Verbal Reasoning Questions for MAH-CET PDF

Verbal Reasoning Question
Verbal Reasoning Question

Verbal Reasoning Questions for MAH-CET PDF

Here you can download a free Verbal Reasoning questions PDF with answers for MAH MBA CET by Cracku. These are some tricky questions in the MAH MBA CET exam that you need to find Verbal Reasoning answers for the given questions. These questions will help you to make practice and solve the Verbal Reasoning questions in the MAH MBA CET exam. Utilize this best PDF practice set which is included answers in detail. Click on the below link to download the Verbal Reasoning MCQ PDF for MBA-CET 2022 for free.

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Question 1: ‘Music’ is related to ‘Notes’ in the same way as ‘Language’ is related to………………

a) Sentences

b) Combination

c) Grammar

d) Alphabets

e) Syntax

1) Answer (A)


Music is composed from notes, similarly a language is made from sentences.

=> Ans – (A)

Question 2: Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?

a) Food : Hunger

b) Water : Thirst

c) Air : Suffocation

d) Talent : Education

e) Leg : Lame

2) Answer (D)


Without food, we feel hungry, without water we feel thirsty, without air we feel suffocated and without a leg, one is lame.

=> Ans – (D)

Question 3: Which of the following has the same relationship as that of Money : Wealth ?

a) Pity : Kindness

b) Cruel : Anger

c) Wise : Education

d) Pride : Humility

e) None of these

3) Answer (A)


A person can get wealth from money, in the same way, a person can get kindness from pity.

=> Ans – (A)

Question 4: ‘Writing’ is related to ‘Pen’ in the same way as _______?

a) ‘Singing is related to ‘Music’

b) ‘Stitching’ is related to ‘Needle’

c) ‘Dancing’ is related to ‘Exercise’

d) ‘Carpenter’ is related to ‘tools’

e) ‘Paper’ is related to ‘book’

4) Answer (B)


‘Writing’ is related to ‘Pen’ as pen is used to write, similarly a needle is used to stitch, hence ‘Stitching’ is related to ‘Needle’.

=> Ans – (B)

Question 5: ‘Bricks’ are related to ‘Walls’ in the same way as Trees’ are related to

a) Roots

b) Branches

c) Forests

d) Plants

e) Green

5) Answer (C)


Several bricks together constitute a Wall. Similarly, several trees together constitute a forest.

=> Ans – (C)

Question 6: If ‘white’ means ‘black’; ‘black’ means ‘red’; ‘red’ means ‘blue’, ‘blue’ means ‘yellow’ and yellow means ‘grey’, then which of the following represents the colour of clear sky ?

a) blue

b) red

c) yellow

d) Cannot be determined

e) None of these

6) Answer (C)


The colour of the clear sky is blue.

According to ques, ‘blue’ means ‘yellow’

Thus, the colour of clear sky = yellow

=> Ans – (C)

Question 7: ‘Gram’ is related to ‘Mass’ in the same way as ‘Centimeter’ is related to……..?

a) Area

b) Volume

c) Length

d) Sound

e) Energy

7) Answer (C)


Mass is measured in grams. Similarly, length is measured in centimeter.

=> Ans – (C)

Question 8: K is brother of T. M is mother of K. W is brother of M. How is W related to T ?

a) Maternal uncle

b) Paternal uncle

c) Grandfather

d) Data inadequate

e) None of these

8) Answer (A)


K is brother of T and M is mother of K, => M is mother of T.

Also, W is brother of M.

Thus, W is the maternal uncle of T.

=> Ans – (A)

Question 9: ‘FI’ is related to ‘LO’ in the same way as ‘PS’ is related to ?

a) VY

b) VZ

c) WZ

d) UX

e) None of these

9) Answer (A)


‘FI’ is related to ‘LO’

=> F (+3 letters) = I (+3 letters) = L (+3 letters) = O

Similarly, P (+3 letters) = S (+3 letters) = V (+3 letters) = Y

Thus, PS : VY

=> Ans – (A)

Question 10: ‘Mustard’ is related to ‘Seed’ in the same way as ‘Carrot’ is related to………. ?

a) Fruit

b) Stem

c) Flower

d) Root

e) None of these

10) Answer (D)


Mustard in an oilseed, hence related to seed, similarly carrot is modified root, thus it is related to root.

=> Ans – (D)

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Question 11: Read the following information carefully and answer the question which follows:
‘$A \times B $’ means ‘$A$ is the father of $B$’.
‘$A+B$’ means ‘$A$ is the daughter of $B$’.
‘$A \div B$’ means ‘$A$ is the son of $B$’
‘$A-B$’ means ‘$A$ is the sister of $B$’
What will come in place of question mark to establish that $P$ is the son-in-law of $S$ in the following expression ?
$P \times Q+R-T?S$

a) $+$

b) $\times$

c) $-$

d) $\div$

e) Either $+$ or $\div$

11) Answer (E)


From the expression $P \times Q+R-T$ we can make deductions as:

P is father of Q. Q is daughter of R. Hence, P and R are husband and wife.
Also, R is sister of T. Hence, R must be daughter or son of S for P to be son in law of S.

