Data Sufficiency Questions for IBPS PO and RRB Prelims

Data Sufficiency Questions
Data Sufficiency Questions

Data Sufficiency Questions for IBPS PO and RRB Prelims

Here you can download a free Data Sufficiency questions PDF with answers for IBPS PO and IBPS RRB PO 2022 by Cracku. These are some tricky questions in the IBPS PO and IBPS RRB PO 2022 exam that you need to find the Data Sufficiency of answers for the given questions. These questions will help you to make practice and solve the Data Sufficiency questions in the IBPS PO and IBPS RRB PO exams. Utilize this best PDF practice set which is included answers in detail. Click on the below link to download the Data Sufficiency MCQ PDF for IBPS PO and IBPS RRB PO 2022 for free.

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Each of the questions below consist of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

Question 1: Ramesh went to college in which month?
Statement I: Ramesh’s mother remembers that Ramesh went to college in a month having 31 days. She also remembers that Ramesh went to the college in a month which is followed by a month having 31 days.
Statement II: Ramesh’s father remembers that he went to college after May. He also remembers that Ramesh went to college before August.

a) Both Statement I and Statement II together are necessary to answer the question

b) Only Statement I is sufficient to answer the question

c) Only Statement II is sufficient to answer the question

d) Both Statement I and Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question

e) Either Statement I alone or Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question

1) Answer (B)


From Statement I,
The only possibility is July.
Ramesh went to the college in July.
So Statement I is sufficient to answer the question.

From Statement II,
The possibilities are June and July.
So Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question.

Hence, the correct answer is Option B

Question 2: What is the code for the word ‘respect’?
Statement I: In a certain code language, ‘respect the young brother’ is coded as ‘xm hi fa be’, ‘the person earns respect’ is coded as ‘mg fa pq hi’ and ‘respect is the power’ is coded as ‘hi ek io fa’.
Statement II: In a certain code language, ‘he own respect here’ is coded as ‘zk cg yp fa’, ‘young here be polite’ is coded as ‘wo rk zk xm’ and ‘own furniture earns respect’ is coded as ‘lq pq fa yp’.

a) Only Statement I is sufficient to answer the question

b) Both Statement I and Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question

c) Only Statement II is sufficient to answer the question

d) Both Statement I and Statement II together are necessary to answer the question

e) Either Statement I alone or Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question

2) Answer (D)


From Statement I,
‘the respect’ is common in all the statements. So the code for ‘the respect’ is ‘fa hi’.
We cannot find the definite code for ‘respect’.
So Statement I is not sufficient to answer the question.

From Statement II,
We cannot find the definite code for ‘respect’ from the given statements.

Combining both statements,
We can get the code for ‘respect’ as ‘fa’.

Both Statement I and Statement II together are necessary to answer the question.
Hence, the correct answer is Option D

Question 3: Seven people L, M, N, O, P, Q and R went to a museum on seven days of a week starting from Monday to Sunday. Which of the following went to the museum on Thursday?
Statement I: R didn’t go to the museum on Monday. Two people went to the museum between O and L. More than four people went to the museum after P. R went to the museum before N. Number of people who went to the museum after P is equal to the number of people who went to the museum before O. More than two people went to the museum between Q and L.
Statement II: Number of people who went to the museum before L is equal to the number of people who went to the museum after N. Three people went to the museum between P and O. More than three people went to the museum between M and Q. One person went to the museum between R and O. L and N didn’t go to the museum on Sunday. P went to the museum before O.

a) Only Statement I is sufficient to answer the question

b) Both Statement I and Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question

c) Only Statement II is sufficient to answer the question

d) Both Statement I and Statement II together are necessary to answer the question

e) Either Statement I alone or Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question

3) Answer (E)


From Statement I,
More than four people went to the museum after P. Number of people who went to the museum after P is equal to the number of people who went to the museum before O. Two people went to the museum between O and L. The two possibilities are

More than two people went to the museum between Q and L. R went to the museum before N. R didn’t go to the museum on Monday. Q is not possible in Case 1. Hence Case 1 is eliminated.

R went to the museum on Thursday.
Statement I is sufficient to answer the question.

