CAT Vocabulary PDF

CAT Vocabulary PDF
CAT Vocabulary PDF

CAT Vocabulary PDF consists of Important English Vocabulary for CAT with solved questions and answers. This is the Second set of CAT Vocabulary PDF. This Vocabulary will be useful while solving Reading comprehension questions in the section of Verbal Ability of CAT.

This English Vocabulary for CAT will be also useful for other MBA entrance exams like IIFT, XAT, SNAP, MAT, NMAT, CMAT etc., Take a free CAT mock test to assess your preparation level.

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Question and Answers on CAT English Vocabulary:

Question 1:
Choose the option in which the usage of the word ‘Bundle’ is Incorrect or Inappropriate.
A.The newborn baby was a bundle of joy for the family.
B.Mobile operators are offering a bundle of additional benefits.
C.He made a bundle in the share market.
D.It was sheer luck that brought a bundle of boy-scouts to where I was lying wounded.

Question 2:
Choose the option in which the usage of the word ‘Distinct’ is Incorrect or Inappropriate.
A.He is distinct about what is right and what is wrong.
B.Mars became distinct on the horizon in the month of August.
C.The distinct strains of Ravi’s violin could be heard above the general din.
D.Ghoshbabu’s is a distinct case of water rising above its own level.

Question 3:
Choose the option in which the usage of the word ‘Implication’ is Incorrect or Inappropriate.
A.Everyone appreciated the headmaster’s implication in raising flood relief in the village.
B.This letter will lead to the implication of several industrialists in the market scam.
C.Several members of the audience missed the implication of the minister’s promise.
D.Death, by implication, is the only solution the poem offers the reader.

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Question 4:

Choose the option in which the usage of the word ‘Host’ is Incorrect or Inappropriate.
A.If you host the party, who will foot the bill?
B.Kerala’s forests are host to a range of snakes
C.Ranchi will play the host to the next national film festival.
D.A virus has infected the host computer.

Question 5:
Choose the option in which the usage of the word ‘Sort’ is Incorrect or Inappropriate.
A.What sort of cheese do you use in pizza?
B.Farmers of all sort attended the rally.
C.They serve tea of a sort on these trains.
D.Let’s sort these boys into four groups.

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Solutions for questions on CAT English Vocabulary

1) Answer (D)
Option 1 is correct as “bundle of joy” refers to the baby. Option 2 is correct as bundle refers to “a collection of benefits” wrapped together. Option 3 is correct as “made a bundle” means “earning a lot of money.” Option 4 is incorrect usage.

2) Answer (A)
Option a is incorrect as the correct usage would be “He is distinctive about what is right and what is wrong”

3) Answer (A) Option a is incorrect as the correct usage would be “Everyone appreciated the headmaster’s efforts.” “Implication” is the incorrect usage here.

4) Answer (C)
The correct usage would be “Ranchi will play host”

5) Answer (B)
The correct usage would be “Farmers of all sorts”

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