Blood Relation Questions for SNAP [Download PDF]

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Blood Relation Questions for SNAP

Blood Relation is an important topic in the Analytical & Logical Reasoning section of the SNAP Exam. You can also download this Free Blood Relation Questions for SNAP PDF (with answers) by Cracku. These questions will help you to practice and solve the Blood Relation questions in the SNAP exam. Utilize this PDF practice set, which is one of the best sources for practising.

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Question 1: L is the daughter of K. L is married to D. B is the son of D. F is married to B. How is D related to F?

a) Father-in-law

b) Mother-in-law

c) Cannot be determined

d) Father

e) Mother

1) Answer (A)


L is the daughter of K. L is married to D, => D is the husband of L.

B is the son of D and F is married to B, => B is the son of D and L and F is the wife of B.

Thus, D is the father-in-law of F.

=> Ans – (A)

Question 2: B is the father of Q. B has only two children. Q is the brother of R. R is the daughter of P. A is the granddaughter of P. S is the father of A. How is S related to Q?

a) Son

b) Son-in-law

c) Brother

d) Brother-in-law

e) None of these

2) Answer (D)


B is the father of Q and Q is the brother of R. Also, R is the daughter of P

=> B is husband of P and their children are Q(male) and R(female).

A is the granddaughter of P and S is the father of A

=> S is husband of R and their daughter is A.

S is married to Q’s sister, => S is brother-in-law of Q.

=> Ans – (D)


<p “=””>Study the following information and answer the questions given. B is the mother of T. T is the sister of J. J is married to L. L is the only son of K. K is the daughter of P.

Question 3: If K is the mother of X, then how is X related to P ?

a) Son

b) Grandson

c) Daughter

d) Granddaughter

e) Cannot be determined

3) Answer (D)


B is the mother of T. T is the sister of J.

J is married to L and L is the only son of K, => J is female and daughter of B.

Also, K is the daughter of P.

If K is the mother of X, then X must be a girl, since L is the only son of K, thus X is granddaughter of P.

=> Ans – (D)

Question 4: How is B related to L ?

a) Mother

b) Mother-in-law

c) Sister-in-law

d) Grandmother –

e) Cannot be determined

4) Answer (B)


B is the mother of T. T is the sister of J.

J is married to L and L is the only son of K, => J is female and daughter of B.

Also, K is the daughter of P.

B is the mother of L’s wife, thus B is the mother-in-law of L.

=> Ans – (B)

Question 5: How is T related to L ?

a) Cousin

b) Sister

c) Sister-in-law

d) Cannot be determined

e) Niece

5) Answer (C)


B is the mother of T. T is the sister of J.

J is married to L and L is the only son of K, => J is female and daughter of B.

Also, K is the daughter of P.

T is the sister of L’s wife, thus T is the sister-in-law of L.

=> Ans – (C)

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Question 6: A said to B that B’s mother was the mother-in-law of A’s mother. How is A’s mother related to B’s mother ?

a) Daughter-in-law

b) Mother-in-law

c) Sister

d) Aunt

e) None of these

6) Answer (A)


B’s mother was the mother-in-law of A’s mother, => B is the father of A.

Hence, A’s mother is the daughter-in-law of B’s mother.

=> Ans – (A)

Question 7: If A is the brother of B, C is the sister of A, D is the brother of E, E is the daughter of B, F is the father of C. who is the uncle of D ?

a) A

b) C

c) B

d) None of these

e) Can’t be determined

7) Answer (A)


A is the brother of B and C is the sister of A, => A (male) , B and C (female) are siblings.

D is the brother of E and E is the daughter of B, => D (male) and E (female) are the children of B.

F is the father of C, => F is the father of A, B and C.

Thus, A is the uncle of D.

=> Ans – (A)

Question 8: X’s mother is the mother-in-law of the father of Z. Z is the brother of Y while X is the father of M. How is X related to Z ?

a) Paternal uncle

b) Maternal uncle

c) Cousin

d) Grandfather

e) Brother-in-law

8) Answer (B)


X is the father of M, => X is male.

X’s mother is the mother-in-law of the father of Z, => The father of Z is married to X’s sister.

Thus, X is the brother of Z’s mother, hence X is the maternal uncle of Z.

=> Ans – (B)


Study the following information and answer the questions. K is the wife of V. V is the brother of J. L is the only daughter of J. D is the father of M and L. S is the only daughter of M.

Question 9: How is K related to L ?

a) Aunt

b) Niece

c) Mother­in­law

d) Mother

e) Sister

9) Answer (A)


K is the wife of V. V is the brother of J.

L is the only daughter of J. D is the father of M and L, => D is the husband of J and M is the brother of L.

S is the only daughter of M.

K is the aunt of L.

=> Ans – (A)

Question 10: If S is married to G, how is G related to M ?

a) Daughter

b) Son

c) Nephew

d) Niece

e) Son-­in-­law

10) Answer (E)


K is the wife of V. V is the brother of J.

L is the only daughter of J. D is the father of M and L, => D is the husband of J and M is the brother of L.

S is the only daughter of M.

If S is married to G, then G is the son-in-law of M.

=> Ans – (E)

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Question 11: How is D related to V ?

a) Nephew

b) Brother

c) Brother-in-­law

d) Son

e) Father-in-law

11) Answer (C)


K is the wife of V. V is the brother of J.

L is the only daughter of J. D is the father of M and L, => D is the husband of J and M is the brother of L.

S is the only daughter of M.

D is the husband of V’s sister, => D is the brother-in-law of V.

=> Ans – (C)


Study the following information and answer the given questions.
S is the father of R. R is the only son of U. U is the daughter of J. J has only two children. K is the son of J.

Question 12: How is R related to J ?

a) Grandfather

b) Son

c) Nephew

d) Grandson

e) Son-in-law

12) Answer (D)


S is the father of R. R is the only son of U, => U is the wife of S.

U is the daughter of J. J has only two children. K is the son of J, => K is the brother of U.

R is the son of J’s daughter, => R is the grandson of J.

=> Ans – (D)

Question 13: How is S related to K ?

a) Brother

b) Brother-in-law

c) Cousin

d) Father

e) Uncle

13) Answer (B)


S is the father of R. R is the only son of U, => U is the wife of S.

U is the daughter of J. J has only two children. K is the son of J, => K is the brother of U.

S is the husband of K’s sister, => S is the brother-in-law of K.

=> Ans – (B)

Question 14: If X is the granddaughter of J, then how is U related to X ?

a) Sister

b) Mother-in-law

c) Grandfather

d) Sister-in-law

e) Cannot be determined

14) Answer (E)


S is the father of R. R is the only son of U, => U is the wife of S.

U is the daughter of J. J has only two children. K is the son of J, => K is the brother of U.

If X is the granddaughter of J, then X can be the daughter of either U or K, thus U can be either mother or aunt of X, hence relation cannot be determined.

=> Ans – (E)

Question 15: Introducing Sarita, Meena said, “She is the only daughter of my father’s only daughter”. How is Meena related to Sarita ?

a) Niece

b) Cousin

c) Aunt

d) Data Inadequate

e) None of these

15) Answer (E)


Meena’s father’s only daughter = Meena herself

Now Sarita is the daughter of Meena

=> Meena is Sarita’s mother.

=> Ans – (E)

So, these are some important Blood relation questions for the SNAP 2022 Exam. Download the PDF and practice the questions well.

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