From Statement II,
Three people went to the museum between P and O. P went to the museum before O. The three possibilities are

One person went to the museum between R and O. Number of people who went to the museum before L is equal to the number of people who went to the museum after N. L and N didn’t go to the museum on Sunday. R is possible in two places in Case 1 which are represented as Case 1a and Case 1b.

More than three people went to the museum between M and Q. M and Q are not possible in Case 1a, Case 1b and Case 3. Hence Case 1a, Case 1b and Case 3 are eliminated.

R went to the museum on Thursday.
Statement II is sufficient to answer the question.

Either Statement I alone or Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, the correct answer is Option E

Question 4: Six people P, Q, R, S, T and U have different number of chocolates. Which of the following has the highest number of chocolates?
Statement I: Only one person has less number of chocolates than T. Q has more number of chocolates than P but less number of chocolates than U. R has more number of chocolates than Q. P do not have least number of chocolates.
Statement II: Number of people who has more chocolates than R is equal to the number of people who has less chocolates than S. Q do not have highest number of chocolates. Only one person has more chocolates than U. P has less number of chocolates than Q but more number of chocolates than T. U has more number of chocolates than S.

a) Only Statement II is sufficient to answer the question

b) Both Statement I and Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question

c) Either Statement I alone or Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question

d) Both Statement I and Statement II together are necessary to answer the question

e) Only Statement I is sufficient to answer the question

4) Answer (A)


From Statement I,
Only one person has less number of chocolates than T. Q has more number of chocolates than P but less number of chocolates than U. P do not have least number of chocolates. The four possibilities are
Case (i): U > Q > P > _ > T > _
Case (ii): U > Q > _ > P > T > _
Case (iii): U > _ > Q > P > T > _
Case (iv): _ > U > Q > P > T > _
R has more number of chocolates than Q. R is not possible in Case (i) and Case (ii). Hence Case (i) and Case (ii).
Case (iii): U > R > Q > P > T > S
Case (iv): R > U > Q > P > T > S
So Statement I is not sufficient to answer the question.

From Statement II,
Only one person has more chocolates than U. Number of people who has more chocolates than R is equal to the number of people who has less chocolates than S. The two possibilities are
Case (i): R/S > U > _ > _ > _ > R/S
Case (ii): _ > U > R/S > R/S > _ > _
U has more number of chocolates than S. P has less number of chocolates than Q but more number of chocolates than T.
Case (i): R > U > Q > P > T > S
Case (ii): Q > U > R/S > R/S > P > T
Q do not have highest number of chocolates. Hence Case (ii) is eliminated.
The final arrangement is
R > U > Q > P > T > S
R has the highest number of chocolates.
Statement II is sufficient to answer the question.

Hence, the correct answer is Option A

Question 5: Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are living on the eight floors of a building in which the ground floor is numbered 1 and till the topmost floor is numbered 8. H is living on which of the following floors?
Statement I: E lives immediately above B. D lives on an odd numbered floor. Number of people living above F is equal to the number of people living below C. E do not live on the 6th and 8th floor. Three people live between D and F. One person lives between C and A. A do not live on the topmost floor and 2nd floor. B do not live on the ground floor. More than two people live between A and G.
Statement II: H lives above F. Two people live between C and D. B lives on a prime numbered floor. Number of people living below D is equal to the number of people living above E. Three people live between A and G. Four people live between B and C.

a) Only Statement I is sufficient to answer the question

b) Only Statement II is sufficient to answer the question

c) Both Statement I and Statement II together are necessary to answer the question

d) Either Statement I alone or Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question

e) Both Statement I and Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question

5) Answer (D)


From Statement I,
D lives on an odd numbered floor. Three people live between D and F. Number of people living above F is equal to the number of people living below C. The four possibilities are

One person lives between C and A. More than two people live between A and G. A do not live on the topmost floor and 2nd floor.

E lives immediately above B. E do not live on the 6th and 8th floor. B do not live on the ground floor. E and B are not possible in Case 1, Case 3 and Case 4. Hence Case 1, Case 3 and Case 4 are eliminated.

H lives on 7th floor.
Statement I is sufficient to answer the question.

From statement II,
B lives on a prime numbered floor. Four people live between B and C. Two people live between C and D. The three possibilities are

Number of people living below D is equal to the number of people living above E.

