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SSC GD Constable Expected Question paper with answers download PDF based on SSC GD exam previous papers. 40 Very important Expected questions for GD Constable.
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Question 1: How is the health component in the human development margin measured?
a) Expected Durability During Birth
b) Mother Death Rate
c) Illness
d) Child Mortality Rate
Each of these Question ns has a set of four sentences marked A to D. Identify the arrangement of these sentences which makes a logical sequence.
Question 2: (A) When the future date arrives, the hear expects to buy in at a lower price deliver the stock that had been sold under the future contract at a higher price.
(B) A market in which prices are falling or are expected to fall is called by economists a bear market.
(C) Likewise, the term bear can be applied to a person who expects stock prices to fall and sells stock that he or she does not have for delivery at a future date.
(D) It is a designation commonly used in securities markets and commodity markets and is the opposite of a bull market.
Answer these Question ns based on the passages.
Passage I
The Indian steel industry, in line with global trends, is at a crossroads, witnessing a resurgent phase of modernization, expansion and consolidation, mainly through mergers and acquisitions. A sector that was moribund just about five years ago because of a worldwide slump in steel prices, the industry has turned the corner and has in fact been vibrant over the past two years. Domestic steel companies, both public and private, are surging ahead on the strength of an unprecedented buoyancy in the economy and the resultant boom in real estate and various infrastructure sectors such as roads and highways, ports and airports. The official figures speak for themselves. Powered by an increased demand for steel from neighbouring China, which has been clocking a 15 per cent sectorial growth annually on account of construction projects in preparation for the Olympics, the steel industry in India has grown by about 10 per cent in the past two years, compared with the global growth rate of about 6 per cent a year. The country’s production of crude steel in 2005-06 stood at 42.1 million tonnes, reflecting an increase of per cent over the previous fiscal. On the other hand, the consumption of steel during the year was pegged at 41.43 million tonnes, a massive growth of 13.88 per cent when compared with the 2004-05 figures. Likewise, the production of sponge iron also increased sharply by 25 percent, from about 10.3 million tonnes in 2004-05 to 12.9 million tonnes in 2005-06. Currently, India is the largest sponge iron producer in the world and ranks seventh among steelproducing countries. The growth in domestic steel consumption is, by and large, in keeping with the International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI) forecast of a 10 percent increase in steel use in 2006. While the IISI has projected the global demand for steel to grow by 4.9 per cent in the medium term up to 2010, it has pegged its forecast for the 2010-15 period at 4.2 per cent annually for the entire world. The IISI says India will lead the consumption growth story with an annual demand of 7.7 per cent, followed by China with 6.2 per cent. More heartening is the indication that the exciting phase in the domestic steel industry is expected to continue for the next five to seven years at the least, in terms of both consumption and production. Already, the growth in steel consumption, as projected by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in the National Steel Policy (NSP) formulated in 2005, stands exceeded by a huge margin. The NSP had conservatively estimated the country’s steel production to grow by 7.3 per cent, with an annual consumption growth of 6.9 per cent. Considering that the past two years have already witnessed a demand growth of over 10 per cent, the government expects the healthy trend to continue during the Eleventh Plan period (2007-12), provided an annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth of 9 per cent is achieved during the period as projected by the Planning Commission. Clearly, for primary steel producers, India is the place to be in as it has the greatest growth potential. Coupled with this are two other major factors. One, India is bestowed with the largest reserves of high-quality ironore in the world. Secondly, the annual per capita consumption of steel in the country is still one of the lowest in the world, at 35 kilograms against the global benchmark of 250400 kg. In effect, the growth story in India is here to stay for quite a few decades in view of the sheer disparity in consumption levels. Not surprising, then, that when the three ore-rich states – Jharkhand, Orissa and Chhattisgarh- threw open their doors, steel-makers of all hues jumped into the fray to sign memoranda of understanding (MoUs) with more than one state government. In all, more than 116 MoUs have already been inked, pledging a total investment of a whopping Rs 3,57,344 crores in the coming years. If all the pledges materialise, the country’s installed steel production capacity will surge to anywhere between 150 million and 180 million tonnes by 2014-15, compared with the conservative NSP target of 110 million tonnes by 2019-20. Orissa signed 43 MoUs to hike its production capacity to 58.04 million tonnes. Not to be left behind, Chhattisgarh entered into 42 MoUs to augment its steel capacity to 19.32 million tonnes, while Jharkhand signed 31 MoUs to increase its capacity to 68.67 million tonnes. The extensive availability of rich iron-ore- the basic raw material for steel-making – in the three states has attracted big global names too who, at the outset, made it clear that they would require captive iron-ore mines to feed their greenfield steel projects. Initially, it was the home-grown Tata Steel that signed an MoU with the Orissa government, in November 2004 for setting up a six-million-tonne plant at an estimated cost of Rs 15,400 crores after the government made a commitment that its ore requirement of 250 million tonnes for a period of 25 years would be met. by the time Pohang Iron and Steel Company (POSCO), the South Korean major and third largest global steel producer, approached the Orissa government, the terms turned out to be far sweeter. Under the MoU signed in June 2005, POSCO plans to set up a 12-million-tonne plant at Paradeep, with an investment of Rs 51,000 crores. The initial proposal was for a 10-milliontonne plant. but there is a catch here. The government has committed itself not only to provide 600 million tonnes of ore on a captive basis for a period of 30 years but also allowing POSCO to export the quality domestic ore for use in its steel plants in Korea. It has demanded the raw material from mines in Sundergarh and Keonjhar districts. Lakshmi N Mittal, the non-resident Indian (NRI) tycoon and world’s biggest steel-maker following the merger of Mittal Steels with the Luxembourg-based Arcelor in June last year, did still better. He put Jharkhand and Orissa in competition by proposing a steel venture in either state, depending upon the terms and incentives and the swiftness in approvals. Jharkhand lost out-owing to litigation over its Chiraia ore mines and for other reasons – to Orissa, which signed an MoU with Mittal Arcelor in December last year for a 12-million-tonne steel plant at Keonjhar.
