour 32 start now 23 46 house
Step I : 23 51 pour 32 start now 46 house
Step II : 23 start 51 pour 32 now 46 house
Step III : 23 start 32 51 pour now 46 house
Step IV : 23 start 32 pour 51 now 46 house
Step V : 23 start 32 pour 46 51 now house
Step VI: 23 start 32 pour 46 now 51 house

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Question 20: Input : milk pot 18 24 over goal 36 53 Which of the following steps will be the last but one?

a) VI

b) V

c) VII


e) None of these

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

The pattern here followed is that in the first step, the word with the smallest first letter according to the English alphabetical series is placed in the first position and the smallest number is placed in the second position and so on with the remaining steps.

INPUT : 32 proud girl beautiful 48 55 97 rich family 61 72 17 nice life

Step I : beautiful 17 32 proud girl 48 55 97 rich family 61 72 nice life

Step II : family 32 beautiful 17 proud girl 48 55 97 rich 61 72 nice life

Step III : girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 55 97 rich 61 72 nice life

Step IV : life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 97 rich 61 72 nice

Step V : nice 61 life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 97 rich 72

Step VI : proud 72 nice 61 life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 97 rich

Step VII : rich 97 proud 72 nice 61 life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17

Step VII is the final step.

=> Clearly, option (C) matches the step III

2) Answer (A)

The pattern here followed is that in the first step, the word with the smallest first letter according to the English alphabetical series is placed in the first position and the smallest number is placed in the second position and so on with the remaining steps.

INPUT : 32 proud girl beautiful 48 55 97 rich family 61 72 17 nice life

Step I : beautiful 17 32 proud girl 48 55 97 rich family 61 72 nice life

Step II : family 32 beautiful 17 proud girl 48 55 97 rich 61 72 nice life

Step III : girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 55 97 rich 61 72 nice life

Step IV : life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 97 rich 61 72 nice

Step V : nice 61 life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 97 rich 72

Step VI : proud 72 nice 61 life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 97 rich

Step VII : rich 97 proud 72 nice 61 life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17

Step VII is the final step.

=> Position of nice from left end in final step = 5th

3) Answer (B)

The pattern here followed is that in the first step, the word with the smallest first letter according to the English alphabetical series is placed in the first position and the smallest number is placed in the second position and so on with the remaining steps.

INPUT : 32 proud girl beautiful 48 55 97 rich family 61 72 17 nice life

Step I : beautiful 17 32 proud girl 48 55 97 rich family 61 72 nice life

Step II : family 32 beautiful 17 proud girl 48 55 97 rich 61 72 nice life

Step III : girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 55 97 rich 61 72 nice life

Step IV : life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 97 rich 61 72 nice

Step V : nice 61 life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 proud 97 rich 72

Step VI : proud 72 nice 61 life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17 97 rich

Step VII : rich 97 proud 72 nice 61 life 55 girl 48 family 32 beautiful 17

Step VII is the final step.

=> In step V, element third to the right of family = 17

4) Answer (E)

The pattern here followed is that in the first step, the largest number is placed at first position and the word with greatest first letter according to the English alphabetical series is placed at last position.

In second step, the smallest number is placed at first position while in the last position word with greatest first letter according to the English alphabetical series is placed.

INPUT : fun 89 at the 28 16 base camp 35 53 here 68

Step I : 89 fun at 28 16 base camp 35 53 here 68 the

Step II : 16 89 fun at 28 base camp 35 53 68 the here

Step III : 68 16 89 at 28 base camp 35 53 the here fun

Step IV : 28 68 16 89 at base 35 53 the here fun camp

Step V : 53 28 68 16 89 at 35 the here fun camp base

Step VI : 35 53 28 68 16 89 the here fun camp base at

=> None of the given options matches Step II

=> Ans – (E)

5) Answer (C)

The pattern here followed is that in the first step, the largest number is placed at first position and the word with greatest first letter according to the English alphabetical series is placed at last position.

