Clocks and Calendars questions for SSC Stenographer PDF

Clocks and Calendars questions for SSC Stenographer PDF
Clocks and Calendars questions for SSC Stenographer PDF

Clocks and Calendars questions for SSC Stenographer PDF

SSC Stenographer Clocks and Calendars Questions and Answers download PDF based on previous year question papers of SSC exam. 15 Very important Clocks and Calendars questions  for Stenographer.

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Question 1: What will be the day of the week on 15 August 2021 ?

a) Sunday

b) Wednesday

c) Saturday

d) Monday

Question 2: If it was a Sunday on 1 January 2017, what was the day of the week on 31 December 2017?

a) Tuesday

b) Monday

c) Sunday

d) Friday

Question 3: If it was a Friday on 1 January 2016, what was the day of the week on 31 December 2016?

a) Sunday

b) Saturday

c) Monday

d) Friday

Question 4: What was the day of the week on 15 August 2013?

a) Thursday

b) Monday

c) Wednesday

d) Tuesday

Question 5: What was the day of the week on 26 January 2012 ?

a) Sunday

b) Saturday

c) Thursday

d) Tuesday


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Question 6: If it was a Saturday on 10 November 2018, what was the day of the week on 15 August 2017?

a) Monday

b) Tuesday

c) Sunday

d) Friday

Question 7: A watch reads 4:30. If the minute hand points East in which direction will the hour hand point?

a) North-East

b) North

c) South-West

d) south

Question 8: If the number 1 on the clock is replaced by the letter ‘M’, the number 2 is replaced by ‘N’
and so on, then when thetime is 21:00 p.m. the hour hand will be at ………. letter.

a) T

b) S

c) V

d) U

Question 9: What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when the time shown by the clock is 8 p.m.?(in degrees)

a) 240

b) 120

c) 60

d) 50

Question 10: How many times in a week does both the hands of the clock will coincide with each other?

a) 84

b) 160

c) 56

d) 154


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Question 11: Praneet started his journey at 2:45:46 p.m. and reached the destination at 4:55:57 p.m. Anit started the journey 58 mins 40secs after Praneet and reached his destination 50 mins 29 secs after him. How long did Anit take to complete his journey?

a) 2 hours 2 seconds

b) 2 hours 2 minutes

c) 1 hour 59 minutes

d) 2 hours 1 minute 12 seconds

Question 12: If the hour hand of a clock moves by $18^\circ$ then by how many degrees does the minute hand move during the same time?

a) 168

b) 216

c) 276

d) 196

Question 13: On which dates of December, 2018 will be Wednesdays?

a) 4, 11, 18 and 25

b) 5, 12, 19 and 26

c) 3, 10, 17 and 24

d) 6, 13, 20 and 27

Question 14: If 1st July, 1977 was a Friday then 1st July 1970 was a

a) Wednesday

b) Thursday

c) Sunday

d) Tuesday

Question 15: Sita told her friend Gita “I am leaving today and will reach Mumbai tomorrow for my exams starting the day after tomorrow, which is Friday”. What day is tomorrow in this conversation?

a) Wednesday

b) Thursday

c) Tuesday

d) Saturday

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

15th August, 2021 = (2020 years + Period 1.1.2021 to 15.8.2021)

Odd days in 1600 years = 0

Odd days in 400 years = 0

20 years = (5 leap years + 15 ordinary years) = (5 x 2 + 15 x 1) = 25 = 4 odd days

Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug.
(31 + 28 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 15) = 227 days

227 days = (32 weeks + 3 days) = 3 odd days

Total number of odd days = (0 + 0 + 7 + 3) = 7 = 0 odd days

Given day is Sunday.

2) Answer (C)

Year 2017 was normal year,

Number of days in 2017 = 365

So, 52 weeks and one odd day

1st January 2017 was Sunday means 30th December 2016 is Saturday

So, 31st December 2017 would be Sunday

3) Answer (B)

Year 2016 was a leap year

Therefore, number of days in 2016 = 366 days = 52 weeks + 2 odd days

Now 1st january 2016 was Friday so, 30th december 2016 was also Friday

Hence, 31th december 2016 was Saturday.

