Coding and Decoding Questions for IIFT PDF

Coding and Decoding Questions for IIFT PDF
Coding and Decoding Questions for IIFT PDF

Coding and Decoding Questions for IIFT PDF

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Question 1: In a certain code GIVEN is written MDVJH. How is SHARK written in that code ?






Question 2: In a certain code TEMPORAL is written as OLDSMBSP. How is CONSIDER written in that code?





e) None of these

Question 3: If IQS : LNV, then JRM : ?

a) OKS

b) MOP

c) NIP

d) MOQ

Question 4: Which four bits can be joined together to form two words that have opposite meanings?
1       2        3       4       5       6       7       8      9      10

a) 2, 5, 7, 9

b) 1, 3, 8, 10

c) 1, 5, 8, 10

d) 2, 4, 7, 8


Based on the figure given below, the relationship of the terms to the terms to the right of :: is same as that on the left. Find the missing terms.

Question 5: GHF : CDB :: EFD : ?

a) ABJ

b) CBD

c) IJH

d) AJB

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Question 6: HNP : PDA :: DLP : ?

a) CDP

b) PJG

c) PHE

d) PME

Question 7: AKJO : IOHN :: ? : CLBK





Question 8: BPM : GNJ :: ? : AKD

a) FPO

b) KPD

c) HPB

d) FPM


In each of the following problems, there is one question and three statements I, II and lll given below the question. You have to decide whether the data given-in the statements is sufficient to answer the question. Read all the statements carefully and find which of the statement(s) is/are sufficient to answer the given question.

Question 9: What is Mobil’s rank from the top in an annual appraisal of a FMCG Company comprising of70sales executives? ·
I.Mohit is 5 ranlcs below Rashmi from the top
II.Rashmi’s rank from the bottom is 44
lll. Mobit is 5 ranks above Rasbmi from the bottom

a) Any two of the three

b) Only II and III

c) Only I and either II or III

d) Only II and either I or III

Question 10: What does ‘ orange’ represent in a code language?
I. ‘rim pa xab’ means ‘orange and apple’ in that code language
II.’na pie tac’ means ‘I dislike sweet’ in that code language
III. ‘natsi pa’ means ‘ orange is sweet’ in that code language

a) All I, II and III

b) Only II and III

c) Only I and III

d) Only I and either II or III

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

Here MDVJH is obtained from GIVEN first by writing it backwards and then writing preceeding letter in alphabetical series for first two, sucessive letter for last two letters and leaving middle letter unchanged.

Hence, SHARK would read as JQAIT which is option B.

2) Answer (A)

Split TEMPORAL into two halves TEMP and ORAL
Reversing the order of letters we get PMET and LARO
Subtracting 1 from PMET we get P –  1 = O , M – 1 = L , E – 1 = D , T – 1 = S
Adding 1 to LARO we get L + 1 = M , A + 1 = B , R + 1 = S , O + 1 = P

Applying the same concept to CONSIDER
S – 1 = R , N – 1 = M , O – 1 = N , C – 1 = B
I + 1 = J , D + 1 = E , E + 1 = F , R + 1 = S

3) Answer (B)

As we can see I is replaced by the letter 3rd to the right of I in the alphabetical series.
Q is replaced by the letter 3rd to left of Q in the alphabetical series.
S is replaced by the letter 3rd to the right of S in the alphabetical series.
Thus, in JRM, J will be replaced by M, R will be replaced by O and M will be replaced by P.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

4) Answer (A)

The words form by joining 2, 5, 7, 9 are Expand and Reduce which are opposite in meaning.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

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5) Answer (A)

6) Answer (B)

7) Answer (C)

8) Answer (A)

9) Answer (D)

10) Answer (C)

I and II have no words in common. Therefore, we cannot determine the code for any of the 6 words involved.
II and III have ‘sweet’ in common. We can determine the code for sweet but we cannot determine the code for ‘orange’.
I and III have ‘orange’ in common. We can determine the word represented by ‘orange’ using I and III together and hence, option C is the right answer.

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