The state-owned Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) also undertook a major exercise to retain its position as the leading integrated steel producer in the country. The steel behemoth announced its “Corporate Plan- 2012,’ envisaging an outlay of Rs. 37,000 crores to upgrade its plants and modernise its operations. Under the plan, expansion programmes are under way in various SAIL units to enhance the total production capacity to 22.9 million tonnes of hot metal from the present 12.5 million tonnes by 2011-12. Late last year, following the merger of IISCO with SAIL, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh laid the foundation stone for the modernisation and expansion of ISP (IISCO Steel Plant) with an investment of Rs 9,592 crores. Mergers of a few more state-owned units with SAIL are on the cards with a view to consolidating public sector share in the steel market. The other public sector steel enterprise, Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL), is already in the process of implementing an ambitious expansion programme for increasing its liquid steel capacity from the current three million tonnes to 6.3 million tonnes at an estimated cost of Rs 8,692 crores. Launched on May 20, 2006, the project is scheduled for completion by 2008-09. Needless to say, the demand for iron-ore has surged in view of the long-term supply commitments being given by the State governments at a time when the international market prices for the raw material are at a high.
This sparked off a debate among domestic steel-makers on whether liberal ore exports should he permitted, as in the past, or the ore should be conserved to the extent possible in view of the projected demand for steel. The government set up a committee under the Planning Commission, headed by Anwarul Hoda, to recommend changes in the National Mineral Policy. The existing policy permits free exports of iron ore with a ferrous content of less than 64 per cent. For export of high-grade ore with higher ferrous content, a licence is required and is currently canalised through the Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation (MMTC). The Hoda Committee recommended free exports of iron ore with a ferrous content of less than 65 per cent but advocated discontinuation of the existing regime of canalisation and export licensing for the high-grade ore. Instead, the panel suggested free exports of quality ore lumps with ferrous content of more than 65 per cent on payment of an export duty.
Question 3: Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
a) The licence for export of high-grade iron ore is being canalised through MMTC.
b) With the merger of Mittal Steels with Arcelor, LN Mittal is the world’s biggest steel-maker.
c) A South Korean company is the world’s third largest steel producer.
d) As per Corporate Plan-20l2 of Steel Authority of India Limited, the total production capacity will be enhanced to million tonnes by 2011-12.
Question 4: According to the International Iron and Steel Institute, India will lead the consumption growth with an annual demand of ………….. per cent, followed by China with percent.
a) 6.2, 5.7
b) 8.7, 6.7
c) 5.2, 3.2
d) 7.7, 6.2
Question 5: …………. per cent is the projected global demand for steel to grow in the medium term up to 20 10.
a) 6.9
b) 5.9
c) 4.9
d) 3.9
Question 6: According to the passage, the steel industry in India has grown by …………….. in the past two years and India ranks …………….. among steel-producing countries.
a) 12%, sixth
b) 10%, seventh
c) 8%, first
d) 6% eighth
Read the passage carefully and answer the question that follows.
Passage I
All of us play but we are not athletes. We are homo ludens (Latin for play) and our playfulness is unproductive. But athletes play for profit and contest for prizes. It is the transformation of our play and games into athletics that leads to medals. What makes Haryana such a fine place for athletics in India? With barely 2% of India’s population, people from Haryana won around 40% of the gold medals in the recently concluded CWG 2010.
People in Haryana tend to count the gold medals of the Hyderabadi shuttler, Saina Nehwal and the
Delhi wrestler, Sushil Kumar, in their tally. This is because both of them are Jats. People of this dominant caste form more than 20% of Haryana’s population and, therefore, in popular perception, Haryana is Jat-land. All sports are oriented towards the Olympic slogan ‘higher, faster, and stronger’. But the ones in which Haryana got medals stand for plain force and aggression like wrestling, boxing and shooting. Anthropologists call them contact sports because the opponents have bodily contact in them. Shooting is a combative sport because opponents use a combat weapon. Such sports are a substitute of war or training for it.
