Cloze Test Questions For IBPS PO PDF

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Cloze Test Questions For IBPS PO PDF

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Direction: In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in each case.

There is a considerable amount of research about the factors that make a company innovate. So is it possible to create an environment ____ (I) to innovation? This is a particularly pertinent _____ (II) for India today. Massive problems in health, education etc. ____ (III) be solved using a conventional approach but _____ (IV) creative and innovative solutions that can ensure radical change and _____ (V). There are several factors in India’s _____ (VI). Few countries have the rich diversity that India or its large, young population _____ (VII). While these _____ (VIII) innovation policy interventions certain additional steps are also required. These include _____ (IX) investment in research and development by _____ (X) the government and the private sector, easy transfer of technology from the academic world etc. To fulfill its promise of beng prosperous and to be at the forefront, India must be innovative.

Question 1: I

a) stimuli

b) conducive

c) incentive

d) facilitated

e) impetus

Question 2: II

a) objective

b) controversy

c) doubt

d) question

e) inference

Question 3: III

a) cannot

b) possibly

c) should

d) never

e) must

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Question 4: IV

a) necessary

b) apply

c) need

d) consider

e) requires

Question 5: V

a) quantity

b) advantages

c) increase

d) chaos

e) growth

Question 6: VI

a) challenges

b) praises

c) favour

d) leverage

e) esteem

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Question 7: VII

a) blessed

b) enjoys

c) endows

d) prevails

e) occurs

Question 8: VIII

a) aid

b) jeopardise

c) promote

d) endure

e) cater

Question 9: IX

a) acute

b) utilising

c) restricting

d) inspiring

e) increased

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Question 10: X

a) both

b) besides

c) combining

d) participating

e) aid


Directions: In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/ phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/ phrase in each case.

There is a considerable amount of research about the factors that make a company innovate. So is it possible to create an environment (I) to innovation? This is a particularly pertinent (II) for India today. Massive problems in health, education etc (III) be solved using a conventional Approach but (IV) creative and innovative solutions that can ensure radical change and (V). There are several factors in India’s (VI). Few countries have the rich diversity that India or its large, young population (VII). While these (VIII) innovation policy interventions certain additional steps are also required. These include (IX) investment in research and development by (X) the government and the private sector, easy transfer of technology from the academic world etc. To fulfill its promise of being prosperous and to be at the forefront, India must be innovative.

Question 11: I

a) stimuli

b) conducive

c) incentive

d) facilitated

e) impetus

Question 12: II

a) objective

b) controversy

c) doubt

d) question

e) inference

Question 13: III

a) cannot

b) possibly

c) should

d) never

e) must

Question 14: IV

a) necesary

b) apply

c) need

d) consider

e) requires

Question 15: V

a) quantity

b) advantages

c) increase

d) chaos

e) growth

Question 16: VI

a) challenges

b) praises

c) favour

d) leverage

e) esteem

Question 17: VII

a) blessed

b) enjoys

c) endows

d) prevails

e) occurs

Question 18: VIII

a) aid

b) jeopardise

c) promotes

d) endure

e) cater

Question 19: IX

a) acute

b) utilising

c) restricting

d) inspiring

e) increased


DIRECTIONS for the following four questions:

A low-cost airline company connects ten India cities, A to J. The table below gives the distance between a pair of airports and the corresponding price charged by the company. Travel is permitted only from a departure airport to an arrival airport. The customers do not travel by a route where they have to stop at more than two intermediate airports.

<img “=”” alt=”” class=”img-responsive” src=””/>

Question 20: If the prices include a margin of 10% over the total cost that the company incurs, what is the minimum cost per kilometer that the company incurs in flying from A to J?

a) 0.77

b) 0.88

c) 0.99

d) 1.06

e) 1.08

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

‘Conducive’ means ‘making a likely situation more possible. So, this is the best word in the first blank.

2) Answer (D)

The previous sentence is a question. So, the correct word in the second blank is ‘question’.

3) Answer (A)

The second part of the sentence contains the word ‘but’, which implies that the word to be used in the blank should be a negative word. Of the options given, only the word ‘cannot’ is applicable. The correct answer is option a).

4) Answer (E)

Based on the grammatical construction of the sentence, the only word that is applicable in the blank from the options is ‘requires’. So, option e) is the correct answer.

5) Answer (E)

The sentence is talking about radical change. From the options, the only word that complements the word ‘change’ is ‘growth’. So, option e) is the correct answer.

6) Answer (C)

The previous sentence talks about solutions that can ensure a radical change and growth. This sentence is a continuation of that idea. The word used should have a positive connotation. The most suitable word from the options is ‘favour’.

7) Answer (B)

This line talks about the diversity that very few countries have and that Indian population have this diversity. The word ‘enjoys’ suits the best here because the author is clearly praising India for the diversity it has.

8) Answer (C)

The several advantages that India has will push the government to take innovative policy interventions. So, the apt word in the blank is ‘promote’. The advantages that India has promote innovation policy interventions by the government.

9) Answer (E)

Probably the government is already investing in research and development. What is needed is more investment on research. So, the best word to be used in the blank is ‘increased’.

10) Answer (A)

Here, the sentence is talking about increased investment by the government as well as the private sector. So, the correct word is ‘both’.

11) Answer (B)

The word stimuli and incentive are wrong usages according to the context.

The question asked here is whether it is possible to create an environment that helps innovation.

The word impetus means that force with which something moves rapidly and the word conducive means making a certain situation possible. So, in this context, since we are talking about the possibility of the innovation in an environment, the word conducive suits better.

12) Answer (D)

In the previous sentence, the author is asking a question. Hence the correct word to describe ‘this’ is ‘question’.

13) Answer (A)

The alter-word ‘but’ is used, which changes the course of the sentence. Since the second part of the sentence is positively connotated, the first part must be negatively connotated. ‘Cannot’ is a better word in this context compared to ‘never’ and is hence the correct word.

14) Answer (C)

Necessary, apply and consider do not go with the flow of the sentence and are therefore wrong usages in this context.

‘Massive problems’ is plural and hence it needs a plural verb. Therefore ‘requires’ is wrong usage here.

The correct word is need.

15) Answer (E)

In this context, the word must be a noun. Hence ‘increase’ is wrong. ‘Quantity’ and ‘advantages’ do not have a clear reference. Hence, they are wrong. ‘Chaos’ does not go parallelly with the context, as the word here must be positively connotated. Hence ‘growth’ is the correct word here.

16) Answer (C)

‘In India’s challenges’ and ‘In India’s praises’ are clearly wrong.

Leverage is taken by X over Y. Here Y is not defined, hence ‘leverage’ is wrong.

Esteem means respect. In this context, the author does not talk about respect at all.

Hence favour is the correct word.

17) Answer (B)

This line talks about the diversity that very few countries have and that Indian population have this diversity. The word ‘enjoys’ suits the best here because the author is clearly praising India for the diversity it has.

18) Answer (C)

The several advantages that India has will push the government to take innovative policy interventions. So, the apt word in the blank is ‘promote’. The advantages that India has promote innovation policy interventions by the government.

19) Answer (E)

Probably the government is already investing in research and development. What is needed is more investment on research. So, the best word to be used in the blank is ‘increased’.

20) Answer (B)

The minimum cost from A to J we know is 2275.

Now actual cost after subtracting the margin is 2275 – 227.5 = Rs 2047.5

The total distance is 1950+1400=2350 Km.

Cost per Km = $\frac{\text{Rs }2047.5}{2350}$ = Rs 0.88/Km


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