High Level Reasoning Questions for SBI PO PDF

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High Level Reasoning Questions for SBI PO PDF:

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Question 1: Cause: A severe cyclonic storm swept away most of the state during the last two days.
Which of the following cannot be a possible effect of the above cause?

a) Govt. orders for the huge amount of relief fund

b) Many people were rendered homeless as their houses were flown away

c) The communication system of the state was severely affected and continues to be out of gear

d) Govt. has ordered that all the offices and schools should be kept closed

e) All are possible effects

Question 2: Statement There was a slow decline in number of patients with flu like symptoms visiting various health facilities in the city during the last fortnight.
Which of the following substantiates the facts mentioned in the above statement?

a) Majority of the people suffering from flu visit the health facilities in the city

b) There has been a continuous increase in the sale of medicines for curing flu in the city limits

c) People have started visiting the crowded places like malls and cinema halls during the last fortnight after a cautioned gap of one month

d) There is a sudden increase in the number of deaths caused by flu like symptoms followed by respiratory complications

e) None of the above

Question 3: Statement Ravi is a bad fishermen. During the past season, in which he and the seven members of his team spent four months on a boat together off Konkan coast, he caught fewer fish than any of his teammates.
Which of the following weakens the above conclusion?

a) Two seasons ago, Ravi fished on another boat off Konkan coast and caught more fish than any other member of that boat.

b) Unlike the other fishermen on his boat, at the order of the captain, Ravi fished this past season with experimental bait.

c) Before becoming a fisherman,Ravi piloted a fishing boat whose members regularly caught record numbers of fish.

d) Amongst the fishing community in Konkan coast, Ravi has a reputation for being an especially bad fisherman.

e) While fishing this past season, Ravi fell sick for a week and did not catch any fish during this time.

Question 4: Statement The govt. has decided to construct an eight-lane support highway across the state to facilitate fast movement of vehicles.
Which of the following can be an assumption which is implicit in the above statement?

a) The government has avenues to acquire the necessary funds for the project.

b) The people of the State may protest against the Govt’s decision as their farm land will be taken over by the Govt. for constructing the highway

c) The Govt. may find it difficult to enroll a suitable contractor for constructing the highway

d) There is no other highway which can be used for transportation of goods across the state

e) Highways with less than eight lanes do not support fast movement of vehicles.

Question 5: Read the following information carefully and answer the question that the given question.
The growth and advancements of business colleges and schools in thecountry causes for shortage of faculty with Ph. D qualification. In addition, the higher pay and generous fringe benefits given by industry has encouraged qualified people do not seek academic positions.

Which of the following statements, if tone, would tend to strengthen the agreement?

a) The average salary for industry position in urban areas is more than the average salary of faculty position in some business schools in rural by 20%

b) The average salary for industry position in urban areas is less than the average salary of faculty position in some business school in rural areas by 25%

c) The average salary of recent Ph. D graduates in the industry is 20% higher than that in academics.

d) The rate of growth of salaries for the industry positions has been higher than the rate of growth of salaries for academic positions for the past three years.

e) None of these.

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Question 6: Akash’s position is 30th from the top. There are 15 people between Akash and Pruthvi. Pruthvi is below Akash in the line. There are 70 people in the line. What is Pruthvi’s position from the bottom?

a) 23th

b) 24th

c) 25th

d) 26th

e) None of the above

Question 7: There are 40 students in a row. Roja’s position is 15th from left. What is her position from the right?

a) 25

b) 26

c) 27

d) 28

e) None of the above

Question 8: Rakesh is standing seventh from the left in a row and Rakshan is standing tenth from the right. If Rakshan is standing to the right of Rakesh and there are 3 people between the two, how many people are there in the row?

a) 16

b) 17

c) 18

d) 19

e) None of the above

Question 9: Rupa is standing thirteenth from the left in a row and Rakshita is standing seventeenth from the left. There are 3 people between the two. How many people are there in the row?

a) 21

b) 30

c) 34

d) Can’t be determined

e) None of the above

Question 10: Ravi is standing fifteenth from the front in a 30 man queue. Rohan is standing 5th from behind. How many people are there between them?

a) 10

b) 11

c) 12

d) 13

e) None of the above

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Question 11: Which of the following expressions will not be true if the expression U < V < W < X < Y = Z ≥ A = B > C is definitely true?