Haryana is India’s pride in contact and combative games. I can think of t hree reasons for it, viz.
historical geography, peasant culture of perseverance and a feeble government policy. Firstly, the province has
a volatile history of continuous aggression due to its geographical location on the frontier. Secondly, the people of Haryana have valued physical strength and perseverance due to its peasant culture. Thirdly, the sports policy since 2006 has honed the killer athletic spirit in Haryana. The half-hearted policy does not create achievers but supports the successful ones among them. Punjab was divided on religious lines in 1947. The non-Sikh majority parts of this truncated Punjab were constituted as Haryana in 1966. Like a horseshoe, Haryana encircles Delhi from three sides and the culture of both is similar. At the popular level, people are rough and tough – meaning ‘rough by tongue and tough in body’. In the medieval times, Haryana flourished when weak rulers ruled Delhi.
Most of the area remained under Delhi’s tutelage but small principalities also dotted the arid
landscape of Haryana. Mostly, people of the region joined the Mughals and Marathas in repulsing invaders. But
the same locals did not mind plundering Delhi or looting the retreating armies sometimes. The British
colonialists expanded from the east. They conquered most of India with the help of soldiers from western UP
and Bihar. But, in the late 19th century, the colonial strategists honored ordinary peasant castes by calling them ‘martial races’ in united Punjab. This was a clever way of taming the aggression in this frontier region.
This smart move was also to recruit rural Punjabis in the colonial army so that they could be used
to thwart the southward expansion of Tsarist Russia. There is a family resemblance between military/hunting
activities and wrestling, shooting, races, riding or archery. For the military serving population of Haryana,
therefore, such sports come easily. Secondly, before the advent of machinery, agriculture was a backbreaking
occupation. The size of agricultural income had a direct relation with the quantity of sweat produced during
one’s toil.
Question 7: What does the author means by saying “Our Playfulness is unproductive”?
a) Investing time in sports do not reap the expected benefits
b) Majority of us waste time on games and sports
c) Majority of us do not play to achieve material benefits
d) Majority of us do not have what it takes to become an athlete
Question 8: Select the word which can fit in the most number of blanks in the sentences given below: 1. I saw the movement ____________ a huge following in no time.
2. The case was dismissed since the investigating officer could not _________ sufficient evidence.
3. Sheela expected the latest policies to ______________ praise from people belonging to all walks of life.
4. Preetha could not __________ enough support to upset the established order.
a) collect
b) muster
c) garner
d) assemble
Question 9: Which of the following is an election that is called earlier than expected?
a) Snap election
b) By-election
c) General election
d) Recall election
Study the table below to answer these questions

The Table shows the quantities of minerals exported from India to six different countries A,B,C,D,E and F(in ‘000 tonnes) in the year 2010.
Question 10: Eighteen per cent of country E’s total reuirement of iron ore is being met by imports from india. Next year its total requirement of iron ore is expected to fall by 22% of the rvised requirement will be imported from india.Assuming all other exports to country E by India remain at the same leves, what would be its total percentage drop in quantity exports to E?
a) 28.4
b) 11.2
c) 13.4
d) 18.2
In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.:
Question 11: Pie in the sky
a) Farfetched
b) Fictional
c) Dreamy situations
d) Unexpected dividends
Read the following caselet and answer questions that follow:
Divya grew up in a business family in Hyderabad. As a Systems engineer she travelled extensively on business deals and later settled in her in-law’s place in Warangal. Once during her visit to Thailand she got to taste some roll over ice cream. Interestingly, a few weeks later, she came across an advertisement from a reputed Bangalore based Rollover Handcrafted Ice Cream Company calling for expression of interest from potential franchises.
Warangal did not have any quality ice cream parlour. The company wanted the potential franchisees to invest Rs. 20 lacs and 700 square feet space. Profits were to be shared in 3:7 ratio between the company and the franchisee. Divya was excited, but was wondering if Rs. 20 lacs was too much to invest. Further, she did not have the entire amount and was thinking of taking a loan. She enquired with the Rollover franchisees and found that a franchisee in Hyderabad had sales revenue varying between 5 and 6 lacs rupees per month with a profit margin between 25-30%. Divya decided to go ahead.
Warangal had three main areas -Kazipet, Jangaon and Warangal. All areas were linked by good roads. Kazipet was a business area where most high end retail formats were located. It was also the education hub of the city. Jangaon, on the other hand, was a growing lower middle class business area and Warangal was mostly residential.
Divya favoured Kazipet. However, she soon encountered problems. Not only was it difficult to obtain space in Kazipet but property rentals touched 30-40 rupees per square feet per month as against Jangaon and Warangal where it was 15-20 rupees per square feet per month. Divya’s friend, who lived in Jangaon, told her that a few branded outlets were opening in Jangaon and it appeared to be the fastest growing market in Warangal with the highest percentage of teenagers. But, Divya was not in favour of Jangaon. She hoped to target college going crowd of Kazipet. High real estate prices in Kazipet and lower profitability estimate in Jangaon market confused Divya.