In second step, the smallest number is placed at first position while in the last position word with greatest first letter according to the English alphabetical series is placed.

INPUT : fun 89 at the 28 16 base camp 35 53 here 68

Step I : 89 fun at 28 16 base camp 35 53 here 68 the

Step II : 16 89 fun at 28 base camp 35 53 68 the here

Step III : 68 16 89 at 28 base camp 35 53 the here fun

Step IV : 28 68 16 89 at base 35 53 the here fun camp

Step V : 53 28 68 16 89 at 35 the here fun camp base

Step VI : 35 53 28 68 16 89 the here fun camp base at

=> In step IV, 7th position from left = 35

6) Answer (D)

The pattern here followed is that in the first step, the largest number is placed at first position and the word with greatest first letter according to the English alphabetical series is placed at last position.

In second step, the smallest number is placed at first position while in the last position word with greatest first letter according to the English alphabetical series is placed.

INPUT : fun 89 at the 28 16 base camp 35 53 here 68

Step I : 89 fun at 28 16 base camp 35 53 here 68 the

Step II : 16 89 fun at 28 base camp 35 53 68 the here

Step III : 68 16 89 at 28 base camp 35 53 the here fun

Step IV : 28 68 16 89 at base 35 53 the here fun camp

Step V : 53 28 68 16 89 at 35 the here fun camp base

Step VI : 35 53 28 68 16 89 the here fun camp base at

Clearly, 53 28 68 16 89 at 35 the here fun camp base = Step V

Ans – (D)

7) Answer (D)

The pattern here followed is that in the first step, the largest number is placed at first position and the word with greatest first letter according to the English alphabetical series is placed at last position.

In second step, the smallest number is placed at first position while in the last position word with greatest first letter according to the English alphabetical series is placed.

INPUT : fun 89 at the 28 16 base camp 35 53 here 68

Step I : 89 fun at 28 16 base camp 35 53 here 68 the

Step II : 16 89 fun at 28 base camp 35 53 68 the here

Step III : 68 16 89 at 28 base camp 35 53 the here fun

Step IV : 28 68 16 89 at base 35 53 the here fun camp

Step V : 53 28 68 16 89 at 35 the here fun camp base

Step VI : 35 53 28 68 16 89 the here fun camp base at

Clearly, 53 28 68 16 89 at 35 the here fun camp base = Step V

Ans – (D)

8) Answer (A)

In step I, the word with the largest first letter alphabetically is placed at the first position and the highest number is placed at last position. Then in second step, the word with second largest first letter is placed at the second position and the second highest number is placed at second last position.

Similar pattern is followed in next steps, and finally the words are arranged in descending order of their first letters alphabetically and the numbers are arranged in ascending order.

Input : arrow 98 paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 rent 88

Step I : rent arrow paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step II : rent paint arrow 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step III : rent paint most arrow 58 lamb 38 each great 18 48 78 88 98

Step IV : rent paint most lamb arrow 38 each great 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step V : rent paint most lamb great arrow 38 each 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI : rent paint most lamb great each arrow 18 38 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement.

Position of ‘great’ from left end in Step V = 5th

=> Ans – (A)

9) Answer (D)

In step I, the word with the largest first letter alphabetically is placed at the first position and the highest number is placed at last position. Then in second step, the word with second largest first letter is placed at the second position and the second highest number is placed at second last position.

Similar pattern is followed in next steps, and finally the words are arranged in descending order of their first letters alphabetically and the numbers are arranged in ascending order.

Input : arrow 98 paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 rent 88

Step I : rent arrow paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step II : rent paint arrow 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step III : rent paint most arrow 58 lamb 38 each great 18 48 78 88 98

Step IV : rent paint most lamb arrow 38 each great 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step V : rent paint most lamb great arrow 38 each 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI : rent paint most lamb great each arrow 18 38 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement.