a) Z > C

b) U < Y

c) Y > V

d) Z < U

e) B ≤ Y

Question 12: Which of the following expression will be true when the given expressions $W>Z=L, X \geq F > W$ are definitely true?

a) $L=F$

b) $Z \geq F$

c) $F > L$

d) $Z > X$

e) $L \geq X$

Question 13: Which of the following expression will be false or not true when given expression $K < H \leq J = D \geq Q$ is definitely true?

a) $K<D$

b) $D \leq H$

c) $J \geq Q$

d) $J>K$

e) None of these

Question 14: Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression F > N and U > D definitely false? F __ O __ U __ N __ D

a) $<, <, >, =$

b) $<, =, =, >$

c) $<, =, =, <$

d) $\geq, =, =, \geq$

e) $>, >, =, <$

Question 15: Which of the following should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression A < P definitely false? ___ $\leq$ ___ $<$ ___ $>$ ___

a) L, N, P, A

b) L, A, P, N

c) A, L, P, N

d) N, A, P, L

e) P, N, A, L

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Question 16: In this question, the sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., H can be represented by 03, 87, etc., and ‘T’ can be represented by 33, 57, etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word “LIGHT”.

a) 12, 34, 85, 87, 57

b) 78, 67, 34, 87, 24

c) 96, 67, 79, 03, 57

d) 96, 42, 79, 67, 78

Question 17: In this question, the sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., ‘V’ can be represented by 57, 79, etc., and ‘G’ can be represented by 76, 21, etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word “SWIFT”.

a) 75, 12, 31, 81, 40

b) 31, 12, 34, 99, 56

c) 23, 67, 22, 86, 89

d) 75, 95, 13, 04, 40

Question 18: In this question, the sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., L can be represented by 01, 31, and N can be represented by 04, 44, etc.
What is the representation for the word “LEMON”?
Matrix I

Matrix II

a) 01,58,03,02,04

b) 10,68,21,13,14

c) 43,57,12,21,04

d) 31,68,04,02,14

Question 19: In this question, the sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9.

A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., M can be represented by 11, 87, etc., and ‘D’ can be represented by 02, 98, etc. Similarly you have to identify the set for the word “COUNTRY”.

a) 01, 41, 14, 55, 86, 56, 57

b) 69, 85, 76, 44, 58, 95, 44

c) 77, 87, 76, 32, 33, 56, 75

d) 01, 41, 14, 55, 57, 95, 75

Question 20: In this question, the sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented. The columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., A can be represented by 10, 86, 89 etc and P can be represented by 88, 42 etc.
Matrix – 1

Matrix – 2

Similarly, identify the set for the word BOTTLE.

a) 20, 12, 14, 14, 32, 24

b) 77, 96, 14, 67, 32, 42

c) 23, 96, 67, 95, 32, 58

d) 77, 96, 98, 96, 56, 58

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (E)

A => Government has ordered for the relief fund for the people affected from the flood.

B => Since, cyclone hit the area and many people became homeless

C => Cyclone has been the possible cause of the disruption of telephone lines

D => Because of the cyclone, government orders to keep offices and schools closed

Hence, all of the options are correct. Therefore, option E should be selected.

2) Answer (C)

Option A mentions that people visiting hospitals has been majority of the flu patients which does not substantiate the given statement of slow decline

Option B mentions about the increase in medicine sale of flu which again infers that there has been increase in number of flu patients

Option D mentions about the death of people due to flu which does not support the initial statement

Option C mentions about the people visiting mall and crowded places which are generally avoided during such periods.

Hence, option C substatiates the given statement

3) Answer (B)

The author concludes that Ravi is a bad fisherman. His conclusion is based on the fishing record of Ravi for the previous season. We have to look for an option which weakens this conclusion. Option A presents a counter example but doesn’t justify Ravi’s poor record during the mentioned period. Hence we cannot comment on Ravi’s expertise. Option C and D are unrelated and are not related to the given conclusion in any possible way. Among B and E, option B is a better choice because it counters the given conclusion. Hence option B is the best choice.

