Coding Decoding Questions for IBPS PO PDF

Coding Decoding Questions for IBPS PO PDF
Coding Decoding Questions for IBPS PO PDF

Coding Decoding Questions for IBPS PO PDF

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Question 1: In a certain code language, the word ‘QWERTY’ is written as ‘846297’, the word ‘ERADH’ is written as ‘62013’, then what is the code for the word ‘TARDY’?

a) 40712

b) 90217

c) 80312

d) 80311

Question 2: In a certain code language, the word ‘BANKING’ is written as ‘25261316181320’ and the word ‘EXAMS’ is written as ‘22326148’. What is the code for ‘STUDY’ in that language?

a) 192021425

b) 876232

c) 8721425

d) 192045

Question 3: In a certain code, ‘Cricket is a sport’ is written as ‘1357’, ‘Indians play Cricket often’ is written as ‘2463’, and ‘Play football often’ is written as ‘406’. What is the probable code for ‘Indians love Cricket’?

a) 397

b) 203

c) 296

d) 283

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Question 4: If ‘MOBILE’ is coded as ‘NPCJMF’, then what is the code for ‘COMPUTER’?





Question 5: In a certain code language, if ‘PENCIL’ is coded as ‘OQDFMOBDHJKM’ and ‘BOX’ is coded as ‘ACNPWY’, then what is the code for ‘ERASER’?







Directions for questions : Study the information and answer the following questions: In a certain code language- ‘economics is not money’ is written as, ‘ka la ho ga’ ‘demand and supply economics’ is written as, ‘mo ta pa ka’’money makes only part’ is written as, ‘zi la ne ki’ ’demand makes supply economics’ is written as, ‘zi mo ka ta’

Question 6: What is the code for ‘supply’ in the given code language?

a) only ta

b) only mo

c) either mo or ta

d) only pa

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Question 7: In a certain code language, ‘MOVIES’ is written as ‘NMWGFQ’, ‘LIGHT’ is written as ‘MGHFU’ and ‘CRUX’ is written as ‘DPVV’. What is the code for ‘PREPARATION’ in this code language?





Question 8: In a certain code language, the code for ‘DEXTER’ is ‘342319417’, and the code for ‘FLOWER’ is ‘5111422417’. What is the code for ‘DESKTOP’ in that language?

a) 431830181425

b) 341810191415

c) 143812190416

d) 451910192417

Question 9: In a code language, the phrase ‘Sun is star’ is written as ‘kai po che’, the phrase ‘Earth is planet’ is written as ‘me che se’ and ‘Pluto is captain’ is written as ‘ki qwe che’. The code for ‘pluto is also planet’ is ‘qwe che lo me’. Which of the following can be the code for ‘Captain planet’?

a) se che

b) kai ki

c) me che

d) ki me

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Question 10: In a certain code language, if ‘MAXI’ is written as !@#$ and ‘QUAD’ is written as %&@*, then what is the code for XUMD?

a) #&!*

b) $


d) *!

Question 11: In a certain code language, if ‘METER’ is written as ‘LFSFQ’ and ‘PETROL’ is written as ‘OFSSNM’, then what is the code for ‘DRINK’?





Question 12: 

In a certain code, STOP is written as ^%$&

and CAST is written as $&*@.

How is PTE written in the language?

a) ^)(

b) %)(

c) $)(

d) &)(

e) Can’t be determined

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Question 13: If ‘MICE’ is written as ‘OKEG’, ‘DOWN’ is written as ‘FQYP’, similarly ‘LEAF’ is written as?





e) none of these

Question 14: ‘MIKE’ is related to ‘KMEI’ and ‘COAL’ is related to ‘ACLO’ in the same way ‘BORN’ is related to ______ ?






Question 15: In a certain language, ‘VICTORY’ is written as ‘WHDSPQZ’ and ‘SUCCESS’ is written as ‘TTDBFRT’. What is the code for ‘TRIUMPH’ in that language ?





e) none of these

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

The codes for the individual letters are as follows:
Q – 8
W – 4
E – 6
R – 2
T – 9
Y – 7
A – 0
D – 1
H – 3

So, the code for TARDY will be 90217.

2) Answer (B)

In the code language, every letter of the original word is replaced with the corresponding number in the English alphabet when it is written in the reverse order. So, the replacement for A is 26, the replacement for C is 24, the replacement for N is 13, the replacement for Z is 1 and so on. So, the code for ‘STUDY’ is ‘876232’. Option b) is the correct answer.

3) Answer (D)

From the first two strings, we can infer that the code for ‘Cricket’ is 3. From the second and third strings, we can infer that the code for ‘play often’ is ’46’ or ‘64’. So, the code for Indians is ‘2’. So, the probable code for ‘Indians love Cricket’ is ‘2X3’ or a permutation of it. (Here X is 8 or 9). Option d) is the correct answer.

