Critical Reasoning Questions for SNAP Set – 3 PDF

Critical Reasoning Questions for SNAP Set - 3 PDF
Critical Reasoning Questions for SNAP Set - 3 PDF

Critical Reasoning Questions for SNAP Set – 3 PDF

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Question 1: Widespread use of lectures in classrooms in business schools leads to severe negative consequences. The first consequence is theoretically knowledgeable graduates who cannot apply theory to solve real world problems. The more serious consequence is that lectures encourage a feeling of total omniscience among them which persists for quite some time after graduating. This feeling prevents “them from learning from their subordinates and colleagues.
Which of the following can best help to reduce these negative consequences among the students in a business school?

a) Use illustrations of real life problems in classrooms.

b) Send the students to find business problems so that it can be discussed in classrooms.

c) Business education to be given to students, who have work experience.

d) Modify the pedagogy to have knowledge of theory and application in parallel.

e) Removing theoretical inputs from the curriculum altogether; only practical problems to be discussed in class rooms.

Question 2: “The sum of behaviour is to retain a man’s dignity without intruding upon the liberty of others”, stated Sir Francis Bacon. If this is the case, then not intruding upon another’s liberty is impossible.
The conclusion strongly implied by the author of the passage is:

a) Retaining one’s dignity is impossible without intruding upon other’s liberty.

b) Retaining dignity does not necessarily involve robbing other’s liberty.

c) Dignity and liberty are mutually exclusive.

d) There is a ways the possibility of a ‘dignified intrusion’.

e) Retaining dignity never involves intrusion into other’s liberty.

Question 3: Classify following sentences into Fact (F), Judgment (J) and Inference (I) based on the definitions provided below, and choose the most suitable sequence among the given options.
Fact (F): If it is to a known matter of direct observation, or an existing reality or something known to be true.
Judgment (J): If it is an opinion or estimate or anticipation of common sense or intention.
Inference (I): If it is logical conclusion or deduction about something based on the knowledge of facts.
i) Proper allocation of resources is required for the overall development of our economy.
ii) Government has decided to allocate the gas from KG basin to power fertiliser sector.
iii) A court decision against the declared policy guidelines can result in government intervention in the form of an appeal.
iv) Some section of the society may consider this decision as a deliberate attempt to protect some private interest.






Question 4: Unlike other retail outlets, where items are purchased in any number of units the customer wants, in super – markets items are grouped in bulk packages. This bulk buying offers savings to the customer. The option to buy at wholesale prices by buying in bulk makes super – markets a practical choice for budget – conscious consumers.
Which of the following is an assumption necessary to the author’s argument?

a) Super – markets often have great buying power and lower overhead costs, so they can offer a greater variety of products than regular retail outlets.

b) Super – markets are often more conveniently located and have better parking facilities.

c) The emergence of super- markets has caused many small retail stores to close down and thus eliminate competition.

d) It is economically wise to buy single items since bulk passages seldom offer significant savings.

e) The financial savings from purchasing bulk packages may outweigh the inconvenience of being unable to purchase in any number of units that suits the customers’ needs.

Question 5: In recent past, Indian football team has lost most of the matches in international football tournaments. The most successful coaches in Indian club football tournaments are from Latin American countries. In most of the Latin American countries, football is more popular sport than cricket.

From the passage above, choose the correct option:

a) It can be DEFINITELY concluded that “In India, cricket is more popular than football”.

b) It can be DEFINITELY concluded that “Most Latin American countries are successful at football”.

c) It can be DEFINITELY concluded that “In recent past, coaches of Indian football teams are not from Latin America”.

d) It can be DEFEINITELY concluded that “European football coaches are less successful than their Latin American counterparts for Indian national team”.

e) It cannot be DEFINITELY concluded that “The more popular a sport the better the chance of producing a successful coach in that sport”.

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Question 6: This season will pass. The Prime Minister may not win Lok Sabha elections, or she may; she may not continue as Prime Minister, or she may. The country will survive whatever the texture of politics in this decade or the next.

