Directive Principles Of State Policy PDF

Directive Principles Of State Policy PDF
Directive Principles Of State Policy PDF

Directive Principles Of State Policy:

Download Directive Principles Of State Policy PDF that comprises clasification of DPSP including Socialistic, Gandhian, Liberal-intellectual Principles and features of DPSP which is very important for UPSC, SSC, RPF & other competitive exams.

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Directive Principles Of State Policy are enumerated in Part IV of the constitution from Articles 36 to 51.Directive Principles Of State Policy are borrowed from the Irish Constitution. According to Article 37, these Directive Principles of State Policy are non-justiciable in nature.


1.Socialistic Principles:

1)Article 38: To promote the welfare of the people by securing a social order permeated by justice – social, economical & political – and to minimise inequalities in income, status, facilities and opportunities. The 2nd provision  is added by the 44th Constitutional Ammendment Act, 1978.

2)Article 39: To Secure (a)the right to adequate means of livelihood for all citizens (b) the equitable distribution of material resources of the community for the common good(c)prevention of concentration of wealth and means of production(d) equal pay for equal work for men & women(e)preservation of the health and strength of workers and children against forcible abuse(f)opportunities for the healthy development of children.Article 39(f) is added by the 42nd Constitutional Ammendment Act, 1976.

3)Article 39A:To promote equal justice and to provide free legal aid to the poor.It is added by the 42nd Ammendment Act, 1976.

4)Article 41: To secure the right to work, to education and to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness & disablement.

5)Article 42: To make provision for just and humane conditions for work & maternity relief.

6)Article 43: To secure a living wage, a decent standard of life and social and cultural oppurtunities for all workers.

7)Article 43A: To take steps to secure the participation of workers in the management of industries.It is added by the 42nd Constitutioinal Ammendment Act, 1976.

8)Article 47: To raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living of people & to improve public health.

2.Gandhian Principles:

1) Article 40: To organise village panchayats and endow them with necessary powers & authority to enable them to function as units of self-government.

2)Article 43:To promote cottage industries on an individual or cooperation basis in rural areas.

3)Article 43B: To promote voluntary formation, autonomous functioning, democratic control and profesional management of cooperative societies.It is added by 97th Ammendment Act, 2011.

4)Article 46: To promote the educational and economic interests of SCs, STs, and other weaker sections of the society and to protect them from social injustice and exploitation.

5)Article 47: To prohibit the consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs which are injurious to health.

6)Article 48: To prohibit the slaughter of cows, calves and other milch and draught cattle and to improve their breeds.

3.Liberal-Intellectual Principles:

1)Article 44: To secure for all citizens a uniform civil code throughout the country

2)Article 45: To provide childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of six years.This provision was added by the 86th Ammendment Act, 2002. The provision previously was to provide free and compulsory education for all children until the age of 14 years.

3)Article 48: To organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines.

4)Article 48A: To protect and improve the environment and to safeguard forests and wildlife.This provision was added by the 42nd Ammendment Act, 1976.

5)Article 49:To protect monuments, places and objects of artistic or historic interest which are declared to be of national importance.

6)Article 50:To separate the judiciary from the executive in the public services of the state.

7)Article 51: To promote international peace and security and maintain just and honourable relations between nations : to foster respect for international law and treaty obligations and to encourage  settlement of international disputes by arbitration.

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