How To prepare Fill In The Blanks For Bank Exams – IBPS PO, SBI PO & Clerk

How To prepare Fill In The Blanks For IBPS PO Exams 2019
How To prepare Fill In The Blanks For IBPS PO Exams 2019

How To prepare Fill In The Blanks For Bank Exams

In this article we are going to explain how to prepare fill in the blanks for IBPS PO Exam. Students Generally ask us questions like How to solve fill in the blanks for IBPS PO? How to prepare double fillers for IBPS PO exams? By following this simple tricks you can get good marks from fill in the blank topic in IBPS PO exam.

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Fill In The Blanks Tips And  Tricks For IBPS PO Exam

1. Read the given sentence carefully. Try your best to fill the blanks without watching the option.

2. After filling the sentence with best suitable word read the sentence once again and check the word what you have placed in the blank, weather it give you proper meaning are not.

3. If you understand the question you can easily find the clue in the fill in the blank sentences. Then check the given options thoroughly and then find the best suitable word.

4. Think logically while reading the sentence and find the correct word which will give a complete meaning for that sentence.

5. In the filling the blank section every question consist of two blanks based on this fill the first blank based on the second (or) fill the second one based on the first and try to eliminate the unstable Words.

6. while reading the sentence try to find the nature of the word, it means whether the missing word is positive (or) negative meaning, this will helps you to find the correct answer

7. Remember the grammar rules while reading the blank. It helps you to find the best and correct word from the option.

8. While reading fill in the blanks, check the options carefully and choose the best alternative from given options that can best replace the word that you had to believe of initially.

9. Some of the questions in fill in the blanks may check your knowledge of grammar, synonyms or antonyms, idioms and phrases. Hence, you must know some general grammar rules, idioms, phrases, etc.

10. Some times while answering  you are getting muddled by the given options. In such cases, you can place the options one by one in the sentence. At finally, which option gives you perfect meaning to sentence that should be the right answer.

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