Statement And Conclusion Questions For TISSNET PDF

Statement And Conclusion Questions For TISSNET PDF

Statement And Conclusion Questions For TISSNET PDF

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In each of the following questions, one/two statements are
given followed by three conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even it they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given
conclusions, if any, follow from the given statements.

Question 1: Statement 1 : Water has no shape, has volume.
Statement 2 : The knowledge is, like water, flowed from one side to other.
Conclusion 1 : The knowledge is interdisciplinary
Conclusion 2 : The knowledge is bound within a specific area.
Conclusion 3 : The knowledge influences the core of mental activity directly.

a) Only Conclusion 1 follows.

b) Only Conclusion 2 follows.

c) Both Conclusions 1 and 2 follow.

d) Both conclusions 1 and 3 follow.

Question 2: Statements :
Some ladies are beautiful. Some beautiful are honest. All honest are sensitives.
Conclusion 1 : Some sensitives are beautiful.
Conclusion 2 : Some honest are ladies.
Conclusion 3 : Some sensitives are ladies.

a) None of the Conclusion follows.

b) Only Conclusion 1 follows.

c) Only Conclusions 1 and 2 follow.

d) All Conclusions follow.


In the following questions, two statements are given followed by two/four conclusions I, II, III and IV. You have to consider the two statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the given statements.

Question 3: Statements :
I. Ravi has five pens.
II. No one else in the class has five pens.
Conclusions :
I. All students in the class have pens.
II. All students in the class have five pens each.
III. Some of the students have more than five pens.
IV. Only one student in the class has exactly five pens.

a) Only conclusion I follows.

b) Only Conclusion III follows.

c) Only conclusion II follows.

d) Only conclusion IV follows.

Question 4: Two statements are given. You have to answer considering the statement to be true. Even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts.
1. James works in a factory.
2. He gets a salary.

a) James loves his work and his salary.

b) James gets paid for his work.

c) James loves his salary.

d) James likes to work in a factory.

Question 5: Statements: There are several types of wrist watches in the world. A new type of digital wrist watch has been introduced in the market which can calculate the life span of a person. The wrist watch stops when the person dies. Which of the following can be concluded from the facts given in the statements?

a) This could lead to chaos and confusion in the world.

b) Person can know how long life is left and he could live his life happily

c) The new wrist watch has altered the life pattern of the people

d) The statements implies that death is certain

e) None of these

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Question 6: Statement: Experts define the social entrepreneurship as such that pursues opportunities to serve the mission to give solutions to social problems. Business entrepreneurs typically measure performance in profit and return. Which of the following can be concluded from the above statements?

a) It is possible to address social problems while making business profitable.

b) Social entrepreneurship is different from the business entrepreneurship

c) Business entrepreneurship does not care social problems while devising their business policy.

d) Business entrepreneurship is more important than social entrepreneurship

e) None of these


Poverty me asurement is an un settled issue, both conceptuall y and methodologicall y. Since poverty is a process as well as an outcome; ma ny come out of it while others ma y be falling into it. The net effect of these two parallel processes is a proportion commonly identified as the ‘head count ratio’, but these ratios hide the fundamental dynamism that characterizes poverty in practice. The most recent poverty reestimates by an expert group has also missed thecrucial dynamism. In a study conducted on 13,000 households which represented the crucial dynamism. In a study conducted on 13,000 households whichrepresented the entire country in1993-94 and again on 2004-05, it was found that in the ten-year period 18.2% rural population moved out of poverty whereas another 22.1 % fell into it over this period. This netincrease of about four percentage points was seen to have a considerable variation across states and regions.

Question 7: Which of the following is a conclusion which can be drawn from the facts stated in the above paragraph ?

a) Accurate estimates of number of people living below poverty line in India is possible to be made.

b) Many expert groups in India are not interested to measure poverty objectively.

c) Process of poverty measurement needs to take into account various factors to tackle its dynamic nature.

d) People living below poverty line remain in that position for a very long time.

e) None of these

Question 8: In the question one statement is given, followed by two conclusion/assumption, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusion/assumptions, if any, follows from the given statements.
Statement: An advertisement in the paper says ‘Consume pure organic boney of Company A”.
I. Artificial boney can be prepared.
II. People don’t mind paying more for pure organically

a) Assumption I is implicit.

b) Both I and II are implicit

c) Neither I nor II is implicit

d) Assumption II is implicit


In the following Two questions, two statements are given each followed by two conclusions assumptions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions/assumptions, if any, follows from the given statements.

