Analogies questions for RRB NTPC Set-2 PDF

Analogies questions for RRB NTPC Set-2 PDF
Analogies questions for RRB NTPC Set-2 PDF

Analogies questions for RRB NTPC Set-2 PDF

Download RRB NTPC Analogies Questions and Answers  Set-2 PDF. Top 15 RRB NTPC Analogies questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway NTPC exam.

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Question 1: Choose the correct word/number from the given set of options:





Question 2: Choose the correct word/number from the given set of options:
If T – J = J, then P – K = ?

a) H

b) G

c) F

d) E

Question 3: Choose the correct word/number from the given set of options:
2 : T :: 18 : ?

a) E

b) T

c) V

d) O

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Question 4: CARD : DARC :: DUMP : ?





Question 5: Choose the correct word/number from the given set of options:
If G x I = 63, then D x H = ?

a) 32

b) 40

c) 48

d) 56

Question 6: Choose the correct word/number from the given set of options:
C : three :: I :

a) Five

b) Seven

c) Nine

d) Eleven

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Question 7: DJPF : HNTJ :: LTBI : ?






Choose the related word/letter/number from the given options which will replace the question mark

Question 8: Father: Mother :: Nephew: ?

a) Sister

b) Queen

c) Niece

d) Wife

Question 9: Choose the related word/number among the given options.
I*M : 9*13 Similarly H*J : ?

a) 5*10

b) 3*9

c) 7*9

d) 8*10

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Question 10: choose the related word among the following options:
c: three :: I : ?

a) Nine

b) N

c) Flora

d) Failure

Question 11: Choose the related word among the given options
Mango: Sweet :: Lemon: ?

a) Cream

b) Yellow

c) Seeds

d) Sour

Question 12: Choose related word from the given options:





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Question 13: Natural:Artificial:Spontaneous: ?

a) calculated

b) impromptu

c) instinctive

d) free of all

Question 14: Choose the pair of words which expresses the same relationship as SPEAR : DART

a) sword:knife

b) door : window

c) mountain : molehill

d) cannon : gun

Question 15: ADGJ : LORU : BEHK : ?





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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

The last letter in OVER i.e., ‘R’ is moved to the front to make the word ‘ROVE.
Similarly, ‘D’ in GOOD must be moved in front of G.
The new word formed is DGOO.
Hence, opton B is the answer.

2) Answer (D)

T is the 20th letter and J is the 10th letter in the list of alphabets => 20 – 10 = 10 which is true.
P is the 16th letter and K is the 11th letter in the list of alphabets => 16 – 11 = 5.
5th letter in the set of alphabets is E.
Hence, option D is the answer.

3) Answer (A)

2 – TWO starts with the letter ‘T’.
18 – EIGHTEEN starts with the letter ‘E’.
Hence, option A is the answer.

4) Answer (A)

On interchanging the first and the last letters in CARD, we get DARC.
Similarly, on interchanging the first and the last letters in DUMP, we get PMUD.
Hence, option A is the answer.

5) Answer (A)

G and I are seventh and ninth letters in the set of alphabets => 7 * 9 = 63
D and H are fourth and eighth letters in the set of alphabets => 4 * 8 = 32
Hence, option A is the answer.

6) Answer (C)

C is the third digit in the set of alphabets.
Similarly, I is the ninth digit in the set of alphabets.
Hence, option C is the answer.

7) Answer (B)

D – H, J – N, P – T and F – J have 3 letters in between them.
Using similar logic, P – L, X – T, F – B and M – I have three letters between them.
Hence, option B is the answer.

8) Answer (C)

2nd word is the opposite gender of the first word hence 4th word will be opposite gender word of 3rd too. Hence, answer will be “c”

9) Answer (D)

After proportion numbers are corresponding to the letters previous to it. Hence, answer will be d

10) Answer (A)

2nd word is stating the number of previous letter in alphabetical order hence, answer will be a

11) Answer (D)

2nd word is stating the taste of its previous one, hence fourth one will state the taste of 3rd one which is sour.

12) Answer (C)

First two and last two letters are getting exchanged in first two proportion letters. Hence, answer will be c

13) Answer (A)

The opposite of Natural is artificial. The opposite of spontaneous is calculated.

14) Answer (A)

Sword and knife have similar shape and functionality. None of the other options have both shape and functionality as the same. Door and window have the same shape but different functionality. Mountain and molehill have similar shape but different functionality. Canon and gun have similar functionality but different shape.

15) Answer (A)

There is a difference of 2 between each successive letter in each of the words. So, A+2 = D, D+2 = G and so on.
So, the correct option is a). M+2 = P, P+2 = S, S+2 = V


We hope this Analogies Set-2 Questions for RRB NTPC Exam will be highly useful for your Preparation.


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