Three people live between A and G. H lives above F. A and G are not possible in Case 1 and Case 3. Hence Case 1 and Case 3 are eliminated.

H lives on 7th floor.
Statement II is sufficient to answer the question.

Either Statement I alone or Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, the correct answer is Option D


Each of the questions below consist of a question and three statements numbered I, II and III given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

Question 6: Suhas and his family went to a movie in which of the following month?
Statement I: Suhas’s sister remembers that they went to the theatre after May. She also remembers that they went to the theatre in a month having 30 days.
Statement II: Suhas’s father remembers that they didn’t go to the theatre in November and April. He also remembers that they didn’t go to the theatre in a month having 31 days.
Statement III: Suhas’s mother remembers that they went to the theatre after April but didn’t go in the month of June.

a) Data in statements I and III together are sufficient to answer the question

b) Data in statement II is sufficient to answer the question

c) Data in statements II and III together are sufficient to answer the question

d) Data in statements I, II and III together are sufficient to answer the question

e) Data in statement I is sufficient to answer the question

6) Answer (C)


From the statement I,
The possibilities are June, September and November.
So Statement I is not sufficient to answer the question.

From the statement II,
The possibilities are February, June and September.
So Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question.

From the statement III,
The possibilities are May, July, August, September, October, November and December.
So Statement III is not sufficient to answer the question.

Combining Statements I and II,
The possibilities are June and September.
So Statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

Combining Statements I and III,
The possibilities are September and November.
So Statement I and III together are not sufficient to answer the question.

Combining Statements II and III,
The only possibility is September.
So Statement II and III together are sufficient to answer the question.

Hence, the correct answer is Option C

Question 7: Six people A, B, C, D, E and F are of different weights. Which of the following is lightest?
Statement I: Only two people are heavier than F. B is heavier than D but lighter than E. E lighter than F.
Statement II: A is heavier than B and D. A is not the heaviest person. F is heavier than E but lighter than A. E is not the lightest person.
Statement III: A is heavier than F but lighter than C. B is heavier than D. F is heavier than B.

a) Data in statements I and III together are sufficient to answer the question

b) Data in statement II is sufficient to answer the question

c) Data in statements II and III together are sufficient to answer the question

d) Data in either statements I and III or statements II and III are sufficient to answer the question

e) Data in statement I is sufficient to answer the question

7) Answer (E)


From statement I,
Only two people are heavier than F.
_ > _ > F > _ > _ > _
E lighter than F. B is heavier than D but lighter than E.
_ > _ > F > E > B > D
The lightest person is D.
So Statement I is sufficient to answer the question.

From statement II,
A is not the heaviest person. F is heavier than E but lighter than A. E is not the lightest person. The four possibilities are
Case (i): _ > A > F > E > _ > _
Case (ii): _ > A > F > _ > E > _
Case (iii): _ > A > _ > F > E > _
Case (iv): _ > _ > A > F > E > _
A is heavier than B and D. B and D are not possible in Case (iv). Hence Case (iv) is eliminated.
Case (i): C > A > F > E > B/D > B/D
Case (ii): C > A > F > B/D > E > B/D
Case (iii): _ > A > B/D > F > E > B/D
We cannot definitely say the lightest person.
So Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question.

From statement III,
B is heavier than D. F is heavier than B.
F > B > D
A is heavier than F but lighter than C.
C > A > F > B > D
There is no information regarding E. So E or D can be the lightest person.
So Statement III is not sufficient to answer the question.

Hence, the correct answer is Option E

Question 8: What is the code for the word ‘sound’?
Statement I: In a certain code language, ‘is there sound here’ is coded as ‘za fa yf hm’, ‘you are there also’ is coded as ‘be hm mf gi’ and ‘he is also there’ is coded as ‘fa be ep hm’.
Statement II: In a certain code language, ‘hear the music now’ is coded as ‘op ga fk cj’, ‘they listened to songs’ is coded as ‘rm bk ax qj’ and ‘he listened here sound’ is coded as ‘yf za qj ep’.
Statement III: In a certain code language, ‘large sound was made’ is coded as ‘zc za he wa’, ‘you also hear now’ is coded as ‘be gi ga cj’ and ‘there now large sound’ is coded as ‘he ga za hm’.

a) Data in statements I and III together are sufficient to answer the question

b) Data in statement III is sufficient to answer the question

c) Data in statements II and III together are sufficient to answer the question

d) Data in either statements I and III or statements II and III are sufficient to answer the question

e) Data in statement II is sufficient to answer the question

8) Answer (D)


From Statement I, Statement II and Statement III alone we cannot find the definite code for ‘sound’.

