Coding Decoding Questions For IBPS Clerk Set-2 PDF

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coding decoding questions for ibps clerk set-2 pdf

Coding Decoding Questions For IBPS Clerk Set-2 PDF

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Question 1: In a certain code BOARD is written as 54#12 and MORE is written as 941$. How is DREAM written in that code ?

a) 21$#9

b) 2$1#9

c) 51$#9

d) 25$#9

e) None of these

Question 2: In a certain code CREAM is written as NBDBQ. How is BREAD written in that code ?





e) None of these


In each question below is given a group of digits followed by four combinations of letters or symbols (a),(b)(c) and (d). You have to find out which of the combinations correctly represent the group of digits based on the coding system and the conditions given below and mark the number of that combination as your answer. If none of the combinations correctly represents the group of digits mark (e) i.e ‘None of these’ as your answer
Digits 5 1 3 4 9 6 8 2 7
code P A K % R @ D © M
(i) If the first digit is odd and the last digit is even the codes for the first and last digits are to be interchanged
(ii) If both the first and the last digits are even both are to be coded as $\bigstar$
(iii) If both the first and the last digits are odd both are to be coded as $.

Question 3: 215349

a) RAPK% ©

b) $\bigstar$APK%$

c) $APK%$

d) © PAK%R

e) None of these

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Question 4: 671254

a) @MA©P%

b) $MA©P$

c) $\bigstar$MA©P$\bigstar$

d) %MA©P©

e) None of these

Question 5: 813469

a) RAK%@D

b) DAK%@R

c) M%RD©A

d) $\bigstar$AK%@$\bigstar$

e) None of these

Question 6: 794821

a) MR%D©A

b) AR%D©M

c) M%RD©A

d) $R%D©$

e) None of these

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Question 7: 591426

a) @RA%©P

b) PRA%©@

c) @AR%©P

d) $RA%©$\bigstar$

e) None of these


Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code, ‘always create new ideas ‘ is written as ‘ba ri sha gi’ ideas and new thoughts’ is written as ‘fa gi ma ri’ ‘create thoughts and insight’ is written as ‘ma jo ba fa’, and ‘new and better solutions’ is written as ‘ki ri to fa’.

Question 8: What is the code for ‘ideas’ ?

a) sha

b) ba

c) gi

d) ma

e) Cannot be determined

Question 9: What does ‘fa’ stand for ?

a) thoughts

b) insights

c) new

d) and

e) solutions

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Question 10: ’fa lo ba’ could be a code for which of the following ?

a) thoughts and action

b) create and innovate

c) ideas and thoughts

d) create new solutions

e) always better ideas

Question 11: What is the code for ‘new’ ?

a) ki

b) ri

c) to

d) fa

e) ba

Question 12: Which of the following may represent ‘insights always better’ ?

a) jo ki to

b) ki to ri

c) sha jo ri

d) to sha jo

e) sha to ba

Question 13: What is the code for ‘thoughts’ ?

a) ma

b) fa

c) ba

d) jo

e) Either jo or fa


Study the information to answer the given questions ?
In a certain code
‘very large risk associated’ is written as ‘nu ta ro gi’’
‘risk is very low’ is written as ‘gi se nu mi’,
‘is that also associated’ is written as ‘ta mi po fu’,
‘inherent risk also damaging’ is written as ‘fu nu di yu’,
(All codes are two letter codes only)

Question 14: Which of the following represents ‘risk also large’ ?

a) nu fu po

b) nu gi ro

c) ro po ta

d) fu nu ro

e) ro yu fu

Question 15: What is the code for ‘very’ ?

a) ta

b) fu

c) ro

d) nu

e) gi

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Question 16: What is the code for ‘associated’ ?

a) mi

b) ta

c) ro

d) gi

e) nu

Question 17: What does the code ‘di’ stand for ?

a) Either ‘damaging’ or ‘inherent’

b) inherent

c) also

d) low

e) risk

Question 18: Which of the following represents ‘that is low’ ?

a) po mi du

b) se po mi

c) ta mi po

d) se po nu

e) ta mi se

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Question 19: In a certain code language ‘TERMINAL’ is written as ‘NSFUMBOJ’ and ‘TOWERS’ is written as ‘XPUTSF’. How is ‘MATE’ written in that code?





e) None of these

Question 20: ‘ERID’ is related to ‘DIRE’ in the same way as ‘RIPE’ is related to………..?






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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

By analysing the coding of the words, we get the key as:
A=# and
Hence the word DREAM will be coded as 21$#9.

2) Answer (B)

Here, the code is obtained by first switching the first two and last two letters. After the interchange first two letters are changed to next letter in alphabetical series. The next three letters are changed to previous letters in alphabetical series i
Thus BREAD after interchanging becomes DAEBR. Now, performing the change operation we get, EBDAQ.

Thus, option B is correct.

3) Answer (E)

Digits 5 1 3 4 9 6 8 2 7
code P A K % R @ D © M
(i) If the first digit is odd and the last digit is even the codes for the first and last digits are to be interchanged
(ii) If both the first and the last digits are even both are to be coded as $\bigstar$
(iii) If both the first and the last digits are odd both are to be coded as $.

Here, first digit is even and last digit is odd. Therefore, no conditions can be applied.

