Jumbling Questions for RRB NTPC PDF

Jumbling Questions for RRB NTPC PDF
Jumbling Questions for RRB NTPC PDF

Jumbling Questions for RRB NTPC PDF

Download RRB NTPC Jumbling Questions PDF. Top 10 RRB NTPC Reasoning questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway NTPC exam.

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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Five teacher A, B, C, D and E take classes on different floors out of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 not necessary in the same order. Each of the teachers conducts classes on one subject out of P, Q, R, S and T.
Further following info is also known –

1) D teaches S, while B does not teach T.
2) C takes the class on floor 3, and A teach Q.
3) Subject P is taught on floor 5.
4) The teacher taking the class on floor 3 does not teach either T or P.
5) E takes classes on floor 1.

Question 1: Who teaches subject R?

a) E

b) C

c) D

d) B

Question 2: Which subject class is taught on floor 5?

a) R

b) T

c) P

d) Q

Question 3: Who teaches on floor 4?

a) A

b) T

c) D

d) Cannot be determined

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Question 4: Which of the following is the correct combination of Teacher, Subject and Floor?

a) E – T – 1

b) C – R – 4

c) D – S – 2

d) B – R – 5


5 persons A, B, C, D and E are having a different number of marbles with them. The number of marbles with them are 7,8,9,4 and 6 not necessarily in the same order. The number of marbles with A and B is one more than the number of marbles with E. C has more marbles than D. A has more marbles than B.

Question 5: Who has 8 marbles?

a) C

b) D

c) A

d) B

Question 6: Select the pair in which one person has twice the number of marbles as the other person:

a) B,A

b) B,C

c) A,E

d) D,B

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There are 15 students in a class who are equally distributed 5 benches forming a rectangular array of students.
Boys and Girls sit in separate benches Shravya is seated in one corner of first bench Jayant is diagonally opposite to her in the last bench.Aruna is in between Shravya and Kavya in one bench. Kavya asked the girl immediately behind her Shilpa for a pencil and Shilpa borrowed a pencil from the boy immediately behind her Anil, and gave it to Kavya Sunil is in between Anil and Jayant. After some time Shilpa goes out and Shravya sits in place of her but as Geeta did not want to sit beside Shravya Geeta swaps her place with Sweta.

Question 7: Which one of the following places is vacant immediately after Shilpa left the Class ?

a) place in front of Geeta

b) place in front of Sweta

c) place in front of Anil

d) place in front of Shravya

Question 8: Immediately after Shilpa left the class who is in front of Sweta ?

a) Geeta

b) Kavya

c) Aruna

d) Nobody

Question 9: Before Shilpa left the Class how was the seating placement for Jayant and Shilpa ?

a) Jayant was exactly behind Shilpa

b) Jayant and Shilpa were diagonally opposite

c) Two students were there between Jayant and Shilpa diagonally

d) Jayant is two students behind Shilpa.

Question 10: How many girls are there in the Class after Shilpa left the Class ?

a) 8

b) 5

c) 6

d) 11

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

According to given information, we make the following table –

Using point 1 and 4, we can say that T must be taught by E, R must be taught by C and P must be taught by B.

Using point 3) we can say that B teaches on floor 5 and A or D must teach on either floor 4 or 2.

Thus we get final table as –

Hence, option B is the right answer.

2) Answer (C)

According to given information, we make the following table –

Using point 1 and 4, we can say that T must be taught by E, R must be taught by C and P must be taught by B.

Using point 3) we can say that B teaches on floor 5 and A or D must teach on either floor 4 or 2.

Thus we get final table as –

Hence, option C is the right answer.

3) Answer (D)

According to given information, we make the following table –

Using point 1 and 4, we can say that T must be taught by E, R must be taught by C and P must be taught by B.

Using point 3) we can say that B teaches on floor 5 and A or D must teach on either floor 4 or 2.

Thus we get final table as –

Hence, option D is the right answer.

4) Answer (A)

According to given information, we make the following table –

Using point 1 and 4, we can say that T must be taught by E, R must be taught by C and P must be taught by B.

Using point 3) we can say that B teaches on floor 5 and A or D must teach on either floor 4 or 2.

Thus we get final table as –

Hence, option C is the right answer.

5) Answer (A)

The number of marbles with A and B is one more than the number of marbles with E.
Therefore, A and B must have 6 and 4 marbles (in any order) and E must have 9 marbles.
A has more marbles than B. Therefore, A must have 6 marbles and B must have 4 marbles.
C has more marbles than D. Since we know that E has 9 marbles, C must be having 8 marbles and D must be having 7 marbles. The number of persons with each of the persons is as follows:

4 – B
6 – A
7 – D
8 – C
9 – E

C has 8 marbles. Therefore, option A is the right answer.

6) Answer (B)

The number of marbles with A and B is one more than the number of marbles with E.
Therefore, A and B must have 6 and 4 marbles (in any order) and E must have 9 marbles.
A has more marbles than B. Therefore, A must have 6 marbles and B must have 4 marbles.
C has more marbles than D. Since we know that E has 9 marbles, C must be having 8 marbles and D must be having 7 marbles. The number of persons with each of the persons is as follows:

4 – B
6 – A
7 – D
8 – C
9 – E

B has 4 marbles and C has 8 marbles. Therefore, option B is the right answer.

7) Answer (C)

Shilpa is seated in front of Arun. So, the position in front of Arun became vacant when she left.

8) Answer (C)

After Shilpa left, Geetha and Sweta swapped their places. So, Swetha was exactly behind Aruna then.

9) Answer (D)

Based on the information provided, Jayant is on the last bench – 2 places behind Shilpa.

10) Answer (B)

The rows are assigned as girls only and boys only. Since there were 2 full rows of girls before Shilpa left, there are 5 girls remaining.


We hope this Jumbling Questions pdf  for RRB NTPC Exam will be highly useful for your Preparation.


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