Question 12: Which of the following is least likely to demotivate Divya?
a) Investing a huge amount may not bring expected returns.
b) The bank would insist on loan repayment on a monthly basis.
c) The property rentals would soon go up in Kazipet.
d) Unlike Hyderabad, people in Kazipet don’t seem to like Rollover ice cream.
e) Rollover franchise in Hyderabad is making huge profits.
Lately it seems everyone’s got an opinion about women’s speech. Everybody has been getting his two cents in about vocal fry, up-speak, and women’s allegedly over-liberal use of apologies. The ways women live and move in the world are subject to relentless scrutiny, their modes of speech are assessed against a (usually) masculine standard. This is increasingly true as women have entered previously male-dominated fields like industry and politics.
In his essay “On Speech and Public Release,” Joshua Gunn highlights the field of public address as an important arena where social roles and norms are contested, reshaped, and upheld. Gunn argues that the field of public address is an important symbolic arena where we harbor an “[ideological] bias against the feminine voice,” a bias, that is rooted in positive primal associations with masculinity (and the corresponding devaluation of femininity, the voice that constrains and nags—the mother, the droning Charlie Brown schoolteacher, the wife).
Gunn contends that masculine speech is the cultural standard. It’s what we value and respect. The low pitch and assertive demeanor that characterize the adult male voice signify reason, control, and authority, suitable for the public domain. Women’s voices are higher pitched, like those of immature boys, and their characteristic speech patterns have a distinctive cadence that exhibits a wider range of emotional expression. In Western cultures, this is bad because it comes across as uncontrolled. We associate uncontrolled speech – “the cry, the grunt, the scream, and the yawp” – with things that happen in the private, domestic spheres (both coded as feminine). Men are expected to repress passionate, emotional speech, Gunn explains, precisely because it threatens norms of masculine control and order.
The notion of control also relates to the cultural ideal of eloquence. Language ideologies in the U.S. are complex and highly prescriptive, but not formal or explicit. They are internalized by osmosis, from early observations of adult language use, criticism from teachers (i.e., telling little girls not to “be so bossy” and boys to “act like gentlemen”), and sanctions imposed by peers. These norms become most obvious when they are violated. When men fall off the “control and reason” wagon, they suffer for it. Gunn recalls Howard Dean’s infamous 2004 “I Have a Scream” speech, in which Dean emitted a spontaneous high-pitched screech of joy after he rattled off a list of planned campaign stops. The rest, as they say, is history. Women face a different dilemma—how to please like a woman and impress like a man. Women in the public sphere have, historically, been expected to “perform” femininity and they usually do this by adopting a personal tone, giving anecdotal evidence, using domestic metaphors, and making emotional appeals to ideals of wifely virtue and motherhood.
Gunn arrives at the conclusion that “eloquence” is, essentially, code for values associated with masculinity, saying, “Performances of femininity are principally vocal and related, not to arguments, but to tone; not to appearance, but to speech; not to good reasons, but to sound. This implies that the ideology of sexism is much more insidious, much more deeply ingrained than many might suppose.”
Question 13: Which one of the following, if true, would make the core argument of the passage irrelevant?
a) Men seek to gain upper hand in conversation as they consider themselves competitive, while women use them as a way to gain confirmation and support.
b) When a wife tells her husband that she’s unwell, he normally offers to take her to a doctor. Invariably, she is disappointed, as what she looks for is sympathy.
c) Unlike men who use and prefer to hear direct imperatives, women prefer ‘indirections.’
d) Where a management decision seems unattractive, men will often resist it vocally, while women may appear to accede, but complain subsequently.
e) Today, sharing of emotions and elaborations is more important than sharing information and being brief.
Question 14: An American female politician might not be expected to exhibit the features of public discourse discussed in the passage while ______.
a) addressing her colleagues
b) chatting with intimate colleagues
c) speaking to members of a congregation
d) giving testimony
e) conversing with members of her community
Question 15: Which of the following statements if true, is contrary to the ideas developed in the passage?
a) Women in their communicative behavior are said to prefer a high-involvement style and men a high-considerate style.
b) Women who use the lowest frequency of women’s vocal traits have an unusually high status and are well educated professionals with middle class backgrounds.
c) In certain hierarchically organized Indian political parties, women can participate in discussions as long as they appeal, persuade, and support others, and not initiate new ones.
d) The linguistic ideology in vogue in ancient North India allowed only men of higher-castes and ruling dynasties to use Sanskrit; women and servants spoke Prakrit or Pali.
e) Studies show that male followers of powerful women political leaders in Indian states imitate their leaders’ cadence, rhetoric and rhythm.
