Alphabetical Series Questions for RRB JE PDF

Alphabetical Series Questions for RRB JE PDF
Alphabetical Series Questions for RRB JE PDF

Alphabetical Series Questions for RRB JE PDF

Download Top 20 RRB JE Alphabetical Series Questions and Answers PDF. RRB JE Alphabetical Series questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway JE exam.

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Question 1: A series is given with one term missing.Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

a) V

b) T

c) U

d) W

Question 2: A series is given with one term missing.Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

a) Q

b) O

c) N

d) M

Question 3: Which of the following options should continue the series?
AB          DF          IL           ?

a) PQ

b) PT

c) PS

d) PR


Question 4: Which of the options should continue the series?
BEH,  FIL,  JMP,  NQT,  ?

a) RUY

b) RVX

c) RUX

d) RVY

Question 5: Which one set letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?

a) O N M O

b) N O M O

c) M O N M

d) N N M O

Question 6: Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
g f e _ i g_e i i _f e i_g f _i i

a) i f g i e

b) f i g i e

c) e i f g i

d) i f i g e

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Question 7: Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series

a) BFJ

b) ADG

c) FJO

d) PSX

Question 8: A series is given, with one word missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
employ, oyster, error, ornate, tennis, ?

a) neptune

b) nature

c) terminate

d) isomer

Question 9: A series is given, with one word missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
tub, size, latin, formal, ?

a) smooth

b) idle

c) scramble

d) capital

Question 10: A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

a) KOP

b) DIJ

c) JBD

d) CFK

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Question 11: A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

a) DFF

b) DEG

c) DET

d) DQL

Question 12: A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

a) AQB

b) OQS

c) LOP

d) WEN

Question 13: A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

a) VTX

b) SQV

c) USW

d) UTV

Question 14: In the following question, which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
l m _ o _ n m _ l _ n _ _ n m l

a) molnon

b) nolmoo

c) nomloo

d) noolmm

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Question 15: In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.
AEDM : ZQRN : : FLMO : ?





Question 16: In the following question, which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ? LM_L_NL_N_M_





Question 17: A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series. Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, ?

a) Europe

b) Antarctica

c) Asia

d) Australia

Question 18: In the following question, which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?

a) qqqp

b) qpqq

c) pqqr

d) rppq

Question 19: Which set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it? NO_PQN_PP_NOP_Q






In each of the following questions a series is given, with one/two term(s) missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

Question 20: MNOABCPQRDEFST? ?

a) GK

b) UV

c) GH

d) UG

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

The series followed here is ‘n+a’. Where a is Alternatively 3 and 4.
E+3=H ; H+4=L ; L+3=O ; O+4=S ; S+3=V
Hence option A is correct.

2) Answer (C)

The sequence here is ‘n+a’. Where a is a series of Prime numbers Starting from 3.

A+3=D ; D+5=I ; I+7=P ; P+11=A ; A+13=N

Hence option C is correct.

3) Answer (B)

A and B have 0 letters between them.Then, 1 letter is skipped.
D and F have 1 letter between them. Then, 2 letters are skipped.
I and L have 2 letters between them.
Therefore, 3 terms must be skipped from L.
The next term must start with P. Then, 3 letters will be skipped and hence, the second letter of the term will be T.
Therefore, PT must be the next term and option B is the right answer.

4) Answer (C)

After B, 2 characters are skipped to reach E. After E, 2 characters are skipped to reach H.
Then, the next term starts with E+1 = F(The letter succeeding the central character).

All the terms follow the same logic.
After NQT, the next term must start with Q+1 = R.
After R, the next letter will be U (obtained by skipping 2 letters – S and T).
After U, the next term will be X (Skipping 2 letters).

Therefore, the next term in the series must be RUX. Hence, option C is the right answer.

5) Answer (B)

Expression : M__OMMN__M__NOMMN__M

The pattern followed is that in a group of 4 letters, ‘MNOM’ is repeated.


=> Ans – (B)

6) Answer (A)

Expression : g f e _ i g_e i i _f e i_g f _i i

In a group of 5 letters, the term ‘gfeii’ is repeated.

