Tita Para Jumbles for CAT Set-2 PDF
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Question 1: The four sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper sequence of order of the sentences and key in this sequence of four numbers as your answer:
1. They would rather do virtuous side projects assiduously as long as
these would not compel them into doing their day jobs more honourably or
reduce the profit margins.
2. They would fund a million of the buzzwordy programs rather than
fundamentally question the rules of their game or alter their own
behavior to reduce the harm of the existing distorted, inefficient and
unfair rules.
3. Like the dieter who would rather do anything to lose weight than
actually eat less, the business elite would save the world through
social-impact-investing and philanthro-capitalism.
4. Doing the right thing — and moving away from their win-win mentality —
would involve real sacrifice; instead, it’s easier to focus on their
pet projects and initiatives.
Question 2: The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of four numbers as your answer.
1. It was his taxpayers who had to shell out as much as $1.6bn over 10 years to employees of failed companies.
2. Companies in many countries routinely engage in such activities which means that the employees are left with unpaid entitlements
3. Deliberate and systematic liquidation of a company to avoid liabilities and then restarting the business is called phoenixing.
4. The Australian Minister for Revenue and Services discovered in an
audit that phoenixing had cost the Australian economy between $2.9bn and
$5.1bn last year.
Question 3: The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of four numbers as your answer.
1. Self-management is thus defined as the ‘individual’s ability to
manage the symptoms, treatment, physical and psychosocial consequences
and lifestyle changes inherent in living with a chronic condition’.
2. Most people with progressive diseases like dementia prefer to have
control over their own lives and health-care for as long as possible.
3. Having control means, among other things, that patients themselves perform self-management activities.
4. Supporting people in decisions and actions that promote
self-management is called self-management support requiring a
cooperative relationship between the patient, the family, and the
Question 4: The four sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper sequence of order of the sentences and key in this sequence of four numbers as your Answer:
1) But now we have another group: the unwitting enablers.
2) Democracy and high levels of inequality of the kind that have come to characterize the United States are simply incompatible.
3) Believing these people are working for a better world, they are, actually, at most, chipping away at the margins, making slight course corrections, ensuring the system goes on as it is, uninterrupted.
4) Very rich people will always use money to maintain their political and economic power.
Question 5: The four sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper sequence of order of the sentences and key in this sequence of four numbers as your answer:
1. In the era of smart world, however, ‘Universal Basic Income’ is an
ineffective instrument which cannot address the potential breakdown of
the social contract when large swathes of the population would
effectively be unemployed.
2. In the era of industrial revolution, the abolition of child labour,
poor laws and the growth of trade unions helped families cope with the
pressures of mechanised work.
3. Growing inequality could be matched by a creeping authoritarianism
that is bolstered by technology that is increasingly able to peer into
the deepest vestiges of our lives.
4. New institutions emerge which recognise ways in which workers could
contribute to and benefit by economic growth when, rather than if, their
jobs are automated.
Question 6: The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of four numbers as your answer.
1) The woodland’s canopy receives most of the sunlight that falls on the trees.
2) Swifts do not confine themselves to woodlands, but hunt wherever there are insects in the air.
3) With their streamlined bodies, swifts are agile flyers, ideally adapted to twisting and turning through the air as they chase flying insects – the creatures that form their staple diet.
4) Hundreds of thousands of insects fly in the sunshine up above the canopy, some falling prey to swifts and swallows
Question 7: The four sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of four numbers as your answer.1. The eventual diagnosis was skin cancer and after treatment all seemed well.
2. The viola player didn’t know what it was; nor did her GP.
3. Then a routine scan showed it had come back and spread to her lungs.
4. It started with a lump on Cathy Perkins’ index finger.
Question 8: The four sentences (labelled 1,2,3,4) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper sequence of order of the sentences and key in this sequence of four numbers as your answer.
1. Impartiality and objectivity are fiendishly difficult concepts that can cause all sorts of injustices even if transparently implemented.
2. It encourages us into bubbles of people we know and like, while blinding us to different perspectives, but the deeper problem of ‘transparency’ lies in the words “…and much more”.
3. Twitter’s website says that “tweets you are likely to care about most will show up first in your timeline…based on accounts you interact with most, tweets you engage with, and much more.”