Download SSC GD Constable Syllabus PDF
Question 16: Fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the given options. Nothing’s written in stone, and both US foreign policy and Donald Trump are _____ to sudden and unexpected turns.
a) excited
b) worried
c) trying
d) prone
Question 17: Select the synonym of consternation
a) alert
b) celebration
c) attraction
d) dismay
Question 18: Read the following paragraph and select the option that best captures its essence: In the course of one of our drives, I alluded to the advantages of inheriting a distinguished name, as in the case of the second Herschel. His remark was, “For my own part, I think it a great disadvantage. Such a man must feel in the position of one inheriting a vast estate, so deeply mortgaged that he can never hope, by any efforts of his own, to redeem it.”
a) Inheriting a unique name is problematic since the name, in itself, becomes a liability.
b) A person inheriting a distinguished name is disadvantaged since he is expected to live up to the name.
c) Similar to inheriting a vast estate, inheriting an uncommon name has its share of problems.
d) Inheriting a deeply mortgaged estate is similar to inheriting a distinguished name since both cannot be redeemed.
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
………….As patients and students, we want to be treated with care and responsibility, rather than as mere numbers. Wasn’t there a time when professionals still knew how to serve us – a cosy, well-ordered world of responsible doctors, wise teachers and caring nurses? In this world, bakers still cared about the quality of their bread, and builders were proud of their constructions. One could trust these professionals; they knew what they were doing and were reliable guardians of their knowledge. Because people poured their souls into it, work was still meaningful – or was it?
In the grip of nostalgia, it’s easy to overlook the dark sides of this old vocational model. On top of the fact that professional jobs were structured around hierarchies of gender and race, laypeople were expected to obey expert judgment without even asking questions. Deference to authority was the norm, and there were few ways of holding professionals to account. In Germany, for example, doctors were colloquially called ‘demigods in white’ because of their status vis-à-vis patients and other staff members. This is not exactly how we might think that citizens of democratic societies should relate to one other now.
Against this backdrop, the call for more autonomy, for more ‘choice’, seems hard to resist. This is precisely what happened with the rise of neoliberalism after the 1970s, when the advocates of ‘New Public Management’ promoted the idea that hard-nosed market thinking should be used to structure healthcare, education and other areas that typically belonged to the slow and complicated world of public red tape. In this way, neoliberalism undermined not only public institutions but the very idea of professionalism.
This attack was the culmination of two powerful agendas. The first was an economic argument about the alleged inefficiency of public services or the other non-market structures in which professional knowledge was hosted. Long queues, no choice, no competition, no exit options – that’s the chorus that critics of public healthcare systems repeat to this day. The second was an argument about autonomy, about equal status, about liberation – ‘Think for yourself!’ instead of relying on experts. These two imperatives – the economic and the individualistic – meshed extremely well under neoliberalism. The shift from addressing the needs of citizens to serving the demands of customers or consumers was complete.
We are all customers now; we are all supposed to be kings. But what if ‘being a customer’ is the wrong model for healthcare, education, and even highly specialised crafts and trades?
What the market-based model overlooks is hyperspecialisation, as the philosopher Elijah Millgram argues in The Great Endarkenment (2015). We depend on other people’s knowledge and expertise, because we can learn and study only so many things in our lifetimes. Whenever specialist knowledge is at stake, we are the opposite of a well-informed customer. Often we don’t want to have to do our own research, which would be patchy at best; sometimes, we are simply unable to do it, even if we tried. It’s much more efficient (yes, efficient!) if we can trust those already in the know.
But it can be hard to trust professionals forced to work in neoliberal regimes. As the political scientist Wendy Brown argued in Undoing the Demos (2015), market logic turns everything, including one’s own life, into a question of portfolio management. By contrast, responsible professionalism imagines work-life as a series of relationships with individuals who are entrusted to you, along with the ethical standards and commitments you uphold as a member of a professional community.
Is there a way out of this conundrum? Could professionalism be revived? If so, can we avoid its old problems of hierarchy while preserving space for equality and autonomy?
Question 19: Which of the following options best represents the way in which the author would have answered the questions posed in the last paragraph of the passage?
a) The author would have analyzed in detail whether professionalism can be revived.
b) The author would have suggested measures to implement professionalism without hierarchy.
c) The author would have explained why professionalism and autonomy cannot go hand-in-hand.
d) The author would have explained how to implement professionalism, hierarchy, and autonomy at once.
Question 20: What does the author mean by the line “Whenever specialist knowledge is at stake, we are the opposite of a well-informed customer”?
a) Development of market-structures makes us ill-informed consumers of specialist knowledge.
b) Specialist knowledge should not be made a commodity since it reduces people to customers.
c) When specialist knowledge becomes a commodity, the demand will not let people to be well-informed consumers.
d) Since it is impossible for someone to be a specialist in all subjects, we are far from being an informed customer.
Question 21: From the tone of the author in the passage, we can infer that the author
a) believes that red tapism and inefficiency of public institutions were the reasons why people were desperate for a ‘choice’.
b) admits that the lack of competition and choice highlighted by the critics of public healthcare systems is a valid concern.
c) considers the shift towards more autonomy and the rise of individualistic needs under neoliberalism to be a positive change.
d) accepts that the flaws in the old vocational model provided a conducive environment for thoughts about neoliberalism to arise.