Element at 6th position from left in Step VI = each

=> Ans – (D)

10) Answer (B)

In step I, the word with the largest first letter alphabetically is placed at the first position and the highest number is placed at last position. Then in second step, the word with second largest first letter is placed at the second position and the second highest number is placed at second last position.

Similar pattern is followed in next steps, and finally the words are arranged in descending order of their first letters alphabetically and the numbers are arranged in ascending order.

Input : arrow 98 paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 rent 88

Step I : rent arrow paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step II : rent paint arrow 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step III : rent paint most arrow 58 lamb 38 each great 18 48 78 88 98

Step IV : rent paint most lamb arrow 38 each great 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step V : rent paint most lamb great arrow 38 each 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI : rent paint most lamb great each arrow 18 38 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement.

Element at 11th position from right in step III = arrow

=> Ans – (B)

11) Answer (E)

In step I, the word with the largest first letter alphabetically is placed at the first position and the highest number is placed at last position. Then in second step, the word with second largest first letter is placed at the second position and the second highest number is placed at second last position.

Similar pattern is followed in next steps, and finally the words are arranged in descending order of their first letters alphabetically and the numbers are arranged in ascending order.

Input : arrow 98 paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 rent 88

Step I : rent arrow paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step II : rent paint arrow 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step III : rent paint most arrow 58 lamb 38 each great 18 48 78 88 98

Step IV : rent paint most lamb arrow 38 each great 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step V : rent paint most lamb great arrow 38 each 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI : rent paint most lamb great each arrow 18 38 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement.

=> Ans – (E)

12) Answer (A)

In step I, the word with the largest first letter alphabetically is placed at the first position and the highest number is placed at last position. Then in second step, the word with second largest first letter is placed at the second position and the second highest number is placed at second last position.

Similar pattern is followed in next steps, and finally the words are arranged in descending order of their first letters alphabetically and the numbers are arranged in ascending order.

Input : arrow 98 paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 rent 88

Step I : rent arrow paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step II : rent paint arrow 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step III : rent paint most arrow 58 lamb 38 each great 18 48 78 88 98

Step IV : rent paint most lamb arrow 38 each great 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step V : rent paint most lamb great arrow 38 each 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI : rent paint most lamb great each arrow 18 38 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement.

Number of elements between ‘most’ and ’78’ in step VI = 8

=> Ans – (A)

13) Answer (D)

In step I, the word with the largest first letter alphabetically is placed at the first position and the highest number is placed at last position. Then in second step, the word with second largest first letter is placed at the second position and the second highest number is placed at second last position.

Similar pattern is followed in next steps, and finally the words are arranged in descending order of their first letters alphabetically and the numbers are arranged in ascending order.

Input : arrow 98 paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 rent 88

Step I : rent arrow paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step II : rent paint arrow 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step III : rent paint most arrow 58 lamb 38 each great 18 48 78 88 98

Step IV : rent paint most lamb arrow 38 each great 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step V : rent paint most lamb great arrow 38 each 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI : rent paint most lamb great each arrow 18 38 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement.

Position of ’58’ in step IV = 11th from left

=> Ans – (D)

14) Answer (C)

In step I, the word with the largest first letter alphabetically is placed at the first position and the highest number is placed at last position. Then in second step, the word with second largest first letter is placed at the second position and the second highest number is placed at second last position.

Similar pattern is followed in next steps, and finally the words are arranged in descending order of their first letters alphabetically and the numbers are arranged in ascending order.

Input : arrow 98 paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 rent 88

Step I : rent arrow paint 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step II : rent paint arrow 58 lamb 38 each 78 great 18 most 48 88 98

Step III : rent paint most arrow 58 lamb 38 each great 18 48 78 88 98

Step IV : rent paint most lamb arrow 38 each great 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step V : rent paint most lamb great arrow 38 each 18 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI : rent paint most lamb great each arrow 18 38 48 58 78 88 98

Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement.