Combining Statement I and Statement II,
We get the code for ‘sound here’ as ‘za yf’. We cannot find the definite code for ‘sound’.
Data in statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

Combining Statement I and Statement III,
We can get the code for ‘sound’ as ‘za’.
Data in statements I and III together are sufficient to answer the question.

Combining Statement II and Statement III,
We can get the code for ‘sound’ as ‘za’.
Data in statements II and III together are sufficient to answer the question.

So data in either statements I and III or statements II and III are sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, the correct answer is Option D

Question 9: Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are living on the eight floors of a building in which the ground floor is numbered 1 and till the topmost floor is numbered 8. T is living on which of the following floors?
Statement I: S lives on the 4th floor. Two people live between V and Q. Two people live between S and W. Number of people living below W is equal to the number of people living above V. T lives below Q. One person is living between P and Q.
Statement II: U do not live on the 2nd and 4th floor. S lives immediately above P. Two people live between T and S. U lives on an even numbered floor. Two people live between U and P. T do not live on 7th floor.
Statement III: Three people live between V and U. Four people live between P and R. P lives on a prime numbered floor. P lives above T. Number of people living above P is equal to the number of people living below U.

a) Data in statements II and III together are sufficient to answer the question

b) Data in statement III is sufficient to answer the question

c) Data in statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question

d) Data in statement I is sufficient to answer the question

e) Data in statement II is sufficient to answer the question

9) Answer (B)


From statement I,
S lives on the 4th floor. Two people live between S and W. Number of people living below W is equal to the number of people living above V. The two possibilities are

Two people live between V and Q. One person is living between P and Q. P is possible in places Case 2 which are represented as Case 2a and Case 2b.

T lives below Q.
T is possible in different places. We cannot determine the floor on which T lives.
So Statement I is not sufficient to answer the question.

From Statement II,
U lives on an even numbered floor. U do not live on the 2nd and 4th floor. Two people live between U and P. S lives immediately above P. Two people live between T and S. T do not live on 7th floor. The two possibilities are

T is possible in different places. We cannot determine the floor on which T lives.
So Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question.

From Statement III,
P lives on a prime numbered floor. Four people live between P and R. The three possibilities are

Number of people living above P is equal to the number of people living below U. Three people live between V and U. P lives above T. U is not possible in Case 1 and Case 3. Hence Case 1 and Case 3 are eliminated.
The final arrangement is

T is living on floor number 1.
So Statement III is sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, the correct answer is Option B

Question 10: Seven people D, E, F, G, H, I and J went to a park on seven days of a week starting from Monday to Sunday. J went to the park on which of the following days?
Statement I: H didn’t go to the park on Monday. Two people went to the park between D and G. Three people went to the park between E and F. More than three people went to the park between H and I. Two people went to the park between I and E.
Statement II: Three people went to the park between D and H. Number of people who went to the park after I is equal to the number of people who went to the park before G. Only one person went to the park after G. Two people went to the park between H and J. I went to the park immediately after or immediately before D.
Statement III: E went to the park immediately after or immediately before J. F went to the park on Monday. More than four people went to the park between H and F. One person went to the park between E and H.

a) Data in statements II and III together are sufficient to answer the question

b) Data in either statements I or statement III are sufficient to answer the question

c) All the statements I, II and III are necessary to answer the question

d) Data in statement II is sufficient to answer the question

e) Data in either statements I or statement II are sufficient to answer the question

10) Answer (E)


From Statement I,
More than three people went to the park between H and I. H didn’t go to the park on Monday. Two people went to the park between I and E. The three possibilities are

Three people went to the park between E and F. Two people went to the park between D and G. F is not possible in Case 2. Hence Case 2 is eliminated.
The final arrangement is

J went to the park on Thursday.
Statement I is sufficient to answer the question.

