List Of Scientific Instruments & Their Uses PDF

List Of Scientific Instruments & Their Uses PDF
List Of Scientific Instruments & Their Uses PDF

Download List Of Scientific Instruments & Their Uses PDF. This PDF covers important scientific instruments and the quantity measured by them very useful for UPSC, BANKING, SSC & all competitive exams.

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Instrument Quantity Measured
Accelerometer physical acceleration
Actinometer heating power of sunlight
Alcholmeter alcoholic strength of liquids
Altimeter altitudes
Ammeter electric current
Anemometer windspeed
Audimeter hearing
Barkometer tanning liquors used in tanning leather
Barometer air pressure
Bevameter mechanical properties of soil
Bolometer electromagnetic radiation
Brannok Device measuring shoe size
Breathalyzer breath alcohol content
Caliper distance
Calorimeter heat of chemical reactions
Cathetometer vertical distances
Ceilometer height of a cloud base
Chronometer or Clock time
Clap-o-meter volume of applause
Compass direction of North
Colorimeter color
Creepmeter slow surface displacement of an active geologic fault in the earth
Declinometer magnetic declination
Densimeter specific gravity of liquids
Densitometer degree of darkness in photographic or semitransparent material
Diffractometer structure of crystals
Dialtometer volume changes caused by a physical or chemical process
Disdrometer size, speed, and velocity of raindrops
Dosimeter exposure to hazards, especially radiation; radiation of item
Dynamometer force, torque or power
Electricity Meter electrical energy used
Electrometer electric charge
Electronic Tuner pitch of musical notes
Ellipsometer refractive index, dielectric function, thickness of thin films
Eudiometer change in volume of a gas mixture following combustion
Evaporimeter rate of evaporation
Fathometer ocean depth
Framing Square right angles in construction
Frequency Counter Frequency Of Alternating Current
Fuel Gauge fuel levels
Galvanometer electricity
Gas Pycnometer volume and density of solids
Geiger Counter ionizing radiation (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.)
Glucometer blood glucose (diabetes)
Graphometer angles
Heliometer variation of the sun’s diameter
Hydrometer specific gravity of liquids (density of liquids)
Hygrometer humidity
Inclinometer angle of a slope
Inkometer ink
Interferometer wave interference
Infrared Thermometer Measures heat radiated
Katharometer composition of gases
Lactometer specific gravity of milk
Light meter light (in photography)
Load Cell measurement of force
Lux meter intensity of light
Magnetometer strength of magnetic fields
Manometer pressure of gas
Mass flow meter mass flow rate of a fluid travelling through a tube
Mass Spectrometer masses of ions, used to identify chemical substances through their mass spectra
Measuring Spoon a spoon used to measure an amount of an ingredient, either liquid or dry
Megger electrical insulation
Mercury Barometer Atmospheric pressure
Micrometer small distances
Multimeter electrical potential, resistance, and current
Nephoscope to measure the speed and direction of clouds
Nephelometer particle in a liquid
Odometer distance travelled
Ohmmeter electrical resistance
Orchidometer testicle size in male humans
Oscilloscope oscillations
Osmometer osmotic strength of a solution, colloid, or compound matter of an object
Parking Meter collects moneys for vehicle parking rights in a zone for a limited time
Pedometer steps
PH meter pH (chemical acidity/basicity of a solution)
Photometer illuminance or irradiance
Planometer area
Polarimeter rotation of polarized light
Potentiometer voltage (term is also used to refer to a variable resistor)
Profilometer surface roughness
Protractor angles
Psychrometer humidity
Pycnometer fluid density
Pyranometer solar radiation
Pyrheliometer direct solar insolation
Pyrometer high temperatures
Quadrat percentage cover of a certain species
Rain Gauge measuring of rain
Radiometer radiant flux of electromagnetic radiation
Rheometer response to applied forces
Rotameter pressure of a liquid or gas in a closed tube
Saccharometer amount of sugar in a solution
Seismometer seismic waves (for example, earthquakes)
Sextant location on earth’s surface (used in naval navigation)
Spectrometer properties of light
Spectrophotometer intensity of light as a function of wavelength
Speedometer speed, velocity of a vehicle
Spirometer the lung capacity
Spherometer radius of a sphere
Sphygmomanometer blood pressure
Stadimeter object range
Strainmeter seismic strain
SWR mter standing wave ratio
Tacheometer distance
Tachometer revolutions per minute, rate of blood flow, speed of aeroplanes
Taximeter distance travelled, displacement
Tensiometer surface tension of a liquid
Theodolite measuring angles in the horizontal and vertical planes
Thermometer temperature
Tiltmeter minor changes to the Earth
Tintometer colour
Vacuum Gauge very low pressure
Viscometer viscosity of a fluid
Voltmeter electric potential, voltage
Watt Meter electrical power
Wind Vane wind direction
Zymometer fermentation

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