Data interpretation and logical reasoning has been the make or break section in the past 3 CATs. With the sharp increase in the level of the sets, solving just 4 sets is sufficient to propel your score past the 99th percentile mark. Let us have a look at how to prepare for data interpretation for CAT in detail in this article.
CAT online coaching can prove to be of great help in preparing for the exam in a short time. Going through CAT 2018 papers will help to understand the pattern of the LR sets that have been appearing in the recent years. Also, taking CAT online mock tests at regular intervals will ensure that you end up practising tough DILR sets pegged at CAT level.
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How to prepare for data interpretation for CAT ?
Traditional Sets Vs New Changes:
- The line between DI and LR has vanished in the recent years.
- Questions that can be solved just using calculations have become a thing of the past.
- Also, there has been a sharp reduction in the number of template questions (bar graph, line graph, pie chart etc.).
- A bit of logical reasoning is involved in the DI questions as well.
Let us take a look at how to prepare for data interpretation for CAT having these changes is mind.
- Having a good calculation speed helps but is not mandatory for scoring well in the section.
- The emphasis must be on developing the thought process required to solve the questions.
- Start solving puzzles such as SuDoKus and KaKuros in your free time.
- Go through some puzzles as well. Acquainting yourself with various types of questions will ensure that you do not get caught off-guard when you encounter a different question in the actual exam.
How to prepare for Reading Comprehension for CAT
How to prepare for Verbal Ability for CAT
Allocate Sufficient Time:
- Allocate at least an hour for DILR every day.
- More often than not, aspirants spend a disproportionate amount of time preparing for quants and verbal sections and completely ignore DILR section.
- DILR section has nearly the same weightage as the other 2 sections. Even if you are inherently strong in the section, set aside some time every day to prepare.
Learn By Practice:
- Do not look at the solution until you have exhausted all your methods.
- Avoid looking at the solution directly of you get a set wrong. Try to find out where you went wrong while solving the set. This habit will help you to know the crucial information that you missed or overlooked while solving the set.
- After solving the set on your own, look at the solution to find out whether the method you adopted is the optimal one to solve the set.
- Maintain a note where you note down the mistakes you often make.
- Revise these notes from time to time and ensure that you reduce the number of such mistakes as you move closer to the exam.
- Also, if you find a set to be novel, note down the set. Go through such sets from time to time to ensure that you develop the ability to solve such questions as well.
How to prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT
Download LR Questions for CAT PDF
Set selection:
- Selecting the right sets to answer is extremely crucial in the DILR section.
- A proper set selection can make a huge difference in one’s score in the exam.
- The role of mock tests in improving your question selection skills cannot be stressed enough.
- Dedicate the first 10 minutes of the section to go through all the sets. After having a glimpse of all the sets, pick up the sets to answer.
- Also, have some rough idea about the order in which you wish to attempt the sets.
- Start with the easiest set. Avoid starting with a tough set since not getting a set right can do severe damage to your morale under the time pressure.
- Ensure that you move from the easiest set to the toughest one.
- Also, ensure that you do not select a set just based on the topic it is from. More often than not, question setters use this as a bait to lure test takers. A question from a familiar topic need not be easy. Be objective while selecting the sets to answer.
- Do not try to solve a set at any cost. Know when to let go of a set and move on. Have a cut off time for each set. Avoid investing a disproportionate amount of time in solving a set during the exam.
How to prepare Quantitative Aptitude for CAT
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We hope that this article would have helped you know how to prepare for data interpretation for CAT exam. For more useful articles, try reading how to prepare for logical reasoning for CAT and how to manage time in CAT exam.