4) Answer (A)

15th August 2013 = (2009 years + period between 1-1-2013 to 15-8-2013)

odd days in 2000 = 0

in remaining 13 years = (3 leap years + 9 normal years) = (3 * 2 + 9 * 1) = 15 – 14 = 1 odd days

Total number of days in period between 1-1-2013 to 15-8-2013 = 227 days = 32 weeks + 3 days = 3 odd days

Total number of odd days = (1 + 3) = 4 days

Hence, given day is thrusday (0 odd day means sunday, 1 odd day means mon and so on )

5) Answer (C)

26 January 2012 = (2011 years + period between 1-1-2012 to 26-01-2012)

odd days in 2000 = 0

in remaining 11 years = (2 leap years + 9 normal years) = (2 * 2 + 9 * 1) = 13 – 14 = 6 odd days

Total number of days in period between 1-1-2012 to 26-01-2012 = 26 days = 3 weeks + 5 days = 5 odd days

Total number of odd days = (6 + 5) = 11 – 7 = 4 days

Hence, given day is Thursday (0 odd day means sunday, 1 odd day means mon and so on).

6) Answer (B)

7) Answer (A)

8) Answer (D)

9) Answer (B)

The total angle in a clock is 360°.

The minute hand covers this 360° in 60 minutes. Thus ,for every minute it covers 6°.

The hour hand covers this 360° in 12 hour. Thus ,for every hour it covers 30°.

So, in 8 hour ,the hour hand will cover $8\times30°=240°.$

So, the difference between hour hand and minute hand at 8 p.m will be = $\left(360°-240°\right)=120°.$

So, option B is correct .

10) Answer (D)

AM : 12:00, 1:05, 2:11, 3:16,4:22, 5:27, 6:33, 7:38, 8:44, 9:49, 10:55.

PM: 12:00, 1:05, 2:11, 3:16, 4:22, 5:27, 6:33, 7:38, 8:44, 9:49, 10:55.

So, both the hands coincide with each other for 22 times in a day.


For 1 day = 22 times.

For 1 week = 22 * 7

= > 154 times.

11) Answer (B)

Praneet started his journey at 2:45:46 pm

Anit started 58 minutes 40 secs later

so the time would be 2:45:46 + 0:58:40 = 3:44:26 pm (since 60 sec is 1 minute and 60 minute = 1 hour)

Praneet reaches at 4:55:57 pm

and Anit reaches 0:50:29 after him

so the reaching time would be 4:55:57+0:50:29 = 5:46:26 pm

now the time taken by Anit is 5:46:26 – 3:44:26 = 2:02:00

Hence the time taken by Anit is 2 hours and 2 mins

12) Answer (B)

The hour hand of a clock moves by 30 deg when the minute had moved through 360 deg. Hence if the hour hand moves 18 deg, then the minute hand moves by $\frac{360\times18}{30}$ = 216 deg

13) Answer (B)

1st december 2018 is saturday so, 5 december is a wednesday (How are u able to tell that 1st dec 2018 is saturday. It has to be explained)

just 7 as many times as it not exceeding the value 31 beacause december is a 31 days month


5, 12, 19 and 26 of December are the dates on which it will be Wednesdays.

14) Answer (A)

There are 7 years between the two except two of them are leap years.

In a normal year, there are 365 days. 365 when divided by 7 leaves a reminder of 1. So, 1 July of a year and 1 July of the previous year are one weekday apart. If it is a leap year, 1 July of a year and 1 July of a previous year are separated by 2 weekdays. So, If July 1, 1977 was a Friday, 1st july 1976 is a Thursday and 1st july 1975-tuesday 1st july 1974-monday 1st july 1973-sunday 1st july 1972-saturday 1st july 1971-thrusday 1st july 1970- wednesday

15) Answer (B)

Given day after tomorrow is Friday. Therefore day (Friday) before yesterday should be Wednesday. It means that Sita started her journey on Wednesday & will reach Mumbai on Thursday. Thursday is tomorrow in this conversation.

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