Wrong Term Number Series Questions For IBPS Clerk

wrong term number series questions for ibps clerk
wrong term number series questions for ibps clerk

Wrong Term Number Series Questions For IBPS Clerk

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In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

Question 1: 11, 18, 29, 42, 59, 80, 101

a) 42

b) 18

c) 29

d) 59

e) None of these

Question 2: 2, 9, 32, 105, 436, 2195, 13182

a) 436

b) 2195

c) 9

d) 32

e) None of these

Question 3: 5, 55, 495, 3465, 17325, 34650, 51975,

a) 495

b) 34650

c) 55

d) 17325

e) None of these

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Question 4: 3, 7, 16, 32, 56, 93, 142

a) 56

b) 16

c) 32

d) 7

e) None of these

Question 5: 4, 5, 12, 38, 160, 805, 4836

a) 12

b) 160

c) 38

d) 805

e) None of these


In the following number series, a wrong number is given. Find out that wrong number.

Question 6: 2 11 38 197 1172 8227 65806

a) 11

b) 38

c) 197

d) 1172

e) 8227

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Question 7: 16 19 21 30 46 71 107

a) 19

b) 21

c) 30

d) 46

e) 71

Question 8: 7 9 16 25 41 68 107 173

a) 107

b) 16

c) 41

d) 68

e) 25

Question 9: 4 2 1.5 1.75 1.875

a) 2

b) 1.5

c) 1.75

d) 4

e) 1.875

Question 10: 16 4 2 1.5 1.75 1.875

a) 1.875

b) 1.75

c) 1.5

d) 2

e) 4

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In the following number series, a wrong number is given. Identify the wrong number that does not follow the given pattern.

Question 11: 3, 10, 33, 111, 349, 1072, 3252

a) 33

b) 111

c) 349

d) 1072

e) 10

Question 12: 1, 2, 12, 63, 316, 1704, 10446

a) 63

b) 1704

c) 316

d) 10446

e) 2

Question 13: 2, 6, 24, 96, 285, 568, 567

a) 6

b) 96

c) 24

d) 568

e) 567

Question 14: 15, 28, 43, 60, 79, 101, 123

a) 28

b) 43

c) 60

d) 101

e) 123

Question 15: 9, 10, 18, 45, 109, 235, 450

a) 10

b) 9

c) 18

d) 109

e) 235

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Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (E)

Prime numbers starting from 7 are added.

11 + 7 = 18

18 + 11 = 29

29 + 13 = 42

42 + 17 = 59

59 + 19 = 78

78 + 23 = 101

Hence, the number which is wrong is 80, as it is not in the options given, the correct answer is None of the above

2) Answer (D)

The pattern followed is :

2 $\times 1 + (1 \times 7)$ = 9

9 $\times 2 + (2 \times 6)$ = 30

30 $\times 3 + (3 \times 5)$ = 105

105 $\times 4 + (4 \times 4)$ = 436

436 $\times 5 + (5 \times 3)$ = 2195

2195 $\times 6 + (6 \times 2)$ = 13182

3) Answer (B)

Consecutive odd numbers starting from 11 in decreasing order are multiplied.

5 $\times 11$ = 55

55 $\times 9$ = 495

495 $\times 7$ = 3465

3465 $\times 5$ = 17325

17325 $\times 3$ = 51975

51975  $\times 1$ = 51975

4) Answer (A)

Squares of natural numbers are added

3 $+ 2^2$ = 7

7 $+ 3^2$ = 16

16 $+ 4^2$ = 32

32 $+ 5^2$ = 57

57 $+ 6^2$ = 93

93 $+ 7^2$ = 142

5) Answer (C)

The pattern followed is :

4 $\times 1 + 1$ = 5

5 $\times 2 + 2$ = 12

12 $\times 3 + 3$ = 39

39 $\times 4 + 4$ = 160

160 $\times 5 + 5$ = 805

805 $\times 6 + 6$ = 4836

6) Answer (D)

The pattern here followed is :

2 * 3 + 5 = 11

11 * 4 – 6 = 38

38 * 5 + 7 = 197

197 * 6 – 8 = 1174

1174 * 7 + 9 = 8227

8227 * 8 – 10 = 65806

Thus, 1172 is wrong

7) Answer (A)

The pattern here followed is :

107 – 71 = 36 = $6^2$

71 – 46 = 25 = $5^2$

46 – 30 = 16 = $4^2$

30 – 21 = 9 = $3^2$

21 – 17 = 4 = $2^2$

17 – 16 = 1 = $1^2$

Thus, 19 is wrong

8) Answer (D)

The pattern here followed is :

7 + 9 = 16

9 + 16 = 25

16 + 25 = 41

25 + 41 = 66

41 + 66 = 107

66 + 107 = 173

Thus, 68 is wrong

9) Answer (C)

The pattern followed is that multiples of 0.25 are multiplied.

4 $\times0.5$ = 2

2 $\times0.75$ = 1.5

1.5 $\times1$ = 1.5 $\neq1.75$

1.5 $\times1.25$ = 1.875

=> Ans – (C)

10) Answer (B)

The pattern here followed is :

16 $\times \frac{1}{4}$ = 4

4 $\times \frac{2}{4}$ = 2

2 $\times \frac{3}{4}$ = 1.5

1.5 $\times \frac{4}{4}$ = 1.5

1.5 $\times \frac{5}{4}$ = 1.875

Clearly 1.75 should be replaced by 1.5

11) Answer (A)

Each number is multiplied by 3 and then squares of natural numbers are added.

3 $\times 3 + 1^2$ = 10

10 $\times 3 + 2^2$ = 34 $\neq$ 33

34 $\times 3 + 3^2$ = 111

111 $\times 3 + 4^2$ = 349

349 $\times 3 + 5^2$ = 1072

1072 $\times 3 + 6^2$ = 3252

12) Answer (B)

The pattern is :

1 $\times 1 + 1^3$ = 2

2 $\times 2 + 2^3$ = 12

12 $\times 3 + 3^3$ = 63

63 $\times 4 + 4^3$ = 316

316 $\times 5 + 5^3$ = 1705 $\neq$ 1704

1705 $\times 6 + 6^3$ = 10446

13) Answer (C)

The pattern is :

2 $\times 6 – 6$ = 6

6 $\times 5 – 5$ = 25 $\neq$ 24

25 $\times 4 – 4$ = 96

96 $\times 3 – 3$ = 285

285 $\times 2 – 2$ = 568

568 $\times 1 – 1$ = 567

14) Answer (D)

Consecutive odd numbers starting from 13 are added

15 $+ 13$ = 28

28 $+ 15$ = 43

43 $+ 17$ = 60

60 $+ 19$ = 79

79 $+ 21$ = 100 $\neq$ 101

100 $+ 23$ = 123

15) Answer (E)

In the series, cubes of natural numbers are added

9 $+ 1^3$ = 10

10 $+ 2^3$ = 18

18 $+ 3^3$ = 45

45 $+ 4^3$ = 109

109 $+ 5^3$ = 234 $\neq$ 235

234 $+ 6^3$ = 450

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