List of indian presidents PDF – Tenures from 1947 to 2019

List of Indian Presidents PDF
List of Indian Presidents PDF

General Awareness requires knowledge on many different subjects, one such subject is List of Indian Presidents. In SSC and other competitive exams like RRB, CDS, CHSL, SSC MTS, RRB JE, SSC CGL, UPSC, FCI, IB,  questions on Indian presidents are being asked. Please check out Some of the Previous IBPS PO Papers for the same. List of Indian presidents pdf gives the list of Indian Presidents from 1947 to 2019 and their Importance.Please go through the below list of Indian Presidents. You can also download the same information in the PDF format. Also please utilize 100 free GK Tests and 100 free Computer Awareness Tests to improve your knowledge in both of these areas. This is Indian presidents list from Independence till now with tenure of the respective person serving as the president of the India. Updated new list of Important persons of India.

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List of presidents of India PDF from 1947 to 2019:

Present President is Ram Nath Kovind. Indian President’s tenure is 5 years, so he will serve up to 2022.

Sr No Name of the President Tenure Related  Information
1 Dr. Babu Rajendra Prasad 1950-1962 He was the First and Longest serving President of India
2 Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 1962-1967 Radhakrishnan was the First president to be elected from south India and he was the First Vice-president of India
3 Zakir Husain 1967-1969 First President to die in Office. He was also First Muslim and Least serving President of India
4 Varahagiri Venkata Giri 1969-1969


He was first Acting President. He was called as the Rubber Stamp President and also shortest serving Vice President of India
5 Mohammed Hidayutullah 1969-1969 He was First Chief Justice of India to become Acting President of India
6 Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed 1974-1977 Ali  was the second President to die in office and he was the president at the time of Emergency
7 Basappa Danappa Jatti 1977-1977 Before become President of India B.D.Jatti was served as Chief Minister of Mysore State
8 Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy 1977-1982 Neelam Sanjeev Reddy was the first Chief Minister of the Andhra Pradesh. He was the Youngest and Unopposed President of India
9 Zail Singh 1982-1987 He was the President when Indira Gandhi was assassinated
10 Ramaswamy Venkataraman 1987-1992 R.Vennkataraman was famous lawyer and Activist of Indian Independence Movement
11 Shankar Dayal Sarma 1992-1997 Shankar Dayal Sharma was served as the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh before elected as President of India.He also served as Governor of Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra.
12 K.R. Narayanan 1997-2002 He was the first Dalit President of India

K.R.Naryanan was famous Indian Diplomat and served as Ambassador to Turkey, Japan, UK, China, and the USA.

13 A.P.J Abdul Kalam 2002-2007 Kalam was DRDO scientist and worked for Famous missiles like Agni, Ballistic and for Nuclear weapons.

He was called as the Peoples President  and also Missile Man of India

14 Prathiba Patil 2007-2012 Prathiba Patil created history to become the first Woman President of India. She was also become a first president to travel in fighter jet Sukhoi.
She is also the first woman governor of the Rajasthan
15 Pranab Mukherjee 2012-2017 Before becoming a President of India Pranab Mukherjee served as the Finance Minister, Defence Minister, External Affairs Minister
16 Ram Nath Kovind 25th July 2017- Present He served as the Governor of Bihar from 2015-2017.

He is second Dalit President after K.R Narayanan

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Important Notes from list of Presidents of India PDF:

In Many government exams conducted by SSC, Railway exams, so many questions related to Indian Presidents, their tenure being asked. Here we are giving some questions which have been asked in the previous exams conducted by the SSC and Railway exams.

  1. Who is the longest-serving president of India?
    Ans: Dr.Babu Rajendra Prasad
  2. First Dalit President of India?
    Ans: K.R. Narayanan
  3. Who is the first Muslim President of India
    Ans: Zakhir Husain
  4. First Chief Justice of India to become Acting President of India?
    Ans: Justice Mohammed Hidayatullah
  5. First President of India to die in office?
    Ans: Zakhir Husain
  6. First Indian President to use  Suspensive Veto Power?
    Ans: A.P.J. Kalam
  7.  Who is the Youngest President of India?
    Ans: Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy
  8. The First Indian President to Travel in Fighter Jet called Sukhoi?
    Ans: Prathiba Patil
  9. First Indian President to be elected Unanimously?
    Ans: Neelam Sanjeev Reddy.
  10. Who is the least serving president of India
    Ans: Zakhir Husain

Hope this list of presidents of India PDF with their tenures is very useful to you.

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