Innovation and Entrepreneurship Questions for CMAT PDF


Innovation and Entrepreneurship Questions for CMAT PDF

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Question 1: Which of the following is not an aggressiveness strategy?

a) All the given options are aggressiveness strategies

b) Building

c) Harvesting

d) Holding

e) Intensification

Question 2: What does Innovation in Marketing refer to?

a) Creating a new idea of thought

b) Discovering new products

c) Modifying an old idea to present needs

d) Exploring new ways of being competitive

e) All of the above

Question 3: India along with which country launched Innovation Bridge to link start-up companies?

a) Israel

b) South Africa

c) Brazil

d) UK

e) Germany

Question 4: Atal Innovation Mission – flagship Programme of think tank NITI Aayog, has recently signed a statement of intent with which of the following organization to promote culture of innovation and entrepreneurship across 100 Atal Tinkering Labs in the country?

a) Infosys

b) TCS

c) Tech Mahindra

d) SAP

e) Wipro

Question 5: NASSCOM foundation along with which of the following has launched the ‘Innovate for accessible India’ campaign to empower persons with disabilities?

a) Microsoft India

b) Google India

c) IBM India

d) Tata Consultancy Services

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Question 6: World Innovation and Creativity Day is observed on which date .

a) March 21

b) April 21

c) March 29

d) May 29

e) April 30

Question 7: Indian National Startup Day 2022 was celebrated on?

a) February 2nd

b) January 14th

c) January 16th

d) January 28th

Question 8: Indian Innovation hub formed a partnership with which one of the following institutes to promote Indian startups in expo Dubai

a) Dubai Chair Council

b) Emirates Council

c) Dubai Silicon Oasis

d) Dubai Willin Choir

Question 9: As defined by the Mc Kinsey group which of the following is not a key characteristic of Innovation?

a) Envision

b) Aspire

c) Discover

d) Evolve

Question 10: What does the law of supply in economics mean ?

a) All factors being equal the price of a product is completely independent of the supplies of a product.

b) All factors being equal the quantity of products in a market increases the price of the product gets decreased.

c) All factors being equal the price of a product increases the number of products in the market decreases.

d) All factors being equal as the price of a product increases the number of products in the market increases.

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

Aggressiveness strategies are rated according to their marketing assertiveness, their risk propensity, financial leverage, product innovation, speed of decision making, amongst others. Typically, the range of aggressiveness strategies is classified into four categories: prospector, defender, analyser and reactor.

2) Answer (A)

Innovation is about finding a better way of doing something. Innovation can be viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, in-articulated needs, or existing market needs. This is accomplished through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets.

3) Answer (A)

4) Answer (D)

5) Answer (A)

Microsoft India Pvt Ltd. and NASSCOM foundation jointly launched ‘Innovate for Accessible India’ campaign aimed at empowering persons with disabilities with new technologies for better integration into society.

6) Answer (B)

World Innovation and Creativity Day is observed on April 21 .

7) Answer (C)

National Startup Day 2022 in India was celebrated on Jan 16th

8) Answer (C)

Indian innovation hub in partnership with Dubai Silicon Oasis announced a partnership to facilitate 200 Indian startup ideas in the Dubai Expo.

9) Answer (A)

Aspire, Discover, Evolve are part of the eight key characteristics in Innovation as defined by Mc Kinsey group

10) Answer (A)

The law of supply states that all factors being equal as the price of a good or service increases results in an increase in the quantity supplied.

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