Vocab, Antonyms & Synonyms for TISSNET 2022 – Download PDF

Vocab, Antonyms & Synonyms Questions
Vocab, Antonyms & Synonyms Questions

Vocab, Antonyms & Synonyms for TISSNET 2022 – Download PDF

Download TISSNET 2022 Vocab, Antonyms and Synonyms Questions pdf by Cracku. Very Important Vocab, Antonyms and Synonyms Questions for TISSNET 2022 based on asked questions in previous exam papers. These questions will help your TISSNET exam preparation. So kindly download the PDF for reference and do more practice.

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Question 1: Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

a) Medium

b) Hard

c) Shiny

d) Soft

Question 2: Choose the antonym of analogue

a) correlate

b) cognate

c) dialogue

d) difference

Question 3: Select the antonym of demure

a) humble

b) bold

c) coy

d) sober

Question 4: Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

a) Pleasant

b) Dignified

c) Wonderful

d) Stormy

Question 5: Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

a) Infuriate

b) Appreciate

c) Imitate

d) Desperate

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Question 6: Select the synonym of ‘splayed’

a) nimble

b) jade

c) frayed

d) spread

Question 7: Select the synonym of purge

a) evacuate

b) pressurize

c) thrust

d) float

Question 8: If each of the vowel in the word OVEN is changed to previous letter in the English alphabet and the consonants are changed to next letter of the English alphabet. How many meaningful words can be formed with the new letters using each letter only once in each word ?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) More than three

Question 9: How many meaningful English words can be made from the letters ADER using each letter only once in each word ?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) Four

Question 10: How many meaningful English words can be made with the third, the fifth, the seventh and the ninth letters of the word ‘DOWNGRADED’, using each letter only in each word?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) More than three

Question 11: How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters of the words EROS only once in each word ?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) More than three

Question 12: If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the first, second, fifth, and sixth letters of the word PYGMALION, which of the followingwould be the second letter of that word from the right end ? If no such word can be made, give ‘X ‘ as your answer and if more than one such word can beformed give your answer as ‘Z’

a) X

b) P

c) Y

d) A

e) Z

Question 13: How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters of word O,N,F,T only once in each word ?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) More than three

Question 14: How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters ADIC using each letter only once in each word ?

a) None

b) One

c) Two

d) Three

e) More than three

Question 15: If it possible to make only one meaningful word with the first ,fourth, fifth and tenth letters of the word TELEVISION, Which of the following would be the second letter of that word from the right end ? If no such word can be made, give ‘X’ as your answer and if more than one such word can be formed, give your answer as ‘Y’

a) X

b) L

c) N

d) E

e) Y

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (B)

Mellow means soft or calm so the antonym is hard.

2) Answer (D)

‘Analogue’ means a person or a thing seen as comparable to another.

So out of the given options ‘difference’ must be the antonym of ‘analogue’.

Hence, option D is the right choice.

3) Answer (B)

‘Demure’ means ‘shy and reserved’.

‘Coy’ means ‘pretending to be shy’. ‘Sober’ means ‘not under the influence of alcohol’.

Therefore, ‘bold’ is the word opposite in meaning to ‘demure’. Hence, option B is the right answer.

4) Answer (D)

The word inclement means ‘(of the weather) unpleasantly cold or wet’ so the synonym is stormy.

5) Answer (A)

Synonym of exasperate – Infuriate, incense, anger, annoy, irritate

6) Answer (D)

‘Splay’ means to spread things apart. Hence, option D is the correct answer.

7) Answer (A)

‘Purge’ means to get rid of something. Option A – ‘evacuate’ also means the same thing.

8) Answer (B)

The word after the change is NWDO. The word that can be formed from this is DOWN. Option b) is the correct answer.

9) Answer (D)

Using the letter of the words A,R, E and D we can frm three words – DARE, READ and DEAR.
Hence three is correct answer i.e option D is correct.
10) Answer (B)

The third, fifth, seventh and ninth letter of the word DOWNGRADED are W, G, A and E.
Only one meaningful word i.e WAGE can be formed from the letters.
Hence, the correct option is B.

11) Answer (E)

The words that can be formed are:
4 words can be formed.

Therefore, more than 3 i.e option E is correct option.

12) Answer (D)

The first, second, fifth and sixth letters of the word PYGMALION are PYAL. The meaninful word formed is PLAY. Second letter is A and hence, the option is D.

13) Answer (B)

Only FONT can be formed from the given letter.

Hence, the answer is option B.

14) Answer (B)

We can form one word by using ADIC where each letter comes only once.

The words is ACID.

Hence, the answer is  and option is B

15) Answer (C)

The first, fourth, fifth and tenth letters of the word TELEVISION are T,E,V,N.
The word formed is VENT.
And second letter from right is N.
Correct option is option C.

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