Question 9: Statements I: Regular polygon has equal sides and equal angles.
II: Square is a regular polygon.
Conclusions I: Square has equal sides.
II: Square has equal angles.

a) Conclusions I follows.

b) Conclusions II follows.

c) Neither I nor II follows.

d) Conclusions I & II both follows.

Question 10: Two statements are given followed by two conclusion I and II. You have to consider the two statements to be true even if they seem to be true even if they seem to be variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusion, if anym follow from the given statements
1. All English movies are violent.
2. Some people like watching English movies.
I. All people watching English movie like violence.
II. All people who like violence watch English movies.

a) Only I follows

b) Only II follows

c) Neither I nor II follows

d) Both I and II follow

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Question 11: Given is a statement, followed by four conclusions. Read the statement carefully and decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statement.
This book can help because all good books help.
I. This is not a good book.
II. This is a good book.
III. No good book helps.
IV. Some good books help.

a) Only conclusion I follows.

b) All the conclusions follow.

c) Only conclusion II follows.

d) Both conclusions III and IV follow.

Question 12: Read the given statements and conclusions carefully and decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.
1) All students in my class are active.
2) Rohini is not active.
I. Rohini is not a student of my class.
II. Rohini must be active.

a) Both conclusions I and II follow.

b) Only conclusion I follows.

c) Only conclusion II follows.

d) Neither conclusion I nor II follows.

Question 13: Read the given statements and conclusion carefully and decide which of the following options is true with respect to the given conclusion.
Men who are handsome are generally of the intellectual type.
Vikram is handsome.
Vikram is intellectual.

a) Probably false

b) Probably true

c) True

d) False

Question 14: Read the given statements and conclusion carefully and decide which of the following options is true with respect to the given conclusion.
The Gateway of India is in Mumbai.
Mumbai is in India.
The Gateway ofIndia is in India.

a) Probably false

b) True

c) False

d) Probably true


In each of the following questions one or two statements are given, followed by two Conclusions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.


Question 15: Statement
Economic security makes people better and happier and has a good influence on their personality.
I. People who earn enough money are happier
II.To have a good personality people should be economically sound.

a) Only I follows.

b) Both I and II follow

c) Only II follows.

d) Neither I nor II follows

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Question 16: Statement is given followed by three conclusions I, II and III. You have to consider the statement to be true even they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statement.
Statement: Comic books contain pictures
I. All books contain pictures
II. Books may or may not contain pictures
III. Books other than the comic books does not contain pictures.

a) Only Conclusion I follows

b) Only Conclusion II follows

c) Both Conclusions I and II follows

d) Neither Conclusion follows


Two statements are given followed by two Conclusions / Assumptions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions / assumptions can definitely be drawn from given statements. Indicate your answer.

Question 17: Statements
1. No teacher come to the school on a bicycle.
b: Anand comes to the school on a bicycle.
I. Anand is not a teacher
II. Anand is a student.

a) Conclusion II alone can be drawn.

b) Both conclusions cannot be drawn.

c) Both conclusions can be drawn.

d) Conclusion I alone can be drawn.


One/Two statements is/are given each followed by two assumption. I and II. Yes have to consider the statement to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the assumptions, if any, follows from the given statements.

Question 18: Statement:
“There is very heavy traffic on the road between 5-7 p.m. We need to have a flower in this area.” A planning engineer said in a meeting.
I-Heavy traffic should be regulated
II-Previous planning engineer did not do much about heavy traffic.

a) Only assumption I is implicit

b) Only assumption II is implicit

c) Both I & II are implicit

d) Neither I nor II are implicit


One/two statement are given, each followed by two conclusion/assumption, I and II you have to consider the statement to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts you have to decide which of the given conclusion/assumptions. If any follows from the given statements

Question 19: Statement:
Continuous training is essential for all employees is increase their productivity
1. Training is an essential component for productivity
2. Profitability & productivity are supplementary to each other

a) Only assumption II is implicit

b) Neither assumption I nor II arre implicit

c) Both assumption I and II are implicit

d) Assumption I is implicit

Question 20: Statement:
Travelling by Metro in Delhi is more convenient and economical.
1. Other modes of transport are not available
2. Metro services are reasonably good

a) Only Assumption I is implicit

b) Neither I nor II are implicit

c) Both I and II are implicit

d) Only Assumption II is implicit

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

The above statements clearly indicate that like water, knowledge does not have any boundaries, thus the second conclusion does not follow.

