Bar Chart Questions for NMAT PDF:
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Exhibit I as under provides the data of India’s Merchandize Imports (Billion US Dollar) on left axis and Percentage of Food: Fuel, Manufactures and Ores & Metals lmports of India’s on the right axis. Similarly; Exhibit 2 provides data of India’s Merchandize Exports (Billion US Dollar) on left axis and Percentage exports of Food, Fuel, Manufactures and Ores & Metals on the right axis. Attempt the questions in the context of information provided as under:
A.Trade Balance = Import Minus Exports
b:Trade Deficit If Imports are more than Exports
c:TradeSurplus= If Exports are more than Imports
Exhibit 1: India’s Total Merchandize Imports (US Dollar in Billion) and Percentage Imports of Food, Fuel, Manufacturers and Ores and Metals (2012 – 2016)

Exhibit 2: India’s Total Merchandize Exports (US Dollar in
Billion) and Percentage Exports of Food, Fuel, Manufacturers and Ores
and Metals (2012 – 2016)

Question 1:Â What shall be approximate Manufactures exports of India in the year 2016 based on average exports for the period 2012-2016?
a)Â 221 Billion US Dollar
b)Â 209 Billion US Dollar
c)Â 239 Billion US Dollar
d)Â 236 Billion US Dollar
Question 2:Â What is the proportion of positive and negative Manufactures trade balance in the period 2012-2016 ?
a)Â 3:2
b)Â 2:3
c)Â 1:4
d)Â None oftbeabove
Question 3:Â In which year, trade deficit of fuel has been the second lowest?
a)Â 2015
b)Â 2014
c)Â 2013
d)Â 2016
Question 4:Â Assuming India’s imports and exportS grow by 10% in 2017 and sectoral share of fuel in both importS andexports grow by 5 percentage basis, what shall be theapproximate deficit of fuel trade in the year 2017?
a)Â 88 Billion Fuel Trade Deficit
b)Â 74 Billion Fuel Trade Deficit
c)Â 85 Billion Fuel Trade Deficit
d)Â 78 Billion Fuel Trade Deficit
Question 5: Assuming India’s absolute trade deficit grows by 54 Billion USDollar and exports become 324 Billion US Dollar in the year 2017. What shall be India’s absolute imports of food and fuel in 2017 if sectoral composition of food, fuel, manufactures, ores and metals remain· same as that of 2016?
a)Â 36 Billion US Dollar & 119.S Billion USDollar
b)Â 38 Billion US Dollar & 117.5 Billion USDollar
c)Â 34 Billion US Dollar & 118.5 Billion US Dollar
d)Â 38 Billion US Dollar & 116.5 Billion US Dollar
Answer the questions based on the following graph.