From Statement II,
Only one person went to the park after G. Number of people who went to the park after I is equal to the number of people who went to the park before G. I went to the park immediately after or immediately before D. The two possibilities are

Three people went to the park between D and H. Two people went to the park between H and J. J is not possible in Case 1. Hence Case 1 is eliminated.

J went to the park on Thursday.
Statement II is sufficient to answer the question.

From Statement III,
F went to the park on Monday. More than four people went to the park between H and F. One person went to the park between E and H.

E went to the park immediately after or immediately before J. The two possibilities are

We cannot exactly say the day on which J went to the park.
So Statement III is not sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, the correct answer is Option E

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Each of the questions below consist of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

Question 11: What is the code for ‘resource’?
Statement I) In a certain code language, ‘slow connection available here’ is coded as ‘snc rbt dic wes’, ‘here network connection issue’ is coded as ‘pbo rbt snc zst’, ‘available resource are slow’ is coded as ‘dic wes vnk bnc’ and ‘network available there’ is coded as ‘ztr pbo wes’.
Statement II) In a certain code language, ‘slow network there’ is coded as ‘ztr pbo dic’, ‘resource here and there’ is coded as ‘vnk snc ztr eoc’, ‘connection not slow’ is coded as ‘dic mib rbt’ and ‘available speed here’ is coded as ‘snc wes fnd’.

a) Both the statement I and statement II together are sufficient to answer the question.

b) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.

c) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

d) Either statement I or II is sufficient to answer the question.

e) Both the statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

11) Answer (A)


Statement I)
Here to obtain the code for ‘resource’, we can eliminate ‘available slow’. After that we are unable to eliminate ‘resource are’ to obtain the answer. So this information is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement II)
Here to obtain the code for ‘resource’, we can eliminate ‘here there’. After that we are unable to eliminate ‘resource and’ to obtain the answer. So this information is not sufficient to answer the question.
Statement I) & Statement II)
After combining both the statements, we can directly obtain the code for ‘resource’. So this information is sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, option a is the correct answer.

Question 12: Nine people A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, Y and Z are living on a nine floor building where the ground floor is numbered as one and the floor immediately above is numbered as two and so on. Similarly the topmost floor of the building is numbered as nine. A lives on which of the following floor of the building?
Statement I) Y lives above A who doesn’t live on the ground floor of the building. Three people are living between B and D who lives immediately above Q. No one is living between P and Z. B lives on an even numbered floor but not on the second floor. The number of people living above Q and below Z is the same. E lives immediately above C. E does not live above D.
Statement II) Less than two people are living between Q and A. One person is living between D and P. A lives above C. Only three people are living below D. E lives on an even number floor immediately below Q. Three people are living between Q and Z who lives immediately below B who lives below Y.

a) Both the statement I and statement II together are sufficient to answer the question.

b) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.

c) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

d) Either statement I or II is sufficient to answer the question.

e) Both the statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

12) Answer (D)


Statement I) B lives on an even numbered floor but not on the second floor. Three people are living between B and D who lives immediately above Q. The number of people living above Q and below Z is the same. No one is living between P and Z.
B is possible in three places which are given below in Case(i), Case(ii) and Case(iii).

E lives immediately above C. E does not live above D.
In Case(ii), the above given condition is not applicable. So this case is eliminated.

Y lives above A who doesn’t live on the ground floor of the building.
In Case(i), A is not possible as per the above given condition. So this case is eliminated.

We can obtain the answer from this information.

Statement II) Only three people are living below D. One person is living between D and P.
Here P is possible in two places which are given below in Case(i) and Case(ii).

E lives on an even number floor immediately below Q.
In each case E and Q are possible in two places which are given below in Case(i)(a), Case(i)(b), Case(ii)(a) and Case(ii)(b).

Three people are living between Q and Z who lives immediately below B who lives below Y.
In Case(i)(a) and Case(ii)(b), the above given conditions are not applicable. So these cases are eliminated.

A lives above C. Less than two people are living between Q and A.
In Case(ii)(a), the above given condition is not possible. So this case is eliminated.

We can obtain the answer from this information.

Hence, option d is the correct answer.