4) Answer (A)

In the coded form, every letter of the original word is replaced with its next letter in the English alphabet. So, ‘M’ is replaced with ‘N’, ‘O’ is replaced with ‘P’, ‘B’ with ‘C’ and so on. So, the code for ‘COMPUTER’ will be ‘DPNQVUFS’. Option a) is the correct answer.

5) Answer (C)

Every letter in the word is replaced with its previous and next letters. So, P is replaced with OQ, E is replaced with DF, N is replaced with MO and so on. So, the code for ‘ERASER’ is ‘DFQSZBRTDFQS’. Note that the code for ‘A’ is ‘ZB’. Option c) is the correct answer.

6) Answer (C)

’ Economics is not money’ (sentence-1)
ka la ho ga
’ Demand and supply economics’ (sentence-2)
mo ta pa ka

From both the sentence 1 and 2, “Economics” word is common and therefore the common code for economics is ‘ka’ i.e Economics -> ka

’ money makes only part’ (sentence-3)
zi la ne ki

From sentence 1 and 3, “money” word is common and therefore the common code for economics is ‘la’ i.e Money -> la

’ Demand makes supply economics’ (sentence-4)
zi mo ka ta

From sentence 3 and 4, “makes” word is common and therefore the common code for makes is ‘zi’ i.e
Makes -> zi

Now as we know that code for economics is ‘ka’ and code for makes is ‘zi’
From sentence (4) code for
Demand | Supply -> mo ta | ta mo

From sentence code for ‘and’ is ‘pa’
and -> pa

The code for ‘supply’ is either ‘mo’ or ‘ta’. Hence option c correct

7) Answer (D)

When the original word is converted to the coded form, the letters in odd positions are replaced with their subsequent letters in the English alphabet and each letter in an even position is replaced with the letter that is two places behind in the alphabet. In the word ‘PREPARATION’, since ‘P’ is in odd position, it is replaced with ‘Q’; since ‘R’ is in an even position, it is replaced with ‘P’ and so on.

8) Answer (B)

Every letter in the original word is replaced with the numerical position of its previous letter in the English alphabet. So, ‘B’ is replaced with ‘1’, ‘F’ is replaced with ‘5’, ‘Z’ is replaced with ‘25’ and so on. So, the code for ‘D’ is 3, ‘E’ is 4, ‘S’ is 18, ‘K’ is 10, ‘T’ is 19, ‘O’ is 14 and ‘P’ is 15. So, the code for ‘DESKTOP’ is ‘341810191415’.

9) Answer (D)

The strings of words and their codes are as follows:

Sun is star – kai po che → (1)
Earth is planet – me che se → (2)
Pluto is captain – ki qwe che → (3)
Pluto is also planet – qwe che lo me → (4)

From (1) and (2), the code for ‘is’ is ‘che’. From (2) and (4), the code for ‘planet’ is ‘me’. From (3) and (4), the code for ‘Pluto’ is ‘qwe’. So, the code for ‘captain’ is ‘ki’.

So, from the options, the probable code for ‘Captain planet’ is ‘ki me’.

10) Answer (A)

From the information given in the question, the codes for the individual letters can be written as follows:

M – !
A – @
X – #
I – $
Q – %
U – &
D – *

So, the code for XUMD is #&!*

11) Answer (C)

In the coded language, every letter in the odd position is replaced with its previous letter in the English alphabet and every letter in the even position is replaced with its next letter in the English alphabet. So, ‘METER’ becomes ‘LFSFQ’ and ‘PETROL’ becomes ‘OFSSNM’. So, the code for ‘DRINK’ is ‘CSHOJ’. Option c) is the correct answer.

12) Answer (E)

We know from the given info that $ and & represent S and T (not necessarily in the same order). Also ^ and % represent O and P (not necessarily in the same order). Hence, we can’t say for sure if ^ is P or % is P. Hence, we choose option (e)

13) Answer (B)

Every alphabet is replaced by the alphabet two places ahead of it. L is replaced by N, E by G, A by C, and F by H. Thus, B is the answer.

14) Answer (C)

M(1) I(2) K(3) E(4) —-> K(3) M(1) E(4) I(2)
C(1) O(2) A(3) L(4) —-> A(3) C(1) L(4) O(2)
B(1) O(2) R(3) N(4) —-> R(3) B(1) N(4) O(2)
Thus, C is the right choice.

15) Answer (C)

The letters in odd positions in the code is the first to the right of the corresponding letters in the input. The even letters in the code is the first to the left of the corresponding letters in input. Thus, the code for ‘TRIUMPH’ as per the above rules is ‘UQJTNOI’.


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