Syllogism Questions for RRB NTPC Set-2 PDF

Syllogism Questions for RRB NTPC Set-2 PDF
Syllogism Questions for RRB NTPC Set-2 PDF

Syllogism Questions for RRB NTPC Set-2 PDF

Download RRB NTPC Syllogism Questions and Answers Set-2 PDF. Top 15 RRB NTPC Syllogism questions based on asked questions in previous exam papers very important for the Railway NTPC exam.

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In the following questions, two statements are given each followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statements.

Question 1: Statements:
Statement I: Some Trains are Flights
Statement II: No Train is Bus
Statement III: Some Flights are Cars
Conclusion I: No Flight is Bus
Conclusion II: Some Trains are Cars

a) Only Conclusion I follows

b) Only Conclusion II follows

c) Either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows

d) Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows

Question 2: Statements:
Statement I: No Air is Water
Statement II: All Water is Fire
Statement III: Some Fire is Ice
Conclusion I: No Air is Ice
Conclusion II: Some Water is Ice is a possibility

a) Only Conclusion I follows

b) Only Conclusion II follows

c) Either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows

d) Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows

Question 3: Statements:
Statement I: All Centimeters are Meters
Statement II: Some Meters are Kilometers
Statement III: All Kilometers are Decameters
Conclusion I: Some Centimeters are Kilometers
Conclusion II: No Meter is Decameter

a) Only Conclusion I follows

b) Only Conclusion II follows

c) Either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows

d) Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows

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Question 4: Statements:
Statement I: All Apples are Bananas
Statement II: No Banana is Mango
Statement III: Some Mangos are Watermelons
Conclusion I: Some Watermelons are not Apples
Conclusion II: Some Bananas are Watermelons is a possibility

a) Only Conclusion I follows

b) Only Conclusion II follows

c) Both Conclusions I and II follow

d) Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows

Question 5: Statements:
Statement I: No A is B
Statement II: No B is C
Statement III: No C is D
Conclusion I: No A is D
Conclusion II: No C is A

a) Only Conclusion I follows

b) Only Conclusion II follows

c) Both Conclusions I and II follow

d) Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows

Question 6: Statements:
Statement I: Some Cycles are Bike
Statement II: No Bikes are Cars
Statement III: No Cars are Buses
Conclusion I: Some Cycles are not Cars
Conclusion II: Some Bikes are Buses

a) Only Conclusion I follows

b) Only Conclusion II follows

c) Either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows

d) Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows

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Question 7: In this question three statements are given, followed by two conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statements and select the appropriate option.
Statement I: Some planets are stars.
Statement II: Some stars are satellites.
Statement III: All satellites are meteors.
Conclusion I: All stars are meteors.
Conclusion II: Some planets can be meteors.

a) Conclusion I follows

b) Conclusion II follows

c) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

d) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follow


In this question three statements are given, followed by two conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follows from the given statements and select the appropriate option.

Question 8: Statement I: All roads are highways.
Statement II: All highways are streets.
Statement III: Some roads are rails.
Conclusion I: Some highways are rails.
Conclusion II: Some streets are rails.

a) Conclusion I follows

b) Conclusion II follows

c) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

d) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follow

Question 9: Statement I: Some cups are glasses.
Statement II: All glasses are spoons.
Statement III: No spoon is a fork.
Conclusion I: Some glasses can be forks.
Conclusion II: Some cups are spoons.

a) Conclusion I follows

b) Conclusion II follows

c) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

d) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follow

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Question 10: Statement I: All laptops are computers.
Statement II: All computers are mobiles.
Statement III: Some mobiles are tablets.
Conclusion I: Some laptops are tablets.
Conclusion II: All computers can be tablets.

a) Conclusion I follows

b) Conclusion II follows

c) Both conclusion I and conclusion II follow

d) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follow


In each of the following questions, one/two statements are given followed by three conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even it they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the given statements.

Question 11: Statements :
Some ladies are beautiful. Some beautifuls are honest. All honest are sensitives.
Conclusion 1 : Some sensitives are beautifuls.
Conclusion 2 : Some honest are ladies.
Conclusion 3 : Some sensitives are ladies.

a) None of the Conclusion follows.

b) Only Conclusion 1 follows.

c) Only Conclusions 1 and 2 follow.

d) All Conclusions follow.

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Question 12: Statement 1 : Water has no shape, has volume.
Statement 2 : The knowledge is, like water, flowed from one side to other.
Conclusion 1 : The knowledge is interdisciplinary
Conclusion 2 : The knowledge is bound within a specific area.
Conclusion 3 : The knowledge influences the core of mental activity directly.

a) Only Conclusion 1 follows.

b) Only Conclusion 2 follows.

c) Both Conclusions 1 and 2 follow.

d) Both conclusions 1 and 3 follow.