Question 22: Which of the following statements best captures the emotion conveyed by the author in the first two paragraphs?
a) Though the old model was not without its flaws, it epitomized professionalism and soul satisfaction.
b) Though the old vocational model might seem rose-tinted, the model was not without its flaws.
c) The old vocational model promoted ideas that are totally unacceptable by modern democratic standards.
d) The old vocational model was better than neoliberal model since it encouraged people to do meaningful work.
Question 23: Through the given passage, the author tries to emphasize that
a) the neoliberal model is flawed and reverting to the old vocational model is the need of the hour.
b) the old model is flawed and the neoliberal ideas have helped to quantify and measure output.
c) a balance needs to be stricken between professionalism and autonomy to ensure quality service.
d) market structures reduce the relationship between a doctor and a patient to a commercial one.
Question 24: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. Blessing in disguise
a) Something good that isn’t recognized at first
b) A talented person
c) A kindhearted person
d) Something which was not expected
Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom:
Question 25: In the blink of an eye
a) Very quickly
b) Unexpected returns
c) Unaffected by surroundings
d) Cluttered thoughts
Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom:
Question 26: When hell freezes over
a) When everything goes wrong
b) When something good happens
c) An impossible case
d) When something unexpected happens
Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom:
Question 27: Walking on air
a) Get into in heated arguments
b) Do something unexpected
c) Word extracted from thin air
d) Extreme happiness
Choose the option that captures the meaning of the given idiom:
Question 28: A wet blanket
a) Unnecessary trouble
b) The one who discourages enjoyment and enthusiasm
c) An unwanted guest
d) A sudden and unexpected profit
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Nothing’s written in stone, and both US foreign policy and Donald Trump are prone to sudden and unexpected turns. But the holiday season is a time of hope. Maybe, just maybe, nearly three decades of US war in the Middle East are coming to the beginning of their end.
Adding to that hope, let’s turn an eye further east. After significant saber-rattling and then a sudden turn toward personal diplomacy, Trump stood back and let events on the Korean peninsula take their course even as he continued the bellicose rhetoric and sanctions noises demanded of him by Graham and company.
As a result, North and South seem on the brink of ending a 68-year war. They’ve begun removing land mines and guard posts along the Demilitarized Zone. They’ve broken ground on a railway connecting the two countries. Is it possible that Trump, as some of his supporters like to say, has been playing 4D chess while the rest of us distracted ourselves with checkers?
I’d really like to think so, and I do hope so.
Question 29: What does the author mean by the line “Trump has been playing 4D chess while the rest of us distracted ourselves with checkers”?
a) It might be the case that it is we who failed to understand the moves of Trump.
b) Trump is a person who plays on his own terms and does not conform to the rules.
c) While people were busy solving the real problems, Trump was going after the imaginary ones.
d) Trump is a person who cannot understand the game that is going on.
Question 30: All of the following can be said to be true regarding the Korean peninsula (North and South Korea) except
a) North and South Korea are at the verge of ending the war between them.
b) North and South Korea were not on good terms with each other for nearly 7 decades.
c) North and South Korea are removing the land mines along the demilitarized zone.
d) The railway line connecting North and South Korea has been broken.
Question 31: Which of the following is a valid inference that can be made on reading the passage?
a) The Middle East is situated to the East of the Korean peninsula.
b) The US has been fighting in the Middle East for nearly 30 years.
c) Trump is known to make good decisions during the holiday season.
d) Trump stopped his rhetoric when he let the events in the Korean peninsula take its course.
Question 32: Which of the following can be said to be true regarding the views of the author going by the tone employed in the passage?
a) The author is of the view that Trump is being irrational by withdrawing the troops.
b) The author is a strong supporter of Trump and has an unassailable belief that he will not go back on his decisions.
c) The author supports ending the occupation of US military forces in various countries.
d) The author hopes that Trump will end his rhetoric and issue sanctions as demanded by Graham & Company.
Question 33: Four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase printed in bold. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.
Pull a rabbit out of a hat
a) To let something happen and you have no control over it
b) To do something unexpected
c) To be someone worth having
d) To make a special effort
Question 34: Choose the option which is nearest to the meaning of given idioms/phrases. A storm in a teacup
a) An emergency
b) A big fuss about a small problem
c) An illiterate in the group of intellectuals
d) An unexpected occurrence
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Read the given passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the four given alternatives.
SETI, or Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has been an ongoing endeavor for many decades. In the early days, it was expected to be a quick success, so much so that national governments even helped fund these projects. Like the Moon race, there was something of a “find E.T.” race. All that is gone now. Government funding has virtually evaporated around the globe. The explanation is simple: no one likes a perpetual failure. The few remaining SETI efforts have to count on private funding to scrape along. Well, the objective of this article is to come to the rescue of the last of the SETI astronomers, to tell them where they can find E.T. so that they can regain the world’s respect.