Hence, the correct option is E

Question 12: Which of the following expression is definitely true if the given expression ‘R<P’ and ‘S>Q’ are definitely true?

a) P>Q=R$\leq$T<S

b) S>T$\geq$R>Q

c) Q>R$\leq$T>P$\geq$S

d) S>T $\geq$ R>Q>P

e) None of these

12) Answer (A)


means P is greater than Q and hence, P is greater than R. R is less than or equal to T. T is less than S. Therefore, Q is less than T.

Hence, the correct option is A.

Question 13: Which of the following symbols should replace question mark in the given expression in order to make the expression ‘$A>D$’ and ‘$F \geq C$’ definitely true ?
$A>B \geq C ? D \leq E = F$

a) $>$

b) $<$

c) $\leq$

d) $=$

e) Either $=$ or $\geq$

13) Answer (D)


The expression, A>B$\geq$C=D $\leq$ E =F,

Means that A is greater than B which can be greater than or equal to C. Now, if C is equal to D, naturally A is greter than D.

Also, D is less than or equal to E. As E and F are equal, D is less than or equal to F. Hence, C is less than or equal to F.

Question 14: Statements: The Finance company has launched a new tractor loan scheme. It has brought prosperity among the farmers. Which of the following assumptions is implicit in the above statements? (An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted)

a) The prosperity of farmers solely depends upon the tractor loan scheme

b) Tractor is an important input for farmers to enhance the farm activities

c) Earlier there was no tractor loan scheme for farmers

d) Farmers do not prefer to take loans for buying tractors

e) None of these

14) Answer (B)


Since the loan scheme for tractors has brought prosperity among farmers, it is assumed that tractor is an important input for farmers to enhance their farm activities.

Option b) captures this idea.

Question 15: Statement: According to a survey innumerable diseases and unhealthy habits from the recent pandemic to cancer, AIDS and obesity have plagued the mankind. Which of the following may be the most plausible cause of the situation given in the above statements?

a) The lifestyle and food habits of people are responsible for this state

b) Environmental degradation has led to the present situation

c) The people remain ignorant above their health

d) Technological advancement and fast pace of life are contributing to the spread of diseases

e) None of these

15) Answer (A)


As it is given in the paragraph that unhealthy habits pandemic to cancer hence, option A is more appropriate as it describes about the lifestyle and food habits

Question 16: Statement: A first past the post election is one that is won by the candidate with more votes than others. Highest vote, majority vote and plurality voting system use a first past the post voting method but there are subtle differences in the method of execution. Which of the following can be the best reason for the assertion made in the above statement?

a) It is not possible to execute the plurality voting system

b) The plurality voting system uses very complex procedure so it is not a practical approach

c) A system which is simple gets wide acceptance

d) The method is not so important in electing a candidate

e) None of these

16) Answer (C)


A first past the post election is a simple method as the candidate with more votes than others wins the election. Since it is simple, it is used in many voting systems.

Question 17: Statement: Experts define the social entrepreneurship as such that pursues opportunities to serve the mission to give solutions to social problems. Business entrepreneurs typically measure performance in profit and return. Which of the following can be concluded from the above statements?

a) It is possible to address social problems while making business profitable.

b) Social entrepreneurship is different from the business entrepreneurship

c) Business entrepreneurship does not care social problems while devising their business policy.

d) Business entrepreneurship is more important than social entrepreneurship

e) None of these

17) Answer (B)


From the statement, we can infer that the underlying motive in social entrepreneurship is different from that in business entrepreneurship. So, the conclusion that can be drawn is that social entrepreneurship is different from business entrepreneurship.

Question 18: Statement: The luxury car manufacturer Phantom has increased the price of its stunning, fastest Limousine Cr by about 45 percent. Which of the following can be a best possible reason for the above step taken by car manufacturer?

a) The government is planning to review taxes on the raw materials for manufacturing cars

b) The car sales market is going through a jubilant phase as the volume of sales has picked up considerably in the recent past.

c) The Limousine car is the best in its segment and no other car is posting any challenge to this car

d) Car buyers prefer to buy Limousine car as it provides efficient service after sale.

e) None of these

18) Answer (C)


If a product is being bought by the public and there is no competitor to the product, the seller can increase the price of the product. So, option c) is the best answer.

Question 19: Statements: The United States based FMCG Company has developed a new deodorant. The company selected a media person couple for its promotion and marketing. They marketed it through television, radio, print, hoarding and social media. Which of the assumptions is implicit in the above statements? (An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted)

a) People do not pay heed to the advertisements and buy such goods which are available easily

b) Marketing through electronic media has not proved to be very effective

c) People want to see famous people in the advertisement of an FMCG product

d) Some people may tend to buy the deodorant of the United States based FMCG company

e) None of these

19) Answer (D)


The company has advertised the product so that many people will get to know about it and buy the product. So, the statement in option c) is implicit in the premise.

Question 20: Statements: There are several types of wrist watches in the world. A new type of digital wrist watch has been introduced in the market which can calculate the life span of a person. The wrist watch stops when the person dies. Which of the following can be concluded from the facts given in the statements?

a) This could lead to chaos and confusion in the world.

b) Person can know how long life is left and he could live his life happily

c) The new wrist watch has altered the life pattern of the people

d) The statements implies that death is certain

e) None of these

20) Answer (D)


Options a) and c) are far-fetched. Option b) is wrong. It cannot be said that the person will live happily because of the watch. Option d) is the correct answer because the statements imply that death is certain and hence the watch can calculate the life-span of the person wearing it.

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