How To Prepare For Data Interpretation For CAT 2022

How to prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT
How to prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT

The DILR section in the CAT exam is a deciding section for the MBA aspirants to get a call from the top IIMs in India. Many of the aspirants are losing the chances of getting the calls from top IIMs, because of their performance in this section. It is one of the toughest and most time-consuming sections of the CAT exam. Aspirants must need to grasp this section before the exam. Here in this article, we will provide you with excellent tips and tricks to prepare for data interpretation for CAT 2022. We will also provide you with the easiest and fastest way to solve the data interpretation questions(problems).

CAT online preparation can prove to be of great help in preparing for the exam in a short time. Going through CAT Exam Previous Papers will help to understand the pattern of the LR sets appearing in recent years. Also, taking CAT online Mock Tests at regular intervals will ensure that you practise tough DILR sets pegged at the CAT level.

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How to prepare for Data Interpretation for CAT ?

The boundary between logical reasoning and data interpretation has almost vanished in recent years. So, the preparation for data interpretation is much more important and logical reasoning. Aspirants need to prepare for the DILR section to reach the sectional cutoff for the top IIMs in India.

Improve your thought process

While solving the data interpretation problem in the CAT exam, it is essential to have a strong thinking ability for the aspirants. One can improve their thought process by solving puzzles such as SuDoKus and KaKuros in free time.

Follow the Previous Year Papers

Before starting your CAT DI Preparation, go through the CAT Previous Year Papers With Solutions PDF and understand the type of sets asked in the exam. Solve the data interpretation questions, and check out the detailed video solutions we provided. While solving those questions, you can understand how tricky the questions are.

Solve various types of questions

The data interpretation consists of both the MCQ questions and Non-MCQ questions. So, we advise the aspirants to check out the various types of questions and try to solve them. Practice the different questions until you can have a grasp on solving or encounter any questions in the data interpretation of the actual CAT exam.

Allocate sufficient time

Most of the aspirants are spending more time preparing for the other section(quant & VARC) to make high scores in these sections, but even the LRDI section has equal weightage compared to the other sections. So, it is advised to spend at least one hour practising the DILR section.

Time Management

Most of the aspirants fail to ace this section because of the insufficient time to solve the problems in the CAT exam. At the same time, practice to improve the speed of solving the given question. And also, it is very important to have a time limit for the question-solving.

Take Mocks and Analyze

Mocks play a crucial role in the preparation of the CAT aspirants. While solving the mocks, aspirants can have an idea of the time taken to solve the questions and understand the mistakes you are making commonly in this section. Analyzing after taking a mock is very important to understand the mistakes and make their strategy while giving the actual CAT exam.

One can follow the below topic-wise study schedule for preparing the DILR for the CAT exam.

Topic-wise study timetable for Data Interpretation

DI Topics

No. of days
Bar Graphs, Line Charts, Pie Charts, Unconventional charts (radar chart, bubble chart etc) 12-14
Tables 4
Venn Diagrams 4
Others (DI Based on growth over years, Data Sufficiency, Caselets, etc) 9

Topic-wise study timetable for Logical Reasoning

LR Topics No. of days
Arrangements (Linear, Circular, etc) 3
Puzzles (Einstein puzzles, constraint-based etc) 3
Networks, LR based on picking coins 5
Games and tournaments 3
Scheduling 3
Blood relations, family tree, Truth-liar concept 7
Cubes 3
Others (2D Space LR’s, etc) 5-6

Easy way to solve data interpretation

One must understand that the data interpretation questions contain both the data comparing and the data analysis questions as per the CAT 2022 Syllabus. So, here are some easiest and fastest ways to solve the data interpretation questions in the CAT 2022 exam.

Do not look at the solution until you have exhausted all your methods

During the practice, this is one of the common mistakes that the aspirants made at the time of solving the data interpretation questions. So, it is very important to understand the complete question make an analysis, try to solve the question in your own way and then look at the solution.

Improve data comparing and analyzing skills

Most of the sets in the DILR section contain both the data comparing and the data analyzing the type of questions which consumes more time to solve. One can improve their data comparing and analysis skills by practising different types of questions in this DILR section.

Selection of the right set

It is essential to select the right set that can be answered as fast as possible while solving the DILR section in the CAT exam. Have a look at the complete DILR section of the given question paper and prioritize the question based on the time consuming to solve the question. Try to solve the easy sets first and maintain a pattern to solve the sets of the DILR section in the CAT exam.

Know when to let go of a set and move on

Do not spend more on solving a single question during the examination. If you are solving a question that takes more than 15 minutes and not getting the answer, leave the set and move on to the next question. Time-saving is very important while solving the DILR section in the CAT exam.

One can utilize these excellent videos for practising the Data Interpretation questions made by Sayali ma’am (CAT 99.97%iler), IIMA Alumni.

A complete explanation of Data Interpretation based on Charts

A complete explanation of Data Interpretation based on Tables

Here you can also utilize the article based on how to prepare for Logical Reasoning for CAT 2022 with excellent tips and tricks to solve the logical reasoning questions.

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