Top Grammar Questions for IBPS PO PDF

Top Grammar Questions for IBPS PO PDF
Top Grammar Questions for IBPS PO PDF

Top Grammar Questions for IBPS PO PDF

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Direction: Which of the phrases a), b), c) and d) given below each statement should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ?

If the sentence is correct as it is given and ‘No correction is required’, mark e) as the answer.

Question 1: Soon after the Tsunami had killed thousands of people along the coasts of southern India, parliament passes a bill that proposed to set up an institutional mechanism to respond promptly to natural disasters.

a) passed a bill that proposed

b) passes a bill with purpose

c) pass a bill proposing

d) passed a bill which propose

e) No correction required

Question 2: Denial of wages forced scientists and teachers at the agriculture universities throughout the country to go on strike, crippling crucial research that could help the state of agriculture in the country.

a) from going on strike

b) which went on strike

c) on going for a strike

d) for going to strike

e) No correction required

Question 3: In an attempt to boost their profits many edible oil producing companies have been engaging themselves in propaganda against commonly used oils and promoting exotic and expensive varieties of oils as healthier options.

a) as most healthiest options

b) as less healthy option

c) as a healthier option

d) as much healthiest option

e) No correction required

Question 4: Thanks to numerous government initiatives, rural masses which was earlier unaware of the luxuries of urban ways of living are now connected to the same lifestyle.

a) who was earlier unaware

b) which were earlier aware

c) who were earlier conversant

d) who were earlier unaware

e) No correction required

Question 5: Over the last few months, while most industries are busy in restructuring operations, cutting costs and firing, the Indian pharmaceutical and healthcare industry was adding manpower and giving salary hikes.

a) as many industries are

b) while most industries were

c) while many industries is

d) where many industries were

e) No correction required

InstructionsDirections : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). i.e., No error. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)

Question 6: These companies have been asked (1) / to furnish their financial details (2) / and information about (3) / its board members. (4) / No error (5)

a) (1)

b) (2)

c) (3)

d) (4)

e) (5)

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Question 7: The scheme which will be launched (1) / during the next two years (2) / require an additional investment (3) / of one hundred crores. (4) / No error (5)

a) (1)

b) (2)

c) (3)

d) (4)

e) (5)

Question 8: Road developers unable (1) / to complete their projects (2) / on time will not be (3) / awarded new ones. (4) / No error (5)

a) (1)

b) (2)

c) (3)

d) (4)

e) (5)

Question 9: We have taken on (1) / the responsibility of (2) / arranging the required training (3) / and supervise the new staff. (4) / No error (5)

a) (1)

b) (2)

c) (3)

d) (4)

e) (5)

Question 10: The government has signed (1) / a memorandum of understanding with (2) / the company to set up (3) / a plant in the state. (4) / No error (5)

a) (1)

b) (2)

c) (3)

d) (4)

e) (5)

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In each question below four words printed in bold type are given These are lettered (A) , (B) ,(C) and (D) one of these words printed in bold may either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the words that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt if any. The letter of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in all the context of the sentence then mark (E) i.e. ‘All Correct’ as your answer.

Question 11: The ship(A)/ was at sea for many days and finally(B) anchored(C) near the costline(D). All Correct (E)

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)

Question 12: Employees must familiarise(A) themselves with the health(B) and safety(C) manual (D) of the organization. All Correct(E)

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)

Question 13: The political(A) environment(B) is not condusive(C) to economic reforms.(D) All Correct(E)

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)

Question 14: The report(A) found that the safety(B) equipment had been very poorly(C) maintained.(D)All Correct (E)

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)

Question 15: Some of our regular listenors(A) have complained(B) about the programme(C) schedule(D). All Correct (E)

a) (A)

b) (B)

c) (C)

d) (D)

e) (E)

Answers & Solutions:

1) Answer (A)

The sentence is in the simple past tense. So, the correct construction of the sentence should be “…passed a bill that proposed…”. So, option a) is the correct answer.

2) Answer (E)

The sentence is grammatically correct. There is no correction required.

3) Answer (E)

The sentence is comparing commonly used oils and exotic oils. So, comparative tone should be used. There is more than one option besides commonly used oil – exotic and expensive varieties of oils. So, it should be options. So, the sentence is grammatically correct and no correction is needed.

4) Answer (D)

Masses is plural, so it should be ‘were’ instead of ‘was’. Also, the use of the word ‘which’ is incorrect. The correct word is ‘who’. So, option d) is the correct answer.

5) Answer (B)

The sentence is in past tense. So, ‘were’ should be used instead of ‘are’. ‘Where’ is used for a place whereas ‘while’ is used to refer to a period of time. So, option b) is the correct answer.

6) Answer (D)

There is subject verb agreement error as “These companies” is plural and the correction is “their board members”.

7) Answer (C)

There is an error of subject verb agreement. “The scheme” is the subject,hence the correction is “requires”.

8) Answer (E)

The sentence has no grammatical errors in it.

9) Answer (D)

The error of parallelism is there. it should be supervising

10) Answer (E)

The sentence has no grammatical errors in it. Hence (5) is the answer.

11) Answer (D)

The word ‘coastline’ has been misspelt has ‘costline’.

12) Answer (E)

The sentence is gramatically correct with no spelling errors.

13) Answer (C)

The word ‘conducive’ has been misspelt as ‘condusive’ in the sentence.

Hence, the correct option is C.

14) Answer (E)

In the given sentence, none of the spelling which is bold is incorrect.
Hence the correct option is E.

15) Answer (A)

The word ‘listeners’ has been misspelt as ‘listenors’.
Hence, the option is option A

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