That last sentence was not meant to be cynical. As noted in my article “Decoding Book Resurrects the Ancient Astronaut Theme,” author Morten St. George claims that some of the prophecies of Nostradamus are of alien origin, and that those prophecies tell us how to calculate the galactic coordinates of where E.T. came from. In a follow-up interview, I posed the following question to St. George: Do you agree that contact with intelligent aliens could be of immense importance to humankind? He agreed. Then I asked: Do you agree that this is more important than your selling a few copies of your cryptic thinking book? He agreed. This article will be a little longer and a little more technical than the others.
Question 35: Does the author of the given passage believe in Extraterrestrial Intelligence?
a) Definitely yes
b) Probably yes
c) Definitely no
d) Probably no
Question 36: What is the source of funding for SETI currently?
a) Private funding
b) Government funding
c) Public funding
d) Charity from NGOs
Question 37: With which of the following is St. George likely to agree with?
a) We should not be bothered about Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
b) Extraterrestrial Intelligence, if it exists, is important for mankind.
c) Extraterrestrial Intelligence is present on other planets of our solar system.
d) None of these
Question 38: What is meant by Extraterrestrial Intelligence?
a) Possibility of life on other planets such as Mars.
b) Life at the north pole and the south pole.
c) Life inside deep oceans.
d) Life in universe other than that on Earth.
Question 39: Why have the governments stopped funding Extraterrestrial Intelligence search missions?
a) They have lost interest in those missions.
b) They do not believe the scientists.
c) The missions have failed time and again.
d) There is no Extraterrestrial life.
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
In the teaching of grammar too much stress is placed on forms and relations. Of course it is expected that this knowledge will be of service to the pupils in their everyday expression. But such practical application of the knowledge is not the thing toward which the work actually looks. The end really achieved is rather the ability to recite well on textbook grammar, and to pass good examinations in the subject. In classes visited the thing attempted was being done in a relatively effective way. And when judged in the light of the kind of education considered best 20 years ago, the work is of a superior character.
As a matter of fact, facility in oral and written expression is, like everything else, mainly developed through much practice. The form and style of expression are perfected mainly through the conscious and unconscious imitation of good models. Technical grammar plays, or should play, the relatively minor role of assisting students to eliminate and to avoid certain types of error. Since grammar has this perfectly practical function to perform, probably only those things needed should be taught; but more important still, everything taught should be constantly put to use by the pupils in their oversight of their own speech and writing. Only as knowledge is put to work, is it really learned or assimilated.
Question 40: Which of the following is a valid inference that can be made on reading the passage?
a) Speaking and writing, unlike many other things, can be perfected through practice.
b) Putting the things learnt to use helps in the assimilation of knowledge.
c) Reading and learning things are not as important as speaking and writing.
d) Things that are not practical should not be taught or learned.
Answers & Solutions:
1) Answer (A)
2) Answer (A)
3) Answer (D)
4) Answer (D)
5) Answer (B)
6) Answer (A)
7) Answer (C)
8) Answer (C)
Collect, muster, and garner are similar words with subtle differences. ‘Muster’ is usually used when one has to group something. ‘Garner praise’ is the correct expression (Sentence 3). Therefore, option C is the right answer.
9) Answer (A)
10) Answer (C)
11) Answer (B)
‘Pie in the sky’ refers to a fictional or impracticable situation. Therefore, option B is the right answer.
12) Answer (E)
13) Answer (E)
14) Answer (B)
15) Answer (E)
16) Answer (D)
‘Prone’ is the most appropriate word for the blank.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.
17) Answer (D)
‘Consternation’ means a feeling of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.
18) Answer (B)
The author states that inheriting a distinguished name is disadvantageous. The author explains how the second Herschel compared inheriting a distinguished name to inheriting a deeply mortgaged estate. Herschel felt that it is impossible to redeem both. We can infer that inheriting a famous name (distinguished name) is disadvantageous since the person inheriting the name is expected to live up to the name he inherits.
Option A talks about inheriting a unique name. The paragraph talks about inheriting a distinguished name. Therefore, option A can be eliminated.
Option C talks about uncommon names and hence, can be eliminated.
Option D makes inheriting the estate the subject of the paragraph. It has been provided only as an example. We can eliminate option D as well.
Only option B captures the fact that inheriting a distinguished name is disadvantageous since the society places huge expectations on the person who inherits the name. Therefore, option B is the right answer.
19) Answer (B)
The author asks “Could professionalism be revived? If so, can we avoid its old problems of hierarchy while preserving space for equality and autonomy?”. Therefore, we can infer that the author is most likely to have provided a positive response to the first question. The author would have explained how professionalism can be revived without hierarchical structures. Therefore, option B is the right answer.
20) Answer (C)
The author is against the commodification of specialist knowledge and believes that we will no longer be informed customers when the product is specialist knowledge. Therefore, option C is the right answer.