In the following two questions, one statement is given followed by two Conclusions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.

Question 13: Statement : Aggressive animals can be trained with care and affection to behave
as the occasion demands.
I. Trained dogs cannot be aggressive.
II. Animals are always aggressive unless care and affection is given to them.

a) Both I and II follow.

b) Only I follows.

c) Only II follows.

d) Neither I nor II follows.

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Question 14: Instructions: Two or three statements are given followed by two are three conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at little variance with the commonly known facts. You have to choose which of the given conclusions definitely follow.
1) All pigs are humans
2) All humans are umbrellas
1) All pigs are umbrellas
2) Some umbrellas are humans.

a) Conclusion 1 follows

b) Conclusion 2 follows

c) Conclusion 1 and 2 follow

d) Neither conclusion 1 or 2 follows

Question 15: Some statements are given which are followed by two or more conclusions/assumptions- I, II, III, IV. You have to consider the statements to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from the commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions/assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given set of statements.
I) All criminals are killers.
II) Some killers are atheist.
III) No atheist is criminal.
I) No atheist is killer
II) All atheist are killers

a) Only I is true

b) Only II is true

c) Either I or II is true

d) Both of them are false

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (D)

The below Venn diagram can be drawn using given statements.

From the above Venn diagram,
There is a possibility where Some Flights are Buses. Hence, No Flight is Bus is not always true.

Some Trains are Cars can be a possibility but not a Conclusion.

Hence, Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows.

2) Answer (B)

The below Venn diagram can be drawn using given statements.

From the above Venn diagram,
No Air is Ice cannot be conclusion but it can be a possibility. Hence, Conclusion I is false.
There is a possibility where Some Water is Ice. Hence, Conclusion II is true.

Hence, Only Conclusion II follows.

3) Answer (D)

The below Venn diagram can be drawn using given statements.

From the above Venn diagram,
Some Centimeters are Kilometers is not true in all cases. Hence, It can be possibility but not a conclusion.
We can see that Some Meters are Decameters. Hence, No Meter is Decameter is false.

Hence, Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows.

4) Answer (C)

The below Venn diagram can be drawn using given statements.

From the above Venn diagram, we can say that,
Some Watermelons are Mangoes and No Mango is Apple. So, Some Watermelons are not Apples is true.
From the below Venn diagram, there is a possibility that Some Bananas are Watermelons.

Hence, Conclusion II is true.

Hence, Both Conclusions I and II follow.

5) Answer (D)

The below Venn diagram can be drawn using given statements.

From the above Venn diagram, we can say that,
Some A’s can be D and Some C’s can be A. Hence, No A is D and No C is A are false.

Hence, Neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows

6) Answer (A)

The below Venn diagram can be drawn using given statements.

Here, Some Cycles are Bikes which can’t be Cars. Hence, Conclusion I follows.
Some Bikes are Buses can be a possibility but it can’t be a conclusion. Hence, Conclusion II is false.
Hence, Option A is correct answer.

7) Answer (B)

From the above diagram, we can see that conclusion I does not follow.

From the above venn diagram, we can see that conclusion II is possible.

Hence, option B is the correct answer.

8) Answer (C)

From the venn diagram, we can see that both the conclusions follow. Hence, option C is the correct answer.

9) Answer (B)

All glasses are spoons and no spoon is a fork. So, no glass can be a fork. Thus, conclusion I does not follow.


From the above venn diagram, we can see that conclusion II follows. Hence, option B is the correct answer.

10) Answer (B)

From the above venn diagram, we can see that conclusion I does not follow.

From the above venn diagram, we can see that conclusion II follows. Hence, option B is the correct answer.

11) Answer (B)

Clearly, some sensitives are definitely beautiful. Some honest may or may not be ladies. Similarly, some sensitive may or may not be ladies.

Thus, only Conclusion 1 follows.

=> Ans – (B)

12) Answer (D)

From the statements it is clear that knowledge is interdisciplinary. Mental activity is related to acquired knowledge.

Thus, both conclusions I and III follow.

=> Ans – (D)

13) Answer (D)

The statement indicates that aggressive animals can be trained to behave but it does not conclude that all animals are in their aggressive mindset before training, or trained dogs may or may not be aggressive.

Thus, neither conclusion follows.

=> Ans – (D)

14) Answer (C)

The following venn diagram can be drawn based on the given instructions

All pigs are humans and all humans are umbrellas ==> All pigs are umbrellas
All humans are umbrellas ==> some umbrellas are humans.
Therefore, both conclusions follow.

15) Answer (D)

There are 2 combinations that can be-

Case 1 illustrates a condition in which II is false.
However, in both Case 1 and Case 2, condition I is false.
Thus, D is the correct answer.


We hope this Syllogisms Set-2 Questions for RRB NTPC Exam will be highly useful for your Preparation.


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