4. We are only told some of the basic principles, and we can’t see the algorithm itself, making it hard for citizens to analyse the system sensibly or fairly or be convinced of its impartiality and objectivity.
Question 9: The five sentences (labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.
1. Johnson treated English very practically, as a living language, with many different shades of meaning and adopted his definitions on the principle of English common law — according to precedent.
2. Masking a profound inner torment, Johnson found solace in compiling the words of a language that was, in its coarse complexity and comprehensive genius, the precise analogue of his character.
3. Samuel Johnson was a pioneer who raised common sense to heights of genius, and a man of robust popular instincts whose watchwords were clarity, precision and simplicity.
4. The 18th century English reader, in the new world of global trade and global warfare, needed a dictionary with authoritative acts of definition of words of a language that was becoming seeded throughout the first British empire by a vigorous and practical champion.
5. The Johnson who challenged Bishop Berkeley’s solipsist theory of the nonexistence of matter by kicking a large stone (“I refute it thus”) is the same Johnson for whom language must have a daily practical use.
Question 10: The five sentences labelled (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) given in this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.
1. This visual turn in social media has merely accentuated this announcing instinct of ours, enabling us with easy-to-create, easy-to-share, easy-to-store and easy-to-consume platforms, gadgets and apps.
2. There is absolutely nothing new about us framing the vision of who we are or what we want, visually or otherwise, in our Facebook page, for example.
3. Turning the pages of most family albums, which belong to a period well before the digital dissemination of self-created and self-curated moments and images, would reconfirm the basic instinct of documenting our presence in a particular space, on a significant occasion, with others who matter.
4. We are empowered to book our faces and act as celebrities within the confinement of our respective friend lists, and communicate our activities, companionship and locations with minimal clicks and touches.
5. What is unprecedented is not the desire to put out newsfeeds related to the self, but the ease with which this broadcast operation can now be executed, often provoking (un)anticipated responses from beyond one’ s immediate location.
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Answers & Solutions:
1) Answer: 3241
After reading all the sentences, we know that the paragraph is about the businessmen who, instead of tackling the root causes, focus on superficial solutions. Statement 3 is the opening sentence as it introduces the topic by comparing businessmen with a dieter who is ready to do everything except eating less. Statement 2 mentions the examples of some of the specious solutions mentioned in statement 3. Statement 4 provides the reason why businessmen are hesitant to execute the genuine solutions which will bring real change. Statement 4 mentions the alternative taken by businessmen. The word ‘rather’ in statement 1 connects it with statement 4. Thus, the correct order is 3 – 2 – 4 – 1.
Hence, 3241 is the correct answer.
2) Answer: 3241
3 should be the opening sentence since it introduces the concept of phoenixing. Sentence 2 logically continues sentence 1 by stating that companies in many countries engage in such activities (Phoenixing). Sentence 2 should be followed by sentence 4 since it moves to a specific instance (Australian minister’s discovery) from general statements. Sentence 1 should follow sentence 4 since it states that it was ‘his’ taxpayers (Australian Minister’s taxpayers or Australian citizens) who had to foot the bill.
Sentences 3241 form a coherent paragraph. Therefore, 3241 is the correct answer.
3) Answer: 2314
1 states that ‘self management is ‘thus’ defined as the individual’s ability to manage…’. Therefore, some details about self management should have been provided before sentence 1.
Sentence 2 states that people with dementia prefer to have ‘control’ in their lives. Sentence 3 states what ‘having control means’. Therefore, sentences 2 and 3 form a mandatory pair.
Sentence 1 should follow sentence 3 since sentence 3 states that ‘having control means to perform self management activities’ and sentence 1 defined self management activities. Sentence 4 should be the last sentence since it states what self management support is. Self management support can be defined only after defining what self management is.
Sentences 2314 form a coherent paragraph. Therefore, 2314 is the correct answer.
4) Answer: 2413
2 should be the opening sentence since it sets the context for the discussion. It states that democracy and high levels of inequality are not compatible. Sentence 2 should be followed by sentence 4 since it states that very rich people will always try to buy power. The author is not surprised by this fact. Sentence 1 should follow sentence 4 since it states what the really unexpected thing is. The author states that we have a new group of people, ‘the unwitting enablers’. Sentence 3 should follow sentence 4 since it elaborates on the nature of the unwitting enablers.
