The CAT English section comprises verbal ability and reading comprehension questions. The primary topics include reading comprehension, para-jumbles, summary, and odd one out. In recent papers, questions related to grammar and phrasal verbs have not been included. However, a good understanding of grammar is useful in solving para-jumbled questions. To help with preparation, we have provided solved CAT questions and answers on grammar.
CAT English Questions With Answers PDF:
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In each of the questions, a word has been used in sentences in five different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.
Question 1:
Choose the option in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.
a) I must run fast to catch up with him.
b) Our team scored a goal against the run of play.
c) You can’t run over him like that.
d) The newly released book is enjoying a popular run.
e)This film is a run-of-the-mill production.
Question 2:
Choose the option in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.
a) The police fired a round of tear gas shells.
b) The shop is located round the corner.
c) We took a ride on the merry-go-round.
d) The doctor is on a hospital round.
e)I shall proceed further only after you come round to admitting it.
Question 3:
Choose the option in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.
a) After the long hike our knees were beginning to buckle.
b) The horse suddenly broke into a buckle.
c) The accused did not buckle under police interrogation.
d) Sometimes, an earthquake can make a bridge buckle.
e)People should learn to buckle up as soon as they get into a car.
Question 4:
Choose the option in which the usage of the word is incorrect or inappropriate.
a) You will find the paper in the file under C.
b) I need to file an insurance claim.
c) The cadets were marching in a single file.
d) File your nails before you apply nail polish.
e)When the parade was on, a soldier broke the file.
CAT English questions – Solutions: (1 to 4)
1)Â Answer (c)
The phrase ‘run over him’ is wrongly used in sentence C. It means running over him physically. A person can’t run over another person.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.
2)Â Answer (e)
The correct phrase in option E is “come around to admitting it”.
The word round is used correctly in all the other options.
Hence, option E is the answer
3)Â Answer (b)
In sentence B, ‘broke into a buckle’ is idiomatically incorrect. A better expression is ‘broke into a gallop’.
4)Â Answer (e)
In sentence E, ‘broke the file’ is incorrect. The correct idiom is ‘break ranks’, which means to fall out of line.
Question 5:
Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the one expressed in the question pair. Reptile : Adder
a) Skeleton : Flesh
b) Method : System
c) Plant : Genus
d) Dinosaur : Tyrannosaurus
Question 6:
Choose from among the given alternatives the one which will be a suitable substitute for the expression in quotes. The “marriage of the princess with the commoner” caused a furore among the royalty.
a) mesalliance
b) misalliance
c) elopement
d) romance
Question 7:
Choose from among the given alternatives the one which will be a suitable substitute for the expression in quotes. The victim’s “involuntary responses to stimulus” proved that he was still living.
a) reactions
b) reflexes
c) feedback
d) communication
Question 8:
Choose from among the given alternatives the one which will be a suitable substitute for the expression in quotes. The victim’s “involuntary responses to stimulus” proved that he was still living.
a) reactions
b) reflexes
c) feedback
d) communication
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Question 9:
Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the one expressed in the question pair. Peel : Peal
a) Coat : Rind
b) Laugh : Bell
c) Rain : Reign
d) Brain : Cranium
Question 10:
Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the one expressed in the question pair. Doggerel : Poet
a) Symphony : Composer
b) Prediction : Astrologer
c) Wine : Vintner
d) Pulp fiction : Novelis
Solutions:Â (5Â to 10)
5)Â Answer (d)
Adder is a type of a reptile.
Tyrannosauraus is a type of Dinosaur. The relationship is similar to that of Adder and Reptile.
Hence, option D is the answer.
6) Answer (b)
An alliance is an association or organization formed between two parties for the mutual benefit of each other. In this case, the sentence is trying to convey the idea that the alliance is not working. In other words, it is a ‘misalliance’. Option b) is the correct answer.
7) Answer (b)
An involuntary response to a stimulus is called a reflex. So, the word that best replaces the phrase is ‘reflexes’. Option b) is the correct answer.
8) Answer (a)
A phalanx is a rectangular military formation, usually composed of heavy infantry. This is the most suitable word in the context. Option a) is the correct answer.
9) Answer (c)
Peel and Peal sound fairly similar but have completely different meanings. Peel is used to as a verb to remove the outer coating of fruits, etc. Peal is a noun and relates to the sound made by ringing bells. Similarly rain and reign sound fairly alike but mean very different and also have noun and verb difference.
10) Answer (d)
Doggerel is a type of poetry and hence poet is associated with doggerel. Similarly pul fiction is a type of novel and hence novelist is associated with it.
We hope that this CAT english questions and answers PDF is useful to you.