CMAT Analogy Important Questions [Download PDF]

_Analogy Questions

CMAT Analogy Important Questions [Download PDF]

Analogy is one of the most important topics in the CMAT, and also it is a scoring section. One can utilize this article which consists of the most important questions regarding Analogy. Cracku provides you with the Top 20 very Important Analogy Questions for CMAT based on the questions asked in previous exam papers. Click on the link below to download the Analogy Questions for CMAT PDF with detailed answers.

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Question 1: In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives.
43 : 57 :: 61 : ?

a) 56

b) 75

c) 89

d) 62

1) Answer (B)


The logic here is

43 + 14 = 57

Second number is the sum of first number and 14.


61 + 14 = 75

$\therefore\ $61 is related to 75 in the same way 43 is related to 57.

Hence, the correct answer is Option B

Question 2: In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives.
11 : 121 :: 18 : ?

a) 324

b) 138

c) 364

d) 168

2) Answer (A)


The logic here is

11$^2$ = 121 $\longrightarrow\ $ $\text{first number}^2=\text{second number}$


18$^2$ = 324

$\therefore\ $18 is related to 324 in the same way 11 is related to 121.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A

Question 3: In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives.
39 : 27 :: 53 : ?

a) 11

b) 15

c) 32

d) 44

3) Answer (B)


The logic here is

3 x 9 = 27 $\longrightarrow\ $ $\text{first digit of first number}\times\text{second digit of first number}=\text{second number}$


5 x 3 = 15

$\therefore\ $53 is related to 15 in the same way 39 is related to 27.

Hence, the correct answer is Option B

Question 4: In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.
MOT : PRW :: TAG : ?

a) JXP

b) DCX

c) BDH

d) WDJ

4) Answer (D)


The logic here is

M + 3 = P

O + 3 = R

T + 3 = W


T + 3 = W

A + 3 = D

G + 3 = J

$\therefore\ $TAG is related to WDJ in the same way MOT is related to PRW.

Hence, the correct answer is Option D

Question 5: In the following question, select the related letter pair from the given alternatives.
LAK : FUE :: ? : ?

a) FOR : ZFE

b) FAR : ZIL

c) FUM : ZAF

d) FOR : ZIL

5) Answer (D)


The logic here is

L – 6 = F

A – 6 = U

K – 6 = E


F – 6 = Z

O – 6 = I

R – 6 = L

$\therefore\ $FOR is related to ZIL in the same way LAK is related to FUE.

Hence, the correct answer is Option D

Question 6: In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.





6) Answer (C)


The logic here is

R + 4 = V

I + 5 = N

N + 4 = R

K + 5 = P


M + 4 = Q

E + 5 = J

L + 4 = P

T + 5 = Y

$\therefore\ $MELT is related to QJPY in the same way RINK is related to VNRP.

Hence, the correct answer is Option C

Question 7: In the following question, select the related word pair from the given alternatives.
Football : Outdoor :: ? : ?

a) Snooker : Indoor

b) Chess : Outdoor

c) Cricket : Bat

d) Tennis : Ball

7) Answer (A)


Football is an Outdoor game. Similarly, Snooker is an Indoor game.

$\therefore\ $Snooker and Indoor are related in the same way Football and Outdoor are related.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A

Question 8: In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.
Red : Stop :: Yellow : ?

a) Wait

b) Go

c) Move back

d) Swim

8) Answer (A)


Red indicates Stop in the traffic system. Similarly, Yellow indicates Wait in the traffic system.

$\therefore\ $Yellow is related to Wait in the same way Red is related to Stop.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A

Question 9: In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.
Cheetah : Carnivorous :: Camel : ?

a) Desert

b) Herbivores

c) Grass

d) Big

9) Answer (B)


Cheetah is a Carnivorous. Similarly, Camel is a Herbivores.

$\therefore\ $Camel is related to Herbivores in the same way Cheetah is related to Carnivorous.

Hence, the correct answer is Option B

Question 10: In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives.
7 : 346 : : 9 : ?

a) 515

b) 343

c) 732

d) 636

10) Answer (C)


The logic here is

7$^3$ + 3 = 343 + 3 = 346

Second number is the sum of cube of first number and 3.


9$^3$ + 3 = 729 + 3 = 732

$\therefore\ $9 is related to 732 in the same way 7 is related to 346.

Hence, the correct answer is Option C

Question 11: In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives.
63 : 108 : : 42 : ?

a) 32

b) 8

c) 16

d) 12

11) Answer (B)


Given, 63 is related to 108

The logic here is

$\frac{6^3}{2}=\frac{216}{2}=108$ $\longrightarrow\ $ $\frac{\text{first digit of first number}^{\text{second digit of first number}}}{2}=\text{second number}$



$\therefore\ $42 is related to 8 in the same way 63 is related to 108.

Hence, the correct answer is Option B

Question 12: In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives.
41 : 62 : : 37 : ?

a) 60

b) 58

c) 74

d) 82

12) Answer (B)


The logic here is

62 – 41 = 21

Difference between second number and first number is 21.

Let the required number = a


a – 37 = 21

$\Rightarrow$  a = 58

$\therefore\ $The required number = 58

Hence, the correct answer is Option B

Question 13: In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.
STOP : WQSM : : MORK : ?





13) Answer (A)


The logic here is


$\therefore\ $MORK is related to QMVH in the same way STOP is related to WQSM.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A


In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives.

Question 14: 5 : 15 :: 7 : ?

a) 28

b) 21

c) 37

d) 25

14) Answer (B)


The logic here is

5 x 3 = 15

Second number is the product of first number and 3.

Similarly, using the same logic

The required number = 7 x 3 = 21

Hence, the correct answer is Option B


In the following question, select the related word pair from the given alternatives

Question 15: Forest : Trees :: Book : ?

a) Pages

b) Bind

c) Writer

d) Pen

15) Answer (A)


Forest has trees. Similarly, Book has pages.

$\therefore\ $Book and Pages are related in the same way Forest and trees are related.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A

Question 16: Square : Four :: ? : ?

a) Rectangle : Five

b) Hexagon : Seven

c) Rhombus : Six

d) Triangle : Three

16) Answer (D)


Square has 4 sides

Rectangle has 4 sides

Hexagon has 6 sides

Rhombus has 4 sides

Triangle has 3 sides

$\therefore\ $Triangle and Three are related in the same way Square and Four are related.

Hence, the correct answer is Option D

Question 17: Red : Colour :: ? : ?

a) Sun : Heat

b) Earth : Planet

c) Land : Solid

d) Water : Drink

17) Answer (B)


Red is one of the colours. Similarly, Earth is one of the planets.

$\therefore\ $Earth and Planet are related in the same way Red and Colour are related.

Hence, the correct answer is Option B

Question 18: In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.
Animals : Zoo : : Car : ?

a) Garage

b) Hanger

c) Automatic

d) Red

18) Answer (A)


Animals are kept in Zoo. Similarly, Cars are kept in Garage.

$\therefore\ $Garage is related to Car in the same way Zoo is related to Animals.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A

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