= gfeii  gfeii  gfeii  gfeii

=> Ans – (A)

7) Answer (C)

Expression : BFK, KOT, UYD,?

The pattern is same for each letter in the terms which is :

1st letter : B (+9 letters) = K (+10 letters) = U (+11 letters) = F

2nd letter : F (+9 letters) = O (+10 letters) = Y (+11 letters) = J

3rd letter : K (+9 letters) = T (+10 letters) = D (+11 letters) = O

Thus, missing term = FJO

=> Ans – (C)

8) Answer (D)

Expression : employ, oyster, error, ornate, tennis, ?

The pattern followed is that the next word is formed from the last two letters of the previous word.

Eg : employ -> oyster -> error -> ornate -> tennis

Thus, the next word will start with ‘is’ and among the options, next term = isomer

=> Ans – (D)

9) Answer (D)

Expression : tub, size, latin, formal, ?

The pattern is that in each word, number of letters are increasing = 3,4,5,6

Now, the next word must contain 7 letters. Among the option, the word with seven letters is Capital.

=> Ans – (D)

10) Answer (C)

B+F+H = 2 +6+8 = 16
G+E+D = 7+ 5+4 = 16
L+C+A = 12+3+1 = 16

Now, let us check the options.
K+O+P = 11+15+16 = 42
D+I+J = 4 + 9 + 10 = 23
J+B+D = 10+2+4 = 16
C+F+K = 3+6+11 = 20

As we can see, option C is the right answer.

11) Answer (C)

A – 1
B – 2
1*2 = 2 = B

B- 2
C – 3
2*3 = 6 = F


C – 3
D – 4
3*4= 12 -L

Continuing the series, the next term must be DE?
D – 4
E – 5
4*5 – 20 – T
Therefore, DET is the right answer.
Therefore, option C is the right answer.

12) Answer (B)

H is 2 places after G in the alphabetical series. J is 2 places after H.
I, the term that precedes J, is used to start the next term.

K is 2 places after I in the alphabetical series. M is 2 places after K.
L, the term that precedes M, is used to start the next term.

N is 2 places after L in the alphabetical series. P is 2 places after N.
O, the term that precedes P, must be used to start the next term.

Only option B satisfies this condition. Let us check for the logic used.
Q is 2 places after O in the alphabetical series. S is 2 places after Q.
Therefore, option B is the right answer.

13) Answer (C)

The series follows the following pattern:
L J(L – 2) N(L + 2)

O(N + 1) M(O – 2) Q(O + 2)

R(Q + 1) P(R – 2) T(R + 2)

U(T + 1) S(U – 2) W(U + 2)

14) Answer (B)

The series is divided into groups of 4 letters consisting first in order ‘lmno’ and then its reverse and so on.

=> lmno onml lmn onml

=> Ans – (B) : nolmoo

15) Answer (A)

Expression : AEDM : ZQRN : : FLMO : ?

The elements are replaced by adding 13 letters to the diagonal elements.

Eg : A (+13 letters) = N

E (+13 letters) = R

D (+13 letters) = Q

M (+13 letters) = Z

Similarly, FLMO (+13 letters) = SYZB

Since, the diagonal elements are replaced, we will reverse it = BZYS

=> Ans – (A)

16) Answer (B)

The pattern followed is that in groups of 3, the term ‘LMN’ is repeated.


=> Ans – (B)

17) Answer (C)

Places in increasing order of area is given.

= Jaipur -> Rajasthan -> India -> Asia

=> Ans – (C)

18) Answer (B)

The pattern followed is that in groups of 3, the term ‘pqr’ is alternatively repeated in this and reverse order.

= pqr rqpqr rqp

=> Ans – (B)

19) Answer (B)

The pattern followed is that in groups of 5, the term ‘NOPPQ’ is repeated.


=> Ans – (B)

20) Answer (D)

In the given question there are two series
Series 1

Series 2
So missing letters are


We hope this Alphabetical Series Questions for RRB JE Exam will be highly useful for your preparation.


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