Grammar Questions for NMAT 2021 – Download [PDF]

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Question 1: Choose the best way of writing the sentence.
A. The distinctive feature of tariffs and export subsidies is that they create difference of prices at which goods are traded on the world market and their price within a local market.
B. The distinctive feature of tariffs and export subsidies is that they create a difference of prices at which goods are traded with the world market and their prices in the local market.
C. The distinctive feature of tariffs and export subsidies is that they create a difference between prices at which goods are traded on the world market and their prices within a local market.
D. The distinctive feature of tariffs and export subsidies is that they create a difference across prices at which goods are traded with the world market and their prices within a local market.
E. The distinctive feature of tariffs and export subsidies is that they create a difference across prices at which goods are traded on the world market and their prices within a local market.

a) A

b) B

c) C

d) D

e) E

Question 2: _________ you have a doubt, why not go and verify? I shall be waiting in the shade ________ this banyan tree till you come back _________ me.
The option that best fills the blanks in the above sentence would be:

a) if; under; on

b) as; of; for

c) as; of; at

d) for; under; at

e) if; of; to

Question 3: Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?

a) Bats are able to fly in the dark.

b) Bats can fly in the dark

c) Bats have the ability to fly in the dark.

d) Bats cannot fly in the dark if it rains.

e) Bats have the ability of flying in the dark, if it does not rain.

Question 4: Fill in the blanks: Everyone will admit that swindling one’s fellow beings is a necessary practice; upon it is based the really sound commercial success formula — ___.

a) sell what you cannot buy back

b) buy what you will sell to another at a higher price

c) buy cheap and sell dear

d) sell what you can, do not buy from a competitor

Question 5: Fill in the blanks: To a greater or lesser degree all the civilized countries of the world are made up of a small class of rulers ___ and of a large class of subjects ___.

a) formed by a small minority … who are uncivilized

b) powerfully corrupt … pointless crusaders

c) corrupted by too much power … corrupted by too much passive obedience

d) who are ruled … who ruled

Question 6: Select the option that best replaces the phrase in quotes. The appetite of banks for funds was lost under the onslaught of the slowdown, corporates refused to borrow even as ‘bank deposits flourished’.

a) bank deposits flourished

b) bank deposits swelled

c) bank deposits were enhanced

d) bank deposits flummoxed

Question 7: Fill in the Blanks: Education is central because electronic networks and software-driven technologies are beginning to ___ the economic barriers between nations.

a) break down

b) break

c) crumble

d) dismantle

Question 8: Choose the option which contains a mistake.

a) Management education is

b) becoming highly sought after

c) by aspiring ambitious students

d) because of high demand in the job market.

Question 9: Choose the option which contains a mistake.

a) This has slowed the progress

b) of reforms in many countries

c) because the choice of either of the extreme

d) positions inevitably invite criticism.

Question 10: Choose the statement that expresses the idea most correctly.

a) The best part of the programme is the dances.

b) The best part of the programme are the dances.

c) The best part of the programme are the dance.

d) The best parts of the programme is the dances.

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

There are two prices that are being compared – prices at which goods are traded on the world market and prices at which goods are sold in the local market. So, the difference is created ‘between’ the two prices. Also, goods are traded ‘on’ the world market and not ‘with’ the world market. So, the grammatically correct sentence is option c).

2) Answer (E)

Since the first sentence is a question, ‘if’ is more appropriate than ‘as’. Shade ‘of’ this tree and back ‘to’ me are the appropriate usages.

Hence, option E is the correct answer.

3) Answer (E)

‘Ability of’ is incorrect in option E. The correct usage is ‘ability to’. All other options are grammatically correct.
Hence, option E is the correct answer.

4) Answer (C)

Swindle means to use deception to deprive someone’s possession. It means that you have an unequal exchange where you didn’t give much of your possession and you robbed the other person of his/her possession. Option C summarises it correctly.

5) Answer (C)

Option D is incorrect as it contradicts the statements as “rulers do not get ruled.” Option A is contextually incorrect as it does not make any sense. Option B is incorrect as powerfully corrupt is grammatically incorrect. Option C is the best match.

6) Answer (B)

Bank deposits are countable. So they swell. They don’t flourish. “To flourish” means to develop. The correct answer is option b.

7) Answer (A)

“Break Down” is the correct usage as break down means to remove something.

8) Answer (C)

The use of the word “ambitious” is redundant since the word ‘aspiring’ has already been used. Only one of the two words has to be used in the third sentence. Option c) is the correct answer.

9) Answer (D)

The verb “invite” does not agree with the singular noun “choice”. Hence, the correct usage of the verb is “invites”.

10) Answer (A)

The verb is/are refers to the noun “best part”. As the phrase “best part” is singular, ‘is’ must be used here.

Hence, option A is correct.

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