Blood Relations Questions for CAT

Blood Relations Questions for CAT
Blood Relations Questions for CAT

Blood Relations Questions for CAT:

Blood relations logical reasoning questions and answers for CAT. Important blood relationship quiz test problems for CAT exam.

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Instructions : 1 to 4 

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow.

Mr. Rajat Chopra and his wife Nikita Chopra have 3 sons whose names are Ramesh, Suresh and Umesh. Mishra family is a neighbor of the Chopra’s.
Mr. Amit Mishra and his wife Neha Mishra have 2 daughters whose names are Payal and Ruchi. The two neighboring families go to Kerala for a vacation. They decide to go for boating but no boat could carry more than 3 members. So they hire 3 boats. None of the children know how to row a boat, so at least one of the adults have to be there on each boat. Moreover, no boat has all the three members from the same family.

Question 1:

If the three children from the Chopra family ride in different boats then which of the following is definitely false?
I Rajat and Nikita are rowing in the same boat.
II Amit and Neha are rowing in the same boat.

a) I only
b) II only
c) Both I and II
d) Neither I nor II

Question 2:

If Nikita and Amit are on the same boat then which of the following cannot be the combination of people on any boat?

a) Ramesh, Neha, Ruchi
b) Neha, Ramesh, Suresh
c) Neha, Ruchi, Umesh
d) Neha, Suresh, Rajat

Question 3:

If Neha and Ruchi are on the same boat, which of the following could be a list of people on another boat?

a) Ramesh, Amit, Payal
b) Ramesh, Suresh, Amit
c) Ramesh, Payal, Suresh
d) Amit, Payal, Nikita

Question 4:

If Rajat and Amit are in the same boat and each of the three brothers are on different boats, then which of the following is necessarily true?

a) Every boat has both males and females on it.
b) One of the boats has only females on it.
c) One of the boats has only males on it.
d) The two sisters are on the same boat.

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Solutions: 1 to 4

1) Answer (a)

The three boys are rowing in different boats. We know that there are only three boats and each boat can carry three persons. Hence Amit and Nikita cannot be on the same boat as that would mean that one of the boats has all the members from the Chopra family. So I is definitely false.
Statement II can be true as well false. It can be true if the two people travel in one boat while Amit and Nikita row the other two boats. Hence nothing can be said with certainty about statement II. Thus the correct answer is option A.

2) Answer (d)

Neha, Suresh and Rajat cannot be on the same boat. This is because we know that one of the adults have to be there on each boat. Since Nikita and Amit are already on the same boat, Neha and Rajat have to on the other two boats. If they are on the same boat then there will be no adult on the third boat. Hence, the combination mentioned in option D is not possible.

3) Answer (b)

We know that none of the boats have all the members from the same family. So each boat must have at least 1 member from each of the two families. Neha and Ruchi are on the same boat. So only two people from Mishra family are remaining. Both of them need to be on different boats. Hence options A and D can be ruled out because they have Payal and Amit on the same boat. Option C is also not possible since it does not have any adult on the boat. Thus, the only feasible option is option B.

4) Answer (c)

If Rajat and Amit are on the same boat then the other two boats would be rowed by Neha and Nikita. It is known that each of the brothers are on different boats. So one of them will be on Rajat and Amit’s boat. Hence there will be one boat with only males. Thus, c is necessarily true.

Question 5:

There are 6 members (A, B, C, D, E, F) in a family who are spread across 3 generations. There are two couples in the family and no one from the third generation is married. E is the wife of C. F and B are the only people belonging to their generation and they are also a couple. There are 4 male members in the family.
Which of the following must be true?

a) D is the grandson of A
b) A and D belong to the same generation
c) There is no female in the third generation
d) E is the father of F
e)more than one of the above

Question 6: 

P and Q are sisters and R and S are brothers. P’s daughter is S’s sister. How is Q related to R?
a) Maternal aunt
b) Niece
c) Nephew
d) GrandMother

Question 7:

Pointing to a photograph on the wall, Anil says to Nitesh, “ The person in the photograph is the son of my mother’s sister and is your brother”. Which of the following is true?

a) Nitesh is Anil’s nephew
b) Anil is Nitesh’s brother in law
c) Nitesh’s mother is Anil’s sister
d) Anil and Nitesh are cousins
e)Anil’s sister is Nitesh’s aunt

Solutions: 5 to7

5) Answer (c)
E is the wife of C, so E and C belong to the first generation or second generation. Moreover, since F and B belong to the same generation and are a couple they must also belong to either 1st or 2nd generation.
A and D need not necessarily belong to the same generation.
Moreover since there are only two female members, they must be the part of 1st and 2nd generations only.
Hence third generation has no female members. Hence option C is the correct answer.

6) Answer (a)

Given P’s daughter is S’s sister ==> R and S are children of P.
==> Q is the maternal aunt of R and S.

7) Answer (d)

Anil’s mother’s sister is Anil’s aunt, so her son would be Anil’s cousin.
Nitesh is the brother of Anil’s cousin, so Nitesh is also a cousin of Anil.
Hence d is correct.

We hope this blood relation questions and answers for CAT exam is useful for practice and preparation.

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