Question 13: Six people P, Q, R, S, T and U are having different ages. Each of them is working in different banks namely SBI, PNB, BOM, BOB, IDBI and KMB. Who is working in SBI?
Statement I) The number of people younger than the one who is working in BOB is one less than the number of people older than the one who is working in BOM. More than two people are younger than U. Only two people are older than the one who is working in KMB. Number of people younger than U and older than T is the same. The one who is working in BOB is younger than T.
Statement II) Q who is working in IDBI is younger than R who is not working in PNB. The number of people younger than R and older than P is the same. S is not working in BOM.

a) Both the statement I and statement II together are sufficient to answer the question.

b) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.

c) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

d) Either statement I or II is sufficient to answer the question.

e) Both the statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

13) Answer (A)


Statement I) Only two people are older than the one who is working in KMB.
Number of people younger than U and older than T is the same. More than two people are younger than U.
Case(i) >>U(KMB)>T>>
Case(ii) >U>(KMB)>>T>
Case(iii) U>>(KMB)>>>T
The one who is working in BOB is younger than T.
In Case(iii), BOB is not possible as per the above given condition. So this case is eliminated.
In Case(i), BOB is possible in two places which are given below in Case(i)(a) and Case(i)(b).
Case(i)(a) >>U(KMB)>T>(BOB)>
Case(i)(b) >>U(KMB)>T>>(BOB)
Case(ii) >U>(KMB)>>T>(BOB)
The number of people younger than the one who is working in BOB is one less than the number of people older than the one who is working in BOM.
In Case(i)(a), BOM is not possible as per the above given condition. So this case is eliminated.
Case(i)(b) >(BOM)>U(KMB)>T>>(BOB)
Case(ii) >U(BOM)>(KMB)>>T>(BOB)
Given information is not sufficient to get the answer.
Statement II) Q who is working in IDBI is younger than R who is not working in PNB. The number of people younger than R and older than P is the same. S is not working in BOM.
There is not any basic hint to connect the information. So this information is not sufficient to get the answer.
Statement I) & Statement II)
Q who is working in IDBI is younger than R who is not working in PNB. The number of people younger than R and older than P is the same.
Case(i)(b) R(xPNB)>(BOM)>U(KMB)>T>Q(IDBI)>P(BOB)
Case(ii) R(xPNB)>U(BOM)>(KMB)>Q(IDBI)>T>P(BOB)
S is not working in BOM.
In Case(i)(b), S is not possible as per the above given condition. So this case is eliminated.
We can obtain the answer after combining both the statements together.
Hence, option a is the correct answer.

Question 14: Twelve people went to the zoo during twelve different months of the same year from January to December. I went to the zoo in which of the following month?
Statement I) The number of people who went to the zoo between B and H is the same as the number of people who went to the zoo between B and J. Three people went to the zoo between L and H. Two people went to the zoo between A and E. The number of people who went to the zoo before L and after K is the same. E went to the zoo immediately before K. L went to the zoo after august in any of the months which is having 30 days. One person went to the zoo between A and B. No one went to the zoo between J and I.
Statement II) I went to the zoo after F. The number of people who went to the zoo before E is one more than the number of people who went to the zoo after J. One person went to the zoo between F and H. Less than four people went to the zoo before E who went to the zoo in a month which has 31 days. Two people went to the zoo between J and B who went to the zoo immediately after F. More than three people went to the zoo between H and I who did not go in december.

a) Both the statement I and statement II together are sufficient to answer the question.

b) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.

c) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

d) Either statement I or II is sufficient to answer the question.

e) Both the statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

14) Answer (C)


Statement I) L went to the zoo after august in any of the months which is having 30 days. Three people went to the zoo between L and H. The number of people who went to the zoo before L and after K is the same. E went to the zoo immediately before K. Two people went to the zoo between A and E. One person went to the zoo between A and B.
Here L is possible in two places which are given below in Case(i) and Case(ii).

The number of people who went to the zoo between B and H is the same as the number of people who went to the zoo between B and J. No one went to the zoo between J and I.
In Case(ii), I is not possible. So this case is eliminated.
In Case(i) I can be either in october or december.

We cannot get the answer from this information.

