Important Questions on Coded Equations For SSC CHSL

Important Questions On Coded Equations For SSC CHSL
Important Questions On Coded Equations For SSC CHSL

Questions on Coded Equations For SSC CHSL

Download the most important questions on Coded Equations for SSC CHSL exam 2020. Most important SSC CHSL coded equations questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers for SSC CHSL Exam 2020. These questions are really helpful to crack the SSC exams and all competitive exams.

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Question 1: If “+” means “minus”, “x” means “divided by”, “÷” means “plus” and “-” means “multiplied by”, then
108 × 12 + 3 – 6 ÷ 4 = ?

a) -10

b) -1

c) -7

d) -5

Question 2: If “+” means “minus”, “x” means “divided by”, “÷” means “plus” and “-” means “multiplied by”, then
38 x 2 – 6 + 19 ÷ 35 = ?

a) 130

b) 140

c) 135

d) 145

Question 3: If “+” means “minus”, “x” means “divided by”, “÷” means “plus” and “-” means “multiplied by”, then
126 x 14 + 7 – 3 ÷ 2 = ?

a) -10

b) -12

c) -17

d) -41

Question 4: If “+” means “minus”, “x” means “divided by”, “÷” means “plus” and “­” means “multiplied by”, then
96 x 12 – 4 + 13 ÷ 21 = ?

a) 42

b) 40

c) 37

d) 333

Question 5: If “A” means “plus”, “B” means “divide”, “C” means “multiply” and “D” means “minus”, then
180 B 36 C 5 A 8 D 32 = ?

a) 0

b) 3

c) 1

d) 2

Question 6: If “+” means “minus”, “x” means “divided by”, “÷” means “plus” and “-” means “multiplied by”, then
76 x 4 + 4 – 12 ÷ 37 = ?

a) 9

b) 7

c) 8

d) 3

Question 7: If “x” stands for addition, “<” stands for subtraction, “+” stands for division, “>” stands for multiplication, “-” stands for equals to, “÷” stands for greater than and “=” stands for less than, which of the following holds true?

a) 18 + 9 = 128 > 2

b) 16 + 9 × 8 < 2 – 14

c) 8 × 12 + 3 – 14 × 2

d) 182 + 6 > 4 ÷ 1218

Question 8: If “-” means “plus”, “x” means “divided by”, “÷” means “multiply” and “+” means “subtraction”, then 25 + 54 x 6 – 20 ÷ 10 = ?

a) 218

b) 219

c) 216

d) 230

Question 9: If “+” means “subtraction”, “x” means “division”, “÷” means “addition” and “-” means “multiplication”, then
154 x 11 + 78 – 5 ÷ 45 = ?

a) -331

b) -460

c) -475

d) -743

Question 10: If “A” means “plus”, “B” means “divide”, “C” means “multiply” and “D” means “minus”, then
162 B 27 C 5 A 8 D 35 = ?

a) 0

b) 3

c) 1

d) 2

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Question 11: If “+” means “minus”, “x” means “divided by”, “÷” means “plus” and “-­” means “multiplied by”, then 240 x 12 – 6 + 29 ÷ 42 = ?

a) 133

b) 147

c) 154

d) 176

Question 12: If “-” stands for division, “+” stands for multiplication, “÷” stands for subtraction and “×” stands for addition, which of the following equations is correct?

a) $8 + 6 – 3 \div 4 \times 6 = 16$

b) $16 – 4 + 4 \div 2 \times 6 = 20$

c) $12 + 3 – 3 \div 5 \times 2 = 4$

d) $14 – 2 + 6 \div 5 \times 2 = 32$

Question 13: If “A” means “subtraction”, “B” means “division”, “C” means “addition” and “D” means “multiplication”, then
305 B 5 A 28 C 43 D 12 = ?

a) 569

b) 549

c) 560

d) 530

Question 14: If “#” means “subtraction”, “&” means “division”, “@” means “addition” and “%” means “multiplication”, then
8442 & 9 # 7 % 6 @ 4 = ?

a) 912

b) 900

c) 938

d) 918

Question 15: If “A” means “minus”, “B” means “divided by”, “C” means “plus” and “D” means “multiplied by”, then
54 B 6 A 4 C 2 D 5 = ?

a) 15

b) 21

c) 16

d) 18

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Question 16: If “A” means “subtraction”, “B” means “division”, “C” means “addition” and “D” means “multiplication”, then
294 B 7 A 40 C 33 D 11 = ?

a) 369

b) 365

c) 368

d) 363

Question 17: If “A” means “subtraction”, “B” means “division”, “C” means “addition” and “D” means “multiplication”, then
294 B 6 A 30 C 31 D 4 = ?