But, knowledge is interdisciplinary, i.e. has more than one branch, and the knowledge also influences the core of mental activity directly.

Thus, both conclusions 1 and 3 follow.

=> Ans – (D)

2) Answer (B)

The venn diagram for above statements is :

Conclusion 1 : Some sensitives are beautiful = true
Conclusion 2 : Some honest are ladies = false
Conclusion 3 : Some sensitives are ladies = false

Thus, only Conclusion 1 follows.

=> Ans – (B)

3) Answer (D)

The statement indicates that no one apart from Ravi has 5 pens in the class.

Conclusions :
I. All students in the class have pens = false (no information)
II. All students in the class have five pens each = false
III. Some of the students have more than five pens = false
IV. Only one student in the class has exactly five pens = true

Thus, only conclusion IV follows.

=> Ans – (D)

4) Answer (B)

The given statement indicates that James works in a factory and gets a salary for that. It does not mention anything about his like or dislike about his job.

Thus, only possible conclusion is that James gets paid for his work.

=> Ans – (B)

5) Answer (D)

Options a) and c) are far-fetched. Option b) is wrong. It cannot be said that the person will live happily because of the watch. Option d) is the correct answer because the statements imply that death is certain and hence the watch can calculate the life-span of the person wearing it.

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6) Answer (B)

From the statement, we can infer that the underlying motive in social entrepreneurship is different from that in business entrepreneurship. So, the conclusion that can be drawn is that social entrepreneurship is different from business entrepreneurship.

7) Answer (C)

The author explains and exemplifies the fault in the method used to measure poverty. He says that the dynamic natural of the poverty is not considered while measuring the poverty of the country. Hence, the correct conclusion is that the poverty measurement must consider various factors to tackle dynamic nature of poverty. Hence C is the correct answer.

8) Answer (E)

9) Answer (D)

The given statement indicates that a regular polygon is the one which has equal sides and equal angles. Also, a square is a regular polygon. This means that a square must have equal sides and equal angles as concluded above.

Thus, conclusions I & II both follows.

=> Ans – (D)

10) Answer (A)

Only conclusion I follows as all people watching english movies like violence is definitely true.

Hence, option A is the correct answer.

11) Answer (C)

The given statement indicates that the given book can help as all good books help, which can definitely conclude that this is a good book.

The last two conclusions are not true as they are contradictory to the given statement.

Thus, only conclusion II follows.

=> Ans – (C)

12) Answer (B)

The venn diagram for above statements is :

I. Rohini is not a student of my class = true
II. Rohini must be active. = false

Thus, only conclusion I follows.

=> Ans – (B)

13) Answer (B)

Conclusion is True – Vikram is intellectual. Hence Option B is correct.

14) Answer (B)

As Mumbai is in India and the Gateway of India happens to be in Mumbai, therefore Gateway of India is in India. Therefore the statement is definitely true.

Option B is correct.

15) Answer (A)

The above statement indicates that having economic security, meaning those who earn more money are happier and it also has a good influence on their personality, but vice-versa is not true, hence second conclusion does not follow.

Thus, only conclusion I follows.

=> Ans – (A)

16) Answer (B)

17) Answer (D)

The given statement indicates that none of the teachers of a school uses bicycle to come to the school and Anand comes to school using a bicycle, thus this concludes that Anand is not a teacher, but we cannot know whether Anand is a student or not.

Thus, conclusion I alone can be drawn.

=> Ans – (D)

18) Answer (A)

The given statement indicates about the heavy traffic and that it should be controlled, hence only assumption I is implicit. Regulation of traffic is required to ensure smooth traffic. We cannot assume the plans of previous engineers.

=> Ans – (A)

19) Answer (C)

The given statement indicates that to increase the productivity, continuous training is essential for employees. Thus, assumption I is implicit. Also, statement II is implicit as profitability & productivity are supplementary to each other. It depends upon other factors also.

Thus, both assumption I and II are implicit.

=> Ans – (C)

20) Answer (D)

The statement indicates that Delhi metro is a convenient and economical means of transport. Assumption I is not implicit as there are also other modes of transport available. Assumption II is implicit as metro services are good.

=> Ans – (D)

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