Statement II) Less than four people went to the zoo before E who went to the zoo in a month which has 31 days.
Here E is possible in two places which are given below in Case(i) and Case(ii).

The number of people who went to the zoo before E is one more than the number of people who went to the zoo after J. Two people went to the zoo between J and B who went to the zoo immediately after F.
In Case(i), J is not possible as per the above given condition. So this case is eliminated.

One person went to the zoo between F and H.
In Case(ii), H is possible in two places which are given below in Case(ii)(a) and Case(ii)(b).

More than three people went to the zoo between H and I who did not go in december. I went to the zoo after F.

We can get the answer from this information.
Hence, option c is the correct answer.


Each of the questions below consist of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

Question 15: What is the code for ‘there’?
Statement I) In a certain code language ‘festival season started’ is coded as ‘id ri jc’, ‘vegetable stall on festival’ is coded as ‘op mp sv jc’ and ‘started stall there’ is coded as ‘nb id op’.
Statement II) In a certain code language ‘eat vegetable started’ is coded as ‘id sv wj’, ‘festival stall there’ is coded as ‘op nb jc’ and ‘on button started’ is coded as ‘nz id mp’.

a) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

b) Either statement I or II is sufficient to answer the question.

c) Both the statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

d) Both the statement I and statement II together are sufficient to answer the question.

e) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.

15) Answer (E)


Statement I) In the first and the third phrase ‘started’ is common. So the code for this will be ‘id’. Now in the second and the third phrase ‘stall’ is common. So the code for this will be ‘op’. Now only ‘there’ is remaining in the third phrase which code can be determined easily.
This statement is sufficient to answer the question.
Statement II) Here we can only obtain the code for ‘started’. From the given information, we are unable to get the required answer.

Hence, option e is the correct answer.

Question 16: Six people A, B, C, D, E and F are living in six different houses namely P, Q, R, S, T and U but not necessarily in the same order. Which of the following people is living in house P?
Statement I) E is living in house Q. C is not living in house R and U. A and D are living in house T and S but not necessarily in the same order.
Statement II) B is living in house R. E is living in house Q. F is not living in house house P, S and T.

a) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

b) Either statement I or II is sufficient to answer the question.

c) Both the statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

d) Both the statement I and statement II together are sufficient to answer the question.

e) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.

16) Answer (E)


Statement I) E is living in house Q. A and D are living in house T and S but not necessarily in the same order.
A ⇒ T/S
B ⇒
C ⇒
D ⇒ T/S
E ⇒ Q
F ⇒
C is not living in house R and U.
A ⇒ T/S
B ⇒ R/U
C ⇒ P
D ⇒ T/S
E ⇒ Q
F ⇒ R/U
This statement is sufficient to get the answer.
Statement II) B is living in house R. E is living in house Q.
A ⇒
B ⇒ R
C ⇒
D ⇒
E ⇒ Q
F ⇒
F is not living in house house P, S and T.
A ⇒ P/S/T
B ⇒ R
C ⇒ P/S/T
D ⇒ P/S/T
E ⇒ Q
F ⇒ U
From this information, we cannot get the definite answer. So this information is not sufficient.
Hence, option e is the correct answer.

Question 17: Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting around a circular table. Each of them is facing the center of the table. What is the position of R with respect to U.
Statement I) U is third to the right of W. Q is second to the left of S. Three people are sitting between T and S. R is not second to the right of V. Neither S nor T is an immediate neighbour of U. R and S are not immediate neighbours.
Statement II) Three people are sitting between Q and U who is immediately to the right of P. S who is immediately to the right of W is second to the left of U. T who is not an immediate neighbour of U is immediately left of V.

a) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

b) Either statement I or II is sufficient to answer the question.

c) Both the statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

d) Both the statement I and statement II together are sufficient to answer the question.

e) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.

17) Answer (A)


Statement I) Q is second to the left of S. Three people are sitting between T and S. Neither S nor T is an immediate neighbour of U.

U is third to the right of W. R is not second to the right of V. R and S are not immediate neighbours.

After applying all the information given in the question, we have two possible answers. So the given information is not sufficient to answer the question.

Statement II) Three people are sitting between Q and U who is immediately right of P.

S who is immediately to the right of W is second to the left of U. T who is not an immediate neighbour of U is immediately left of V.