Sentences 2413 form a coherent paragraph and hence, 2413 is the right answer.
5) Answer: 4213
4 should be the opening sentence since it states that new institutions recognize ways in which workers can contribute to the economy. The other 3 sentences provide examples and elaborate on the same and hence, sentence 4, which introduces the topic of discussion, should be the opening sentence.
2 talks about the period of industrial revolution. 1 talks about the smart world. Chronologically, 1 should follow 2. Moreover, 2 talks about an example that conformed to the point mentioned in sentence 4. On the other hand, 1 talks about an inadequacy. Therefore, 2 should have preceded 1. 3 should be the last sentence of the paragraph.
Sentences 4213 form a coherent paragraph and hence, 4213 is the correct answer.
6) Answer: 1432
1 should be the opening sentence since it sets the context. Sentence 1 states that the woodland’s canopy receives most of the sunshine that falls on the trees. Sentence 4 continues sentence 1 by stating that thousands of insects fly above the canopy in the sunlight. The insects fall prey to the swifts and swallows.
We have to decide whether the order of the remaining 2 sentences is 32 or 23.
Sentence 3 states that swifts are agile flyers, adapted to chasing flying insects. Sentence 3 states that flying insects form the staple diet of the swifts. Sentence 2 states that swifts do not confine themselves to woodlands and hunt wherever they can find insects. Therefore, sentence 3 should precede sentence 2 (We cannot introduce that insects form the staple diet after stating that swifts hunt wherever they can find flying insects).
Sentences 1432 form a coherent paragraph.
Therefore, 1432 is the correct answer.
7) Answer: 4213
Sentence 4 should be the opening sentence since it sets the scene and introduces the person suffering from cancer.
Sentence 2 states that the viola player and her physician did not know what it was. ‘It’ refers to the lump on the finger.
Sentence 1 should follow sentence 2 since it states what the eventual diagnosis was. The GP did not know what the lump was and later it was identified to be skin cancer. Sentence 1 states that all seemed well after the treatment, implying it was not.
Sentence 3 should be the last sentence since it states that the cancer had spread to her lungs.
Sentences 4213 form a coherent paragraph and hence, 4213 is the right answer.
8) Answer: 1324
On reading the sentences, we can infer that the paragraph is about the difficulty in implementing impartiality and objectivity.
Sentence 3 states that Twitter’s website says that algorithm shows tweets that are likely to suit the taste of the user and much more. Sentence 2 continues sentence 3 by stating that the catch lies in the term ‘much more’. Also, it criticizes how catering to the taste of the user forces him into a bubble. Sentence 2 should be followed by sentence 4 since it states the implications of the term ‘much more’ and how it makes believing in the impartiality and objectivity of twitter hard.
Sentences 324 form a group. The entire group has been provided as an illustration to explain how hard it is to implement impartiality and objectively. Therefore, sentence 1 should be the opening sentence.
Sentences 1324 form a coherent paragraph. Hence, 1324 is the correct answer.
9) Answer: 43512
Sentence 4 should be the opening sentence since it talks about the need for a dictionary in the 18th century. The other 4 statements talk about Samuel Johnson.
3 must follow 4 since it introduces the subject, Samuel Johnson. Only sentence 3 contains the full name of Samuel Johnson.
3 should be followed by 5 since it describes Johnson’s character. 5 plays the role of a general introduction and hence, it should be placed before any specific detail regarding Johnson’s contribution to the dictionary is introduced.
Out of sentences 1 and 2, 1 should precede 2 since it establishes that Johnson worked on English and sentence 2 explains the innate connection between Johnson and the language (English).
43512 is the correct order.
10) Answer: 32145
3 is the starting sentence of the given paragraph as it introduces us the topic.
2 follows 3 as it further talks about what’s given in 3 as can be understood by “There is absolutely nothing new about us framing the vision” and this vision talked about in 3.
1 follows 2 as “This visual turn” has it’s precedent is in 2. The visual turn in 1 is explained in 2.
5 concludes the summary and it also follows 4 as “What is unprecedented is not the desire to put out newsfeeds related to the self” given in 5 is explained in 4.
Hence, the correct order is 32145.
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