CAT Sentence Correction Questions with Solutions

CAT Sentence Correction Questions with Solutions
CAT Sentence Correction Questions with Solutions

CAT Sentence Correction Questions with Solutions

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Question 1: Identify the incorrect sentence or sentences
A. It was a tough situation and Manasi was taking pains to make it better.
B. Slowly her efforts gave fruit and things started improving.
C. Everyone complemented her for her good work.
D. She was very happy and thanked everyone

a) A

b) D

c) B and C

d) A and C

Question 2: Which of the following four sentence is grammatically correct?

a) Today we love, what tomorrow we hate; today we seek, what tomorrow we shun, today we desire, what tomorrow we fear.

b) Today, we love what tomorrow we hate, today, we seek what tomorrow we shun, today, we desire what tomorrow we fear.

c) Today we love what tomorrow we hate, today we seek what tomorrow we shun, today we desire what tomorrow we fear.

d) Today we love what tomorrow we hate; today we seek what tomorrow we shun; today we desire what tomorrow we fear.

Question 3: Some sentences are grammatically incorrect or inappropriate. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
A. Large reductions in the ozone layer, which sits about 15-30 km above the Earth, take place each winter over the polar regions, especially the Antarctic, as low temperatures allow the formation of stratospheric clouds that assist chemical reactions breaking down ozone.
B. Industrial chemicals containing chlorine and bromine have been blamed for thinning the layer because they attack the ozone molecules, making them to break apart.
C. Many an offending chemicals have now been banned.
D. It will still take several decades before these substances have disappeared from the atmosphere.

a) D

b) B&D

c) A&D

d) A&C

Question 4: Which of the following four sentence is grammatically correct?

a) The Board of Directors will hold its next meeting in July.

b) The Board of Directors will hold it’s next meeting in July.

c) The Board of Directors shall hold the next meeting in July.

d) The Board of Directors shall hold it’s next meeting in July.

Question 5: Some sentences are grammatically incorrect or inappropriate. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
A. People have good reason to care about the welfare of animals.
B. Ever since Enlightenment, their treatment has been seen as a measure of mankind’s humanity.
C. It is no coincidence that William Wilberforce and Sir Thomas Foxwell Buxton, two leaders of the movement to abolish the slave trade, helped found the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in 1820s.
D. An increasing number of people go further: mankind has a duty not to cause pain to animals that have the capacity to suffer.

a) A&D

b) B

c) A&C

d) C&D

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Question 6: Which of the following four sentence is grammatically correct?

a) The Excel Company has greatly enhanced it’s advertising expense.

b) The Excel Company has greatly increased its advertising expense.

c) The Excel Company has greatly enhanced its advertising expense.

d) The Excel Company has greatly increased it’s advertising expense.

Question 7: Some sentences are grammatically incorrect or inappropriate. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
A. When virtuoso teams begin their work, individuals are in and group consensus is out.
B. As project progresses, however, the individual stars harness themselves to the product of the group.
C. Sooner or later, the members break through their own egocentrism and become a plurality with single-minded focus on the goal.
D. In short, they morph into a powerful team with a shared identity.

a) A&C

b) A&D

c) B&D

d) A,C&D

Question 8: Which of the following four sentence is grammatically correct?

a) I am not one of those who believe everything they hear.

b) I am not one of those who believes everything I hear.

c) I am not one of those who believes everything he hears.

d) I am not one of those who believes in everything one hears.

Question 9: Some sentences are grammatically incorrect or inappropriate. Select the option that indicates the grammatically correct and appropriate sentence(s).
A. The balance of power will shift to the East as China and India evolve.
B. Rarely the economic ascent of two still relatively poor nations has been watched with such a mixture of awe, opportunism, and trepidation.
C. Postwar era witnessed economic miracles in Japan and South Korea, but neither was populous enough to power worldwide growth or change the game in a complete spectrum of industries.
D. China and India, by contrast, possess the weight and dynamism to transform the 21st-century global economy.

a) A,B&C

b) A&D

c) C

d) C&D

Question 10: Which of the following four sentence is grammatically correct?

a) The state of his affairs were such as to cause anxiety to his creditors.

b) The state of his affairs was such as to cause anxiety to his creditors.

c) The state of his affair were such as to cause anxiety to his creditors.

d) The state of his affairs are such as to cause anxiety to his creditors.

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (C)

Sentence B should be “Her efforts bore fruit…”
The word in sentence C should be “complimented” instead of “complemented”.
The correct answer choice is c).

2) Answer (D)

The sentence is talking about three things. There is no need of commas within each part of the sentence. We can rule out options a) and b). The three parts of the sentence are independent clauses, so they are best separated by a semi-colon. Option d) is the correct answer.

3) Answer (C)

Statements A and D are correct.
Statement B should be “…making them break apart”.
Statement C should be “…many an offending chemical..” or “many offending chemicals”

4) Answer (A)

‘The Board of Directors’ is a collective noun. So, it takes the singular verb ‘its’. It’s is an incorrect usage in this context because it actualy means ‘it is’. Option a) is the correct answer.

5) Answer (A)

Statements A and D are correct.
Statement B should be “Ever since the Enlightenment…”
Statement C should be “…in the 1820s”
Hence, option a) is the correct answer.

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6) Answer (B)

It’s is a concise way of writing ‘it is’. We can rule out options a) and d) because of this. The meaning of ‘enhance’ is ‘increase the quality of’. However, in this sentence, there is only an increase in expense. So, ‘increase’ is a more suitable word in this context. Option b) is the correct answer.

7) Answer (B)

Statement B should be: “As the project progresses…”
Statement C should be:”…a plurality with a single-minded focus…”
Statements A and D are correct. Option b)

8) Answer (A)

Here the author mentions the category of people who believe everything they hear. The people in this category are plural. Hence “believe” should be the correct usage rather than “believes.”

9) Answer (B)

Statements B and C are incorrect.
Statement B should be “Rarely has the economic…been watched”.
Statement C should be “The post war era”.
Hence option b) is the correct answer.

10) Answer (B)

The correct option is B. All other options have subject verb disagreement. The state of his affairs is the main subject which is singular. The correct usage would be “The state of affairs was/is such” which is only mentioned in B.

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