CMAT Idioms and Phrases Questions [PDF]

_ Idioms and Phrases Questions

CMAT Idioms and Phrases Questions [PDF]

Idioms and Phrases is one of the most important sections in the CMAT, and also it is a scoring section. One can utilize this article which consists of the most important VA questions regarding Idioms and Phrases. Cracku provides you with the Top 20 very Important Idioms and Phrases Questions for CMAT based on the questions asked in previous exam papers. Click on the link below to download the Idioms and Phrases Questions for CMAT PDF with detailed answers.

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Question 1: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

a) One who talks well

b) One who talks boastfully

c) One who speaks calmly

d) One who speaks nervously

1) Answer (B)

Question 2: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Comb through

a) To carefully look through

b) To be trapped somewhere

c) To hide information

d) To come out of a problem

2) Answer (A)

Question 3: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To go bananas

a) To become nervous

b) To feel very hungry

c) To become very excited or angry

d) To keep eating bananas

3) Answer (C)

Question 4: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To be off your food

a) To have no food

b) To help someone

c) To give food to others

d) To have no appetite

4) Answer (D)

Question 5: Select the most appropriate meaning of the idiomatic expression given.
To cross one’s mind

a) To forget something

b) To put a thought away from one’s mind

c) To move from one idea to another

d) To think of something

5) Answer (D)

Question 6: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Not one’s cup of tea

a) Not absolutely true

b) Not according to one’s interest

c) Beyond one’s comprehension

d) Of no concern for someone

6) Answer (B)

Question 7: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
How time flies!

a) Time seems to stay still

b) Difficult to pass time

c) A clock going very fast

d) Time seems to move quickly

7) Answer (D)

Question 8: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Raining cats and dogs

a) Facing light rain and wind

b) Raining very heavily

c) Having lots of pets around you

d) Worried about cats and dogs

8) Answer (B)

Question 9: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Get out of hand

a) To get irritated

b) To become difficult to control

c) To be able to complete a task

d) To be anxious

9) Answer (B)

Question 10: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Method to one’s madness

a) Being very neat and particular about details

b) Seeming disorderly yet having a structure

c) Always behaving like a mad person

d) Not following rules and conventions

10) Answer (B)

Question 11: Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.
Their marriage wasn’t working but they kept up appearances.

a) maintained an expression of well being

b) maintained peace and harmony

c) kept throwing parties

d) revealed the truth

11) Answer (A)

Question 12: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Full of beans

a) Happy and energetic

b) Sad and dull

c) Being foolish

d) Have crazy ideas

12) Answer (A)

Question 13: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Be all ears

a) Not being alert

b) Ready to wait

c) Eager to listen

d) Be content

13) Answer (C)

Question 14: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Babe in the woods

a) A wise old person

b) A young defenceless person

c) A pale and sickly person

d) A foolish and stupid person

14) Answer (B)

Question 15: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom/phrase.
Break in

a) Enter a building illegally

b) End a relationship

c) Be unable to control (one’s) feelings

d) Begin to do (something) suddenly

15) Answer (A)

Question 16: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom/phrase.
Go off

a) Continue or happen

b) Stop working

c) Leave or disappear

d) Explain something in detail

16) Answer (B)

Question 17: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A red letter day

a) a day of fun and enjoyment

b) a day of horror

c) the worst day

d) a memorable day

17) Answer (D)

Question 18: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A dime a dozen

a) common and so of little value

b) in great demand as not easily available

c) available only in bulk

d) not available everywhere

18) Answer (A)

Question 19: Select the most appropriate meaning of the idiomatic expression given.
At a stone’s throw

a) Beat someone with a stone

b) Throw a stone at someone

c) At a very short distance

d) Like throwing a stone

19) Answer (C)

Question 20: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To fish in troubled waters

a) To take advantage of a difficult situation

b) To try to find a big catch in the deep sea

c) To try to do something that is very difficult

d) To catch fish in stormy weather in the sea

20) Answer (A)

Question 21: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Hang on every word

a) Speak very slowly

b) Listen very carefully

c) Stop after hearing one word

d) Stammer while speaking

21) Answer (B)

Question 22: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Off and on

a) again and again

b) every day

c) sometimes but not regularly

d) not soon

22) Answer (C)

Question 23: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A lean patch

a) Cloth that is beginning to tear

b) A part of hair that is thin

c) Friendship that has ended

d) A period of poor performance

23) Answer (D)

Question 24: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Break the ice

a) Make a beginning or start something

b) Cool the room for everyone

c) Arrange for a skating show

d) Make things available for a party

24) Answer (A)

Question 25: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To come round

a) To meet someone by chance

b) To spend a lot of time with someone

c) To go round and round

d) To become conscious again

25) Answer (D)

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