Cloze Test for IBPS-SO

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Cloze Test for ibps so

Cloze Test for IBPS-SO

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Instructions: In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

President Barack Obama’s recent statement of his Afghanistan policy has again (1) the intractable situation the United States has (2) since it led the invasion of the country in 2001. In his State of the Union address to the Congress on January 28, Mr. Obama said the mission there would be (3) by the end of the year, and that thereafter the U.S. and its allies would (4) a “unified Afghanistan”, as it took responsibility for itself. With the agreement of the Afghan government, a “small force” could (5) to train and (6) Afghan forces and carry out counterterrorism operations against any AI – Qaeda (7).Washington has (8) 60,000 of its troops from Afghanistan since Mr. Obama took office in 2009, but 36,500 remain, with 19,000 from other countries in the NATO – ISAF coalition. Western plans are for a residual force of 8,000 to 12,000, two – thirds of them American, but sections of the U.S. military have (9) a U.S. strength of 10,000 with 5,000 from the rest of the coalition. Mr. Obama is discussing the (10) with senior officers.

Question 1: 1

a) revealed

b) communicated

c) imparted

d) unveiled

e) told

Question 2: 2

a) resisted

b) evaded

c) flouted

d) given

e) faced

Question 3: 3

a) managed

b) attended

c) completed

d) initiated

e) attained

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Question 4: 4

a) respect

b) subdue

c) suffer

d) support

e) neglect

Question 5: 5

a) pause

b) depart

c) honour

d) remain

e) prevail

Question 6: 6

a) sustain

b) face

c) serve

d) reinforce

e) assist

Question 7: 7

a) opinions

b) facts

c) scraps

d) vestiges

e) remnants

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Question 8: 8

a) advanced

b) diverted

c) withdrawn

d) switched

e) detached

Question 9: 9

a) mentioned

b) sanctioned

c) intimated

d) suggested

e) pointed

Question 10: 10

a) options

b) preferences

c) privileges

d) grants

e) reflections

InstructionsDirections : In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. As the country embarks on planning (221) the 12th Plan (2012-17) period, a key question mark (222) hangs over the process is on the energy requirements. Growth is energy-hungry and the aspirations of growing at 9-10% will (223) huge demands on the energy resources of the country. In this energy jigsaw, renewable energy will (224) like never before in the 12th Plan and the (225). By the rule of the thumb, India will (226) about 100 gigawatts (Gw)-100,000 megawatts of capacity addition in the next five years. Encouraging trends on energy efficiency and sustained (227) by some parts of the government—the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, in particular, needs to be complimented for this-have led to substantially lesser energy intensity of economic growth. However, even the tempered demand numbers are (228) to be below 80Gw. As against this need, the coal supply from domestic sources is unlikely to support more than 25 Gw equivalent capacity. Imported coal can add some more, but at a much (229) cost. Gas-based electricity generation is unlikely to contribute anything substantial in view of the unprecedented gas supply challenges. Nuclear will be (230) in the foreseeable future. Among imported coal, gas, large hydro and nuclear, no more than 15-20Gw equivalent can be (231) to be added in the five-year time block. (232) (233) this, capacity addition in the renewable energy based power generation as touched about 3Gw a year. In the coming five years, the overall capacity addition in the electricity grid (234) renewable energy is likely to range between 20Gw and 25Gw. Additionally, over and above the grid-based capacity, off-grid electricity applications are reaching remote places and (235) lives where grid-based electricity supply has miserably failed.

Question 11: 221

a) against

b) for

c) onwards

d) at

e) on

Question 12: 222

a) that

b) inside

c) always

d) who

e) where

Question 13: 223

a) forward

b) subject

c) place

d) demand

e) replace

Question 14: 224

a) pass

b) publish

c) feature

d) find

e) light

Question 15: 225

a) likewise

b) publicity

c) next

d) after

e) earlier

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

On reading the sentence that contains the blanks you can refer that the blank in question is to the filled with a word that means ‘disclosed’. That word is ‘revealed’. The rest of the options are inappropriate in the context of the given sentence. Hence Choice a is the correct option. Choice a

2) Answer (E)

On reading the sentence that contains the blanks you can infer that the blank in question is to the filled with a word that means ‘confronted’. The rest of the options are inappropriate in the context of the given sentence. Hence Choice e is the correct option. Choice e

3) Answer (C)

On reading the sentence that contains the blanks you can infer that the blank in question is to the filled with a word that means ‘accomplished’. That word is ‘completed’. The rest of the options are inappropriate in the context of the given sentence. Hence Choice c is the correct option. Choice c

4) Answer (D)

When you reading the sentence, the blank in question is to the filled with a word that means ‘favour’. That word is ‘support’. The rest of the options are inappropriate in the context of the given sentence. Hence Choice d is the correct option. Choice d

5) Answer (D)

Upon reading the sentence that contains the blanks you can infer that the blank in question is to the filled with a word that means ‘stay’. That word is ‘remain’. The rest of the options are contextually inappropriate. Hence Choice d is the correct option. Choice d

6) Answer (E)

When you reading the sentence that contains the blanks you can infer that the the blank in question is to the filled with a word that means ‘help’. That word is ‘assist’. The rest of the options are inappropriate in the context of the given sentence. Hence Choice e is the correct option. Choice e

7) Answer (E)

On reading the sentence that contains the blanks you can infer that the blank in question is to the filled with a word that means ‘left overs’. The rest of the options are inappropriate in the context of the given sentence. Hence Choice e is the correct option. Choice e

8) Answer (C)

When you read the sentence that contains the blank you can infer that the blank in question is to the filled with a word that means ‘taken away’. That word is ‘withdrawn’. The rest of the options are inappropriate in the context of the given sentence. Hence Choice c is the correct option. Choice c

9) Answer (D)

On reading the sentence that contains the blanks you can infer that the blank in question is to the filled with a word that means ‘recommended’. That word is ‘suggested’. The rest of the options are incorrect in this context. Hence Choice d is the correct option. Choice d

10) Answer (A)

When you reading the sentence that contains the blank you can infer that the blank in question is to the filled with a word that means ‘choices/alternatives’. The rest of the options are incorrect in the context of the given sentence. Hence Choice a is the correct option. Choice a

11) Answer (B)

Planning “for” the period – is the right proposition to be used. The other options are not suitable in the given context. Hence the right answer is b.

12) Answer (A)

a key question mark “that” hangs over the process is the correct option to be used in the situation. The other options are not appropriate in the given context. Hence the answer is (A).

13) Answer (C)

will “place” huge demands is the correct option to be used in the situation. The other options are not appropriate in the given context. Hence the answer is (C).

14) Answer (C)

will “feature” like never before is the correct option to be used in the situation. The other options are not appropriate in the given context. Hence the answer is (C).

15) Answer (C)

and the “next” is the correct option to be used in the situation. The other options are not appropriate in the given context. Hence the answer is (C).

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