Which of the following, IF TRUE, will BEST reinforce the author’s view?

a) The survival of any Prime Minister is dependent on the country’s economics growth.

b) The country has a vibrant young working population.

c) The survival of the country depends on a dynamic, growth-oriented Prime Minister, not on the texture of politics.

d) The previous season had also witnessed similar political uncertainty.

e) The survival of the Prime Minister is dependent on the political texture of the country.

Question 7: … there is a degree of convergence in the definition of trust which can be summarized as follows: Trust is a particular level of the subjective probability with which an agent assesses that another agent or group of agents will perform a particular action. When we say we trust someone or that someone is trustworthy, we implicitly mean that the probability that he will perform an action that is beneficial to us….

Which of the following statement BEST COMPLETES the passage above?

a) is high enough for us to find out if he will cheat us.

b) is high enough for us to consider engaging in some form of cooperation with him

c) is low enough for him not to engage in negative behavior against us.

d) is high enough for us not to build defences against his possible aggression.

e) is low enough for us to attack him.

Question 8: Ranu is an ordinary sportsperson. In the last two university sprint events, her performances in the heats were pathetic. Which of the following, if true, weakens the above argument the most?

a) She had participated in the college swimming competition and finished last.

b) She is a national shot -put champion.

c) The last two times, Ranu had to compete with national level runners. Had she been in other heats, she would have reached quarterfinals.

d) Ranu was the only player who represented her college in the sprint events.

e) In the college sprint events, Ranu always won.

Question 9: “On a wing and a prayer the Indian team landed in Heathrow to take on their formidable oppenents”. From the above sentence it can be inferred that the Indian team was

a) high in spirits

b) well prepared

c) over confident

d) under prepared

e) buoyant

Question 10: Ethologists, people who study animal behavior, have traditionally divided an organism’s actions into two categories: learned behavior (based on experience) and instinctive behavior (based on genotype). Some current scholars reject this distinction, claiming that all behavior is a predictable interaction of experience and genotype.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the arguments made in the sentence above?

a) All organisms with identical genotypes and identical experience sometimes respond differently in different situations.

b) All organisms with different genotypes and identical experience always respond identically in identical situations.

c) All organisms with similar genotypes and similar experience always respond differently in identical situations.

d) All organisms with identical genotypes and identical experience always respond identically in identical situations.

e) All organisms with identical genotypes and different experience always respond identically in identical situations.

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

The negative consequences are due to the fact that the theory learnt in the classroom cannot be applied in the real life situation by the students. To cope with this situation, the classrooms should teach how to apply theoretical knowledge in practical domain. Option D is the most relevant.

2) Answer (A)

From the paragraph, we can conclude that intruding other’s liberty is essential for maintaining one’s dignity.

Hence, option A is the correct answer.

3) Answer (A)

Statement I and III are inferences because they are logical conclusions based on facts.
Statements II is a fact as it is verifiable.
Statement IV is judgement because the phrase “may consider this decision as a deliberate attempt” is highly opinionated.
Hence, option A is the correct answer.

4) Answer (E)

Section III

5) Answer (E)

There is no mention of popularity of cricket in India. Option A cannot be concluded.
It is given that football is popular in Latin America. But, we cannot conclude that football is also successful there. Option B cannot be inferred.
The paragraph gives information about coaches of Indian club football teams. We cannot infer option C.
Option D is out of the scope of the passage.
Option E is true that the relation between expertise of a coach and the popularity of that sport in his country cannot be established based on the information provided in the passage.
hence, option E is the correct answer.

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6) Answer (D)

Option A and B are irrelevent.

Option C is contradictory to what author states, because then if prime minister falls country will not be able to survive.

The main point of the passage is country will survive as it is independent of any other factors.

The author is presenting several alternative futures and stating that the country would thrive in every future and this fact will not depend on any of the current factors responsible. If this thing would have happened earlier also and the country is still thriving, this will most strongly support the author’s argument.

Hence, option D is the correct answer.

7) Answer (B)

8) Answer (B)

9) Answer (D)

10) Answer (D)

The main point of the paragraph is that the behavior of all organisms is an outcome of the interaction between experience and genotypes. Hence, all organisms with identical genotypes and identical experience will always behave in identical manner. This is given in option D.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.

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