4) Answer (A)

Option A => When government is starting to construct the highway, it has been assumed that the government has all the resources required for it

Option B => People protesting cannot be a factor until and unless the project for the construction of the highway has been completed

Option C => The contractor comes at the later stage and it can be changed as no problem to find the contractor has been specifically mentioned in the problem.

Option D => Since, the government has decided to construct the highway , it is not assumption but a factual phenomena that other way is not possible

Option E => It may be the case that the current highway is clogged due to heavy traffic and thus the construction of a new eight lane highway will support fast movements of vehicles. Thus, this assumption is not implicit.

Therefore, option (1) is correct

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5) Answer (D)

The rate of growth of salaries for the industry positions has been higher than the growth of salaries for academic positions for the past three years which strengthens the given argument.

6) Answer (C)

There are 29 people above Akash and 15 people between Akash and Pruthvi. So, there are 45 people above Pruthvi (including Akash). There are 70 people in the line. So, number of people below Pruthvi = 70 – 45 – 1 (1 is Pruthvi) = 24. So, Pruthvi’s position is 25th from the bottom.

7) Answer (B)

There are 25 students to the right of Roja. So, Roja’s position is 26th.

8) Answer (E)

There are six people to Rakesh’s left. There are 9 people to Rakshan’s right. There are 3 people between them. So, there are 6 + 9 + 3 + Rakesh + Rakshan =20 people in the row.

9) Answer (D)

The positions from the left are given but there is no indication as to how many people are there to the right. So, the number of people in the row can’t be determined.

10) Answer (A)

There are 14 men ahead of Ravi. There are 4 people behind Rohan. There are 14 + 4 + Ravi + Rohan = 20 men ahead of Ravi and behind Rohan (including them). So, there are 30 – 20 = 10 men in between them.

11) Answer (D)

U < V < W < X < Y = Z ≥ A = B > C
Z is greater than U.
12) Answer (C)

On combining the two expressions.
$X \geq F>W>Z=L$
Now, checking the expression one by one
a: $L=F$(False)
b: $Z \geq F$(False)
c: $F>L$ (True)
d: $Z>X$ (False)
e: $L \geq X$ (False)
So, only expression c is true.

13) Answer (B)

From given statement
$K < H \leq J=D \geq Q$
Check each option one by one.
a: $K < D$ (True)
b: $D \leq H$(False)
c: $J \geq Q$(True)
d: $J>K$(True)
So, only expression b is not true.

14) Answer (C)

Verifying the options we find that a, d , e do not satisy the required condition as they have ‘>’ , ‘≥’ in between F and N.
In option B there is ‘>’ between U and D.
Hence the option left , c is the right choice.

15) Answer (E)

Verifying the options we find that in options a, b, c and d , P is either > or ≥ A , which doesn’t satisfy the required condition.
So the option left, e , is the right option.

16) Answer (C)

In option A, 85 does not correspond to ‘G’. Hence option A is incorrect.
In option B, 24 does not correspond to ‘T’. Hence option B is also incorrect.
In option D, 67 does not correspond to ‘H’. Hence option D is also incorrect.
Thus option C is the correct answer.

17) Answer (C)

In option A, 31 does not correspond to ‘I’. Hence option A is incorrect.
In option B, 56 does not correspond to ‘T’. Hence option B is also incorrect.
In option D, 04 does not correspond to ‘F’. Hence option C is also incorrect.
Thus option C is the correct answer.

18) Answer (C)

The letters of the word ‘LEMON’ can be represented as below
In the first option, letter E is represented incorrectly.
In the second option, M is represented incorrectly.
in the fourth option, M is incorrectly represented.
Hence C is the correct answer.

19) Answer (D)

In option A, 57 does not correspond to ‘Y’. Hence option A is incorrect.
In option B, 58 does not correspond to ‘T’. Hence option B is also incorrect.
In option C, 33 does not correspond to ‘N’. Hence option C is also incorrect.
Thus option D is the correct answer.

20) Answer (C)

Based on the given information, codes of the letters of the word BOTTLE are as follows
B – 20, 23, 77
O – 13, 59, 96
T – 14, 67, 95, 98
T – 14, 67, 95, 98
L – 31, 32, 56, 87
E – 24, 58
The only set which is in accordance with the given codes is 23, 96, 67, 95, 32, 58.
Therefore, the correct option to choose is C.

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