This statement is sufficient to get the answer.
Hence, option a is the correct answer.


Each of the questions below consist of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

Question 18: Six people A, B, C, D, E and F are living on six floors of a building in which ground floor is numbered 1 and till the topmost floor is numbered 6. C lives on which of the following floors?
Statement I: F lives on an odd numbered floor but not on the ground floor. Two people live between F and D.
Statement II: One person lives between D and E. A lives on the immediate floor above B.

a) Both Statement I and Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question

b) Only Statement II is sufficient to answer the question

c) Either Statement I alone or Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question

d) Both Statement I and Statement II together are necessary to answer the question

e) Only Statement I is sufficient to answer the question

18) Answer (D)


From Statement I and Statement II, there is no sufficient information to answer the question.
By combining both statements,
F lives on an odd numbered floor but not on the ground floor. Two people live between F and D. The two possibilities are

One person lives between D and E.

A lives on the immediate floor above B. A and B are not possible in Case 1. Hence Case 1 is eliminated.
The final arrangement is

$\therefore$ C lives on floor number 5.
Both Statement I and Statement II together are necessary to answer the question.
Hence, the correct answer is Option D

Question 19: What is the code for the word ‘repeat’?
Statement I: In a certain code language, ‘once proper repeat again’ is coded as ‘fg kw bq nr’ and ‘closely repeat once here’ is coded as ‘za nr ly kw’.
Statement II: In a certain code language, ‘here only right repeat’ is coded as ‘kw oe pz ly’ and ‘only right once here’ is coded as ‘nr pz oe ly’.

a) Only Statement I is sufficient to answer the question

b) Only Statement II is sufficient to answer the question

c) Both Statement I and Statement II together are necessary to answer the question

d) Either Statement I alone or Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question

e) Both Statement I and Statement II is not sufficient to answer the question

19) Answer (B)


From Statement I,
By comparing both the codes, the code for ‘repeat’ can be either ‘kw’ or ‘nr’.
So Statement I is not sufficient to answer the question.

From Statement II,
By comparing both the codes, the code for ‘here only right’ is ‘oe pz ly’. Only repeat is remaining from the first code. So the code for ‘repeat’ is ‘kw’.
So Statement II is sufficient to answer the question.
Hence, the correct answer is Option B


Each of the questions below consist of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

Question 20: Six people M, N, O, P, Q and R are sitting around a circular table such that the distance between any two immediate neighbours is the same. All of them are facing the center of the table. Each of them has a different number of toffees 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8. If all the people are arranged in alphabetical order starting from M in clockwise direction, then the position of how many people remain unchanged except M?
Statement I) O faces the one whose toffees are the multiple of three. Q is immediately left of M who is having 7 toffees. O sits exactly between R and Q. The number of toffees of R is a cubic number. The one who has 2 toffees faces the one who has 3 toffees.
Statement II) Q neither has 5 nor 6 toffees. N is not an immediate neighbour of R. P does not have 2 toffees.

a) Both the statement I and statement II together are not sufficient to answer the question.

b) Either statement I or II is sufficient to answer the question.

c) Both the statement I and statement II together are sufficient to answer the question.

d) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question.

e) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question.

20) Answer (C)


For getting the answer, we need the position of all the people.
Statement I) O faces the one whose toffees are the multiple of three.
There are two possible cases which are given below in Case(i) and Case(ii).

O sits exactly between R and Q.
R and Q are possible in two places which are given below in Case(i)(a), Case(i)(b), Case(ii)(a) and Case(ii)(b).

Q is immediately left of M who is having 7 toffees.

The number of toffees of R is a cubic number. The one who has 2 toffees faces the one who has 3 toffees.

We did not get the places of all the people from this statement. So it is not sufficient to answer the question.

Statement II) alone is also not sufficient to answer the question. Because of not any direct information to start the arrangement.

Statement I) and Statement II) together

Q neither has 5 nor 6 toffees.
In Case(i)(a) and Case(i)(b), Q is not possible as per the above given condition. So these cases are eliminated.

N is not an immediate neighbour of R.
In Case(ii)(b), R is not possible. So this case is eliminated.

P does not have 2 toffees.

Hence, option c is the correct answer.

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