SNAP Analogy Questions PDF [Most Important]

Analogy Questions PDF (1)

SNAP Analogy Questions PDF [Most Important]

Analogy is an important topic in the Verbal section of the SNAP Exam. You can also download this Free Analogy Questions for SNAP PDF with detailed answers by Cracku. These questions will help you practice and solve the Analogy questions in the SNAP exam. Utilize this PDF practice set, which is one of the best sources for practising.

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Question 1: ‘Music is related to Notes’ in the same way as ‘Language’ is related to…….

a) Sentences

b) Combination

c) Grammar

d) Alphabets

e) Syntax

1) Answer (D)


‘Music is related to Notes’ in the same way as ‘Language’ is related to Alphabets.

Question 2: ‘Lead’ is related to ‘pencil’ in the same way as ‘Ink’ is related to………

a) Bottle

b) Pen

c) Stamp

d) Pot

e) Colour

2) Answer (B)


Here, there exists an analogy between lead and pencil.

We must establish a similar analogy between ink and one of the options.

Lead is contained in a pencil in same way ink is contained in pen.

Hence, option B is correct.


Select the related words/letters from the given alternatives.

Question 3: SHOE: NCJZ:: REWA: ?





e) None of these

3) Answer (D)


The relationship between first two proportion words is SHOE and NCJZ is, N is 4 letter behind the letter S, C is 4 letters behind the letter H, J is 4 letters behind the letter O and in the circular manner, Z is also 4 letters behind the letter E

Hence, following the same pattern for REWA, we will get our answer as MZRV.

So answer will be D

Question 4: Bud: Flower:: ?

a) Clay: Mud

b) Sapling: Tree

c) River: Glacier

d) Bird: Tree

e) Paper: Book

4) Answer (B)


Bud means “a compact knob-like growth on a plant which develops into a leaf, flower, or shoot”

The similar meaning will be Sapling for a tree, hence, answer will be B






e) None of these

5) Answer (C)


First three letters of the word have been exchanged with the last three letters of the same word and remaining two letters will also exchange their positions. Similar pattern will be followed for the word “Psychotic” and answer will be “TICCHOPSY”

Hence, answer will be C

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Question 6: Video: Cassette:: Computer: ?

a) Reels

b) Recordings

c) Files

d) Floppy

e) CPU

6) Answer (D)


As a cassette is used to play a video similarly floppy is used to play a video on a computer. Hence, option D is most closely related to computer, So answer will be D

Question 7: Video: Cassette:: Computer: ?

a) Reels

b) Recordings

c) Files

d) Floppy

e) CPU

7) Answer (D)


As a cassette is used to play a video similarly floppy is used to play a video on a computer. Hence, option D is most closely related to computer, So answer will be D

Question 8: Nightingale: Warble:: Frog ?

a) Yelp

b) Croak

c) Cackle

d) Squeak

e) None of these

8) Answer (B)


As warble sound is related with nightingale similarly croak sound is related with frog. Hence, answer will be B

Question 9: An ‘Island’ is related to ‘Sea in the same way as an ‘Oasis’ is related to…………

a) Water

b) Illusion

c) Pond

d) Trees

e) Desert

9) Answer (E)


Island is a piece of land amidst water, similarly oasis is a water pool amidst sand.

Thus, ‘Oasis’ is related to desert.

=> Ans – (E)

Question 10: ‘Mustard’ is related to ‘Seed’ in the same way as ‘Carrot’ is related to………. ?

a) Fruit

b) Stem

c) Flower

d) Root

e) None of these

10) Answer (D)


Mustard in an oilseed, hence related to seed, similarly carrot is modified root, thus it is related to root.

=> Ans – (D)

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