21) Answer (D)
The author states that people cite red tapism, inefficiency, lack of competition and choice as a reason for moving to neoliberalism. We cannot say that the author shares the same view, going by his tone. He reluctantly mentions that these are the reasons that advocates of neoliberalism mention. Also, the author states that the call for autonomy seemed hard to resist in the backdrop of events. Therefore, we can infer that the author admits that the flaws of the old model provided an environment conducive for neoliberalism to develop. Therefore, option D is the right answer.
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22) Answer (B)
In the first 2 paragraphs, the author states that it is easy to get nostalgic about the old model but the old was not without its flaws. Therefore, option B is the right answer. The author introduces the topic of ‘neoliberalism’ only later in the passage. We can eliminate option D since it makes a comparison between the 2 models. Option C mentions only the downsides of the model. Option A carries a positive connotation. The tone of the author in the first 2 paragraphs is not positive. He tries to emphasize the flaws of the old model. Therefore, option B is the right answer.
23) Answer (C)
The author admits that the old vocational method was not without its flaws. However, he believes that the old method fostered professionalism whereas neoliberalism makes the transactions purely commercial. Towards the end of the passage, he questions whether a system can be developed which contains the best of both worlds – a system that is not hierarchical, ensures autonomy, and preserves professionalism. Therefore, option C is the right answer.
24) Answer (A)
‘Blessing in disguise’ means something good that isn’t recognized at first.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.
25) Answer (A)
‘In the blink of an eye’ is an idiom which means very quickly. Therefore, option A is the right answer.
26) Answer (C)
“When hell freezes over” means when something impossible happens. Therefore, option C is the right answer.
27) Answer (D)
‘Walking on air’ is an idiom which is used to showcase feeling of extreme excitement or happiness. Therefore, option D is the right answer.
28) Answer (B)
‘A wet blanket’ is an idiom used to indicate a person who spoils other people’s fun by failing to join in with or by disapproving of their activities. Therefore, option B is the right answer.
29) Answer (A)
From the tone adopted by the author, we can infer that the author supports Trump’s decision to withdraw the forces. Therefore, the line used should convey a positive message.
Options B, C, and D undermine the efforts taken by Trump and show him in a bad light. Only option A captures the fact that it is we who lacked the ability to understand the moves. Therefore, option A is the right answer.
30) Answer (D)
‘They’ve broken ground on a railway connecting the two countries’ means that the 2 countries have agreed to commission a railway line connecting the countries. It does not mean that the railway line has been broken. Therefore, option D is an incorrect inference and hence, it is the right answer.
31) Answer (B)
The author talks about the Middle East and then says that let us look further East. Therefore, we can infer that the Korean Peninsula is situated to the East of the Middle East. This means that the Middle East is situated to the West of the Korean peninsula. We can eliminate option A.
Option C states that Trump is known to make good decisions in the holiday season. However, no such connection has been implied in the passage. The author is hopeful that the holiday season will bring in good news. This does not necessarily mean that Trump is known to make good decisions in the season. Therefore, we can eliminate option C as well.
Option D states that Trump stopped his rhetoric as he let the events take its course in the Korean peninsula. However, it has been mentioned in the passage that Trump stepped back and let the events take its course but continued the rhetoric. Therefore, we can eliminate option D.
Option B states that the US has been fighting in the Middle East for nearly 30 years. We can infer this line from the first paragraph and hence, option B is the right answer.
32) Answer (C)
In the first paragraph, the author acknowledges the fact that Trump is a person whose decisions cannot be considered as written on stone. Therefore, we can eliminate option B.
The author mentions that Trump issued sanctions as demanded of him by the Graham & Company. Also, the author has not mentioned that Trump should end his rhetoric. We can eliminate option D as well.
Option A states that Trump is being irrational by withdrawing the troops. This goes against the emotion expressed by the author. The author is positive that the US is withdrawing its troops at last. Therefore, option C is the right answer.
33) Answer (B)
34) Answer (B)
‘A storm in a teacup’ means a big fuss about a small problem.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.
35) Answer (A)
From the last line of the first paragraph, we can say that the author believes in Extraterrestrial Intelligence and so he is supporting SETI and helping them to regain world’s respect.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.
36) Answer (A)
In the first paragraph, it is given that SETI is dependent on private funding.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.
37) Answer (B)
Do you agree that contact with intelligent aliens could be of immense importance to humankind? He agreed. – From these lines, we can see that St. George will agree with option B.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.
38) Answer (D)
Extraterrestrial Intelligence means life in universe other than that on Earth.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.
39) Answer (C)
Government funding has virtually evaporated around the globe. The explanation is simple: no one likes a perpetual failure. From these lines, we can say that option C is true.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.
40) Answer (B)
Option A states that unlike many other fields, speaking and writing can be mastered through practice. The author states that ‘like every other field’, one can master speaking and writing through practice. Therefore, we can eliminate option A.
Options C and D are extreme. The author has not mentioned any detail regarding these 2 options. Therefore, we can eliminate options C and D.
Option B states that putting knowledge into use helps in its assimilation. We can infer this point from the last line of the passage. Therefore, option B is the right answer.
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