4) Answer (C)

The data given to us is:

Digits 5 1 3 4 9 6 8 2 7
code P A K % R @ D © M
(i) If the first digit is odd and the last digit is even the codes for the first and last digits are to be interchanged
(ii) If both the first and the last digits are even both are to be coded as $\bigstar$
(iii) If both the first and the last digits are odd both are to be coded as $.

Both first and last will be coded as $\bigstar$

Now, after coding, we get,

$\bigstar$MA©P$\bigstar$ which is option C

5) Answer (B)

The data given to us is:

Digits 5 1 3 4 9 6 8 2 7
code P A K % R @ D © M
(i) If the first digit is odd and the last digit is even the codes for the first and last digits are to be interchanged
(ii) If both the first and the last digits are even both are to be coded as $\bigstar$
(iii) If both the first and the last digits are odd both are to be coded as $.

Here, by choosing proper symbols, we get code as: DAK%@R.

6) Answer (D)

The data given to us is:

Digits 5 1 3 4 9 6 8 2 7
code P A K % R @ D © M
(i) If the first digit is odd and the last digit is even the codes for the first and last digits are to be interchanged
(ii) If both the first and the last digits are even both are to be coded as $\bigstar$
(iii) If both the first and the last digits are odd both are to be coded as $.

As both the digits are odd, they can be coded as $.

Only option D has $ at the end. Hence, the correct option is D.

7) Answer (A)

The data given to us is:

Digits 5 1 3 4 9 6 8 2 7
code P A K % R @ D © M
(i) If the first digit is odd and the last digit is even the codes for the first and last digits are to be interchanged
(ii) If both the first and the last digits are even both are to be coded as $\bigstar$
(iii) If both the first and the last digits are odd both are to be coded as $.

Here, 5 is odd and 6 is even, there symbols would be reversed.
591426 would be coded as @RA%©P

Hence, option A is correct.

8) Answer (C)

By analysing the relation between the given sentences and the codes we can deduce following codes and their words.
always= sha,
better solution= ki so.

Hence, the correct option is C.

9) Answer (D)

By analysing the relation between the given sentences and the codes we can deduce following codes and their words.
always= sha,
better solution= ki so.

Hence, and stands for fa. Option D is correct.

10) Answer (B)

By analysing the relation between the given sentences and the codes we can deduce following codes and their words.
always= sha,
better solution= ki so.

Here, fa= and and ba= create. Only ‘innovate (lo)’ is new word.

Hence, option B is correct.

11) Answer (B)

By analysing the relation between the given sentences and the codes we can deduce following codes and their words.
always= sha,
better solution= ki so.

Hence, option B is correct.

12) Answer (D)

By analysing the relation between the given sentences and the codes we can deduce following codes and their words.
always= sha,
solution= so,
better = to.
Hence, option D is correct.
13) Answer (A)

By analysing the relation between the given sentences and the codes we can deduce following codes and their words.
always= sha,
solution=  so.

Hence, option A is correct.

14) Answer (D)

From the intersection of the first two information, we can conclude that “nu” and “gi” will either “Risk” or “very”.

From the intersection of the first and third information, we can conclude that “ta” will mean “associated”.

From the intersection of first and fourth information, “nu” will mean “risk” and hence, “gi” will mean “Very”

“ro” will be “large” and “fu” means also

Hence, answer will be D

15) Answer (E)

From the intersection of the first two information, we can conclude that “nu” and “gi” will either “Risk” or “very”.

From the intersection of the first and third information, we can conclude that “ta” will mean “associated”.

From the intersection of first and fourth information, “nu” will mean “risk” and hence, “gi” will mean “Very”

16) Answer (B)

From the intersection of the first two information, we can conclude that “nu” and “gi” will either “Risk” or “very”.

From the intersection of the first and third information, we can conclude that “ta” will mean “associated”.

Hence, answer will be “B”

17) Answer (A)

From the intersection of the first two information, we can conclude that “nu” and “gi” will either “Risk” or “very”.

From the intersection of the first and third information, we can conclude that “ta” will mean “associated”.

From the intersection of first and fourth information, “nu” will mean “risk” and hence, “gi” will mean “Very”

“ro” will be “large” and “fu” means also

Now for the fourth information, there will be no intersection for the word damaging and inherent. Hence, code “di” either will be “damaging” or “inherent”.

18) Answer (B)

From the intersection of the first two information, we can conclude that “nu” and “gi” will either “Risk” or “very”.

From the intersection of the first and third information, we can conclude that “ta” will mean “associated”.

From the intersection of first and fourth information, “nu” will mean “risk” and hence, “gi” will mean “Very”

“ro” will be “large” and “fu” means “also”

“se” will be “low” and “po” will be “that”

Hence, answer will be B

19) Answer (C)

while coding ‘TERMINAL’, for first four letters, every letter will change to its next letter in alphabetical series and 1st and the fourth letter will exchange their positions and 2nd, 3rd will exchange their positions. Similarly, next four letters will also follow the same pattern. Hence, code will be ‘NSFUMBOJ’

Now for “MATE”, we will change the letters according to above-stated pattern only. M will be N, A will be B and they will exchange their positions. T will be U and E will be F and they will also exchange their positions.

Hence, answer will be C

20) Answer (A)

ERID is DIRE written in reverse form.
Hence, we can obtain EPIR by writing RIPE in reverse form.
Option A is correct.

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