English Grammar for CAT – Solved Questions Set 4 (Download PDF)

English grammar for CAT PDF - Practice questions for CAT
English grammar for CAT PDF - Practice questions for CAT

English Grammar for CAT consists of the set of 5 grammar questions for CAT. Grammar questions used to be an important topic in past CAT question papers. Now though directly questions are not being asked, Grammar questions will be helpful for solving Para Jumbles and odd one out questions in CAT while solving the section of Verbal ability for CAT.

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English Grammar Questions for CAT:

Question 1: 

Choose the option which contains a mistake.

A. This has slowed the progress
B. of reforms in many countries
C. because the choice of either of the extreme
D. positions inevitably invite criticism.

Question 2:

Choose the option which contains a mistake.

A. Gavaskar was a great batsman who
B. having played more than 100
C. test matches, he then decided
D. to call it a day.

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Question 3:

Choose the option which contains a mistake.

A. When we sold of all our
B. furniture, crockery and
C. other household goods.
D. the room looked bare.

Question 4:

Choose the option which contains a mistake.

A. In the history of mankind
B. it has always been
C. minority which have been
D. able to change the world

Question 5:

Choose the option which contains a mistake.

A. Management education is
B. becoming highly sought after
C. by aspiring ambitious students
D. because of high demand in the job market.

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Solutions to English Grammar for CAT:

Answer 1:

The verb “invite” does not agree with the singular noun “choice”. Hence, the correct usage of the verb is “invites”.

Answer 2:

The words “he then” are not required here. The correct sentence is “Gavaskar was a great batsman who having played more than 100 test matches, decided to call it a day”.

Answer 3:

“Sold of” must be replaced by “sold off”. The remaining sentences are correct. Option a) is the correct answer.

Answer 4:

‘Minority’ should take the verb ‘has been’. On the other hand, the word ‘minorities’ take the verb ‘have been’. Option c) is the correct answer.

Answer 5:

The use of the word “ambitious” is redundant since the word ‘aspiring’ has already been used. Only one of the two words has to be used in the third sentence. Option c) is the correct answer.

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