Question 6:Â In which year the annual growth rate of total production (of all products) is highest?
a)Â 1991
b)Â 1992
c)Â 1993
d)Â 1995
Question 7:Â If the stability of the production during 1990 to 1995 is defined as,
a)Â Product P
b)Â Product Q
c)Â Product R
d)Â Product S
Question 8:Â If four products P, Q, R and S shown in the graph are sold at price of Rs. 9, Rs. 4, Rs.13 and Rs.3 respectively during 1990-1995, then the total revenue of all the products is lowest in which year?
a)Â 1991
b)Â 1992
c)Â 1993
d)Â None of the above
Question 9:Â Individual revenue of P, Q, R and S for the entire period (1990-1995) is calculated based on the price of Rs.9, Rs.4, Rs.13 and Rs.3 respectively. Which product fetches the lowest revenue?
a)Â Product P
b)Â Product Q
c)Â Product R
d)Â Product S
Question 10:Â Four products P, Q, R and S shown in the graph are sold at price of Rs.9, Rs.4, Rs.13 and Rs.3 respectively during 1990-1995. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a)Â Product R fetches second highest revenue across products in 1991.
b)Â Sum of revenue of P, Q and S is more than the revenue of R in 1994.
c)Â Cumulative revenue of P and Q is more than the revenue of S in 1993.
d)Â None of the above
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Answers & Solutions:
1) Answer (A)
Average export for the period 2012-2016 = (Sum of all exports in 2012-2016)/5 = (275+350+325+275+250)/5 =295Â Â (US dollar in billions)
Manufactures Export of India in 2016 = 75 percent of the exports (from graph) = (295*75)/100 = 221.25Â Â (US dollar in billions)
2) Answer (B)
Trade balance = Imports – Exports
For 2012:
Manufactures Trade balance = Manufactures import – manufactures export
= 500*(35/100) – 275*(65/100) =Â -3.75Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (From Graph)
For 2013:
Manufactures Trade balance = 475*(40/100) – 350*(60/100) =Â -20
For 2014:
Manufactures Trade balance = 450*(45/100) – 325*(55/100) = 23.75
For 2015:
Manufactures Trade balance = 375*(50/100) – 275*(70/100) = -5
For 2016:
Manufactures Trade balance = 350*(55/100) – 250*(75/100) = 5
Number of positive trade balances = 2
Number of negative trade balances = 3
Proportion of positive and negative trade balances = 2:3
3) Answer (A)
Trade deficit of fuel = import of the fuel – export of the fuel = total import * percentage of fuel import –Â Â total import * percentage of fuel export
For year 2013, trade deficit of fuel = (475*42)/100 – (350*25)/100 = 199.50 – 87.5 = 112Â Â Â (US dollar in billions)
For year 2014, trade deficit of fuel = (450*40)/100 – (325*20)/100 = 180 – 65 =115  (US dollars in billions)
For year 2015, trade deficit of fuel = (375*30)/100 – (275*10)/100 = 112.50 – 27.5 = 85   (US dollars in billions)
For year 2016, trade deficit of fuel = (350*25)/100 – (250*10)/100 = 87.5 – 25 = 62.5    (US dollars in billions)
Trade deficit of fuel is 2nd lowest for year 2015.
4) Answer (B)
India’s import in 2017 = import in 2016*(1 +Â (10/100))Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (Since growth rate is 10 percent)
=Â 350 * 1.1 = 385Â Â (USD in billions)
India’s export in 2017 = export in 2016*(1 +Â (10/100))Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â (Since growth rate is 10 percent)
= 250*1.1 = 275Â Â Â (USD in billions)
New sectoral share of fuel in imports = 25+5 =30 percent
New sectoral share of fuel in exports = 10+5 =15 percent
India’s fuel imports in 2017 = 385*30/100 = 115.5 (USD in billion)
India’s fuel exports in 2017 = 275*15/100 = 41.25 (USD in billion)
Trade deficit of fuel = Fuel import – fuel export = 115.5 – 41.25 = 74.25 (USD in billions)
5) Answer (A)
Trade deficit = Import – Export
India’ trade deficit in 2016 = 350 – 250 = 100Â Â (USD in billions)
India’ trade deficit in 2017 = 100+54 = 154Â (USD in billions)
154 = Import – 324
Hence, import = 324+154 = 478 (USD in billions)
India food import percentage in 2017 =Â India food import percentage in 2016Â = 7.5 (Given)
India food import percentage in 2017 =Â India food import percentage in 2016Â = 25 (Given)
India’s food export in 2017 = 478*7.5/100 = 35.85 = 36(Approx)Â Â Â (USD in billion)
India’s fuel export in 2017 = 478*25/100 = 119.5Â Â Â Â (USD in billion)
6) Answer (B)
7) Answer (D)
8) Answer (C)
9) Answer (B)
10) Answer (C)
Let’s look at the options one by one ,
Option A: Revenue by products P = 25*9 = 225 , Q = 40*4 = 160 , R = 91*13 = 1183, S = 159*3 = 477
Revenue of R is the highest. Hence A is not the correct answer.
Option B:Â Revenue by products P = 75*9 = 675, Q = 40*4 = 160 , R = 131*13 = 1703, S = 88*3 = 264
Sum of revenues of P, Q, S =1094
The combined revenue of P, Q, S is less than the revenue from R in 1994.
Hence B is not the correct answer.
Option C:Â Revenue by products P = 35*9 = 315, Q = 60*4 = 240, R = 62*13 = 806, S = 140*3 = 420
The cumulative revenue of P and Q = 555
The cumulative revenue of P and Q is more than the revenue of S in 1993.
Hence C is the correct answer.
We hope this Bar Chart Questions for NMAT pdf for NMAT exam will be highly useful for your Preparation.