6th element from right in step V = ’18’

5th element to the left of ’18’ = lamb

=> Ans – (C)

15) Answer (B)

In each step the fourth word becomes first word and the last word becomes fourth word and all other words shift one place rightwards except the third, which shifts two place rightwards.

In order to make things easier, let us represent the words digitally from 1 to 7. Then we have:

Input:    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Step I:    4 1 2 7 3 5 6
Step II:   7 4 1 6 2 3 5
Step III:  6 7 4 5 1 2 3
Step IV:  5 6 7 3 4 1 2
Step V:   3 5 6 2 7 4 1
Step VI:  2 3 5 1 6 7 4

Input : may sen to cry if not hell = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Step IV = 5 6 7 3 4 1 2 : if not hell to cry may sen

=> Ans – (B)

16) Answer (C)

In each step the fourth word becomes first word and the last word becomes fourth word and all other words shift one place rightwards except the third, which shifts two place rightwards.

In order to make things easier, let us represent the words digitally from 1 to 7. Then we have:

Input:    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Step I:    4 1 2 7 3 5 6
Step II:   7 4 1 6 2 3 5
Step III:  6 7 4 5 1 2 3
Step IV:  5 6 7 3 4 1 2
Step V:   3 5 6 2 7 4 1
Step VI:  2 3 5 1 6 7 4

=> Ans – (C)

17) Answer (E)

In each step the fourth word becomes first word and the last word becomes fourth word and all other words shift one place rightwards except the third, which shifts two place rightwards.

In order to make things easier, let us represent the words digitally from 1 to 7. Then we have:

Input:    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Step I:    4 1 2 7 3 5 6
Step II:   7 4 1 6 2 3 5
Step III:  6 7 4 5 1 2 3
Step IV:  5 6 7 3 4 1 2
Step V:   3 5 6 2 7 4 1
Step VI:  2 3 5 1 6 7 4

If Step III : ‘lo men chi from yet as know’ = 6 7 4 5 1 2 3

Then, input = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 : yet as know chi from lo men

=> Ans – (E)

18) Answer (A)

In each step the fourth word becomes first word and the last word becomes fourth word and all other words shift one place rightwards except the third, which shifts two place rightwards.

In order to make things easier, let us represent the words digitally from 1 to 7. Then we have:

Input:    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Step I:    4 1 2 7 3 5 6
Step II:   7 4 1 6 2 3 5
Step III:  6 7 4 5 1 2 3
Step IV:  5 6 7 3 4 1 2
Step V:   3 5 6 2 7 4 1
Step VI:  2 3 5 1 6 7 4

Now, Step V : ‘so cd rom lay is nor it’ = 3 5 6 2 7 4 1

Then, Step II = 7 4 1 6 2 3 5 : is nor it rom lay so cd

=> Ans – (A)

19) Answer (C)

In each step the fourth word becomes first word and the last word becomes fourth word and all other words shift one place rightwards except the third, which shifts two place rightwards.

In order to make things easier, let us represent the words digitally from 1 to 7. Then we have:

Input:    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Step I:    4 1 2 7 3 5 6
Step II:   7 4 1 6 2 3 5
Step III:  6 7 4 5 1 2 3
Step IV:  5 6 7 3 4 1 2
Step V:   3 5 6 2 7 4 1
Step VI:  2 3 5 1 6 7 4

Now, input : ‘say not you are only wise yet’ = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Then : ‘not you only say wise yet are’ = 2 3 5 1 6 7 4 = Step VI

=> Ans – (C)

20) Answer (B)

The numbers are arranged in increasing order and based on the first letter, the words are arranged in decreasing order alphabetically alternatively.

Input : milk pot 18 24 over goal 36 53

Step I : 18 milk pot 24 over goal 36 53

Step II : 18 pot milk 24 over goal 36 53

Step III : 18 pot 24 milk over goal 36 53

Step IV : 18 pot 24 over milk goal 36 53

Step V : 18 pot 24 over 36 milk goal 53

Step VI : 18 pot 24 over 36 milk 53 goal

$\therefore$ 5th step is the second last step.

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