a) 16

b) 156

c) 143

d) 163

Question 18: If “K” means “minus”, “L” means “divided by”, “M” means “plus” and “D” means “multiplied by”, then
117 L 3 K 5 M 12 D 8 = ?

a) 150

b) 125

c) 130

d) 145

Question 19: If “#” means “subtraction”, “&” means “division”, “@” means “addition” and “%” means “multiplication”, then 217 & 7 # 3 @ 2 % 7 = ?

a) 21

b) 19

c) 22

d) 42

Question 20: If “#” means “subtraction”, “&” means “division”, “@” means “addition” and “%” means “multiplication”, then
132 & 3 # 10 @ 20 % 2 = ?

a) 91

b) 74

c) 69

d) 76

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

Expression : 108 × 12 + 3 – 6 ÷ 4 = ?


= $(9)+(-18)+4$

= $13-18=-5$

=> Ans – (D)

2) Answer (A)

Expression : 38 x 2 – 6 + 19 ÷ 35 = ?


= $(38\times3)+16$

= $114+16=130$

=> Ans – (A)

3) Answer (A)

Expression = 126 x 14 + 7 – 3 ÷ 2 = ?


= $9-21+2$

= $11-21=-10$

=> Ans – (A)

4) Answer (B)

Expression : 96 x 12 – 4 + 13 ÷ 21 = ?


= $(8\times4)+8$

= $32+8=40$

=> Ans – (B)

5) Answer (C)

Expression : 180 B 36 C 5 A 8 D 32 = ?


= $(5\times5)-24$

= $25-24=1$

=> Ans – (C)

6) Answer (C)

Expression : 76 x 4 + 4 – 12 ÷ 37 = ?


= $(19)+(-48)+37$

= $56-48=8$

=> Ans – (C)

7) Answer (A)

(A) : 18 + 9 = 128 > 2


L.H.S. $=9<126=$ R.H.S. which is true.

=> Ans – (A)

8) Answer (C)

Expression : 25 + 54 x 6 – 20 ÷ 10 = ?


= $25-\frac{54}{6}+200$

= $225-9=216$

=> Ans – (C)

9) Answer (A)

Expression : 154 x 11 + 78 – 5 ÷ 45 = ?


= $(\frac{154}{11})+(-390)+45$

= $14+45-390=-331$

=> Ans – (A)

10) Answer (B)

Expression : 162 B 27 C 5 A 8 D 35 = ?


= $(6\times5)-27$

= $30-27=3$

=> Ans – (B)

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11) Answer (A)

Expression = 240 x 12 – 6 + 29 ÷ 42 = ?


= $(20\times6)+13$

= $120+13=133$

=> Ans – (A)

12) Answer (B)

If “-” stands for division, “+” stands for multiplication, “÷” stands for subtraction and “×” stands for addition,

(A) : $8 + 6 – 3 \div 4 \times 6 = 16$


L.H.S. $=\frac{48}{3}+2=16+2=18\neq$ R.H.S.

(B) : $16 – 4 + 4 \div 2 \times 6 = 20$


L.H.S. $=(4\times4)+4=16+4=20=$ R.H.S.

=> Ans – (B)

13) Answer (B)

Expression : 305 B 5 A 28 C 43 D 12 = ?


= $(\frac{305}{5})+(-28)+(43\times12)$

= $61-28+516=549$

=> Ans – (B)

14) Answer (B)

Expression : 8442 & 9 # 7 % 6 @ 4 = ?


= $(\frac{8442}{9})-(7\times6)+4$

= $938-42+4=900$

=> Ans – (B)

15) Answer (A)

Expression : 54 B 6 A 4 C 2 D 5 = ?


= $(\frac{54}{6})+(-4)+(2\times5)$

= $9-4+10=15$

=> Ans – (A)

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16) Answer (B)

Expression : 294 B 7 A 40 C 33 D 11 = ?


= $(\frac{294}{7})+(-40)+(33\times11)$

= $42-40+363=365$

=> Ans – (B)

17) Answer (C)

Expression : 294 B 6 A 30 C 31 D 4 = ?


= $(\frac{294}{6})+(-30)+(31\times4)$

= $49-30+124=143$

=> Ans – (C)

18) Answer (C)

Expression : 117 L 3 K 5 M 12 D 8 = ?


= $(\frac{117}{3})+(-5)+(12\times8)$

= $39-5+96=130$

=> Ans – (C)

19) Answer (D)

Expression : 217 & 7 # 3 @ 2 % 7 = ?


= $(\frac{217}{7})+(-3)+(2\times7)$

= $31-3+14=42$

=> Ans – (D)

20) Answer (B)

Expression : 132 & 3 # 10 @ 20 % 2 = ?


= $(\frac{132}{3})+(-10)+(20\times2)$

= $44-10+40=74$

=> Ans – (B)

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