IIFT Bar Graph Questions PDF

IIFT Bar Graph Questions PDF
IIFT Bar Graph Questions PDF

IIFT Bar Graph Questions PDF

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Answer the questions based on the following graph.

Question 1: In which year the annual growth rate of total production (of all products) is highest?

a) 1991

b) 1992

c) 1993

d) 1995

Question 2: If the stability of the production during 1990 to 1995 is defined as,

a) Product P

b) Product Q

c) Product R

d) Product S

Question 3: If four products P, Q, R and S shown in the graph are sold at price of Rs. 9, Rs. 4, Rs.13 and Rs.3 respectively during 1990-1995, then the total revenue of all the products is lowest in which year?

a) 1991

b) 1992

c) 1993

d) None of the above

Question 4: Individual revenue of P, Q, R and S for the entire period (1990-1995) is calculated based on the price of Rs.9, Rs.4, Rs.13 and Rs.3 respectively. Which product fetches the lowest revenue?

a) Product P

b) Product Q

c) Product R

d) Product S

Question 5: Four products P, Q, R and S shown in the graph are sold at price of Rs.9, Rs.4, Rs.13 and Rs.3 respectively during 1990-1995. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a) Product R fetches second highest revenue across products in 1991.

b) Sum of revenue of P, Q and S is more than the revenue of R in 1994.

c) Cumulative revenue of P and Q is more than the revenue of S in 1993.

d) None of the above

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Read the following information and graph and answer the questions that follow.

An international Organisation produces a Competitive Index of countries every two years based on eight factors (Institutions, Infrastructure, Macroeconomic Environment, Higher Education, Market Efficiency, Technological Readiness, Business Sophistication and Innovation). The last three indices were developed in 2010, 2012 and 2014. The scores for all eight factors of XYZ country are shown in the graph below:


Question 6: If Factor performance is measured as 0.30 × Factor Score in 2014 + 0.35 × Factor Score in 2012 + 0.35 × Factor Score in 2010, then which of the following has best Factor Performance?

a) Innovation

b) Business Sophistication

c) Infrastructure

d) Macroeconomic Environment

Question 7: If Factor Performance is measured as
$\frac{ \text {Factor Score 2014 – Factor Score 2012 }}{ \text{Factor Score 2010}}$
then which of the following has best Factor Performance?

a) Innovation

b) Business Sophistication

c) Infrastructure

d) Macroeconomic Environment

Question 8: Which of the following factors has the highest average score across indices of 2010, 2012 and 2014?

a) Infrastructure

b) Institutions

c) Technological Readiness

d) Market Efficiency

Question 9: Which among the following factors had the least growth rate in 2014 versus scores of 2010?

a) Business Sophistication

b) Institutions

c) Technological Readiness

d) Infrastructure


Answer the questions based on the following graphs




Question 10: The ratio between absolute increase in domestic sales over preceding year and absolute increase in production over the preceding year is highest during which year?

a) 2005

b) 2006

c) 2007

d) 2008

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

2) Answer (D)

3) Answer (C)

4) Answer (B)

5) Answer (C)

Let’s look at the options one by one ,

Option A: Revenue by products P = 25*9 = 225 , Q = 40*4 = 160 , R = 91*13 = 1183, S = 159*3 = 477

Revenue of R is the highest. Hence A is not the correct answer.

Option B:  Revenue by products P = 75*9 = 675, Q = 40*4 = 160 , R = 131*13 = 1703, S = 88*3 = 264

Sum of revenues of P, Q, S =1094

The combined revenue of P, Q, S is less than the revenue from R in 1994.

Hence B is not the correct answer.

Option C:  Revenue by products P = 35*9 = 315, Q = 60*4 = 240, R = 62*13 = 806, S = 140*3 = 420

The cumulative revenue of P and Q = 555

The cumulative revenue of P and Q is more than the revenue of S in 1993.

Hence C is the correct answer.

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6) Answer (D)

Factor performance is measured as 0.30 × Factor Score in 2014 + 0.35 × Factor Score in 2012 + 0.35 × Factor Score in 2010

Let’s calculate Factor performance for each of the given options.

Factor performance For Innovation = 0.3*4.5+0.35*4+0.35*4.75 = 4.4125
Factor performance for Business Sophistication =0.3*5.25+0.35*4.75+0.35*4.5=4.8125
Factor performance for Infrastructure = 0.3*5.25+0.35*4+0.35*4 = 4.375
Factor performance for Macroeconomic Environment =0.3*5.5+0.35*4.5+0.35*4.75 = 4.8875
Factor performance for Macroeconomic Environment is the highest.
Hence option D is the correct answer.

7) Answer (C)

Factor performance in Innovation = $\dfrac{4.5 – 4}{4.75}\times 100$ = 10.53

Factor performance in Business Sophistication = $\dfrac{5.25 – 4.75}{4.5}\times 100$ = 11.11

Factor performance in Infrastructure = $\dfrac{5.25 – 4}{4}\times 100$ = 31.25

Factor performance in Macroeconomic Environment = $\dfrac{5.5 – 4.5}{4.75}\times 100$ = 21.05

We can see that option C is the correct answer.

8) Answer (B)

For Infrastructure
Average of the indices = 4+4+5.25/3=13.25/3
For Institutions
Average of the indices =4.25+4.75+4.5/3=13.5/3
For Technological readiness
Average of the indices =3.5+3.75+5.5/3=12.75/3
For Market Efficiency
Average of the indices =4.25+4.5+4.25/3=13/3
The average of the index is highest for Institutions.
Hence B is the correct answer.

9) Answer (B)

The growth rate in 2014 versus scores of 2010 for Business Sophistication =5.25/4.5 = 1.167

Growth rate in 2014 versus scores of 2010 for Institutions = 4.5/4.25 = 1.058
Growth rate in 2014 versus scores of 2010 for Technological Readiness = 5.5/3.5 = 1.571
Growth rate in 2014 versus scores of 2010 for Infrastructure = 5.25/4 = 1.3125
Among the above values, growth rate for institutions was least.

Hence B is the correct answer.


10) Answer (B)

Total automobile production in the year 2004 = 800+500+475 = 1775

Total automobile production in the year 2005 = 700+550+450 = 1700

Total automobile production in the year 2006 = 1025+675+475 = 2175

Total automobile production in the year 2007 = 1200+650+475 = 2325

Total automobile production in the year 2008 = 1250+600+350 = 2200

Total domestic sales of automobiles in the year 2004 = (700+450+300) = 1450

Total domestic sales of automobiles in the year  2005 = (675+500+350) = 1525

Total domestic sales of automobiles in the year  2006 = (900+625+400) = 1925

Total domestic sales of automobiles in the year  2007 = (1050+600+375) = 2025

Total domestic sales of automobiles in the year  2008 = (975+550+350) = 1875

In the year 2005 and 2008 the production and sales respectively are not increasing absolutely. Hence, we will check only for the year 2006 and 2007.

The ratio between absolute increase in domestic sales in the year 2006 over the year 2005 and absolute increase in production in the year 2006 over the year 2005 = $\dfrac{1925-1525}{2175-1700}$ = 0.84

Similarly, the required ratio for year 2007 = $\dfrac{2025-1925}{2325-2175}$ = 0.66

Hence, we can say that the ratio is the highest for the year 2006. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.

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