How To Solve Reasoning Puzzles Quickly | Puzzle Solving Tricks

how to solve the puzzles easily
how to solve the puzzles easily

How To Solve Reasoning Puzzles Quickly | Puzzle Solving Tricks

Easy way to solve the Puzzles:

Puzzles place an important role in Reasoning Section, that you cannot escape from this concept. It is the topic that manages the Reasoning Section of all kinds of banking exams. And many other miscellaneous topics too are being asked in the form of puzzles know a days. The total number of questions being asked on puzzles ranges from 60 to 65% in the reasoning section.

Generally most puzzles are based on floors, tabular form,blood relation and seating arrangement etc. In the exam they can be asked in 5 to 10 variables, depend on the difficulty level questions. Also remember the mix of seating arrangement and blood relations is also being frequently asked in the bank exams

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Solving the puzzles id not easy, it needs a lot of hard work and practice. Generally, easy puzzle consumes 2-3 minutes, the moderate level puzzles solved with 4 to 6 minutes and finely difficult puzzles should be finished within 10 minutes, to solve the puzzle quickly really need a lot of practice.

Tips To Solve Puzzle Easily:

  1. Gather all the direct statements in the puzzle.
  2. Find the negative statements given in the puzzle.
  3. Write the key points in the paper and don’t have look at the confusing paragraph again and again
  4.  Don’t wast your time after noting down the important points if the seating arrangement is circle/row/multiple rows etc.. draw the required diagram immediately
  5. Remember the important points while solving the puzzle
  6. There are different possibilities while solving the puzzle, draw different possibilities based on them
  7. While solving the puzzles keep cancelling out the possibilities that do not follow
  8. At finally you will be left only one to three possibilities that will be following all the statements given in the puzzle and that final possibility is required for solution
  9. While solving the puzzle concentrate on the words like ‘not’, ‘only’, ‘who’, ‘and’, him’, ‘he,‘her’, ‘she’, which are very helpful to solve the information.
  10. If the statement is not understandable, don’t stuck at the place and leave it and move forward with other important points.

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